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DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

got alot to say actually having trouble T.T

today was quite saddening for me,cause peiling and si hui told me a few things
that me a few things which now i think i'm misunderstand her to them and some people
they atke her as a bitch and ... saying i'm a understudy of her friend like i'm being used
but i don't mind , being pang seh-ed i'm also use to it but when i say your wrong XYX & CT
will say that i'm wrongand blah blah blah... hais actually now i'm very confused ... one side
say that i'm being too nice should pang seh her cause she pang seh me after our sec 2 camp
and kept being with some one else then the other side will say that she is in a very difficult position
now cause everybody is giving her attitude and hating and are like keep diaoing and biasing her ...
hais but i'm really confused which to chose?

to ET :)

hmmm sorry for all the misunderstandings for all i've done,
so please don't hate me ... i'm not angry or wad with you being
with su ting or wads just that after camp alot of things change le lorhhs.
but now i'm more sui bian with anybody i'm okay.. quite a number
told me to pang seh you but i did'nt really wanted cause i'll feel bad
even though anything happen i'll still treat you as my baobeis :)
even if you treat me like i'm a dai ti ren or wads ... anything
i'm still here to help :) i also don't want to say anything bout this
but really...if you really want me to be as close as last time "please"
don't take me for granted D`: i'm also not blaming you on everything :)
so don't worry kays xP

so today school as usual had PE then e
ng then chinese.
during chinese eileen, celine and xing went toilet slack but
i was in class talking to clarence then recess bel ring lerhhs still
no trace of of the 3 of them so went toilet find them ... went there,
saw them .. then went to recess saw eileen was'nt in a mood to eat
celine and xing keep saying'"ehh, dont't think about it anymore le larhhs
eat your food and........." so i was getting curious so asked celine wad happen
she dun wan tell -.-" so okay nvm dun wan tel then dun tell nvm de mahhs
so bobian after recess go back to class then they say have the IPP thing like anything
like got poisoness gas need to seal the class with trash bags and tape then also
have to build own toilet lols.. quite stupid de larhhs then no time mr tiang suka suka tikam just
assign groups of students to do differntsthing mahhs like make toilet , seal the windows ,
cut the trash bags and stack the table then SWAY lorhhs my group incharge of toilet -.-
so build toilet wahh best part one dustbim in the middle of 2 chairs
hahahahhahas XD so funny caus ethe dustbin was suppose to be and toilet bowl.
walao so stupid lo. hmm after that exercise school dismissed. then stayed in the canteen
for 15mins like that cus wait for xing cause she want to change to uniform then hand in forms
also can wait for him cause i don't know where was he... so wait lorhhs
then saw him all went out of school together . clarence don't know where he go think
go meet up with someone mmm then xing go TM go cut hair so cheng and me go MBS lorhhs since
i quite late then go home mahhs so band was soso okay okay lorhhs...

after band went to meet xing at the dentist clinic cause wanted to see if need to wear braces or
retainers mahhs in the end i saw xing she change her braces to colour black and pink WAHH!
she also rebonded her hair hmm quite okay larhhs she look but just not use to it so also saw her mum
then ...errr...she had to leave cause her mum want her to go home so she went home was alone at clinic
then the dentist say i need to put braces so i was orh okay well put braces not soo bad then she say still
need tooth extraction i was abit tio stunned lorhhs ... hais... so this matter also confuse "diao dao"
so after dentist trip went home reach home around 7 like that lorhhs then bathe then went out to have dinner
at little india after dinner came home and now i'm her blogging XD LoLs
i'm just such an idoit believeing in stupid things...

well that would be all xP