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DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

God.. I'm freaking pig these few days,
i suddenly love to sleep, its wanderful xD
Okay whatever just love to sleep these days.
SO.. after exams will try to sleep alittle later.
Again, i'm gonna wish all my friends
GOOD LUCK FOR EOY's.. well this is a chance
to let those peeps who did not really do well for
their mid years so yeah jia you peepos :)


yeah was somehow stoning the whole day,
well i watch tv till 2+ had mum to da bao for me
yeah so had chicken rice for lunch (: bleah my mum crazy
cause i'm having chinese the next day, she suddenly say
read newspaper -.-" then say um tomorrow got chinese,
hurry go read newspaper. I was like ._." bloody fuck? tomorrow
ya its chinese paper but whats the point if i read newspaper now?
does'nt mean i will suddenly know every chinese word in exam -.-"
i know they are doing this for my own good but some things are just
redicalus.. then my father say aiya so point forcing her to read de lahh
he still says I KNOW HER SHE IS PLANNING TO GIVE UP i was -.-"
_l_ you lahh in my mind. like since when did i say i would give up?
i mean ya chinese is important but i want to do well on my other subs
as well. I know if i don't pass chinesei wont be able to graduate.
I mean if he really know me he would'nt be demoralizing me but understand
what i am thinking/ going on in my head. Haiyo my parents are hopeless,
they will never stop demoralizing a person when they start scolding.
Bleah so ya i heck care, so went up to my room get my science paper
do section A. About 4.20 i think bunny called,chatted for awhile
then i watch tv and blah blah blah. Mum came down to nag again so bo bian
went to my room study the format on how to right the chinese letters.
then 8.40 we went to coffe shop near our house have dinner
until 9 went back. Was glad to hear they going to fetch kor from work
so yeah i had nothing to do so watch F1 :D God the F1, was nice
but hor.. the cars are not the cars i expected the cars like toy car ._.
yeah so stayd up till 1 to accompany sis with her drawing then i orh orh liao.


Today, i thought it was my death wish. i thought the paper was gonna be
difficult like hell but in the end it was kinda okay :) but i very worried that
my chinese compo will suck like hell cause i wrote only 1 page, ._.
ya and it was kinda of a last minute thing i took ike 30 minutes to do it?
Paper 2 eddy they all pissed the teacher off by making funny noises
Oh my god it was funny crap xDDDDD Oh and a clarence never come school,
cause he never take chinese so ya he need not come to school for today.
So after school went to bedok simpang buy duck rice for lunch.
Then headed home, about 1.15 like that reach home so.. eat already,
use computer already went to take nap from 2.45 till 5.15 ahaha told you
i was pig xP Um so bathed and now blogging :D

Well gotta tell a few sentence to my friends as well :)

wahahhahahas thanks for the sweet words and yeah glad to help you :D
and also thanks for being there when i needed you :D

i know you can't really take the blow of your cousin but still be strong,
xingying, eileen, me and many others peepos are here to help you.
we all care for you so you have got to be strong and face the fact :)
Like xing said you need time, so again take all the time you want.

Boo baobei :D i've heard about your problem but i'm not sure of it
cause you don't really went to tell me in detail but since i have known you,
you've always been that singlelicous girl since 1st march but then
if you think your relationship get another bump its okay. It's okay to get
hurt once in awhile. Sometimes quarels can make relationships stronger.
Yet again things sometime also don't go the way we want them to be,
its kinda have to do with fate. Still everything is up to you. :)

Life is full of amazing things.
Their all there, waiting for you,
to be discovered.

so freaking sian fuck.
today also like damn hot luhh :/
roar.. wahahahas okay stop :)


Lalala, school was fine i guess. Clarence went back,
after school went to accompany XingYing
to dentist appointment with ChengCheng.
about 4 i reach home, bathe, got ready then left for tution.
Blah blah blah after tution went home. Reach home bout 7.30


God, woke up already raining :( so yeah got school kinda late
about 7.40 i guess, haha got caught in the rain alittle also.
Um yeap it was our english paper for EOY's. Hais, i'm afraid that
my newspaper writing will not score D: Same for summary,
oh well now all i do is wait and see and pray a little too.
After school was like 12.25 then clarence accomapny home,
we walk around my house there after that we go playground
play again xD talk and talk xP then send him to bus-stop at 4.
So ya reached home at 4.20. Bleah when i got home i lied on my bed
slept already until 7 finally woke up, so i had to rush a little for
family dinner. Rush until bout 7.40+ left the house then had dinner.
GOD!! i was freaking full bleah :X Um so kor fetch jie and me home
like 11 at night then reach.. ahhahahas crap right?


RAWRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today was freaking boring
my phone was silent throughout no one call me or text me
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! no one cares about me.. okay joking. :D
hmm so lehh today stone for the whole day :( boring ya maybe
later do some paper..and ya wishing all my friend good luck for EOY. :)

Boo. :3 miss me?
Nahh i don't think anybody's gonna miss me xD
crappy me xP so yeah.. ahem continuing~


Wheeeeee~~ well school was as usual, :D
after school accompany clarence to CLB also
was i was on the way to parkway to meet-up with sis
so ya in the end i reached there like 2.30? bloody hell.
i was gonna meet her at like 3? yeah so no choice went
to walk around myself :) bout 3.10 sis finally reach.
so we walk around till 3.50++? dunno larhhs had lunch
at the 3rd floor foodcourt then we walked for awhile again.
soon we walked to tution. in the mids of tution, i think at 6
he called say he want to come find me so yeah
meet-up for awhile then he left. but thank god he called
cause while doing paper my eyes were like closing z.z ZZZZZ
too sleepy after tution went to buy laksa
for daisy[maid] for dinner then we headed home,
about 8 we reach home :)


wahahahas, today school was fine :)
conversational MT we watch pochong :X well at least this
other part is not as scray as last week. yeah then after school
clarence and me went to my house there the playground,
we go there play and play, talk and talk until 4 :D hehehes
yeap then i walk home, he go MRT there wait for bus.
about 4.15 reach home well not usre lehh ._.

Oh no. i'm super worried for my EOY's, i'm so afraid that i will
retain or go NT, i'm so freaking freaking scared my english will fail :(
maths i have been working hard for it but then when teacher give
revision i totally forgot everything, only things i remember is what
we've just covered not long ago T.T walao i have a high % of no hope.

I love you, my love.♥

yoooooooooo! peeps
back to blogging :)


well was nothing much actually,nothing really happened
only woke up at 9.40+, use com until 11-12. showered,

had lunch watch the cronicals of NARNIA,
then continued use computer XDDDDDDDDDDDD
yeah use all the way to 7-8 like that
cause had nothing to do so watch AH LONG PTE LTD again.
GOD i laugh like hell again xP and then blah blah blah
i forgot alot things already okay crappy shit :X



wahahhahahahas here goes another month,

another wanderful month with my 3 dearest :3
but sadly xingying and ahhcheng was absent from school :(
oh well, then yeah school was as usual. well celine and me,
became dumb bell and dumb ass today 22SEPTEMBER08.
aiyo see? another 22?! bloody hell what does number appear

in my life so many times z.z whatever i just hope celine
don't change our gans again or i swear "SWEAR" will kill her -.-
then after school had lunch with eileen, jessabel and si kei.
clarence cannot stay back dunno why D: i tomorrow go ask him :)
yeah so revised science with eileen with of course with nelson's help.
also nelson teach me how to solve the rubix cube LOL. so ya we
revised till 2.40+ yeah then eileen and nelson left,
jessabel and me accompany si kei look for teacher :)
after that we headed home bout 3.35? reach home.
used comuter till 4.10 went to nap till 7 xD, yeah.
dunno why just very tired these few days sleep and sleep and sleep
no wander he says i fat :X bleah whatever stopping here.

anway here are a few photo's from last week, which i was too
lazy to go upload xP so yeah cute right mr fing's miao miao
found her lying on my bag when i came back buying bubble tea :3

jie and me :3

wahahahas mr fongs miao miao, lying on my bag xP

Get Over Your Troubles And
Think More Of The Future.

Boooooo :)
well somehow wanted to MIA,but then got super bored
halfway studying so yeah..use computer lo :/
but then lets see,what i can remember first :D
Oh and um..
[MIA-ing from going MBS till EOY's are over]


Oh no. Well really forgot alot of shit
Lets see there was chinese commmon test,
xingying and cheng cheng never come school.
OHYAAAAA!!! during conversational MT
teacher brought us to music room watch horror movie
GOD! the ghost is like green and
had freaking scary eyes D': aiyo...
then at first was kinda okay then eileen
over there every scene scream make me scream ._."
after school clarence accompany me
wait for my mummy come fetch me, but obviously
he was hiding ._. went to doc's take num
and had lunch near there, so in the end i wait at the clinic
for 50plus minutes for 6 people before me like
what the fuck -.-" then doc say the swollen eye
is not serious its because got pimple in my eye
cause everyday i sleep very late and i totally agree :D
after that went home reach home bout 4plus.


um um um um um um..
Schoooooool had nothing much,
but then during maths after recess
there was PC like omg like seeing one of my bros kanna.
so yeah few people got suspended for a week,
yeah just saying my school has gone crazy
like if you are caught loitering the punishment for
Guys - cane on the spot and suspended for a week
Girls - suspended for a week
i'm like z.z what the hell loitering only,
the punishment so dramatic for what sia?
after school clarence send me home.
about 2.30 reach home i guess :) thank you :3
um ate lunch at home then watch tv, bathe
then got ready for tution. after tution daddy came to fetch
reached home about 7.45 like that.


School, after school had lunch
then yeah stayed back for the sake of staying back.
xingying,eileen,sikei were discussing
for their music presentation, clarence and me
over one side playing rubix cube :) walao show-off sia he.
yeah whatever then bout 2.30 went home with clarence
again thank you :3 reached home about 3? I'm not sure,
well went to change and all then bout 4 mummy,sis and me
went to parkway, went to cotton on
bought one boyfriend shirt, 2 shorts one for sis other for me :D
after then we went to fish and co to eat dinner.
that time was still early cause my mum was hungry so yeah,
halfway eating my mum's friend came then blah blah blah
soon sis had to go for tution, then after eating.
mummy and her friend went to dunno where,
i went around windw shopping but duh bought somethin too
so bout 9+ went home then watch tv,check mail wow
was very tired so went to sleep at 10.40+


wahahahahahahahas woke up at 9.42 xP
then watched tv till 11.30? dolled up, went to baku-teh
with ba, ma, sis, kor and his girlfriend :)
and it was goooooooooooooood :3 yeah got home bout 1-2
i guess not sure came home, studied science.
halfway studying talked to bunny then continued studying
yay did one of my maths papers :D theres still
1 more maths and science paper to go ._."
like i said i got bored of studying so came to blog :D


lol someway in a good mood now :)
but i'm still having gastric and
that damn sore eye D: it hurts..
school was alright, home-econs also
then blah blah blah LOL then the mdm tan
scold me that girl horhhs 真是的.
i was like .__.""""""""""""!!!
okay fine. then lessons as usual
after school headed to xingying's house
with clarence :D yeah had lunch there
played with bb and OH NO!!!
bb loves him more than she love me T.T
i jealous le lahhh!!!! wahahahs okay joking :D
yeah then mummy called scold me
so had to go home so yeah he accompany
wait for bus then he take bus
to royce house revise.
so i reached home about 4.15+?
um yeah studying now xDDD

retarded no? i'm sick? z.z
yeah got very bad gastric :(
and idk why keep on having fever.
okay, lets start from yesterday :)


woke up at 11, then dolledup.
parents fetch my kor go work
at woodlands then we went to tiong baru
eat breakfast/lunch then after that nothing.
went home i stone whole day use com
until 7+ went to bathe,after that
went to study till 9+...blah blah blah,
watched tv till 11+ use com until 12-1+


oh no i'm sick ._.
today morning woke up
stomache ache like hell
ache until like i wanted to puke :(
well by right i'm not suppose to go school
yeah because of bunny
so forced myself come school.
but then heng before school eat some medicine
so ya reach school super tired.
cause that time got fever :(
um lesson as usual, and just remembered
during inteaction mr tiang told us about
when he use to work at 7eleven as part time
then like super funny :D
after school xingying,ahhcheng and eileen
never stay back so left me alone
cause at first wanted to go home straight also
but then duno what he stay back he need do smthing
so i wait for him lo :) so yeah in the end
physco jessabel and sikei accompany me eat lunch xP
yeah then in the end he came back cause smthing happen
um then he we take bus to my house there
then i accompany him to MRT wait for bus
after that went home,reached like 3.45?
um then used com for awhile then sleep sleep sleep
sleep until 7+ alama that time also havin fever
bloody fucks, then makan bathe went to doctors.
reached home bout 9.30+ lor

Life Is Full Of Precious Thoughts..

yo peepos :D
yeah last night lazy post..
then leyyyyyyyyyyy.
OKAY! lets start with
sorry abit crazy now :X


school school school ...
blah blah blah blahhhhhhhhhhhh.....
then lehh during class period
um um um um um um um
ya i was'nt there cause
i kanna chosen to go to some sex talk?
z.z fine so after that went to lunch
but then xing and cheng went to dunno where
so left eileen and me but then she had to off
early cause going to rain le
but then i was super hungry aiyo then
like super difficult to eat as you all know BRACEEEES z.z
so we share the food lor
after that walk eileen home then pei clarence for awhile,
cause he had to do some video shoot for the
school enviroment thin ._." um after the shot.
he send me home the bus-stop but then
because i want spend more time with him..
i accompany him to tanah merah there the bus-stop.
yeah then reached home blah blah blah..
after dinner got nothing to do so i read book
read for awhile sleep le then sleep until 11 +
so ya could'nt sleep after that
in the end i stayed up late till 4+ in the morning?


i'm am such a weird person
like slept so late last night then i woke up at?
9+++ z.z?!!!! okay fine then used com till 4-5+
then dolled up went to my daddy's secondary school
gathering like super sian lor -.-"
so ya reach home bout 11 like that..
i'm kinda sad cause now like zi lian very difficult :X
cause lehh put on braces my smile is so different T.T
okay fine maybe i'll find
different ways to make my picture nice :D


LOL its 10 :D and i just got home..
well today school was kinda great at first,
but i really really did suck in the end.
well cause ya just put on my braces
then when clarence saw he kept on laughing..
then throughout the day he still goes on -.-"
then lehh he calls me not to smile so yeah now
hardly smile lor but in the end its okay.
and ya maybe its not a get use to thingy,
so at first no one really when to care
and duh it still hurt D': yeah but its like that
so lesson lesson lesson lesson lesson...
blah blah blah blah blah ....
after recess had maths and we had test
and its super easy lol,
then xing yesterday never come school
so mostly alot of things she really not sure,
so in the end taught her lor :)
yeah then science period then blah blah blah.
after school had lunch with xing,cheng& eileen
omg here goes the dissapointing part D:
yeah cause can't really eat alot of food so
bo bian have to buy the normal prawn noodle
cause don't have the noodles i wanted
so like eat have to slowly eat
yeah just saying i can never eat in peace
i was like fake smiling laughing all along
its so irritating when peeps don't know their limit
laugh and laugh and theres still somemore insults :(
like eating the noodles is hard enough i'm like
already not in the mood already lor

well i was "almost" gonna tear, but yeah :D i'm strong :P
lol but i can admit still a little tiny tiny still pissed >:(
but yeah its over so i not caring anymore from now :D
then went home with clarence,

but at first i wanted to go home myself..
cause like i said he cannot stop laughing,
and since after that incident ..
i don't want to be laughed at anymore. D:
enough was really enough, yeap reach home
then bathed and got ready for tution, so left at 4+
then tution slept for awhile again ._."
but yeah then after that we had dinner at some coffee shop
then headed for popular then bought coloured pens :)
and then went to parkway;borders and cool yea
got a new pencil box :D yay yay yay...

yeah i know i'm lame -.-"

Be Yourself ..


got my braces on ^^
and its kinda okay just that
can't get use to the braces on my teeth,
very difficult to fully close my mouth though
and can't bite D:
but look at the bright side i don't have any
pronounciation problems :DDDD !
hahahs okay well school was fine..
after school had lunch with chengcheng and eileen
and both of them went nuts-o today ._.
crazy peepos x.x yeah bout 2.20
mummy came to fetch me then
we went to to mount elizabeth hospital for dentist lo.
god when we were on the way there,
my mum was freaking noisy.
out from no where she will ask how to go here go there
she like want to teach me how to go here and there by car
like what the hell i still have 4-5 till i can drive..
we were in the car having some childish quarels..omg
LOLs everyone i'm with are going crazy.
then likw the whole thing took from 3.15 to 4.50+ ._."
dots okay tmr then have pics to upload :D


oh my...
today was just a very tiring day.
um ya was so tired during assembly
i slept throughout then yeah..
durin class just very tired..
then after school had lunch with
xing, cheng & eileen,
and i think i crazy wan, keep laughing -.-
yeah bout 2.30 we left school,
xing went to mbs;eileen went home.
me? i send clarence to CLB :D
so yeah reach home bout 3.40+
then bathed,watched tv till i sleeeeeeeep
from 4+ to 7.30 xD
then OMG!!!!!! tomorrow
putting on braces already x.x
i can't immagine myself with them ._.
yeah and another thing is
i can have my phone back already xD
i don't have to be stuck with that phone anymore
oh well and here blah blah blah not much here to say..

You Said I Was Your Teddy..


today was somehow great and not so great.
yeah school reopen already..
at least now i won't need to stone at home.
yeah so today schoooooool was fine :)
after school clarence went to
fengshan cc with ah gu play basketball.
then left with eileen and me,
cause cheng and xing went to
bedok inter meet friend and ate lunch.
so eileen and me chit chat lorhhs.
bout 2.45+ she left so ya
amazingly clarence came back :)
at least someone can keep me accompany :3
yeah we talk for awhile xing call me
bring their bag to them cause
they scared mr fahmi see them,
they never go band mahhs.
so ya went to band after that..
band was FREAKING BORING!!!!!!!!!
had sectionals until 5.15,
break then we go through ghost fleet.
like sian i play for awhile again i sleep z.z
so yeah kinda moodless and tired cause lehh
these few days can't sleep well,
like not sleeping like just closing your eyes
still in the middle of the night
wake up dunno how many times T.T
OMG and 3 more weeks to EOY!
great have to study like hell ._.
oh well stopping here :D

slackin off~during sectionals xP

lol hhahahahas i'm freaking
lazy to post these few days,
cause leh...
ya i also dunno ._.
now also very bored
then i don't want to be too lazy..
so ya here goes see wad can rmb.


woke up at 6.30 for the sake of BAND!!!
so we march and march and march and march and etc
so our arms so tired !!!!!!!!!
i can't believe i'm saying this but
the ending was kinda fun :X
after prac went to xing's house for a while
then we went to ubi have chicken rice with justin
ya then OMG!!!! we like spent
almost 30 mins on the money issue -.-
ya then blah blah blah blah blah.
bout 2.40, i headed home.
xing went to cheng cheng's house make mooncake.
justin i think he went home also..
so reached home bout 3+


aiyo...woke up by my parents -.-
super tired.bleah. so again dolled up
went to dunno where eat lunchfast :D
then yupps then the rest of the day..
i STONED at home..
so watched tv then still got nth to do
then went to watch spongebob the movie.
yeah then stupid luhh my dinner.
cause brother went to work,
parents went to wedding dinner
left with sis,maid and me.
dinner we had to settle ourselves
at first we wanted to order from KFC or macs
yeah then other side weather it was pouring rain-.-
then they never pick up phone bastards -.-
then so like already going 9
so bo bian sis and me walked to bedok center buy dinner.
ya then soooooooo suay
then in the end our side also rain _l_
but heng we brought umbrella :D
so ya we bused home then aiyo..
we walk very jia lads our legs all kanna.
so reached home bout 9++++++ xD


woke at 9 :D
used the computer for awhile
then dolled up,bout 11.20
left the house went to meet bunny :B
so reached bugis saw him :D
but lol he did'nt recognise me :(
xD okay sua so ya we walk walked
then 12.30 went cinema
we went to watch WALL.E
omg the preview is like so cute :3
then ya movie was super cute
so cute omg almost cried when he lost his memory :(
but it was niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
yeah then he send me home :)
bout 3+ reach home... omg then he blur diao
almost got lost when walking to mrt z.z
ok fine ... shit crap... tmr school re-open already
blah blah blah nothing to say anymore..

Needed You,
But You Were'nt There..


um today woke up at 7
for the sake of SCHOOOOOOL
because got some ict course -.-"
then yeah bunny came to find me
to pick me up to school,
and its WTH he damn fast siaa?!
he from CCK can reach my house in 30mins
okay yeah so i had to rush a little.
then we wait for 2nd bus to come :D
caus ethe first one was too early
the 2nd one like came 25mins later ._."
ya so in school meet celine and eddy
we at com lab le right...
its so freaking COLDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!
goosebumps everywhere,
my pumb was totally numb
and i actually hardly feel my bone in my hands..
oh well first i tried by putting my hand
near the hand dryer for 5mins
but then when i went back to class 2mins
my hands became as cold -.-
so ya no point... then wad?
hahahs yeah the tecaher teach like nobody listening
like dun even noe wad he's saying.
then here come lunch,
nelson nd me followed celine to her hse
cause... she wanted to just to
tell her audi couple smthing -.-lll
okay liao we rush to KFC then we makan cheese fries
also meet with clarence there.
then i sway the fries drop on me =.="
hahahs but heng it was'nt so jialat
so ya then stupidly i did like a stupid lame reason
on how to tolerate clarence like how i use to
hahahs then he pretend angry...
but at bus-stop weird sia?
because i think he made a bet with celine
not to talk to me for 2hours z.z
so ya everything changed then.
clarence and me never talk liao ):
so when we went back,
we did the stupid test..............
in the end everything ended like 3hrs earlier :D
so happy luhh, so headed to tanah merah with
jessabel and si kei to top up my ez-link.
LOL then we got nth to do we went to playground
near the MRT, well then playing swing
my sis called then reminded me we have tution xP
so yeah heck cared.... continued playing
we play the turn turn turn thingy
wahh they turn me 3 times and
was super long super dizzy
wheni was walking home abit gong liao..
yeah then the thing was when i was about to go
saw clarence then when i looked
at him he ran away so bad right?
then when i walked home on the way home,
saw him again,he also walk away -.-"
wth so sms him talk stupid things....
then in the end he never talk to me cause of celine's bet xD
well still feeling upset like why stupidly
did he even go accept that bet like theres a prize
reached home got ready then went for tution le
:D tution was a sleepy shit, slept and slept
hahas then i blur keep on asking
the teacher made teacher pissed again :D
after tution daddy came to fetch..
dinner ate nothing actually
cause not in the mood plus was not feeling well.
after that not much to say..
so stopping here (:

What's There To Find,
When I've Got You.

okay i'm freaking bored.
so ya blogging now -.-
hahahs last few days,
i was too lazy to blog :D
see what i can remember alright?
yeah and i'm so dead,
its like the 3rd day fo the month
i sent like150 msg alr ._.
yeap and my dentist appointment

to put on braces has been
put on another day,
it gonna be in 10SEPo8,WED
one day earlier


aiyo see la? so fast new month again :D
okay whatever, yeah can't remember much
seriously.only remembered that i keep on smsing
bunny then yeah something bad happen,
and it was a great impact to my closest friends
i also don't wanna talk about it.


um .. woke up at 9+ cause clarence lahh!
aiyo sms then the vibration of that
damn irritating phone wahh the vibration is like
the whole bed can vibrate also sia. -.-"
ok fine. called xing many many many times
over 20x sia then she pick up,
but the weird thing was.
she said i only called her 5x ._.
then followed dad and mum to
bedok simpang to eat breaklunchfast
okay seriously need to find a new word for
breakfast and lunch together.
then um stayed at home for awhile bout 1
got ready for school. yeap then took bus
to xing house then we took bus tgether to school :D
yeah but then at the bus-stop very crappy
kept on laughing like crazy people :X
so reached school helped cheng
with the stock checking....
after that we have to march.
okay at first i thought it was okay
but the worst thing is
he's liek so particular lor FUCKS man
yeah then marhc with instrument lehh
whao. our finger pain cause our finger have
to press on something, our pinky and our thumb is
the worst. yeap after band talk for awhile
then daddy fetch went to parkway eat dinner.
so after everything reached home bout 8+
called clarence for awhile.
then bathed, afterwards had nothing to do
so went to watch princess diaries 2 :)
yeah soon half an hour later lied on my bed
listening to music ,bout 2+ went to sleep.


T.T last night was irritatin kept on
waking up. ya then 7+ he keep on msg me
like i told you the vibration argh.
ya nightmare for 1hr then sleep for another hour
so ya 9.20 woke up :D so yeah dolled up
went to eat lunchfast with dad,mum and sis.
after eating we went to salon i go cut hair D:
really can't help to let my hair being cut.
so yeah now my hair is like 2.5inches shorter D:
i'm so not use to it but then i will :D
then went to parkway for awhile cause mummy
need to send something to repair i think.
yeap then went to changi airport.
as mummy had to give form for the counter :)
after that headed home, reached home like 1+

wahahhas some crap photos
esp my dad on tues night :D
mine ws just taken for fun xD
yeah and the view was just nice (: