

Navigation at the top,
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DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

today was a weird day
thought it would be a very sian day but was'nt

today oral so reach school round 7.40am
then oral started at 8 to 8.10 like that
then like my turn .... um...
my oral went down the drain so best not to talk about it :)
then after my turn waited for xing int canteen with cheng
soon she came down then eileen went home .

then we talk talk talk all the way from 8.55 am to 9++ am o.o!
amazing... ._." ok odd...
then went TM went to walk around
cheng and me went to pierce 3rd ear hole then
both of them say want to watch made of honour
then watch lorhhs lols the movie funny sia xD
after movie was like 1.20 liao o.o
so chionged to toilet then chionged to bus-stop
so reach band room 2.02pm

erm then mr fahmi change sitting so now
xing from 2nd clarinet to 1st
then 1 from 3rd go 2nd :)
lols yay -.-
then sectionals was super slack
then break after wards was continue band prac
then wad.. oh, went home then msg all the way till now
i think i will over spent this month like FcUk xD
lols arhhs aiya heck care ...orh then went home eat dinner
bathe then use com then watch movie on com
just now jut finish watching now here :)





so said that i wanted to post but
did'nt lols you see i'm not responsible
hmmm okay lets see well these 2days um..
here goes.


was nth much whole day was smsing him
watching tv and using com other then that
nothing lerhhs cept only ... last night called him,
chat with his friend and him of cause.. :)
i miss him lols then making count down to his birthday
but it was fun pissing his friend off... seriously hes really petty xD
mmm okay then every 6-8 mins will hang up so
did that for 3 to4 times then stop calling cause
for safety precaution reasons xP
so in the end smsed him happy birthday


today is his big day

mmm yeah thats alls today same thing
computer ,tv and smsing him xD
other then that theres nothing

oh god damn it theres chinese oral tomorow
and have to wake up at 6.15 -.-
my school time managing suck like hell
then after oral then need to go eat lunch
band practice like wahh kao sian sia
hais lets just face reality then ... xP
oh tomorrows celine's and eddy's birthday =D
hoho really other then that theres
really nothing much to say...

i'm bored to DEATH!!! x.x

i'm dead x.x

sick x.x

lols todays monday mmm again not posting,
well its because i lazy ! xP
ok. plus i was sick during the week ends
well its really sway .. first day of holiday and i'm sick already
hmm lets see if i still can rmb wad happen :)


what happened on sat was morning woke up
then wahh.. have the feeling like want to puke liao.
then really puked liao le lorhhs...

hmm then like aiya heck care vomit once only
so like step out of the toilet then wanted to puke again -.-"

so then after that nth le, so i shower

then i use com all the way til 3 like that
then my mum called, she ask wether want to go to wisma at orchard there
cause she was there shopping so she asked wether

if she wanted me and my sis to go so we went lorhhs.

on the way there in mrt.. then my stomache hurt super bad

then i tahan lorhhs then like go shop to shop
then at esprit bought a black top xP
then go shop to shop again lorhhs
soon like5- 6 my dad came to look for us to go for dinner there..
after dinner wahh my stomach like worst like that
mmm then tahan lorhhs

then soon went to another shop i went toilet liao.
so like after that then i go back 5-10 mins later need to go toilet again
continuously o.o! then like after 5 times okay liao T.T
then on the way home i felt tired and cold then reach home
take temperature was like sian fever again 38.6 -.-"
so i slept all the way till 11+ then use com watch made of honour
with sis hahahahas the show very funny xD

after watching went to sleep lerhhs


sunday woke up 8+ was still having fever but alot better :)
then i use com soon eddy and royce aked me

if clarence got contact me anots
then i say no after school friday haven talk
then they were like "omfg" lols then its

because they wanted to go out cele
b'dae together then clarence say want to go out but never called
so they worry lorhhs. then at first i thought he was grounded again -.-"
other then not grounded then is another reason lerhhs
mmm then i went to sleep again from 9+ to 11+ on the com desk lols
soon parents came home then some arguement came up i forgot wad
oh! they dun allow me to tak part in mbs performance then i angry lorhhs
then i off com .

like 10 to 15 mins later he sms me so i sms him in my room

then like few msges later he never reply
so got bored and tired again -.-

so blasted my music and slept. until like 4or 5? can't rmb ..
then i se my phone still have reply
so was like sian so smsed royce

ask him wether if clarence still with him
he said yahh cus his hp no batt thats why never reply i was orh chey...
then soon like 15 mins later he said he going home

then we sms each other lorhhs
then he use com use for 10 mins he offline liao...

mmm so off com then hide in my room doing own things
then sis came home then say wad going to supermarket later
buy groceries with mum. so went hahahahs then we buy alot of snacks
to eat lols then say we holiday eat de hahahas xD
then like half of the trip he sms me

then was somehow shocked cause wahh he can sms me ?
so was orh... he smuggle his phone back again. so sms sms happily lorhhs
then reach home lerhhs i watch tv i watch news -.-"

then watch van hellsing. mmm the starting quite stupid de lahhs
but soon it was quite okay soon he said he had to sleep
so stopped smsing him lerhhs my sis got scared
then never watch le then we tried disney channel ?
then i was OMG!!! our cable is BACK YIPEEE! then i hyper like siao xD
then my sis was like "aiyo walao ehh you sec 2 already lehhs bahave larhhs"
then i orh lorhhs so watch nickolodeon till 11+ then slept.

and now woke up at 9.20+ then now here blogging

later i post wad will happen later -.-" lame sia me... -.-"

thoughts "i'm still worried :("

hais again i never post
because ytd got back result slip dun dare use com ><

lols okay i'll post ytd de

22o5o8 xP yipee!!! :D

mmm ytd school as usual and the best part is
YEAH ITS OUR 3 MoNTH xP hahahahas lols
mmm then after school eat lunch then ...
went home then prepared for tution

after tution went home had dinner,
after dinner i went to use com for 2-3 mins then
took my report book run to my parents room then
put on their table then when i just reach downstairs
my dad just noce going up so i go to my room hide lorhhs ><

soon... celine called hearing her cry very badly because of her results too ><
then like her mum like want to treat her as prisoner lo
like please lorhhs she punish her child its okay its what a parent should do
BUT! she told celine not to talk to xing and me sia -.-" like what the hell does
it has to do with us. okay swa nvm so in the end celine took it quite okay.

then i nth to do so doodle my fullscap paper

from 7.30 to 8+ then was bored so
called xing then she bathing then i listen to song lorhhs
soon like 10 mins she called back errr...

then we talk talk for awhile lorhhs talk till 9+ after talking
she say she want to watch tv or will get distracted
after talking went out ask my sis where dad or mum

she say they went out then rh okay lorhhs
the main thing is right she told me that

when my dad passed by he said erm where hung she?
not using computer harhhs my mum said maybe

she slept already then my dad said whatever
shit her results like shit ! must be dun have face to face me

well they said it in chinese of course
then my reaction was like walao kao be lahh

which parents will say until like de lorhhs
i'm like trying to get out of trouble then say

i no face so like curse them go die esp dad
for like half an hour xP

then i continue hide in my room lorhhs so i angry

then called xing told her then put down the phone was like 10+
then err decided to go to my parents room so in the end my dad say
hungshe your results arhhs better watch out and
bblah blah shit...so i stared at him like

i want to murder him like that then he say
mmm it looks like you don't want to talk to me...
in my head was like wow how do you know?

wahh you also know that well thats good :)
so he nag nag nag all the way from 10 15 to 1145

but half of his nagging i was listening
to the tv cause my mum over there watching tv marhhs xP
hahahs so bad rights so like he talk so long i only said orh 5 times xD
after that i went to sleep liaos oh and

then ban me form going out from friday till next friday
but i'll bet next monday can go out liao xP hahahahas

todays post xP

hais so sad today cannot go out with him

cause ytd got tution then cannot cele
at first wanted to go watch movie together de but...

like that lorhhs >< mmm so today was mostly like
the financial talk again lorhhs sian
ytd also have today also have xP

during finance talk eddy nick and royce go pierce
again lorhhs then after the talk went to have recess

after recess was science then at first

i thought have lesson de lehhs o.o
then did'nt know that mrs quek actually has a kind soul too
she told us that we can do anything we want

but* cannot change place -.-so like whole class was heck care
when mrs quek not looking the whole class was in a mess
then peiling eddy and clarence was sitting around me so we talk lorhhs
then talk talk talk then mrs quek keep calling eddy go back to his seat hhaha xD
then peiling wanted to pierce 3rd hole marhhs in the end

she told clarence help her pierce then they use my name tag pierce
at first the piercing part was abit scary but was okay larhhs
but horhhs the putting stud part horhhs

wahh we try to put in the stud like hell
then soon okay le larhhs then dunno what happen

he said shit oh no in a like really oh no
like in a worried way so we were like wad wad wad happened

but he told me dunno wad reason :( so peiling go busybody
then ask him wad hapen lorhhs but that time went to fine xing and celine
then when i went back peiling told me something quite horrible

well cannot say confidential then like worried for him lorhhs
hope theres no violence if lucky only talk talk better.. but i really dunno

so i decided to like pretend to wait for somone at the back gate
then can see what happening over at he block there
like 12.50 the whole qroup of ppl went off so like oh my

they must have gone to ............so like in the end
i went home cause even though i was there i also could'nt do anything :(
so went to bus-stop lorhhs when i was taking out my ear piece

i saw a note form him :) then read it
then also found a big green lollipop in my bag xP hahahas he so sweet xP
but llike 5 mins jess and si kei came then waited for bus the as usual talk bout anything
but i told them about "...." that matter

but they still don't really get what i mean so swa heck care cause
i was really worried lorhhs T.T hmm then reach home le on the com lorhhs

then saw eddy online then i wanted to ask him about the matter
then before i was going o ask he said clarence was with him
so in my mind was like strange? is'nt he suppose to be ...
so like he there how to ask ><
but really quite dissapointed like why don't want tell me lorhhs

such a big matter he did'nt tell me then he never tell me i'm more worried
until now still worried lorhhs D: so like now still worried lorhhs
then i got tired then slept till 3-4 + then bathe
then i talk on the phone with celine for awhile and ate ice cream

and then use com so use com then 7+ ate dinner
then after dinner using com l=now lorhhs :)
well thats all...

boreds... z.z

hmmm today nothing lorhhs today school as usual but
today no lesson cause today have the what arhhs err....
oh. maths and science carnival :D

but i tell you...

its the worst carnival ever been to xP
like which carnival will make us go under the damn hot sun? o.o?!
and most of the game are quite boring ? so today only like thats lor :(
boring day... xP then after school go canteen eat lunch then teach
xing and cheng how to make cube.then went to band lo.
then band also sian go there sleep liao -.-zZzZzZz

after band went home soon dad scold me like hell -.-" asshole
walao only check mail only nia not like i come home after school then
straight away use com all the way to night rights NO BRAIN!
better parents have BIRD BRAIN xP cause my parents anniversary so
they went out to have dinner. until now 9.50 haven ome home -.-
also better then no need to see their stupid face ><

then after they left.. went to eat dinner lorhhs

then bathe then now using com
then play game then thats all lorhhs ._. bored ehh?

hmm tomorrow is the day of my death

cause ...

tommorow getting report slip well told you before how KNS
its was arhhh!!! nvm die then die ..

OH!i!i! tomorrows

is my 3 month anni :D yay !
lols retarded xD
T.T but sad cannot go out with him tomorrows cause have tution
but nvm
friday go watch movie with him hais but theres another problem
now got wad movie nice to watch de o.o?

okay swa nvm tomorrows our 91days together :)
must be happy xD
thats all

LoLs xP

sorry for not posting ytd no time wanted to post but parents keep nagging ... -.-"



mmm okay err... ytd woke up online chat with him then go celine's house

then she made something at the photbucket lols quite cute

LoLS okay this is stupid xP

then see her play audition till 12.30 like that

we went mac to meet him :)

the mean while also can go there eat lunch.

so went there eat lunch then he came then horhhs ... haiyo

CELINE!!! why do you keep laughing 0.0!!??

then mix the tata & chilli sauce, ketcup and coke walao disgusting larhhs xD

but that time at at mac very funny dunno larhhs everytime she laugh

will always make me laugh xP

after that he came saw him and his botak lols he so cute sia then

eat half way saw peiling, si hui and ruien lols that one nth much

then soon went to celine's house again then actually quite sian de larhhs

no offence celine but only funny thing is when ur sis keep calling him bunny

and the part where we keep killing the stickman is fun only ><

wahh sian... then play play play com till 5.10

then he send me home then he say he forgot how to

walk to MRT using there way so walk him to MRT lorhhs .

cause i have to reach home by

6 so like walk him to MRT like 5.53 liao lorhhs then i chiong home

just nice went home at 6.00.00 lols... stupid sia

then went to eat dinner then came home then shower

then use com for a while then mostly rest of the night

my sis use the com i inside my room listen to song daydreaming xD

okay thats ytd news

TODAY xP 2o.o5.o8

as usual went to school then err evrything as usual lesson as usual

only recess all talk very nice chat happily

until i accidentally poured fruitpunch all over xP

then chengs sitting beside me so she also kanna

SO SORRY CHENGS XD ahahahahahs

then science lesson again then maths then

eileen and me decided to work things out

so in the end we're OKAY again hahahahahs yipee :)

but the whole lesson we kept

talking then mr nah our maths teacher like dun care de lorhhs,...

aiya dun care him le larhhs. a then we talk

until we walk to canteen in canteen still continue lorhhs

then went home with eileen,clarence and eddy .

so i reach bus-stop lerhhs i wait for si kei and jessabel wahh wait for

them miss 2 bus o.o !? okay swa nvm lorhhs so went home use com

then my stupid sis came home then hog the com -.-

so nvm then went to sleep cause tired slept for 3 hours then 7+ eat

dinner then go bathe then in room listen to song daydream for awhile

then use com now posting lorhhs well today really nth de larhhs =)

hehes my friend,

i promise that i'll try not to flare up easily infront of you
talk to you more okays :) and dun be too pissed off of
her i think she also misunderstood you toos,
so dun take it to heart :) kays.
and both of you dun really noe each other.
well so try to understand bahhs :)

other then that nth le
damn i'm not tired -.-" well nvm use the com till 11 to 12 bahhs then go sleep
><cannot sleep then daydream lo xD hahahahas

wasted another day :(

hais what a waste of times
i've wasted another day in my life
whole wake up shower then watch tv till 1 like that then i
go to my room listen to music cause i was still feeling very
tireds cause never eat the whole of ytd like that xP
but was still not hungry so nvm
so like i stand up like can faint sia plus todays weather was
like so damn fucking hot can o.o!
then i was very sian i asked my parents if i can go out anot they say cannot
its like WTF...
so was in my room till 2+ then i sian diao so i go use com lorhhs
use for awhile my parents finally woke up 0.0 wa lao sleep from ytd 4 5 plus sleep
until today morning 2 3 plus like that damn pig sia but they were tired of work
also cannot blame them larhhs horhhs ><
so i was lucky he msg me then msh msg msg using com happily
UNTIL... ...
my parents came down dressed to want to go out eat?
i was like give the -.-" face ...
really sia when i want to go out they don't allow
when i don't want to go out feel like staying at home
they force me to go out -.-" assholes sia will never understand them
the day was like so damn hot lorhhs still wan go out wadeva shit larhhs
then i was still smsing him then my phone was soon going no batt so
really very sway T.T
so... quickly change then we went all the way to china town there eat nia
cause there also have ne temple cause we need to go to temple to pray and to
yu fo [bathe the budda] so eat liao then go temple pray .. pray finish went home
then saw him online but status was away
hais i said at least hes online he'll be online soon enough
so go play game kill time then play with my sis until damn funny xD
play play play until 8 to 9like that then i say i go bathe first you can use the com
so.... after bathing i use the com see his msn
I SIAN DIAO hes still not online o.o!!!
hais so nvm suddenly jurong bird park [john] come talk to me in msn
talk for awhile soon he online le so chat quite happlity de larhhs then i sian called
celine then talk until 11 he said he had to go cause hes brother want to use so
aiya... nvm tmr also get to see him so continued chatting with celine happily xD
chat until 11.30 cause her primary school friend calling all conference call so after
talking now posting but shes my retard most stupid and stubborn girl i've ever met!
but shes so sweet during the afternoon she send me this xP

her and me xP

its like omg shes so sweet can xD hahahahahahs

thanks celine xP

i've just wasted another day just to wait

hais... :(
last night could'nt sleep well,now i feel like puking.
cause ytd could'nt sleep cause of ytd then woke up at 8 to 9 like that
then i go shower, then i watch tv till 12+

afterwards have been using the com till now...
today well its a saturday should have wen to mbs but
cannot go cause ytd went liao then my sis said she wan go cut hair
at first planned to go cut hair then waited till 3 4 plus she still not home hais i said
she not going cut hair le sian whole day got nth to do lerhhs.
so thought positive thought he would be online so waited,
mean while waiting, i go play game to kill time...

so in the mids of the game round 4-5 got email
i did'nt bother cause was to focus on the game so heck care...
after playing it was about 6.10 like that in the end the email was from him

he said

god damm it

i seriously gonna miss u during tis weekend.
i cant imagine how muchi am gonna miss u during the holidays.xp.
lolI LOVE U.hope u enjoy ur weekend.


i was like god damn it he was using the com oh shit ...
if he said that he comfirm means he can't use the com
for the weekend le i was hais i was waiting for oyu the whole day then ....
in the end falier T.T he cannot online ...

because of staring at the com for more than 7 hours my head and eyes hurt
quite badly so went to my room listen to music and

ly on my bed for awhile and was thinking
alot of things ... which made me even more moodless

well so bout 15mins i called celine she said

she was tired so i say nvm then really nth to do so called si kei
and told her everything about i how i feel.
in the end telling everything made me feel really alot better

cause i was alone for the whole day then at that moment
celine was tired and i did'nt felt like calling others
and hes phone was confiscated and i aslo felt like calling si kei since she is really
my most trusted friend... i mean although no offence

even though me and my friends are close..
i dun't know if i could trust them

i just don't have the an quan gan after telling them
but when i talk to si kei usually i feel easy...

and shes always been so honest
even though we are not as close as my other friends

but we trust each ther alot xP

then while i was talking to her

i notice i have not even smiled trough out the whole day.
so okay nvm ... swa so talk to si kei till 9+

then continue use the com then my sis came home
wow... finally she got home.. i was omg yes shes finally home

at least i wont' be so lonely anymore
so talk to her till 10 - 10.10 like that then now blogging lorhhs

hmmms btw eileen,...

get well soon . don't get those matters over your head
you see lahhsnow sick lerhhs have fever -.- takecare nia.

although now i'm under presure making a decision well still
have to get on with life remembering that life is'nt fair at all.
cause now i'm really confused wether believeing which side
will make peace for everyone. well no one can predict the future
well lets just see whats gonna happen next.. cause now i'm really confused
and i really don't know what to do... hmmms just so tired
have not eaten except 2 pieces of bread well but i'm not hungry
i'm not in a mood to eat + i feel like puking x(
hope i will K.O. soon enough.
nehh... i'l just eat ice-cream later maybe my heart will feel better ...

i'm really tired of all the lies D`:

got alot to say actually having trouble T.T

today was quite saddening for me,cause peiling and si hui told me a few things
that me a few things which now i think i'm misunderstand her to them and some people
they atke her as a bitch and ... saying i'm a understudy of her friend like i'm being used
but i don't mind , being pang seh-ed i'm also use to it but when i say your wrong XYX & CT
will say that i'm wrongand blah blah blah... hais actually now i'm very confused ... one side
say that i'm being too nice should pang seh her cause she pang seh me after our sec 2 camp
and kept being with some one else then the other side will say that she is in a very difficult position
now cause everybody is giving her attitude and hating and are like keep diaoing and biasing her ...
hais but i'm really confused which to chose?

to ET :)

hmmm sorry for all the misunderstandings for all i've done,
so please don't hate me ... i'm not angry or wad with you being
with su ting or wads just that after camp alot of things change le lorhhs.
but now i'm more sui bian with anybody i'm okay.. quite a number
told me to pang seh you but i did'nt really wanted cause i'll feel bad
even though anything happen i'll still treat you as my baobeis :)
even if you treat me like i'm a dai ti ren or wads ... anything
i'm still here to help :) i also don't want to say anything bout this
but really...if you really want me to be as close as last time "please"
don't take me for granted D`: i'm also not blaming you on everything :)
so don't worry kays xP

so today school as usual had PE then e
ng then chinese.
during chinese eileen, celine and xing went toilet slack but
i was in class talking to clarence then recess bel ring lerhhs still
no trace of of the 3 of them so went toilet find them ... went there,
saw them .. then went to recess saw eileen was'nt in a mood to eat
celine and xing keep saying'"ehh, dont't think about it anymore le larhhs
eat your food and........." so i was getting curious so asked celine wad happen
she dun wan tell -.-" so okay nvm dun wan tel then dun tell nvm de mahhs
so bobian after recess go back to class then they say have the IPP thing like anything
like got poisoness gas need to seal the class with trash bags and tape then also
have to build own toilet lols.. quite stupid de larhhs then no time mr tiang suka suka tikam just
assign groups of students to do differntsthing mahhs like make toilet , seal the windows ,
cut the trash bags and stack the table then SWAY lorhhs my group incharge of toilet -.-
so build toilet wahh best part one dustbim in the middle of 2 chairs
hahahahhahas XD so funny caus ethe dustbin was suppose to be and toilet bowl.
walao so stupid lo. hmm after that exercise school dismissed. then stayed in the canteen
for 15mins like that cus wait for xing cause she want to change to uniform then hand in forms
also can wait for him cause i don't know where was he... so wait lorhhs
then saw him all went out of school together . clarence don't know where he go think
go meet up with someone mmm then xing go TM go cut hair so cheng and me go MBS lorhhs since
i quite late then go home mahhs so band was soso okay okay lorhhs...

after band went to meet xing at the dentist clinic cause wanted to see if need to wear braces or
retainers mahhs in the end i saw xing she change her braces to colour black and pink WAHH!
she also rebonded her hair hmm quite okay larhhs she look but just not use to it so also saw her mum
then ...errr...she had to leave cause her mum want her to go home so she went home was alone at clinic
then the dentist say i need to put braces so i was orh okay well put braces not soo bad then she say still
need tooth extraction i was abit tio stunned lorhhs ... hais... so this matter also confuse "diao dao"
so after dentist trip went home reach home around 7 like that lorhhs then bathe then went out to have dinner
at little india after dinner came home and now i'm her blogging XD LoLs
i'm just such an idoit believeing in stupid things...

well that would be all xP

well today was okay i guess...

started today reach classroom saw him cut his hair again xD
hahahahahas so cute xP then talk to celine for awhile

then go assembly le sian lorhhs ><

after english class we went to some financial talk

it was quite very important for our future
but then celine and me after presenting our group the work

the rest of the course we keep talking...
then si hui came along cause she could'nt find peiling

so she join into our conversation... but althouhg was talking sometimes hear
the talk was quite interesting though hahahs...

then after that...we went for recess the aunty prepare wrong thing for me ><
then nvm then eat half way got chilli nia T.T hais forget it.

then after recess class as usual geog then maths then blah blah blah blah...
after maths mr tiang came in then said he would show us our report slip
when mine came i was omg... i'm dead fail 3 subs

then the rest pass all border line o.o well only can blame myself
for not studying but the next semester will study hard or i go NT
then was super shocked when he said that 3/4 of the class will go NT

everybody was WHAT!!! wahh sian ... but when xing saw my report slip
she said ain't your mum going to kill you? i said kil then kill have to face reality
then she say you say you like totally don't care about your studies
then i dun really wanted to argue cause i was'nt in the mood ...

but i really don't know she cause i asked si hui
when i take my result do i look like i don't care but still look happy it just feels weird

she say yahh is not very scary is super scary o_o i was orh okay ...
but i can only blame myself for not studying anyway but even
IF i studied real hard but my grade are like KNS
my mum will still kill me ... although getting scolded from my parents

hurt me alot but it does'nt mean after they scold my marks
will go higher like that... haiyo they always scold me and my sis

always like we are the worst among all like
we damn wrong and naughty like that lorhhs T.T hmmm don't noe larhhs..
so she says nvm next semester work harder bahhs smile more -.-"
i hardly see you smile your always so emo -.-"
like abit diao dao but to think of it yar hardly smile cause

somethings are really nothing much to smile about...

to 2 of my dearest friends YXY & CT..

hey guys... you know just now in class you may seem that

i'm a super weirdo person who sees my results like shit
and i still smile does'nt mean i totally dun care ...
actually i do care alot i just don't want to let you guys see i'm damn hurt
cause when i'm sad or wad dun wanna let you guys see...
so sometimes i really do like being alone ...
so really it does not mean infront of your eyes
i'm always smiling upon all these awful things all those are just fake just tolerating...

hmmm after seeing repor slip went to com lab 3 to some national library talk

then after that he asked what am doing i said i was talking to celine wait arhhs...
he walked off after that we never talk liao then eileen ask me go KFC
then at first can de but there was'nt enough time needed to get ready for tution ...
so went home bathe check mail then got ready for tution ...
so my sis ,qiu jin and me were super early for tution
so went to parkway walk walk then i go buy one white watch
then... we went to petshop its like omg so cute larhhs XD
hahas so we went to tution at tution
3 of us was making the tuiton place super nooisy ahahahahs damn funnny :)
tution was 5 - 7 so reached home like 7+ ate dinner
and now here i am blogging well thats all for today :)

ahahahahs xD
sorry will be a bit kuku first time posting ...
well just pathetic...

hmmm just feeling so damn tireds these few days
reach school reach class room lie on the table sleep liaos -.-zZzZzZz
hais... just quite dissapointed of my MYE's fail 4 subects nia 0.0!!

english - 39.../100 * stupid summary do wrong passage make me fail english><>
maths - 36/100 *dun really bother use to it -.-
chinese - pathetic 49/100 *just not fair T.T
science - 55/100
geography - 51/100 * heng sia
history.. hais.. - 45/100 *thought will pass nia
literature - 52/80
ART xP - 75/100 * ahahahahs super yay xD
D&T - 29/30

hahahas so really hoping won't go to the june holi make up MYE shit thing.
well also cannot blame the teachers i also never study hards so semester 2
would be concertrating more on studies xP

hmmms today nth much happen really....
only got test papers back then dissapointed abit
but jia youing in SEMESTER 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so after school ate lunch in school
then slacked in canteen with xings, chenggs and clarence till 3.10

then go band prac -.-
wahh really sian nia i dun wan go band prac hate to see FAHMI's stinking face

>< everytime see his face half an hour or 45 mins ZZZZZZ K.O. orh orh liao
OHYA!!! today band prac sec1 juniors are joining the main band
then i have 2 juniors to teach ... Li Er and and Jing Yi
li en still not so bad but horhhs wahh jinyi damn cute...
he knows how to read the music notes but notso sure and dunno how to play
hais... then keep giving all sorts of stupid crap joke making me laugh xD
ahahahahahahahs damn funny just thinking back xD

mmm that would be all :)

a million loves♥