

Navigation at the top,
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DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

You Taught Me The Song Of Love♥

wahhahahhas finally i'm back for posting :D
yeap so somehow stress is over
after national day peformance then
everyting is finally over :D :D :D :D :D
erm see what i can rmb larhhs the past few days


erm can't remember much yeah?
during recess helped out on band de banner
until we pon class for 15 mins then lessons
blah blah blah after school eat lunch
then go continue chiong the banner until
3.15 like that and well its done :D
but i have to admit the colour really really sucked D:
well all thanks to a_b_r like we have to get in trouble
like wtFUCKS okay he does'nt deserve it OKAY?!?!!?!?!!!!
ya then had band photo taking :D
well maybe thats gonna rock but was worth while :)
then after photo taking , changed
then chionged to bus stop take bus
to take bus to st. pats find bunny :B
then like 6 reach there not long later
xing msg me that cheng,zaid and .....
dunno who
being scolded cause she found out we pon class =.=
blah blah blah so he accomany me home xP
then ya also cause got some hw and need to study for CT
so like i was tired i keep napping keep asking them
to wake me up,but then i wake up for awhile sleep again.
repeated 4 times so in the end never study do hw
then went to sleep at 12+ ._.


yeap today's is sort off a big day :D
hahahas cause sec 4 graduation
well yeap after school deco hall
then deco until 3.3o like that
then we chiong go change,set-up instrument
while inbetween those stuff,
xing,cheng,shawn and me hyper hyper liao!
kept on singing :D xD
then warm up,tuning :/ well again sleepy z.z
seniors came after our break then
ceremony started blah blah blah
when they announced the new commitee
i was very super damn fucking not happy that
A_B_R become assistant bander leader can?!?!?!?
wa lao fuck ehh?! okay he does'nt deserve it okay
then after graduation cleaned up the hall :D
hahahs the same as last yr
seniors and juniors exchange presents
around 6.50 then go home
7.15 reach home :D


last day of JULY wow so fast T.T
going holi again then EXAMS O_O!
yeap so today school school school '
was quite boring till and after recess
they dropped the ball from 3rd floor
then landed in red swastika
bleah clarence climb fence until he got hurt T.T
yeap then science xD
clarence eddy hyper wahh until OMG !!!!
they so cute luhhs :D
after school went to cheng class look for her
saw her talking to that chi-na
yeap so talk talk talk until she cry
shes like so sensitive until like that mehh
little little bit also wan cry wad SHIT MAN!!
omg lahh shes so weak so vulnerable XD
okay ya so like just because of one stupid pen
if she was'nt so chi-na i would scold until
she really got nothing to breathe out =.=
had lunch with xing,cheng,clarence,eddy,eileen,suting
after that eddy suting left, left 5 of us
T.T eileen baobei abuse my boyfriend
well they kept on disturbing each other
thought its heartbkeaking seeing them hurt each other,
but i can't stop laughing xD so funny luhh
so yeap went home with eileen and clarence
clarence accompany home :D
then go home bathe went tution liao :/
tution arhhs nothing much
after tution bro fetch sis and me
then like 7+ reach home yeap thats all :D

I Don't Wanna Lose You


today? cheng never come school
so get well soon :D & was normal day
until he asked me if i could go out this weekend
when i saiid no and yeap he started "EMO-ing"
then dun wan talk to me ...
so like i sad-ed felt guilty well got heartbroken
all the way till like music period then we okay luhh
then after music we had photo taking i like sian diao cause
all 3 photos all at first row -.-" hahahs okay z.z
after photo taking lessons as usual chinese...
then um had lunch with xing & eileen
i walked eileen home then chat chat with xing
until 3.30 went to return uniform
then went to hall see band memeberd got put up deco anot
but lehh hall nobody inside.
so saw yanming outside hall
so we chat chat chat until 4 went home
yeap reached bus-stop went to buy some sweets and apple juice
then ya at first can take my bus de
but then the stupid bus uncle never see me
but then ass hole he drove off._.
so waited for 40 mins for the next bus -.-"
like in between got five 222 and three 17 bus drove pass liao
while waiting lehh the apple juice drink and drink well forced it down
well obvious almost vomit out ._.'' erm ya
so reached home at 5..then i watch tv until i sleep until 7.3o
hahhas then ya lorhhs blah blah blah nothing lo

When Can I Have My Life Back?
I'm Still In This Nightmare
When Can I Be Free?



FUCKFUCKFUCK!!!!! @#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*
T.T okay fine i maybe childish now
but then i'm really damn fuckin tired liao lehh! D:
bleah today almost late when meet xing and cheng
woke up at 8.3o ._." cause...
last night slept late, had bad tummy ache ):
yeap so chiong to macs
then reached school went to change band u
change liao then warm up blah blah blah
then headed to east point liao
yeap so had performance
T.T so yeah in the end clarence was not the mascot
he was'nt even there it was farhan that was the mascot
so sua lahhs maybe he could'nt come
oh ya so performance blah blah blah
until 2nd break mr quek was there at east point
cause the 2 little ones were there rui rui and chun hian :D
ya so we chat chat chat went back for 3rd performance
after that went back school, then pack pack pack
then headed home yeah the WORST PART WAS...
mrs quek reminded us that tues have photo taking.
i was like FUCK!!!!! sian then how sia tution?!
when will i replace the tution i missed?!
maybe coming sat?sun?
ya the 2ND THING WAS.
the banner for sec 4 graduation
MRS QUEK!!!! say by tmr the decoration must be done
wahh almost broke down man.
like how the hell am i going to finish that damn banner by tmr?
ya like almost broke down 5 times but heng never :D
ya so reached home at 7? bathed...
then watch tv then i still waiting for akbar REPLY =.="
i'm like super fustrated now.
then had no appetite eat dinner so ya skipped dinner.
yeap still waiting...

to xing,cheng

hey guys sorry if i always give some
damn exaggerating way.
well i'm really very tired sia
very stressed now D:
have been a verytight schedule
then now i think i today somehow
kaobe you guys so just sayin
i'm sorry :)

ahh chengg;
thanks thanks for the sweet sweet words :)
hahahs after reading made my day better :D


bleah was K.O. last night
slept like pig,slept at 11+
yeap so woke up at 8+
then well nothing larhhs today
whole day watch tv xP until
4+, i use com until 5+
then went out have dinner
at hollands there cause
daddy fetch bro to work.
mmm after dinner went parkway for awhile
go there buy stuff, well buy stockings
fo tomorrows performance
cause i can't find it at home D:
so ya found it at last xD
then reach home at 9+ :D

Never Gonna Let Go.❤

bleahs!! omg i'm like tired larhhs T.T
TIRED!!!!!!!! like thhese few day super busy ):
like since last sat has been busy like.ARGH -.-

since 19JULYo8 okay?

sat - went back mbs
sun - nothing.
mon - school band prac
tue - suppose to a have sectionals but did'nt go
wed - school band prac
thu - had school band rehersal for sec 4 graduation,
but never go went to SYF closing ceremony.
fri - have band rehersal for sec 4 graduation and
rehersal for national day.
sat - wanted to go back mbs but i'm tired ):
sun - band perfromance at east point
mon - school band prac
tue - have to draw banner for grduation & tution
wed - band prac
thur - tution D:

i'm tired. really very tired.
then now like hardly stay at home
it all started from last week and it going to end next wed D:
cause always go home very late like 7+ then reach home
reach home eat dinner,watch tv,bathe,all these
like no difference living in a hotel ._. hais.
suddenly just miss home alot D:
then all realted to band hais so like no offence
now talk bout band only bit sian diao


school as usual, after school,
dad fetch xing,cheng and me go
bedok simpang eat lunch.
after eating went home.CHIONG ARHHS!!!!
hahahahs cause we need to reach mbs by 3.3o mahhs
so but then we reach there like 3.45
can't help saying we felt abit guilty.
yeah but heng got traffic jam :D so still not so bad
yeah so they reherse reherse reherse them until
7.3o the ceremony start liao,
wow ya saw hanley and aunty vanessa
xD hahahhas miss them alot long time never see them liao
and i have no objection that hanley well suai liao xD
okay fine. hahahhas damn funny luhh
D: but then idoit he same heightas me liao he
last time always had been shorter. okay sua.
ya after performance dad fecth us at 1o
then fetch waiyi, xing, cheng,weien home
so yeah i reached home at 11.3o ._. like tired.
cause the performance at UCC at the NUS there
like all the way to cementi there OMG!!!
yeah but then in the end i slept at going 2. z.z


today school nothing happen.
after school had lunch with xing and melissa
we talk talk talk all the way to 2.3o
then we headed for band.
band rehersal blah blah blah
then 6+ then go home
yeah thats all for today
bleahs have been assigned to deco
banner hais .well bo bian :D
to bunny♥
hehees sorry bout today after school
cause i'm really scared ._. dunno why
i'm seious hais sorry sincerely damn sorry
ya hahahas your gonna be in a suit
hope you won't sweat until like jia lads lahhs
cause super hot de lorhhs
wahh if this continues for 1 more week
i comfrim sick de lorhhs,
now alr got super bad soar throat and that
damn irritating headache wahh lao D:


today almost late for school xP
reached back gate
just nice the marching music play,
so slowly walk there lorhhs
yeah well today was the first time i saw
assembly so dark xD cause going to rain marhhs :D

after that we had HISTORY COMMON TEST
like OMG like comfirm die de lorhhs
cause never brought my book back to study mahh
really forgot ): yeah then soon started to rain like fucks
wad arhhs yeah was so cold,
cold all the way till school ended ._.
ya as in for me lahhs.
so ya when after school walking to canteen almost fell down
z.z kay sua xD was funny anyways xDD

yeah then ate lunch then went for oral exam
and WOW fast siol oral like only took 1/2 and hour of my time
cause teacher was late waited for 10 mins
help her set-up table 5 mins
waited for the sec 3s' but alot as alot never come
so in the end my class started first and everybody
only lik took 5 mins for the oral -.-" wth hahahs
then after oral went to canteen look for cheng and xing
yeap then headed for band :(
after band went home, reached home bout 7.4o yeap

That Love Story.

tuesday`22JULYo8 :D

yeah :D wahahahhahahs today 5th month :)
feel blessed but then too bad
today he had to go for CLB xP
yeah today also xing cheng and me de 8th month :D

hahahas so yahh normal day of school
except for home-econs.
FUCK manz that teacher. wahh lao
siao wan lehh she AARGHHH!!!!!!!!!!
always pin point eddy and me de lorhhs fucks man!
i try to tolerate but idk how long it will last.
wahh lao cause the cher call the person read the
textbook.so some ppl read liao so cher call me so i read lorhhs
wahh lao i read for um 1 and 1/2 page she scold me
ehh girl you read so soft you talking to yourself is it?!
then i was like fuck larhhs i read so loud le lorhhs?!
like eileen opposite the room away from me she sleepy somemore
still can hear me nia !!!wahh lao her ear got sai
never go clean de lorhhs.she so dirty BLEAHS!!!!!!!!
go and die go and have your heart attack again
and i hope you don't live!!!

fine i heck care this matter liao dun wan be
petty girl xP ya aftre that all the same nothing lo
yeah had lunch with xing and eileen.
then took bus 14 with clarence and xing
xing and me bus-ed to tanah merah.
clarence take to st pats there fo CLB
ya so xing and me took 31 to parkway
then walk walk jalan jalan.
yeah but abit sian cause we walk there for like 1hr +
then we bought nothing ): yeah at cotton on,
should have bought that scarf x,x
then um so we abit sian then bought ice-cream
yeah after walk walk we went home
i bought milo ice blend, then we walk to bus stop
our bus soon came but mine came earlier then xing (:
yeah cause the bus in side super cold plus
drinking bubble tea yeah so my fingers froze
my nose was numb so soon my head ache like fucks
until now it still hurts even after napping for 1hr. ):
yeah when in bus sms clarence and xing
yeap then cause clarence borrow phone from friend
ya so made a new friend :D
hahhas okay so reached home bout 5.50?
yeah used com until 6+ then went to sleep
woke up at 7.4o the blah blah blah thats all :D

again no posting yay! :D
-.-"okay ya right...
okay i'm really weird these few days
at home i keep showing some damn
fucking bias attitude luhh
in school i'm also in a bad mood
but then for sake for them not worrying me
i have been really MEAN
but thank god my "mean" can make ppl laugh


can't remember much.so short post
woke up 10+ cause that night before
talked with xing until going 4 in the morning ._.
okay continue,
yeah then went to eat breakfast with..
parents and sis. after that,
went to parkway jalan jalan
fetch my sis to tution.
reached home bout 4+ then nothing to do
so watch tv until 7+ then wad arhhs?
went to east coast eat dinner like sian
well seriously i'm a weirdo.
i'm a person that does'nt really like to eat there
de food. weird right? fine
then went home, reached bout 9+? is it?
ya then called xing cause need an wei her
cause she was feeling down
ya then blah blah blah
so called her again talk talk talk tak talk talk talk
talk until 12.5o+ cause brother scolding
like idoits he last time don't care de lorhhs
like suddenly got 2nd father._."
but then put down liao can't sleep so
turn here turn there
in the end,slept at 1.3o+ .


today i was out of mind
keep giving loads of crap.yeah
well school as usual oh ya

tomorrow's our 5th anniversary :D
and tmr's 8 months with chengg and xing :)
wow time flies. ya school was a drag boring ._.
after school raining heavily so stayed in canteen
ahh chengg went to see doctor never go band
cause her gastric is back ):
erm ya band prac, also damn fucking boring sia
then kept sleeping really sleepy until daboleh tahan liao
ya then i do some stupid thing
xing and me kept on laughing,
for like 10 mins? or more? dunno?
yeap then when playing we like half playing instrument
then also playing with xing cause she step on my leg
so she step me i step her back lorhhs
like WTFUCKS that fat fat botak guy never notice us playing
until we started to smile while playing our instruments
then aftre playing the sing he scold us
then he move xing one seat away from me :(
after band headed home ya lorhhs reached home at 7.3o lorhhs :)

haiyo tommorow comfirm sian diao again
cause have to see that fucking bitch HE teacher -.-""
DULAN le larhhs its not even tmr yet and i'm pissed

18 &19

yeahs sorry not blogging ytd
was very tired lazy to blog.


aiyo friday arhhs erm nth happened
except PE!!! omg...
i fell down twice,kanna hit by ball on head
then ah le kick some bottle,the bottle hit my hand
cause when i fell down i some how injured my hand
ya so when it hit my hand & it HURT! T.T
then class period, class kanna lecture by mr tiang
he scold scold until he insulted himself 'nanny tiang'

after school went to cs and tm
with eileen to see wad time movie
after that went to mac's to buy mcflurry for lunch
so while waiting we go jalan jalan
we went toy r us play play we took photo
wahahahahs took photo with giant cookie monster
ya soon bout 1 hr later weihan collin blah blah blah all come liao
then waited dunno how long for eddy and clarence come
when we went back to look for jackson & blah blah blah
then we can't find wei han we took like 1/2 hr+ to look for him
look until eddy, ah gu and me super pissed.
ahgu so pissed so left,
so yeah in the i never go watch movie
that time bout going 3 liao
so eileen and me accompany clarence and eddy
eat lunch at CS yeah after eating ya lorhhs
went jalan jalan again then until 4 like that
i walk eileen to inter, yeap then walked back to CS
find clarence & eddy after that when we going to TM
saw royce, mangting,gary & weiqi hahhas okay
ya so we went to toys r us again xD
then eddy and clarence fooling around made me laugh like
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHS! eddy keep looking for clarence
cause eddy wan scare him well all thanks to me he did it xD
after that they accompany me wait for bus so bus-ed home
bout late 5+ then reach home. yeap


woke up at 9+ aiyo super tired z.z
last night talk to xing like 11+ i very very tired
so daboleh tahan liao then i went to sleep.
hais cause the whole week i sleep like 12 to 2+ then sleep
plus everyday got school 6 wake up aiyo.. fine. continue.
ya then mummy fetch me to xing house
then meet weien& heecheng
we went mbs. then we eat. yes we talk.
talk until 2++ then go in hahahahhas
we talk bout the old times the time in SYDNEY
okay i'm mad. ya then we practice practice play play play
then after practice went to eat cup noodle then
ya um we bused home but 3 of them left first
then soon my bus came... ahahahas bout 4 to 5 stop later
they went down the bus, they ran to my bus then
say got one SIAO GUY ahahahs then xing kanna again
like everytime de lorhhs hahahs heng i different bus
but hear from them bit scary de larhhs xD
yeah then went home blah blah blah okay i stop.

erm ya almost forgot..
kani where you did you go ytd?
everybody wait for you,
look for you ? like wtf larhhs
if you go where at least tell somebody lahh?
ai yo... ! we call you? you keep rejecting
then call call call you turn off your phone
did you even noe that
you made alot of many ppl PISSED?

your first kiss

you brighten colours into my life,
making me smile♥


yeah today sleepy sleepy day -.-zZzZzZzZz
throughout lit and eng kept sleeping
lols okay today was tireds and sian diao
bit no mood luhh lols until he send me home :)
then i happy go lucky lols now good mood bahhs :D
wahahahahahs xD okay i'm abit sort sort now maybe even crazy
nahh joking i'm hardly that hyper xP
only will hyper until like siao with sis and friends :D

oh ya and that that DUA NEH BU during lit
scold clarence until so jia lads TT
fuck sia like wth like just he never bring textbook
she like small thing wan make things a big fuss?!
bitch siol haiyo then she scold clarence like
the whole whole floor can hear i bet the 2nd floor ppl
also can hear her sharp and piercing voice -.-"
and also she thought he being rude to her
i mean wth larhhs -.- okay .. then when he apologize
she say she won't let the matter rest the next time round -.-
like she wan take revenge.
i wan kill you!
why in engkeep waking me up?!
i want to sleep D: i very tired!!!
haiyo 1st one he throw my head with eraser
2nd throw correction tape on my head
3rd lehh i sleep until very suang alr he go bang my table
gave me heartattack sia ._.
yeap so after recess felt alot better

hahahs so there goes maths period
lols mr nah farewell day yahh horhhs btw
ya he said his speech then took many crazy photos xD
lol he gave everybody lollies yeap
after mr tee and he left i go eat lolli lo :)
yeap so chinese teacher came
she wandering how come everybody eating lolli xD
yeap it think i also drove her nuts alr
i owe her compo since tues i think ? or monday not sure but
i'm sure i'll give her latest by mon xDDD
ya then was science well as usual lorhhs
but then eddy sit with me today dunno why LOL
oh ya horhhs peiling today never come school today

after school as usual lorhhs had lunch it all my beloved
then after eating watch ah gu, clarence
wei han they all play basketball again xP
btw then this time ah gu and clarence are opponents xD
so um 2 of them they shoot also jia yous lorhhs
but mostly clarence :X kay i shad-dupum.

yeap bout 3 left school he send me home,
well that time raining
yeah well then the happy and shocking part happen
then so heng told him to just send me to my house there bus stop
cause when going reach home saw mummy coming out heng siol
yeap after that bathe blah blah blah then went for tution
like ya lorhhs in car sleep again haiyo these few days very tired ._.
after tution went window shopping cause brother fetching
then he say got traffic jam at ecp so might as well kill time rights?
yeap reached home bout 7.30+ lorhhs yeap :)



today boring day D:
normal day of school
in class very tired then lying on the table
yeap cause not feeling well also
whole day felt like puking and super bad stomache ache D':
yeah dunno why these few days love to doodle :D
hhahaahs i doodle my calculator dunno until like wads liao
after school had lunch with eileen,xing & cheng
:) yay got a new sib in our family
eileen my baobei to baobei jie jie
my precious sisiter xP

yeah rained heavily :(
haiyo... he had to chiong to bus stop.
ya after lunch went to play play with ah gu and eddy
cause the basketball court wet cause after heavy rain so
my socks and shoe kanna wet lorhhs
after that pei eddy talk talk jalan jalan

then went for band ...
yeap xing and me socks wet so took out socks xP
wahh aiyo in band..
hyper then tired, hyper then tired,hyper and tired
then sleeping xingying?!!?!?!? why keep tickling me
i wan sleep xD okay joking nia
after band went find ah gu again play play for awhile
left. reached home bout 7+
ahahhas yeah have to fix my rubix cube lerhhs
or all the stickers will come out xP




hohoho okay today my mood is not bad de
but after my home-econs my mood
bleahs fuck sia that teacher cannot stand her !!!!
i feel sorry for her husband ah aiyo
ya long post today venting anger for HE D:

okay today woke up then too tired
then haiyo i hit the wall again TT 3rd time this week
yeap reach school put bag in class
go canteen find cheng cheng :)
um. lessons as usual :D chinese was quite funny :D
the chinese teacher very cute sia xD

okay after chinese was home-econs....
stupid fucking BITCH!!!!
wahhlao that teacher makes me wan to bash her!
just because i thought she said
i could'nt take the cake out of the oven
cause like the pineapple juice she put alot lehh!
then need longer time to cook right ?!
then she scold me sia o_o" okay fine. sua liao lorhhs
minus 2 marks. aftre that took out the cake
from the baking tay suddenly she say
if you don't return the baking tray in one min minus 4 marks
fuck sia i just took out nia so faster wash.
then the food stick on the tray TT
very difficult to wash out :( so chiong-ed
in the end still got scolded >:(
after HE teobing passed by she ask me wads that
so let her see lorhhs cause i pass the container through window
then that stupid fucking old bitchscold me wad
" you don't like my food right ?! you next practical you don't cook"
i was like dulan sia wahhh can't stand it liao le lahhh!!!!!!
fine i ren i torlerate also dunno can torlerate how long -.-"

after recess lessons as usual, after school had lunch.
eat liao headed home with jessabel & sikei :D
yay like so long never go home with them le
like since MYE that time :D hahas
yeah bus-ed to tanah merah inter to top up card
walked home.. hahahs reached home blah blah blah
LOL had short nap today cause very tired today
wahahhas i watch tv until i sleep xP
like i wake up the tv still on XD ahahas okay
woke up ,had dinner,watch tv
then also that time an wei-ing ah gu
yeap then blah blah blah all the way nth liao.

:) tomorrow got maths CT then studying after this
geog also cause tomorow got geog class test xP
ya but comfirm my geog fail yeah most proberbly
my maths will PASS yeah! cause study mahhs
see i guai rights :D haiyo tmr got band then
fall in still need to torlerate the fa-z& f-zil sia
wahh lao repeating and repeating
i would rather come late and run 5 rounds
like fall in also punishment
but now punishment also better then falling in
aiya these few days easily pissed

note: please don't try anything stupid these few days
if i give you some attitude tell me.esp nelson
sorry cause although talking to you is quite funny de
but see-ing you person pisses me off i dunno why sorry :(

14 july o8



oh no... tmr got maths revision,
then need bring calculator TT
the thing is my calculator no batt
now asking my sis if can borrow
but she dunno if she tmr if got maths :(
oh well ... hohoho okay starting my day

school as usual but then today almost late
reach school just nice at 7.25am :D
hahahs reach classroom, went down find cheng they all
but then when go down saw eileen & eddy
so pai-ed eileen put bag...
then .... i saw him ._. i mean really i go class
i swore i did not see him,
cause everytime when i reach class
he always not there ._. um...
then lesson lesson lesson lesson
all as usual but in maths tired luh
in eng slept throughtout xD
lols okay after school had lunch with cheng and xing
eileen baobei could'nt stay back :'( sads...
um. yupp play-ed bit of rubix cube &
taught xing how to make one colour on one side of the cube xP
i think she learn also wan die liao xD while cheng play piano
wahhh cheng you play very nice!!!! dots over reacting
then headed for band...LOL! first time i never really slept in band XP
like finally ! cause in band keep talking playing with xing
aftre break then we started to sleep -.-zzzzzz
okay after band went home then blah blah blah yeap

hahahs hope i can pass my maths common test :)
but then first need find batt for my calculator ._."
ya?! i wan learn to do rubix cube!!!!!
okay thats all xP

bored & dead


haiyo nothing to say today
was a prisoner in my own home
whole day watch tv not much ._.
i only feel tired and giddy.
that fucking pain headache is killing me
well i was s bored until
i cut out a small star on my knee
and coloured it caligraphy pen
now the ink in the wound
won't come off -.-

feeling demoralize


:) tomorrow mbs got performance tmr
but then i can't go perform or
watch them play sad right? :(
fine lets get started with the day


woke up at 9+ then use com
then went shower blah blah blah
soon bout 11+ cheng called told me
when to meet her go take our hair straightener
but then in the end the owner will be late
so turned out we never go meet the owner
so end up met cheng at eunos MRT
then help her carry bass clarinet :)
so bus-ed to mbs xP wahahhaas
yeap so they rehersed for tmr performance
played along with them :D
so many songs like so long nevr play alr
miss those songs ><>
after band prac went to eat cup noodle
with xing and cheng.
cause cheng need to reach home by 6.15
so left there at 6? they pei me take bus 61
at their hse there the stop they went home :)
me took bus and MRT home
so like reach home at 6.50+ :/
after that used com edit my stuff
soon went parkway eat sushi with parents and sis
while eating found out my handphone the camera spoil liao T.T
like WTH?!?!?!?! like sian need send my phone for repair again?
but if i go repair again all my memory in my phone would be lost
like important msg?!!!!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!
like wahh lao arghh dunno lahh i now also no mood -.-"
okay after dinner went walk walk round parkway :)
then at cotton on got one top very nice but then
did'nt buy cause mummy was being mean
cause she say no discount dun wan buy. wahh lao like WTFUCK?!
she like ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay sua next time save money buy myself><
after jalan jalan went home reach home like 10.50+
not long ago only :/


i am moodles now sad like hell & i dunno why
really miss you. need you to give me a smile D`:

okay not much to say ><
yeah soon there will be some concert
on a thursday night and its gonna end like
super late like 10 to11+ at night hais
so should i go school the next day?
my parents dun even noe i'm going
and i don't think they will allow me to miss school.

wheee! xP

yeah never post last night
cause did'nt felt like using com ><
so ya lorhhs short post for ytd :)


lols okay nth happen lorhhs
normal day of school,except
science, lols like first time mrs quek
see me laugh like that
i laugh she said
'hey?hung she laughing? first time no?
i was like diao -.-" i laugh very few times mehhs?
so after had lunch with xing,cheng,eileen
then all siao again in toilet xP
laugh laugh laugh
then went home for awhile went tution
after that go home also nothing much lo.

friday 11o7o8

today also same school nth happen lorhhs
after the usual eat lunch with 3 of them xP
wahhahahs finally he said ILY like so long
nevr hear him say liao ><
okay... erm so xing cehng and me stayed back
for some lauch at paya labar sec girl school
lols over there nothing much
only the first quater cause got drum fusion
xD very nice the beat xP
also end ofthe concert very boring ._.
all speechess and all so bored
then play the rubix cube :D
yipee! can solve for 1 side le xP
hahahas oh ya over there also saw some peepos like
kim siang,amanda,chen lao shi & some MBS students
hohoho so okay after that bused home reached home like
near 8 after that not much happen le yeap

lol okay lazy type anymore xP anyways...
ehy try not to get into trouble le larhhs
aiyo ><

jia lads die liao x.x

want to be free,

& be myself.

wednesday `o9julyo8

yeap die lohh!! erm for tmr's lit' act
hahahs i left my book under my table
then we never rehersed at all ><
i mean i actually dun really bother lorhhs actually
its that stupid bossy _________ bosses us around
-.-" then wad wahh lao hate pppl who bosses me around sia
FUCK wan de lehhs!lol okay nvm heck care liao
later then find smway to do smthing

today arhhs woke up bathe,
bathe finish dizzle drizzle drizzle then rain liao
so got ready then in the end like 6.40+ still raining x.x
okay so end up brother fetch me to school behind de carpark
lols like walk to the gate like drizzling nia then walk in the gate
VOOM! raining super heavy -.- so went up to class all wet
but heng heng my socks dry :D
wahahahas lol started have chinese CT today
tell you, i will comfirm dial like sai
cause i tiko tiko tikam tikam do de
then the first whole part never do xP
okay then lessons as usual lorhhs
after school had lunch with CHENG,XING&EILEEN :)
wahahahs as usual laugh like hells again
hehes then went to band prac
well also as usual its as boring as ever ><
so smhow slept cause well i always sleep
and that major headache is still so pain
til now its still there well its alot better now :)
so after band went home lorhhs
reached home likes 7.20+ :)
yupp yupp thats all :D

to: that somebody again...

though we had a big mess up last friday
now i'm still trying to tolerate you
i'm being nice is because well idk i forgive quite abit liao
but i hope it will not happen again
cause if it does your so dead
& also does'nt mean you treat me nice
i will treat you nice okay?
in my heart i still have that big piece of hatred in there
now hoping is that i can tolerate also i'm being nice is to try
not to hate you but well i can't so i'm sorry
but theres another thing stop being so bossy will you?
i hate it, i have my own rights
just hate being bossed around
so try to do everything yourself
and stop depending on other ppl
yeap stop calling me to help you write some notes -.-"
you have pen and hands just write it larhhs
does'nt mean i have coloured pens
and i colour colour my notes with it
you also must do that okay? have your own style can ?!
my work is copywrited xP well not to sound mean
but your irritating me xD


punch xingying!!!!

baobeii and me :D

let dance together xP