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DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

You Taught Me The Song Of Love♥

wahhahahhas finally i'm back for posting :D
yeap so somehow stress is over
after national day peformance then
everyting is finally over :D :D :D :D :D
erm see what i can rmb larhhs the past few days


erm can't remember much yeah?
during recess helped out on band de banner
until we pon class for 15 mins then lessons
blah blah blah after school eat lunch
then go continue chiong the banner until
3.15 like that and well its done :D
but i have to admit the colour really really sucked D:
well all thanks to a_b_r like we have to get in trouble
like wtFUCKS okay he does'nt deserve it OKAY?!?!!?!?!!!!
ya then had band photo taking :D
well maybe thats gonna rock but was worth while :)
then after photo taking , changed
then chionged to bus stop take bus
to take bus to st. pats find bunny :B
then like 6 reach there not long later
xing msg me that cheng,zaid and .....
dunno who
being scolded cause she found out we pon class =.=
blah blah blah so he accomany me home xP
then ya also cause got some hw and need to study for CT
so like i was tired i keep napping keep asking them
to wake me up,but then i wake up for awhile sleep again.
repeated 4 times so in the end never study do hw
then went to sleep at 12+ ._.


yeap today's is sort off a big day :D
hahahas cause sec 4 graduation
well yeap after school deco hall
then deco until 3.3o like that
then we chiong go change,set-up instrument
while inbetween those stuff,
xing,cheng,shawn and me hyper hyper liao!
kept on singing :D xD
then warm up,tuning :/ well again sleepy z.z
seniors came after our break then
ceremony started blah blah blah
when they announced the new commitee
i was very super damn fucking not happy that
A_B_R become assistant bander leader can?!?!?!?
wa lao fuck ehh?! okay he does'nt deserve it okay
then after graduation cleaned up the hall :D
hahahs the same as last yr
seniors and juniors exchange presents
around 6.50 then go home
7.15 reach home :D


last day of JULY wow so fast T.T
going holi again then EXAMS O_O!
yeap so today school school school '
was quite boring till and after recess
they dropped the ball from 3rd floor
then landed in red swastika
bleah clarence climb fence until he got hurt T.T
yeap then science xD
clarence eddy hyper wahh until OMG !!!!
they so cute luhhs :D
after school went to cheng class look for her
saw her talking to that chi-na
yeap so talk talk talk until she cry
shes like so sensitive until like that mehh
little little bit also wan cry wad SHIT MAN!!
omg lahh shes so weak so vulnerable XD
okay ya so like just because of one stupid pen
if she was'nt so chi-na i would scold until
she really got nothing to breathe out =.=
had lunch with xing,cheng,clarence,eddy,eileen,suting
after that eddy suting left, left 5 of us
T.T eileen baobei abuse my boyfriend
well they kept on disturbing each other
thought its heartbkeaking seeing them hurt each other,
but i can't stop laughing xD so funny luhh
so yeap went home with eileen and clarence
clarence accompany home :D
then go home bathe went tution liao :/
tution arhhs nothing much
after tution bro fetch sis and me
then like 7+ reach home yeap thats all :D