

Navigation at the top,
please feel free to click

DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

Here We Are,
Standing Strong.


woke up at 9plus,
then use com and watched tv till 11.
so yeah dolled up then
went out with ba & ma to have lunch.
after that headed to parkway
lol suddenly clarence call xD
then i was like sleeping in the car luhh.
i got shocked when my phone rang._."
then my parents told me i was crazy..
yeah so send my pathetic phone for repair
then now using mummys sumsung phone
what the fucks and its irritating to use
i so can't get use to it, bloody hell so complicating la!
i'm pissed real pissed damn fucked up
now typing super slow ._."
then got home bout 4
since then have been using com..


thanks for all those touching words,
we are glad to hear it from you.
wahahahas 3 of us were so worried,
wad would happen to the 4 of us.
and yeah comfirm pissed of that someone,
so ya like you said let our friendship fly
and we'll last long no matter what :D


still as moodless D:
woke up at 7+ then
dolled-up left the house at 8+
ba,ma,jie and me went to paragon
ma she went for screening..
ba,jia and me went to dentist
blah blah blah...
in the end my sis wisdom teeth
are coming out xD cause we took x-ray
mine is like omg i also
can see my wisdom teeth.
but not fully developed yet :D yay
um so yeah everything got settled
and i'm gonna put on braces
on 11sept08,thursday :D like dunno why.
like i'm just excited to put it on
from morning till afternoonn we haven eat
so sis and me super damn hungry lor
so all went to have lunch,
omg lahh i eat like 1/4 of the plate
already super damn full ._. like wth xD
after that we went to taka go look look
then left for home (:

sorry.. but i'm just so worried,
cause like the war between
that someone and me just ended,
and its very obvious she still hates me.
thats why i will have this crazy feeling
that she'll break our friendship.
rmb she wanted to find trouble for me?
ya in the end it did not happen,
and now it feels like she can't hurt me outside,
but the inside instead,and its by breaking all of us up D:
but thanks for all those touching words
all are appreciated.
okay now i have nothing to hide
although you see celine and me
talking and laughing all the time
we are actually still not as close as we used to be
well its not the first time and we all know shes
a problamatic girl even she knows that
so actually celine and me can be friends but not so close
or we comfirm argue like shit everyday.
to me shes a fun person
to play,irritate and talk to (sometimes) withxD
during chinese i don't usually spent time with you
cause ya i don't like chinese xD
and you and suting the chinese are great
so i don't want to disturb you.
well i'm just saying i'm worried that
i would lose one of my friend,
since the beginning of the year,
there are always so many problems
its like it never stops..
one after another and its so irritating D:
and another thing is that your not the only one
who are facing this alone,
just want to let you know we don't want to leave you out.
i also have my own troubles to confront.
and i won't let some person to just
break our friendship just like that.
its really very hurtful for me to hear all these crap
from others and you,
and since all of us have been together for so long
but why is our friendship so fragile?
i swear i never hide anything from you now,
i also have nothing to hide.
i really don't want to do all these now..
these few days i'm like half dead already,moodless,
worried for all my other troubles.
so ya if you want to trust us or believe us
its still up to your choice,we can't force you no matter what
i know you may be confused now but you should know
the war between her and me could'nt just end to easily
so whatever she say please don't take it in heart.
if you really treat us as your closest one
you would really know that we are not
the kind of people who have nothing better to do.
and other then her who else badmouth about us
cause SERIOUSLY telling the truth
we DID NOT talk about you,esp the bad thingsbout you
we don't treat you as some puppet or a doll
we know you have feelings too.
but really what ever we did that we broke your heart
just saying i'm real sorry....
just wanna let you noe ,
no matter wad we will aways be here
with you confronting your crap with you kay
and please don't let all thos rumors get in your head
we are not the people you think we are D:
and i don't want to fall into her trap an so should you..
but now whats left is its up to you
to believe who right or whos wrong...
if i'm wrong at a few certain things,i'm sorry,
but if you think she's right,ihave nothing to say anymore.
take your time to decide (:

Depressed From Inside..

what the fuck ..
um like these few days not blogging
cause no mood.well feeling pissed.
actually can't be bothered
but somethings made me
super freaking pissed & sort off sad.
posting wad happen past 2 days also (:


well can't rmb really..
only remebered MT conversational period
kept on playing around,play with clarence & celine
lol like what the hell clarence
keep stepping on her foot
then she like pissed so told me to tame him down
in the end i also go step on her foot funny sia xD
fine so after school eileenand clarence went off
left xing and me cause
cheng got dentist appointment, never go band
yeap slacked for a while went for band..
after that dunno what happened already.


can't remember much.
after school had lunch with
xing,cheng,sze kai and clarence.
soon 3 of them went off to HE
to bake stuff for teachers so left with me
nothing to do so headed home with clarence
went to playground for awhile
accompanied him to bus-stop then headed home
reached home, bathed, got ready soon went for tution
after tution kor come fetch
then not sure what happened


to all teachers in the world.

um today was quite alright
we had our teachers prize giving
then some aces dance lol
after that we had recess
but then no one accompany me
so went to classroom
only nelson and me sia we like sian diao
nothing to do so we talk crap.
after that we had class interection.
we almost like discuss the class chalet for
the whole period :Dwell soon after interection
well went to concert xD wahahahs
dunno why lehh like the concert is okay what
sits not as wad i expected from
what others have said, most of them said
that the concert really sucked.
wahh lao then during concert
few people pissed xing and me off.
dun wanna talk bout it.
in mids of concert eileen and suting
just dissapeared to..idk where they went ._.
yeap so we were so pissed,we went off.
after school went mbs :D meet with alot of people xD
very fun. so went home with xing ling and justin
while on the bus on the way home
was like freaking tired, slept in bus.
reached home for awhile,
like 4.30 slept.7+ woke up (:
now i'm like waiting for his call :D
cause he never come also he go dentist mahh
well actually all i need now is a listening ear D:


sorry bout today for not
accompanying you for almost the whole day..
its because a certain someone was there
and i don't want to really
make any more crap with her anymore
its just wasteing my saliva and my time
after reading your blog
its really true for me to say what i feel
but dissapointing to say that
if you don't trust me i have nothing to say
i'm really trying to be with you honest
and like these 2-3 months
i also hardly bad mouth people now
i mean hardly.. if you know me i'm not
that a nothing better to do person.
even if i badmouth it was
never about my closest ones.
if you also think that when i'm with you
and it feels like i'm being forced to be with you
i still have nothing to say.
cause if you feel thatjust tell me
and i'll dissapear.but i'm still always hoping
our friendship would last.

i'm freaking tired of all these shit,
its like it never stops
it all come one after an other.
when can it even stop,
well i'm like trying to mind my own business.
and like someone is trying to backstab me
well always wandering why
wandering why is that person so childish
its like what the hell, these few days
i don't even have to the mood
and you want to do this to me..
if your not happy with me
do something else instead,
but never take my friends away from me
i know you hate me but i also hate you
so whats the point of quarreling
is'nt knowing each other
hating each other good enough already?
and please just grow up will you?
i'm not backstabing you so
what the hell do want from me?
i die infront of you then your happy is it?

It Was My First..


today we had our home-econs
practical exam xP and it sucked..
the teacher crazy wan sia..
say what everybody will deduct 2 marks
cause we never open window like wth -.-
so like everybody was like WTF
minus then minus lor..
fine so after that lessons were at usual.
after school had lunch with
eat finish like 5 mins later
celine,eileen and cheng had to go
T-T clarence finger got hurt
cause he go play with the dunno wad
like now he a blyster on his thumb..
so yeah soon xing had to go band room
find ahhcheng so took bus to st.pats
accompany clarence go CLB,
after that headed home
like wth today so early reach home lo
03:20:54pm o_o"


freakin pissed,tired also..
last night talked on the phone with xing till 2+
fine today school was argh _l_
dun wanna talk bout it or
some one will say i backstab her .
forget it i dun wan say anything
next time also dun wan say anything.
yeap also we had our progress slips back :D
and the best part was i improved yay!
at least this time i'm really
satisfied with my results
after school had lunch then
eileen and clarence went off..
so slacked talk and talked
soon went of to band lol
band arhhs hahhahs
zaid sharif and shaw play the sprayer
sprayer was filled with cold water
they spray and spayed.
haiyo i kanna alot of times xD
very cold aiyo...
during band was boring,
slept halfway throughout.
practice ghost fleet went through
the gladiator march then dismiss le.
daddy fetch me home
so reached home at 7.30

I Really Love You.
Can't Stop Thinkin Bout You.

ooo okay last night..
slept at like 3 to 4 in the morning
woke up at 9+ xD well its bazaar..
i had the weirdest dream yet.
yeah today was not my best day
i was moodless throughout
and hardly in my life i've ever
worn so black to some restaurant
its all black and white ._.
was moodless since last night haiss.

okay erm dolled up at 10
then we left at 11.40+
went to holland and ate breakfast/lunch.
had some wine and it was nice... :D
well i'm full until now.
after eating,went to marina square
to walk walk so reached home at 3-4+
after that online for a while..
well got pissed with my com
i can't put song in my friendster!!!!
soon got bored then
went to watch tvtv tv
tv until 9+ :D i'm still waiting
for a phone since 2+ ._." hais just pathetic.

bleah so not in the mood feeling damn uncomfortable..
havin some headache,stomache ache & i feel super giddy now hais..


woke up at 11 ._." so late luhh.
cause last night talked to bunny
then had confrence with xing,cheng&yongding
soon was only cheng in the end.

so we caht from late 11 till 1. :D
so ya continue my day :3
then watch tv, dolled up.
went to chinatown there
to have lunch/breakfast.
after that we went to the nearby
temple pray but soon in the end
like walk around the whole temple
stayed there for 1.30hr -.-"
bored like hell lor. pleaded many times
if we can go but could'nt D:
so reached home bout 3-4+
so watch tv and use com for a while.
well use com for awhile cause..
internet connection got prob ._."
well so watched tv for till 9
soon dolled up again went to
siglap there the haagen-daz.
and the ice-cream was fantastic :D
soon reached home bout 10.45 like that
called xing for awhile,
then sis and me talk and talk laugh and laugh
for an hour XD so funny omg
i was like tearing... then went for shower
now talking with xing :D

well when i was in the car,
i notice that when you miss some one,
you will always look at the time.
well i guess its because
you miss that someone so much that..
you can't wait for the time to get faster
to just see her/his smiling face :D




today was pratically okay.
only some stuff made me pissed.
still pissed now.
after school had lunch then
clarence send me home :D
thanks thanks



bit hyperistic now :D
and i don't know why.
school was sort-off fine :)
but clarence today poor thing,
he got very bad flu and cough D:
so get well soon :D
aiyo then after maths
he stay in toilet until school end
cause he playing psp in
toilet for 3 period ._."
then he went tm with
eddy,nick& weihan i think.
yupps so me? had lunch with
xing,cheng and celine
after lunch bout 2.50 left home
but then walked to bus-stop
under the heavy rain
so i reach home drentched D:
now got some bloody cold
reached home at 3..
bathed blah blah blah..
msg him for awhile
then went for tution :)
tution was fine too
bout after everything,
reached home at 7.30 :D

A Kiss From Me To You


wahahahs today
xing never com school.
then started with CT
well was home-econs CT
all i can say is that it was easy
then was maths hais
maths class our class dissapointed
mr tee and we kinda made him upset
he was so upset that
we did not have maths for both periods D:
then after recess nothing much
until conversational MT
clarence,celine & me talk kok ._. :D
um then durin lesson clarence gtg
so he left. had lunch,
with ahhcheng & celine
then band starts...
during band played
the gladiator march & instant concert xD
after band mummy fetch me.
reached home at 7+

Well Yeah ILCT


em..school was okok
tired like fuck during chinese
so slept throughtout.
home-econs we made pizza
and the pizza is fantastic! :D
hahahs going on to recess
after recess walk back class..
saw monkey teng with eddy
DY somehow kanna caught but
he so called escape lo
heng siol ._.
yeap then was maths
mr tee never come
was on mc D:
hahahs that period of time
the class was goofing off
royce play until class door norb
break again xD was funny shit :'D
em then english was bullshit
in the end teacher,
hold the class back cause not behaving
lol then had lunch with eileen
bout 2.2o accompanied clarence to CLB
well all i can say was that
in the bus was cute larhhs
so bus-ed back home
then reached home at 3.4o

I Still Love You.

hahaha yeah like finally
i'm back from posting
um got like wed,thu,fri,sat,sun
never post liao xD
okay i'm getting on with it :D
doing some short postings anyway
and btw soon i'm putting on braces xP
i still can't immagine myself with it D:


blah blah blah schooling..
after school had band.


school.. nth can be remembered ._.
after school ate lunch
bused to cheng house with clarence :D
so ya, reach her house cheng's bro..
and bunny look super alike
so when they saw each other..
um well i also not sure luhh.
in the end her mum found out
bout bunny and me the relationship xP
but wtheck no one cares..
so stayed there for an hour until 4
we left.. bunny took bus oppisite side
cheng and me took bus 15 to parkway
then walk to my tution there buy bubble tea
lol so we took like 2 stopd to her tution centre.
but was too far,so took one stop back
but then lehh NO DIFF SIA!!! z.z
then tution um.. yeah reached home bout 7.4o


friday was schooooooooooooooool.
then after school had lunch,
woah waited for cheng for 2hrs
for her remedial to end.
durijg that 2 hours clarence,xing and me
stone like rock well ya then bout 3
i send him to bus-stop
then went up to 3rd floor meet then lor.
yeap but then i sian diao so i left.
reached home bout 5.


woke up at 1o? like wth so late can.
yeap dolled-up went to look for xing
then 12 reach her house for awhile 12 or 1+
left to see dentist yeap
so she tighten her braces :D
after dentist suay lor rain
heng..... i brought umbrella xD
yeap went back to her house
get jacket and umbrella
but in the end the wether was fucking hot
so we bit bit pissed larhhs
then reached mbs like 3+ xD
so we play play play...
util 5 went to bubble tea eat maggie
then took bus to xing hse bus-stop
wait for bus 45 then 6+ reach home


lol okay went out whole day..
went to marina square walk walk shop shop
xD bought new shirt and ear rings :D
hahahs okay yeap then reached home at 6+
i watch olympics till 10 smthin
went to nearby coffee shop have dinner lo
then forgot the rest ._.


today school nth,after school had lunch,
then cheng play piano,until 3 we left for band
bunny walk me to band room then left :D
well band band band bleah RAIN AGAIN lorh
reached home bout 7+
haiyo tmr comfirm pissed off by that mdm tan de -.-"_l_

and here are some snapshots from the past few days :D

ahhahaas all these are all nth better to do photos :D

argh... now in school blogging..
these few days not using com cause com spoil
bastard siol... T.T cry..
so ya if got time and when my com okay liao then
com back post xP

Colours Always
Been There With You..


xingying: get well soon :)

um starting with chinese..
during chinses at first nth de
then clarence and royce like playing
the next moment they fighting
woah... i stunn-ed tio
then here goes home-econs..
as usual teacher pissed me off
lol funny thing she thought eddy and me
are together...like WTFUCK he my brother sia
she say' girl you want find boyfriend,
also dun find this kind..!' i was like -.-""""""
yeah so she scold eileen sia poke her in the head
then even called nelson nuisense..
i'll never understand why
there's this kind of teacher in school-.-"
ya but then if she and her husband divorce
i swear to god..
i will COMFIRM SIDE HUSBAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
after home-econ had recess
was hyper like shit with celine & cheng
after that lesson lesson lesson.......
school ended had lunch with
cheng left for commitee meeting,
so 4 of us left school
i accompany clarence go CLB
headed home after that.
reach home bout 4 so use com
yeah these few days heard celine say
some spammer spam her blog that
she has sexy moles -.-"
like what the hell so yeah went to check it out
and i saw it i could'nt tahan so scold the person
like FUCK then yeah now still fumming abit
but then lehh LEE HUNG SHE,
other then that have been editing photos
hahahs here are some anyway :D

sorry if too zi-lian :D

p.s. pls don't mind but enjoy not much really..

some random pics with sis :)

yeah the zi-lian me..

dash xD


todays borin!woke up at 9.
i never went out..
today whole day watch tv,
using com yeap thats why luhh
ahahahs also yeah gonna get sick
i have no appetite & havin soar throat
T.T i suddenly miss xingying,ahhcheng& eileen
its like since friday i never talk to them le sia
okay fine moving on..
yeap so round 6+ started to edit photos
lols suddenly felt like zi-lianing then ya
thought ways to make my hp camera work.

i droped my phone 3 times & IT WORKS!!! :D

lol right? can't believed its works
so ya edit until 7, went to watch tv
and also ate porridge for dinner
bleah xP no appetide yeap so ate
half bowl only x.x then yeah after watching,
at 8 continu-ed editing hahahs..

Have We Always Been So Apart?

whatever past days crap i never post
its because daddy was installing printer
so last 2 days never post xD
lol now posting cause got nth to do
so lets get started on friday yeah?
but its gonna be a damn long one ._.


its the 8th of the 8th of the 8th xD
okay its a nice number alright?
okay being lame... um so
woke up at 5.3o
cause need reach school at 6+,
as the band members have to
be ready in the full uniform by 7 -.-
yeap reached school
blah blah blah... got ready
then went for assembly wa lao sian siol
very long lehh!!! leg damn tired x.x
fine after assembly was ceimo ceimo dance
wahh but heng dun need do we went to
band room warm up first have breakfast :D
after that all went to hall set up everything
mean while, waiting for lower sec to ya
then performance !!!! okay the performance was boring
cause the crowd was'nt enthu enough D:
so like the concert was suppose to
like start at 9 and end at 10?
well it did'nt it ended ALOT LATER like 10.4o+ D:
like WTFUCKS! still got upper sec to perform lehh!
so ya the upper sec consert xP
yeap it was FANTASTIC!!! :D
the upper sec were all so hyper so enthu :D
then when the chior the tape stop in the middle
everybody sang along and it was beautiful man xD
okay fine so everything ended at 12+?
so xing,cheng and me went to change
cheng headed home, xing?
i pei her go TM buy present for the wuhan students
so we go bus-stop saw BAOBEI xP
she going to bedok inter....
then waited for bus 67 cause faster xP
um also soon bunny called
so asked him bus to TM meet us
but then in the end we took same bus xD
so we had lunch at CS
then we walk and walk and walked
like until 4 we walked bunny to bus stop and
accompany him wait for bus lorhhs
then after he left xing and me continu-ed to walk
aiyo tired siol. when we wanted to stand up at
the bench at the inter we lazy sia XD
okok so we walked walk and walked and .....
finally we got everything she needed :D
then we headed home :)
wahh in bus slept z.z very tired sia
i reach home bout 5-6


bein lame so um woke up at
8 then blah blah dolled up
cause need go pray at uncles house for grandpa
um so reach there like watch oympics hais
but then damn fucking sian lorhh
went there eat abit of fruits and drank some sprite
i watch until i orh orh lo cause i tired not feeling well
everybody ate except me D: okay fine
so when going home the whole journey like for 5 mins
i still sleep -.-" but the weird thing was..
when i got home when i wanted to sleep..
i CAN'T SLEEP! okay like what wrong with me.....
so watch tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv tv
all the way till 9-10+ went to bathe then tv tv tv again
hais... was like so sian sia,throughtout watching tv..
ate like 3 cups of ice-cream LOL cause was hungry xD
somemore no dinner and i was stoning for so long
cause dad did'nt want to fix in the printer
he said he wanted to take his time ._."
so sua lorhhs... LOL but in the end,
naggy mama nagged him for not installing the printer xD
yeap round 11+ went to sleep lo.


okay i'm gonna be real sick soon ._.
have super bad soar throat okay?
like when i woke up for
his msg its like i can't talk D:
my throat very pain in the moring.
but its alot better now :D
yeap so woke up at 8+
cause some msg woke me up
lol in the end was bunny.. xD
so yeap was suppose to go out with him de
but then again can't
hais cause also partly my fault larhhs
cause last week he went home like 12midnight
so grounded bleahs xP he went home late
cause rmb? i ticked him off x.x
so yeah use com till 11 had shower
dolled up, watch tv for awhile
went to eat breakfast lunch at macpherson
there de coffe shop with parents and sis
also went to send my band uniform for dry cleaning
and came back bout 2-3 bahhs not sure leyy ._.

Four Of Us..
Used To Be The
Craziest Peepos...


wahahahs okay....
these few days many mood swings D:
happy, siao siao, emo, .... & others
yeah then school..
got science common test back
YEAH!! i'm happy for that :D
got 25/3o happy happy xP
other then that ehh nothing.
after school had lunch with
after eating, left xing,cheng & me ._.
yeap then cheng need to go art room 2
to interect with the wu han students cause she buddy :)
um.. meanwhile, xing and me at canteen chiong maths
blah blah blah finish liao put in mr tee's locker
then went to art room look for cheng
hahahs in the end joined them :D
yeap so we did the butterflies OMG like so nice can?
after that we went toilet hahahs then we play with water xP
lol me and cheng half of the shirt wet xD
yeap so that time bout 3.40+ le
so we helped sharell on the lit props
then soon i left went to bus-stop
AIYA! suay suay see gordon again xD
okay joking... so bus-ed to tution
and when i reach like 40 mins early lahh!
ya so went KATONG.CS jalan jalan
um bout 4.5o outside tution there
wait for mr fong open door ._.
hahahs today tution was a complete WACKOOOO!!!
keep doing stupid things xP cause got some guys think
sec3 or 4 de keep joking with mr fing likde so funny luhh
hahahas doing work halfway i bored-ed went to play com
so in the drawing pad we draw
some braces smiley like so cute!!
but so sad could'nt take it down cause...
handphone spoil :( suay horhhs? okay sua
so ya daddy fetch us home reached home round 7.4o :D


ahahs okay okay larhhs
aiyo only that helen lee come class,
say have to stay back cause
ytd our class rude to her. xD
but then we tell her
we cannot stay back today
cause no consent form..
parents don't believe -.-"
so ya after school,
had lunch with xing and cheng.
soon cheng had to go band room
to do stock thingy... left xing & me
xing tired so slept ...
i was bored so played with
chengs phone lorhhs.
um while playing someone keep poking me ._.
i thought was shadrina sia
then when that person look at me
i said; yes shadrina?
that person laugh then sounded like bunny
then wahh really him siol.
cause he said he's not gonna stay back
wahhha so laughed for awhile ><
we talk talk then headed for band.
band arhhs... sectionals
after that went through ..


wahahaha so long never play liao
um after band headed home
bout 7.30 reach home? yeah :D

The Time Of My Life♥


wahahahs everythings back when i wanted :D
eileen and me, bunny toh and me
wahahahs okay liao xP
but then horhhs yeah still got
some problems here and there.
today schooooooooooooooooooooool,
okay larhhs nothing lorhhs.
well only eileen and me super okay liao
only dunno wad happen to her after school
she accompany suting go toilet
later dissapeared liao ._.
bunny apologised during chinese period but
i got nothing to say marhhs.
so like maybe like bit ignored him sorry XP
sorry... then wad arhhs.
yeah he horhhs more rebelious liao
humph! like he abit more rude liao
abit more nauty, cause i took his eeyore
after recess then he dunno -.-
then at first wanted to return him after school
but lehh in the end he play hide and seek again
...... i'm speechless man!
then after school had lunch with xing,cheng& celine
after lunch went to cheng band u
headed to rehersal liao.
after rehersal chenged back to school u
saw bunny toh and royce
idoit sia call their names no respond -.-
okay sua then daddy fetch me then sis
so reach home at 7.3o yeap :3
aiyo...tommorrow sian diao again got band -.-


eh? what do you guys want from me?
E.. i tried talking to you
but you keep giving me that cold shoulder D:
i like trying to spend time with you le can't
you just show some gesture or some concern?
you just give the same answers like orh, okay like that
wa lao. you did'nt even bother
to ask me what hapen when i cried. D:
then hais dissapointed in you sia BT,
you said we were okay le
but today see you in school
see you still not okay lehh?
xing talk to you like you give some damn attitude
chinese period you give some damn attitude to cher
the teacher is innocent okay?
she does'nt understand english so what
does'nt mean you can just keep insulting her you noe?
you made me super confused you noe that
one side your saying that we're okay
on the other hand,
your giving that cold attitude towards me larhhs
now i'm like sad,dissapointed and mad D:
i don't know what to do seriously.
if you expect anything from me just say luhh
theres nothing to hide okay
its better to tell me sooner then to fine out myself
it hurts even more you know that?

to: xingying, ahhcheng & celine

hhehees thanks guys
for lending your precious ears
and ahh cheng,
thanks for the shoulder :D
the things you guys did
thanks thanks :3

BLEAH!!!! today was a total DRAG!!
asshole broke down twice sia. -.-
i don't know how should i even react
fuck manzx i hate this feeling.
it just keeps going on and on. D:

okay school was disturbing,
yays si hui came back x3
then yeah me her, or him
is not good AT ALL!
then wad arhhs after school
.................tears then had lunch
but then buy liao ..................... again
so i wasted food buy liao then never eat -.-
then band band band then reach home at 7.3o.

I'm Really Sorry. D:

oh my god..
i'm such an awful person D:
i did'nt know i hurt so many people
bunny toh...
sorry i did'nt mean to hurt you guys.


today was sort off a saddening day for me,
but it did'nt started this way.
today woke up at 9+, smsing bunny whole day:)
then until the mids of tution it started to ....
yeah turning out what i did'nt expected.
during tution he sms he told me he was at suntec
then he and royce will be coming down to find me
so i told him i could'nt make sure that i'll see him.
then when he cabbed down to katong,
he mistaken that i was at katong mall
well i was at katong shopping centre instead.
so ya my tution teacher release me late
and my parents was going to reach alr
then by then if he came i still could'nt see him
so when he was alr on the way to KSC
i told him not to come and yeah he got sad.
i felt guilty and yeah when i was in the car i broke down.
when i reach the toilet at some restaurant i called royce
wandering where was he, royce told me he was gone.
in the end i felt that because of me
he went missing so broke down again
so while i was eating i smsed him and explained to him
yeah but he did'nt reply...
so when i got home i called him but he hung up on me
so i called cheng and told her wad happen
yeah so talking and crying luhh.
after that i called him again he picked up
and could hear he was'nt right.
and like when i aksed him are you sad or mad he replied
he does'nt know.then i asked are'nt you sad?
he replied if sad i also can do nothing.
after that we hung up cause his phone low batt
then i called cheng and told her what happen.
soon xing joined in he conversation
while telling them i broke down 3 times larhhs -.-
like stupid la me.soon after putting down..
he called he said sorry, at first i wandered why
and he told me its because he wanted to ignore my phone calls
so he turned his phone off when he turned it on
he was waiting for my phone call
and said when he picked up he realised how much i meant to him
when i hear i broke down again. idoit rightme ? z.z
yeah well thats what most of today happen larhhs.
and now some words to my most most beloved ones
ahahahas sorry xing and cheng
that eileen and clarence wan is longer cause
i'm also apologizing xP

to: eileen

baobei... i did'nt know how hurt were you seriously
but telling you honestly that day when i bung seh you
i felt guilty also.well when that few days
when you started being so quite it did'nt felt right
but then everytime i ask you, you always answered the same things
that you had nothing to say. so ya i really treated that
you really had nothing to say.
and when you told me that you feel left out its because
during that period of time that you were with suting
i also started to be with xingying thats why sorry
i'm not trying to say that its your fault.but then thats what i fell larhhs
.and i also miss the times, you being so hyper with me
ya sorry sometimes like i've been too over protective to clarence
but its because yeah we got alot closer. so yeah sorry
and i also hope that you and xing are sometimes havin conflict
i noe your trying your very best to accept her.
hahahs yeah shes also trying to change to the better
i mean think of time when 3 of us laughed until very jia lads rmb?
and actually xing does'nt want to be just normal friends with you
hahaha so yeah so dont' get upset.
at PE rights actually i was'nt siding you or her ok
well i'm stuck in the middle again. thats why ._.
so hoping that we'll still be as close as we use to kay :)
and thank you for all the laughter hypertism ans siaoness
since we use to be so hyper. i hope we can be that 2 crazy friends again
i thank you that when i need a listening ear you there
but i'm sorry if i had to always hurt your feelings
and to always be too strait forward.
hahahs so i hope that we'll last to the very max if possible duh xP

to: clarence

boyfriend, i'm real sorry for these few days
for how i've been treating you.esp today...
well i don't really know why actually ._.
actually now i also dunno what to really tell you anymore
but thanks for giving me more happiness in to life.
i'm just feeling guilty cause i feel that i've neglecting you these few days
and can see that your trying your best to spent time with me.
but i really hope that your not thinking that when everytime
i can't go out with you or what and your thinking i'm giving excuses .
well i'm really not cause if your sad i will alway feel super damn guilty luhh.
but in my life so far your the best guy that have been treating me (:
and ya when i msg you that msg when i said i broke your heart
i really thought through that what you have done luhh
then like until now i broke your heart super alot of times
compared to you breaking my heart is alot okay?
and yeah telling you the truth your the sweetest i've met :D
yeah so i'm saying sorry for what i've done
for like the whole relationship and thank you :D
yeah wishing we'll last kay?
ahahas even though i know maybe
you won't be able to see this but i wish you could
and this is what i want to say luhh :P

and hahas yeah i love you xP

to: xingying

xingying.. thanks for being there when i needed you :D
and i'm sorry that last time i had to make you the middle person
of celine and me and for being mean and too strait forward at times.
but thank you bringing more siao-nest and laughter into my life
and thanks for some meaningful advises when i needed help.
even though last year at times we had conflict to each other
at least it all worked out now :D
yeah but sorry i don't have much to say but thanks you !!! :D
and i hope to last long long long long long long :D

to: ahhchengg

cheng!!! same words to you
thank you for always being there when i'm feeling down.
but i'm sorry that sometime i leave you out in conversations.
but a big big thank you for you and xing
always there to lend me a listening ear :D
well actually you and xing de are almost
bout the same things that i want to say.
i just lazy type now xP sorry .
and for all the good times we had i'll treasure them .
hoping our friendship will last until the very long :D

thanks you guys for bringing happiness & colours into my life
without you guys i don't know why am i even in this world
if all you were to turn back on me,
i swear i'll go crazy maybe even kill myself :X

There Are So Many Ways
To Just Love You.


today damn freaking sian dunno why ._.
woke up 8+ then use com
bloody shit.. my ma ask me go out last min again
so ya dolled up, went to katong
had laksa for breakfast;lunch.
after that headed for orchard center point
my ma drop sis and me off there,
cause dad and her need go see doctor
so ya jalan jalan with sis.
we jalan for 1 hr+ i sms bunny also batt flat liao ._.
so went window shopping :)
hahas then bought a pink top :D
but then mummy was being mean again,
she said it was'nt nice....
blah blah blah... then we argue until very hiong
cause she say not nice then waste money blah blah
like what the hell is not she wear plus i buy myself de sia
dunno whats her problem. bleah xP
then after that daddy came along then walk walk for awhile
ahahas dunno why we go eat ice cream.
went to temple pay respect for grand dad and ancesstors
yeah went home use com super long from 4 use till 6+
then blah blah soon went to coffee shop eat dinner
reached home bout 8+. :)

Your The Most Stuborn Person
I've Ever Met,
But I Just Love You.♥


bleah 1st august liao so fast T.T
today also first day of hungry ghost festival ><
blah blah blah, school was boring today.
except PE, then arhhhs had netball
then very sian sia throughout xing and me stone there,
well but something dissapointing came about
well i'm dissapointed and so is she
so i'm saying a big sorry to my baobei
eileen 对不起,
hey girl next time ask you what happen just say larhhs
alama make me worry like shit sia if you don't tell me
i will feel guilty noe? LOL but you tell i also feel guilty but
you never tell me i more guilty mahhs
so even if i'm at fault just say okay?
then class period had some talk in class bout
communication with parents -.-"
like no point luhh.
so ya then ms harni is the last day being with us
cause she has some course work at NIE for a month
but hahahs at least she will be coming back right :D
then after school had lunch with
xing,cheng,clarence,ah gu and eddy :D
then yeah bout 1.3o went to com lab 4 do the survey
wa lao bastard sia my com spoil so have to go different lab
so in the end went to com lab 2.
after doing headed home with xing and clarence
well was suppose to go to national day rehersal de but
xing and me sian diao very tired did'nt want to go
so w pon diao ._. shhhhh~~*
yeap bus-ed home then erm near 3 reach home :D