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or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

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at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

boredsom to hypersom :3

monday 3o.o6.o8

aiyo last day of june liao Dx omg! so fast
z.z okay wadever...continue

today chengg never come school D:
get well soon :)
school as usual nothing happened at all ><
only after school then got thing happened
eileen,xingying and me
at canteen talk talk talk slack slack slack
but duh talk bout how we feel now and....
then got one part we kept laughing like hell
laugh for dunno 15+ mins xP
okay after chatting bout 3 went to band prac lohh :)
set-up le go fall in -.- dunno whos idoiting idea
if we have to samula 3 time need do push-ups
then like wahh lao we do push-ups 8x bahh
then my knee got blue-black wahh kao damn bloody pain nia D':
okay then thoughtout band prac when fahmi talking sleep again
amazing he did'nt notice after he talk when for sectionals
then i hyper again xP then throughout hyper all the way
well not so hyper lahhs just awake and happy =)
after band prac reached home bout 7.20 bahhs
had dinner watch tv then online for dunno how long...
then go bathe, just finish watching tv and talking to xing
now waiting for her call lols :)

simply happy :)

wahahahhas lols i never post for wad erm 3 days i think xP
simply can't be bothered :D hehehe finally changed my blogskin
wow took me very long to change it made me pissed ><
hoho okay lols posting for the last few days (:

friday 27.o6.o8

hehe mmm school as usual nth happened de lorhhs.
so after school went to long john with mmm
clarence,ahh chengg,eileen,eddy,royce,
peiling,weihan,nelson,shuyu & one malay girl
*sorry dunno wads ur name (:

so we reached there bout 1+ le bahhs
then while walking got car accident
mmm some lorry hit some van lols then the mirror came off...
but then heng no one got hurt lahh of course :D
so ate long john mmm then cheng, shuyu and her friend left

or will late liao soon royce and nelson left
then the rest all waiting for peiling eat finish
cause we alot of people then of course noisy lahhs
opposite the table got 4 bedok town girls there

keep on diao us lorhhs,but we did'nt care
so we left long john eddy was still fooling around
erm, when we were passing through some corridor

eddy act cute lorhhs went back and look at the bedok town girls
he repeatedly did that for 4 times nia
then the bedok town girls not happy come find us dai ji ._.
so we like hurry zhao but could'nt

in the end got scolded from 2 of them
okay lahhs i mean we kannna scolded is okay de

cause is really our fault mahhs but then they scold
until damn fucking over do liao cans?!
wahhlao FUCK lahhs! i mean scold is scold but

then no need scold until like that rights?
we sec 2 so wad we very small mehh
or you very big mehhs so you sec 3 so WAD?!!
no one cares a damn fucking thing bout it.
you say we sec 2 so naughty le
no.1 we talk to you at first you are the ones
who are shouting and yelling nia
how do we even noe you last time not more pai than us
wahh lao so dun anyhow talk kok lahhs!!
well thats my say lahhs duh but then over there
i quiet quiet cause we rushing or we really late le
in the end they scold until peiling could not take it anymore

so quarrel for a while soon 1 police come
then everything okay le wow then police come
the 4 girls zhao liao -.-" stupid nia
so rushedback to school then had field trip (:
the field trip to bukit chandu was quite interesting

but labourdor park was abit suckish :(
after field trip went home with sikei reached home

bout 6.40+ bahhs can't rmb then can't rmb le only rmb that night
was that he called a few times then chat (:

saturday 28.o6.o8

went back to mbs as usual but

then ling and xing never come
so went with chengg (:

meet up with her bout 12++ bahhs
waited for her at bus-stop for 2o mins?! -.-
okay so bused to mbs practiced a few songs

but then when practiceing hawaii five o and smooth
they could'nt handle the song so mr quek got fed up
and stop le ): so after practice bout 5+

went to eat magee and bubble tea :)
then went home le after that dunno dunno wad

oh went to change my blogskin xP
T.T change and edit until bekcek then then bout 9+ he called :)
so caht but only for a while he had to go

cause his friend want to use after can't rmb anything
only that slept at 1+ in the morning ._.

sunday 29.o6.o8

today woke up ats 10+ use com

then continued editing the blogskin
then FINALLY okay liao (:

then went to bathe then got ready for
some family lunch wahh lao like over there damn bored can?!
no one talk to me de lorhhs

almost like throughout the whole time
only talk to my sis.. okay then mmm

reached home bout 3+ then use com until 7+
had dinner then bathe watch tv till erms 11?

wahahahhas tomorrows monday (: i can see him
oh ya i rmb somestuff on friday

but now lazy go scroll up and edit
on friday night while havin dinner

my mum finally found out i had 3rd piercing
like wtuck so long le now then find out like wad 1month + le -.-"
then my dad arhhs as usual scold ppl

until hurt my feeling nia
say wad dun influents from your friend you pierce
later your friend go smoke or take drug you also do the same is it?
i was like what the fuck am i that bad ?! i that time super pissed lorhhs
then today morning i ate eclipse then my bro say to me
dun eat too much later will get addicted
then in the car he told my dad that this sweet is for smokers
cause they dun wan ppl to noe they smoke or to smell the odour
then i worried nia i worried now that my dad think i smoke ._.

wahahahahahs~ xD


lols okay school as usual mmm only sleepy z.z
erm after school had lunch then slacked
well... "SOMETHINGGG" happen larhhs kay?
okay i will not talk about it but then really i shock tio
but feeling so blessed lols XD
so slacked till 2.45 then went home reached home like 3+ like that
then use com till.3.45 then bathe and everything chiong! to tution ><
reached tution like 5.1o hoho :D
then started on new maths top then blah blah okay goes on to 7.
after tution went parkway walk walk alone
cause jie at her ballet preparing for her teachers b'dae
so jalan jalan until late 7 to 8 sian diao le -.-""
so went to find sis, saw her , help her lorhhs
then wahahas saw my last time friends xP
omg larhhs they like all grew taller now
i feel so short ohh my goodness o_o
okay then the fun part was i could see my ols friends :D
but the sad part was when i went in with them

the teacher never talk to me
like i so long never go back le nia like 3 yrs+ lehhs T.T
okay nvm so after that wanted to bus home then dad called
say he will fetch us cause that time like 8+++++ liao

then i want go home watchthe 9o'clock show
at least bus home can watch 1/2 of the show
so dad fetch us then go fetch my mum at little india there
then went back parkway to buy fruits. -.-""" like WTFUCK!!!!
then sis and me still haven eat dinner nia hungry sia
so in the could not watch show at all =.= reached home at 1o.o5
i'm like super pissed at that moment
so mum told me to eat some porridge i tell her i got hw want do
then my dad thre extra erm wad

wahh.. got home still come home so late
like WTFUCK larhhs i actually can at least

come home 45 mins home de nia
then is he extra want hao xin fetch de lorhhs -.-"

so in the end had abit of porridge
just finish maths homework :) hahas
aiyo! tomorrow still have some stupid field trip to erm forgot liao
then sat still need go back mbs aiyo!!! i bo lui liao liao T.T
haiyo nvm larhhs the most dun eat nia ><
hahahahhas xD


hehehes first of all i would want to give a shout to
hahahas HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!

lols erm today school as usual
but then clarence & peiling never come school ><
cause peiling never come so sihui come sit with me
but then she suppose to sit with clarence XD
really... i wish them good luck
hope no arguements come xP
okay okay today arhhs dunno why only
kept sleeping in class esp science slept for the whole class
teacher did'nt notice sat in 1st row somemore LOLS
mmm after schhol stay back for band then

WAHAAHAHAS !beat cheng's hp game de high score again..
shes really steaming xP
during band doze off for 20 mins then sudeenly awake
so rest of the practice quite awake :)
like sian sia band practice so many songs today

then mr fahmi keeping play and cut ,play and cut the songs
SO PISSED!!! okay then after band reach home bout 7.20+ bahhs
had dinner watchtv went to bathe,
then online fr a while then watch tv till 10++ :D



hehehes ^^ woke up at 6 then as usual go school,
school also nothing much,
only thing to say was that kept falling asleep ><
hahas okay so turned out him and me okay lerhhs xP
no more cold shoulder with each other le xD
hahas okay so after school went to TM with
meeting xing and cheng friend then in bus met hetong
wahahahas XD at first okay de nia then got .... -.-"""
nvm. forget it so bought necklace for L_ _ _ for
erm... $9.95 xP my allownce gone lerhhs T.T hahas
after buyinh went to mac's slack cause we dun wan go home
so slacked till 4 then i went home le :)
so reached home bout 4+ dunno larhhs
soo onlined for awhile then went bathe

then watch tv like till 6.3o then dunno..
my dad told me got small tornado near our house there
lols saw it nia so cool XP

but sorry no pic cause it was really small
okay then continued use com then ate dinner watch tv
when watching he called say

he WON"T come to school tomorrow.
hmmm i also dunno why he never tell me :/

so sad so.. SADDED !!! after watching went to find new blog skin
lols T.T still cannot find nvm
i weekend got loads of time to find :D

soon like 8++ sis came home
lols she so good help me buy cardigen lols

next week need return her 1o bucks
okay then watchtv till 1o so ... thats all ><

moodswings D:


aiyo! first day of school liao sian xP hahas okay
last night could'nt sleep dunno why slept at late 1+
then typically woke up at 5.59AM -.-" sian diao
i thoguht i could'nt wake up so ask cheng to morning call me
hahas oh ya so firstday of school xing never come school
cause she ear block x.x lols
so like morning mood quite okay de until reach school,
never see him then i sad lorhhs
thought he grounded never come to school so swa lorhhs :(
then lehhs after assembly we at class room liao le horhhs
he came in to class dunno larhhs like weird..
yahh of course i see him alot better but for no reason
like somethings not right.
its like he have the sian diao face
then i sad again lorhhs :(
then school as usual nothing happened
like the whole school day he never talk to me can?!
i want to talk to him but don't dare nia T.T
so afetr school went for band, reached home at 7.1o :)
then watch tv,eat dinner...

after watching went to use com for 30mins
then go bathe erm then watch tv lols while was using com
got a msg from him then read it felt better :)

so now mood is normal, abit sad
but not so sad as just now lerhhs.
hehes just watch finish tv not long ago
hmm after blogging need help eddy do his science on asknlearn xP
lols he JUSTCALLED but in 6sec put down liaos -.-"
okay gotnothing to say anymore bye :3

finally :)


todays arhhs not much of a post nothing happen
my phone was very silent today only had 1 msg 1 phone call.
today woke up at 1o++ then bathe.
whole day only watch tv, use com but mostly tv lols
whole day was like that until 6.44pm.
he called me from his hostel BUT
he there no reception then could ardly even hear him
only heard 'HELLO?' a few times then he put down the phone le
after that went to bathe then went out to dinner
then jus came home not long ago..
><> omg i damn full now don't think tmr morning can eat lerhhs
at least tomorow can finally see all my friends and him omg
i miss them so much XD!!!! hahas but bad news is that
idk if can even wake up tmr? so ask cheng to morning call me xD
mmm then holi hw only did science other then that i did nothing o_o
so i will chiong all of my hw lerhhs hahas but then reallly
this semester i will not slack anymore i will strive hard for my exams

hopes are at lost

saturday 21.6.o8

oh well :'( he did not msg me today that means
monday then can FINALLY see each other -.-
oh well hopes are gone anyways tomorrow is our 4th month :)
but can't celebrate D: wtfucks -.-" okay fine got nothing to say
oh well i shall start posting for today now ._.

today woke up at 9.3o, then meetup with xingying, ahhcheng,
lingya, weien, kokbin & leslie. :)
at tm ats 1. went buy ticket watch KUNGFU PANDA!!!
lols this is my 2nd time watching :)
at first wanted to buy 1.5opm de ticket but was selling fast
and got loads of ppl Q-ing,so in the end watch the 3.3o de
in the mean time still got time so had lunch then go watch movie
hahahs movie funny laghed and laughed and laughed XDD
after movie bused to east coast then walking under pass
lingya went home... so all went to arcade
4girls play the dance dance revolution

the 2 guys dunno wad they doing o_o
after playing was like 7 liaos :(
then cheng have to go home lerhhs
so we all pei her take bus 15 take to parkway have dinner
then she also can go home :)

so we at parkway very bek cek -.-""""""""
go to b1 de foodcourt but all full,then went 3rd floor de also the same
so went to KFC have dinner and that time was like 8.1o like thats
after eating all headed home. so i reached home likes 9.15 like thats
then go bathe then slacked in room for 1hr plus then now blogging lols

and wad 1stday of school still got band sian larhhs -.-"
oh well but the good thing is that i can finally see him and my class mates yipeee !!!
:DDDDDDDDDDDD hahahahahs xP

praying for miracles

wahahahahahhas 4 days not posting lols
not got nothing to post just no moods, lazy to post xD
here goes my post of the past few days but just a short one

tuesday 17.o6.o8

z.z that day arhhs sian arhhs!!
went to meet my primary school friend
amy daryl and he tong
but then heting could'nt make it s sua
amy brought her sis along so okay okay lorhhs
so meet them at tm MRT
then went to tm arcade then cs de
then go mac's eat then wad arhhs oh went to
east coast bowling there de arcade.
so actually meeting them really sian de lorhhs
so in the rent bike we cycle all the way then come back twice
while cycling i think i saw yixiang o.o? but i'm not sure
after cycling it was only 3+ okay z.z SIAN larhhs!!!
so like bek cek went home then forgot wad happened :(

wednesday 18.o6.o8

lols i can't even remembered wad i did o.o
only remembered was that at noght family went sentosa
then we had all the rides in the rain lols damn funny but
only sis , bro and me play only my parents dunnno what they doing
then afetr that went to watch song of the sea
hahas the show quite nice de but the story is really supre damn stupid -.-"
but it was nice of the effects :D after that forgot wad happened

thursday 19.o6.o8

had band was suppose to wake up at 6?
then till cheng called then woke up and it was like 6.30+
-.- like wth never even hear my alarm larhhs
okay then reached school at 7.3o+
then went band room setup then went fall in
then wad we had to march then march lorhhs bo bian
like so damn tireds larhhs x.x
okay during sectionals xing cheng and me slacked all the way lols
then after sectionals was break after break felt alot better
like more energy then wads oh continue practice in band room
wahh i sian diao our conductor keep cutting larhhs so like
we have to play and stop play and stop
du lan arhhs !! D: then while playing i keep dunno why
tired keep sleeping then awake then sleepy again then awake again

haiyo...after band mum fetched me
then i go bedok there the macs da bao then go home eat...
go home afetr eating mum started nagging told us to clean our room
-.-" so clean lorhhs clean halfway chiong to tution
in tution i was dieing so tireds T.T
after tution went home , reached home round 6++ then mmm
had dinner watched tv till 8 continued cleaning

then online for awhile then went cleaning my room again
then erms clean till 9 go watch tv again
ahahas then after watching,bathe, continued cleaning
then xing called then chat till 1.50+ i think then went to sleep lerhhs

friday 2o.o6.o8

lols same thing as ytd had band lols
in the woke up at 6.44 am -.-" xing called me
hahas thanks anyways :)
so chionged to school then a.... band lorhhs exactky the same as ytd
just that today's marching more fun only xP
after band mum fetched me go home
reach home lerhhs watch tv till 1-2+ then went to sleep cause really tired
napped to 6+ then wake up XD hahas i noe very lazy rights
okay then had dinner watch tv then online for awhile, bathe
then watch tv again after that when to shop and save with dad
till 1o.50+ then reach home lols
then just came home not long ago so now posting bahhs

hhahahas tmr going out with xing,cheng,ling.weien,kokbin&leslie xP
going watch kungfu panda then go east coast xD
now just praying/hoping he will finally online or get his phone or something
i mean he and me almost 2 weeks neever talks lerhhs
i miss him loads sia D: oh well but if he could'nt just hope
the weekends will go faster so monday can see him :)

it just fades away :(

haiyo..today the mood mmm still the same as yesterday
i don't feel different :/ feeling as guilty, sian, sad but

unlikely only 1 thing that abit different
when i got hyper i really hyper like siao siao person o.o
okay okay i stop i shall post now...


hmmmm well woke up at dunno 9.3o+ then use com for awhile
then went shower then talk to my sis for awhile then mmm
then continued use com then i forgot that i needed to leave the house liao
hahas so left the house at 11.15 xP
hehes but then still made it in good time next time i shall go this late :D
so in the end reached xingying's house at 11.5o+
then she just nice shower finish so we chiong go down lorhhs
actually we meet cheng at the bus stop there lols but in the end we reach there
she just went out of her house, so decided to go find her
hmmm then blah blah blah nothing much
took bus to mbs then we play play play
oh ya hais so dissapointed lahhs can?
today the band like super noisy de lehhs D:
okay when we packing instrument my clothes stuck
in the intrument o_o! then we kept trying to take it out but could'nt
so in the end had to send for repair :(
T.T all my fault not helping that of course need to feel guilty de mahhs
so.... mr quek sorry sorry sorry sincerely very sorry D:
then ate pei mian and bubble tea cause haven eat lehhs whole day
so eat finish le went home at 5.45++ dunno larhhs
then in the bus got alot of crap thing happen larhhs make the bus noisy can?
well alot of crap actually the whole day we kept making jokes then keep making xing's
pissed off hahahahahahhahaahhhahahahas XDD
then went home reach eunos lols funny thing happen
at the platform saw my sis then took train together go home lorhhs
we reach tanah merah our dad come pick us up cause he was on the way home
then halfway home at the junction saw our mum's with drive pass us lols
okay then reach home ate dinner, watched tv then bathe,
after batheing dunno why suddenly hyper really hyper like siao
kept makeing my sis laugh like hell, that that period of time kept making her laugh
well we laugh and laugh and laugh
laugh until go watch tv again till 10+++++ aiya dunno larhh
tomorrow still have to go out with daryl, hetong and amy yipeee !! :)
hehes so long never see them lerhhs xP
oh and friday going outs too with cheng,xing & jerald :)
then 2 mores to school re-open then can see him ! and of course my friends xP
omg i damn miss him arghhhhhhh!!!!! Dx
okay thats it stopping or i'll keep typing and typing

moodless :(

D': i'm really moodless now T.T
cause like really theres nothing to do &
i thought alot of things and it just makes me up set larhhs
like 3weeks never see him already and
1 week we never contact each other. although i really miss him

now i dunno how to cope with this relationship already :(
so i'm quite worried and then like this holiday is suppose to
bring friends together cause we can go out and blah blah blah.
in the actually alot o fthings in holiday happened :/..
well i still can't contact him for another 5 days if worst maybe 7 idk
and at least 1 more week to just see his face
hais just pathetic :(

okay sad things passed now lets continue blogging

saturday 14.o6.o8

okay mmm woke up at 11 like that cause

slept at 4+ am that night, then woke up had breakfast,
lols then dunno why mum in good mood
brought sis and me to tm & cs to buy stuff so...
went to converse then bought a black converse shoe hahas yay :P
then shop to shop then ya... went to mango

got 1 light blue jacket, the cutting was alright quite nice de
but the colour ruined it so its quite KNS larhhs
okay continue went shop to shop

then went to I.P. zoneoh ya the jacket there
at first said alr aiming to buy in the end pleaded mum to buy
so i got it yeah!!! xP oh then walk here walk there lorhhs then mmm
went to a shop then shop really like damn sian but,
my mum loved that shop so much dunno why ?!
then like stya in that shop for half an hour then my mood
like hyper then became sian lorhhs... wahhs tell you
i cannot stay in a shop for too long if staying there takes

more than 20 mins..my mood with turn upside down okay stop.
so reached home bout 4 to 5+ not sure. then use com oh
then sis & me watch 'DON'T MESS WITH THE ZOHAN'
HAHAHAS!!!! the movie so funny can but then quite sick lorhhs the movie D:
then had dinner bathe then watched tv till 12-1+ then
dunno dunno wad in the end can't sleep again so slept at 3to4+ xD.

sunday 15.o6.o8

okay todays arhhs well nothing happened morning woke up at 10+

went to eat breakfast at the katong there the laksa
lols then went home then use com then watched KUNGFU PANDA
` this movie is very encouraged to watch xP
okay then like today damn fucking hot
so like these few days my head really hurts T.T
like your head is beating so hard no?
then like one hammer hit ur head then both sides of the head is >~<
okay then went to sleep for a while then watched tv
then went to dinner then came home like 9-10+? not sure
should be 10+ so bathed then now blogging lorhhs
that should be it. later maybe going to accompany my sis watch tv

okay now hoping that when school re-opens..
really hopeing for thing to change for the better :'(

hyperthetic :3

lols okay posting for thursday and friday :)
thursday 12.o6.o8
hmmm okay i was really stupid that morning woke up at 8 cause
i thought i have tution at 10 -.- in the end it was'nt
was as usual 3 okay nvm
soon 9 tp 10 sis woke up do her art, then dunno we got hyper
do all stupid things then erm... oh took photos hahahs
later upload let you guys see then bused to tution.
after tution bused home then watched avatar then dinner
then watch tv till 10 then went to bathe... then use com since then.

friday 13.o6.o8 [lols just noticed it was friday the 13th]

mmm okay woke up at 10+ cause tired then started out with a
very sian and boring day watched the game plan on com then erm
the bordem got even worse use com then watch tv till 4 + like that
then went to use com till 6? then went out with sis
so went to tanah merah meet her ...
then went tm and we stayed there till like late 9+
we over there go shop to shop then ate dinner at cs food court
then shop to shop again so bought a necklace, 2 shirts
then wad oh got alot want to buy really got this shirt damn nice
wallet and jacket also but shirt costed 23 bucks
and wallet costed 18-19 bucks and the jacket 23+ bucks T.T so sad
and the shades..can buy de but the screw there loose
then scared buy le will spoil and another sad thing was
the neoprint shop in cs close lerhhs D': thats just demorolizing
sobs sobs...hmmm then actually went to tm was to
actually go there see converse shoe de
so like mum called ask where were we so
told them bout the converse shoe
in the end wait for them like took
more than half an hour to reach larhhs o.o!
then like the shops were all starting to close already?
so phoned mum told us to just pick us up
well eventually it got worst we still had to wait
for our parents for half an hour :( then my mood like
went hyper to sian/ angry to fustrated =.="
so like they come liao like 10.20 so reached home at 10++
then bathe now blogging hey? todays friday yipeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
just a few more hours to talk to him :)
hahas yay xP
mmm here some photos anyways

cookie and elmo shirt we ordered from yiling xP
my sis fly away xD

sis and her paint brushed as the sword and paint bored as armour xP

me ! playing dead

that necklace i told you :3

hahas just fooling around in the changing room :X

sun dresses we tried on xP

wahahahas~~ XD

yoyoyo xP
today quite hyper de bahhs
but then still mood still normal but at least better :)
hmmm well lols 3 days not posting and now is
thurday 1 am xP okay so the last 3 days got nothing to post
last three days sian like stone sia at home bored like hell hmm

okay whatever...

okay today woke up at 9 sian...
like wtfuck wake up so early for wads nia
so bathe use com then went to eat breakfast
:( my mummy made me ate chilly the mee so spicy can?
okay then they fetch me tanah merah
then went to xing's house then like 12? then reach her house dunno
soon like cheng came then they come play audi until swuang until erm late 2+
then we went to mbs like late okay. z.z

then play play play okay after band went to have
maggie and bubble tea omg i miss it so much wa lao so long never go there lerhhs
then took bus to xing house there then the lift got ppl jamming the lift for
very long so decided to walk up the stairs lorhhs then in the end lehhs haiyo stay at
justin house outside play with his dog like aiyo omg!!! the dogh so cute can?!?!
okay... then play play until like 7 to 7.1o then erm oh
meet jaslyn kok and ling then aiyo went to celine house collect her money then
erm went to yiling house to collect our clothes then JK ang LY go liao
so i pei xing go celine house give celine clothes lorhhs
then we took bus home then lols trhen so qiao out bus came at the same time xP
okay then reach home like erm 8.40+ then watch tv lorhhs

oh ya omg the boyfriend shirt so BIG

before doing anything o.o look like pj's xP

lols now i just look weird z,z

hais i dunno these few days
now i just feel guilty being like this hais
although i miss him but i'm starting to not
miss him like i use to its like arghh
T.T so confused but i really do want to see him
i miss him like hell nia Dx
ahhahhhhhhhh!!!! stupid me T.T
tears but it never comes out


today at least few things happened,
morning woke up use com
then went to get ready
cayse going to eat lunch with family
so went out at 10.45 then
went to east coast there de restaurant to eat
after eating fetch my bro to work at like woodlands there -.-
then reached home at 1-2 i think can't rmb
so use com till 3-4 + went to near by salon go cut hair
then now my finch look so kuku xP
okay foget it then walked home then reach home bout
errrm 5+ then watched spirit the movie on the com till
6-7 ? then went to bathe then called xing talk talk talk had kfc for dinner
then been using com since blehs so sian
then now theres something going on with friends
so now these few days very sian
only one thing to worry is bout YXY,SHC,ETBH de situation
so middle person again then like actually i dunno why i in this scenario
okay nvm just need to know this time whos wron whose right
maybe things should be the way it should be.
okay none to say

no title xP

okay posting for thursday and friday [today]

o5o6o8 thursday

again nothing happened then went tution
took bus home.. then watch tv use com as usual
then was sian then called xing then had confrence with
ling and xing . then talk talk talk till 1+ then idoitic brother scold
fcuker sia -.-"
then dun care went use com went chatting then
stupid fucking face brother nag nag nag
call me off com like fcuk sia i use com non of his business ._.
okay then went to sleep bout 2-3? ya lorhhs like that lorhhs
oh ya also "SOMETHING"awful happened again well..
its weird just reall weird nehh hard to explain
"AGAIN!!!!!" i'm the "MIDDLE PERSON"
okay i'm pissed of being the middle person again -,-
forget it.

o6o6o8 friday

woke up at like 8+ then asked my mum if can go out
with friends to east coast & her reation was
scold scold scold nag nag nag
say wad these few days keep going out CANNOT GO!
then was ehh i this whole week got go out mehhs?!
i this whole week like rotting at home still say i go out
then she diam then find something scold say erm
then holiday homework finish alr ?
say no lorhhs i say do some alr then she say
aiya go lahh go lahh but horhhs if next time you want to go out
must finish homework then can go out
then i was like walao ehh
i wake up then distroy my mood liao.

so i angry mahhs so do abit of hw then
went to shower then change then zhao
so reach xings house like 12?
then i stayed there for 2 hours
cause lingya woke up late then we wait for cheng then ...
rain -.- so okay then we heck care went to take bus go
east coast le then wad arhhs

reach there le went to arcade

went dance dance revolution then all dance like siao
then like i tired abit cheng and me go play para para xP
lols was super fun `ahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaah~~~~ XDD
orh then went to beach then all 4 got went but the jia lads ones

are xing, lng and hao ,okay then rush and bused home
then walking home was talking on the phone with him
xD lols finally can hear him lols :) okay then nothing much happened

went to call eileen cause she wanted to tell me
alot of things... then ate dinner then bathe then watching tv till 10
then now nothing to do so blogging lorhhs
but hahas still got his accompany xP

okok then her are some photos :)

hahahahs thats me with chengs aiai daddy boyfriend

hahahas this is our foot cause play para para and dance dance revolution bare footed so look so black de xP

D: hope to die from bordem

2 days not posting wads the point
everydays almost the same
eat, sleep, watch tv or is the computer sian sia
okay....here goes

monday o2o6o8

same woke up, shower then go band practice
then go homenot long something actually
made my day better was that
he called amazing right? hes at camp and can call me xD
okay can stop after talking went to eat dinner then
computer for awhile then watch tv until 1-2+ i go sleep lerhhs

tues+ wed o3o6o8 & o4o6o8

tuesday ... its the most most most most most.....................
i mean obvious everyday watch tv and computer is like sain larhhs
but i got use to it but usually i woke up at like 9 - 10?
then idk why i woke up at 7+ O.O!?!?!
like what the fuck? then it was super boring can?!
so ytd is really bored like hell T.T
so did the same old things till at 10 to 12+
then i sian so called xing then conference

with ling and xing for 1/2 and hours
rmb i called her at 11.57 like that then like

ling had to put down the phone
so xing and me talk until 3+ my brother came home
then scold call me out down phone
so told xing to call my handphone then chat chat chat

until 4.30+ in the morning lols
cause like the whole day really got nth to do
i never do anything i'm not even tired o.o
lols in the end she got tired and went to sleep
sleep sleep sleep woke up at 8+ in the morning -.-""""""""""""""
then xing told me to be her morning call next morning

cause today got band mahhs so morning round 9.57 a.m.
i started to keep calling her since
then she told me that i called her 20 over times xP lols
then swa heck care that matter lerhhs
well actually its abit weird for me to say this

i'm actually excited to go band prac o.o!
weird rights but i would rather stay in schoool than

being at home hais this really failure
then after band stupid fucking face mr fahmi say wad
everybody have to bring back their instruments

cause he will be testing us songs in the next 2 weeks then say
erm if your not borrowing must go tell him
valid reason like wtf so in the end everybody borrowed their instruments back
so xing and me said we are going to let our instruments rot at home
cause is comfirm i will not go play with it lorhhs
then like supose to dimiss at 5? in the end went home at 5.40 +
so reached home at bout 6+ then bathe , eat dinner then watch movie
and the chinese drama on channel 8 xP
wahh the movie ' AUG?UST RUSH' is super nice can
mmm then watch tv till 12?
then slacked in my room then now blogging ause i got nothing better to do lols

okay one last thing to say


♥i'm gonna miss you :(

lols did'nt know i was so lazy xD
4 days not psting okay posting erm...
thursday de to today :)
but mostly short posts

thursday 29o5o8

um... nothing much but only something
that's big is that i quarrel wil celine again -.-"
because of the relationship problem
hais forget it, when i think of it will explode liao
so actually mostly watch tv, use com and sms
and nothing else happen

friday 3oo5o8

friday is the day that my dog
went to opperation cause theres a tumor
in his tail lols very unusual rights
hahas when he came back he looked very tired
then when he was back he could'nt walk properly o_o
he come in the door walk to the dining room sleep lerhhs
hais so poor thing lorhhs ...well as usual watch tv, sms him and play com

saturday 31o5o8

mmm yesterday did the same 3 things again till 5
then went to xing ying's house meet xing, ling and cheng.
when i reach there, cheng haven come mahhs
so saw xing and ling putting makeup hahas lols
i only put the foundation and eye-liner xD ahahahas
soon cheng came then ate dinner at her house then left to mrt :)
take mrt to tangong pagar then walk to singapore confrence hall to see
victoria school concert band musical world xP
the peaces were nice yeah then we all kept laughing whispering and
shouting spencer [a junior] hahas damn funny xD
then after the concert all chioonged to toilet cause all the bladders were full ><

afterwards went to take mrt to to plaza sing. to KFC
after eating was like 11+ at night then take mrt go home lorhhs
then 3 of them drop off at eunos, me? i drop off at tanah merah :)
so called my dad to fetch me from tanah merah go home
so like reach home at 12?

so reach home tried calling him but he slept already lols
then i bathe then use the com until 1+ then sleep lerhhs

today o1o6o8

haiyo so fast 1st JUNE liao so many things to do
but so little time hais ><
today was another boring day did the same 3 things again
but soon will only be 2 things cause today is the last smsing him
cause hes going camp for the next whole week T-T tears
oh well... i just have to face reality :) okay feeling abit better
but still missing him alot.

then just now wheni eating dinner]
ji tao suay i sms him 'you eat alr ?"
then like 1/2 an hour later he reply

" hi clarence mom here, he ate already."
i was like oh shit O_O! OMFG!!! die die liao
so when i reach home from dinner called him no one ans
so oh he left liao like so sad lorhhs
soon he called back BUT it was his mum O.O!!!
then i hurry put down xP
after that i bathe use com until now lorhhs XD
well thats all :)

already missing you♥