

Navigation at the top,
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DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

This is seriously a fucked up situation.


I'm seriously not happy ): although it seems i'm fine though.
Um let's start of with the day first (: woke p at 10.10 then watch tv till 3,
went tp bathe change and everything went to school bus-stop meet cheng.
So we bus-ed to Tanah Merah, train-ed to Changi Airport to fetch Yao Xing :D
Hehe miss her loads luh, yeah then we cab-ed to ECB for class BBQ and we walk
and walk xing and me talk about feelings blah blah blah. We ate abit also, we stayed
there from like 6-7.50 yeah cause after eating orh man so heres where all the craps,
problems and fucked up shit happens luh seriously. No offence but this is how i feel luh
sorry guysno offence, but Clarence, he called and said that he will
not make it tomorrow so i sua lor. But seriously it nots so bad :) God for awhile later,
we went back to the pit and god seriously i did'nt know so many in our class smoke sial ._.
seriously even the people i don't expect for them to smoke they smoke man. Yes i agree
the smells' nice i'm like use to it, I admit it's nice but i would never be stupid enough
to be a smoker yeah? All these shit craps are seriously messed up,
it's just super dissapointing even for my standards T.T I'm not that happy i swear.
So xing and me cabed to her house at 7.50 then reach there about 8.15, waited for justin
so xing could give him his present. After that we went up, after dinner i left about 9
i guess, but we met cheng first at playground then they accompanied me wait for bus,
reached home about 9.45 :) Tomorrow, i'm gonna.. Forget it very difficult to explain xD
Oh yeah wanted to take many preety phtos but yeah no mood plus no one wanted to
take photo with me so lol why should care xD


Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! XingYing's coming back tommorow :D
Also having class barbaque. Aiya, saded Eileen not going, thought like for so
long we never see each other finally can see each other but yeah still can't
cause she has to work ): Really is too bad for her to miss this D: Hehe tommorow
is also like somehow a moment that we can see our classmates together for
the last few moments :D. Well althought what all these must must to see everyone
together, still i don't want to that certain someone to come xD I think some of
you should know who. Really hope next year will be in a different class from that someone
and eventually stop talking to that someone -.- Haha okay starting of with the day,
well woke up at 10. LOL, watched tv all the way till like 5 and suffered a really bad
headache seriously still havin it now so went to bathe then used computer till
6 going 7 went to shop n save with mummy. Yeap and yay bunny message me :D
But only for about 10mins ._. Then after buying, reached home about 7.40.
Sian right today xD So once again, excited ~~~~~~~ super super xD

Missing you ,

Hello to dude(s) and dude-ed(s).. Daang! I'm comfirmed being
sent to Melbourne after graduation haiyo saded.
Well yeah sad is saddening still life goes on,


Let's see, oh ya, um really did not sleep well for the night D: I don't know why.
Then finally like sunrise i could finally sleep :D Then annoying lil Nelson
called at 9. _l_ Just to tell me he's gonna put braces and his dentist trip was a disaster.
So told him i wanted to go back sleep cause still super tired and told him to me another time
when i ahve the mood to hear his crap. Still he keeps going on with his blabbering crud -.-
Wtfuck right? i know. In the end, had to yell at him that i did not care and i wanted
to sleep cause tired. End even worst, after yelling, can't sleep anymore but
was freaking tired D: stupid nelson -.-""""""""!! So woke up, washed up went to watch tv,
find somthin to eat. Watch tv till like 1plus went to shower, change went to bus-stop
wait fo bus,headed for tution with sis. Reached there like 3? Hehe and tution was fun had
many laughs with Sis and Mr Fong xD. Of course i'm the joker there :X After tution,
walked to parkway and jalan jalan and oooooooooo :) bought a top which cost $25
Man, my money is gone already ._. Thought of buying shade but too bad, money was gone.
About 6.20 bus-ed home reached home at 7. Had dinner, then taunt night til 3-4 plus
in the morning with sis cause she had to chiong her art for o levels no :D


Woke up at 9.30 went to watch tv, then used com til 12 :D went to shower.
changed to school uni blah blah blah... Went to Simpang with ma to eat lunch,
then went to shop n save buy stuff then she fetch me to school for band yeah.
On the way there, mum said some guy called asking for me while i was havin tution.
i was like which idoit would call me other then my close friends even if close they
would ask me if can call house anot mah? I was like thinking real hard and i was like
"Nelson" in my head and then i complian to my ma about him xD So reached school,
at first wanted to meet Cheng and Phine in canteen but falled in early then both
of them came late ._.? Yeah so Falling in cheng came Phine came alot later ._.
After band was like 5.45 like that, actually 5.30 but yeah falling out and blah shit.
Typical mum comes late -.- again. She came like at 6.15 x.x thank god Ms Teng was
accompanying me for the moment xD yeah then reached home about 6.45? :D
Told mum about the melbourne thingy, told her about the drug-addicts. Like they
will just pop out of no where and just inject people with drug, i told her that man and still
she wants me to go there. Amazingly daddy agrees with her ): cause what? ya
Melbourne is known as best place for education. Happy yet sad.
Well it's because dad and mum wants me to be independnt and blah blah blah.

{} Loves like this.

Hello peeps i'm finally back from being fustrated :D
I'm now too happy to MIA can't resist so had to post LOL.
At least i'm back to the random,high and looney me well for now
cause ate too much sugar xD


Well as most know got super fustrated of alot of things,
i stayed at home luh. Actually avoiding super bad moodswings
from talking to friends :(



But pity, she's not in the country she's in wuhan :( nvm :D
gonna celebrate with her. So i still stayed at home xD sian-ed at home using computer,
watching movies and tv yeah i know its so boring is'nt it.
At night my mum said she want to send me to melbourne with sis for further studies
after graduation. But actually she wanted to send my sis next year it's because
sis don't want to be alone on her trip so my mum had to drag me along ._.
Said that after i finish secondary and sis finish poly we have to go already ._.
It's sort of a good and bad news moment, the good news is i get to go overseas to study :D
the bad part is i can't bear to leave my friends :( and if i do well in melbourne i will
have to stay there longer to find jobs there so yeah.


Feeling loads better :D thanks to Bunny T. :B hahas he got to cheer me up in the end :D
Yeah again got to stay at home until at night went to parkway fish and co to eat dinner.
And it was gooooooooooooooooooooooooood !! :D then sms-ed bunny for the night :)


Woke up at 10.30 xD I know i'm a pig :X Used com and watch tv till 2.
Went to shower and everything walked to Tanah Merah to wait for Clarence.
About 3.25 he reach already, hoho waited for him for 30mins z.z
Actually already knew he was going to reach late but reached there early cause
it was about to rain so no choice had to walk there alot earlier xD
So reached parkway already, went to meet cheng,lin,weehow and KC.
Then we walked around, went to 77th street go buy ling's boyf b'dae present.
Amazingly Clarence and her stead knows each other cause they same primary school LOL.
Yeah after buyin, went to minitoons hunt for yaoxing's b'dae xD
Hunt for quite awhile and finally found it hoho :) but can't say or she'll know.
Yeah after buying everybody headed home, Clarence accompany me home :D Thank you :D
Haha it's been like 4 days since we saw each other miss him loads luh,
not gonna see hime for another 4days :( but maybe he'll make it for fridays BBQ :D

Bunny I seriously miss you already

Depressed enough
and just got pissed off. Fuck-off peeps.

Oh no!!! Its school holiday already, now i'm really freaking sad luh.
Never even got to say bye to bunny D': So sad.
And i some classmates may not be as the same class as me
espcially eileen and xingying. I mean they are the closest to me
in class :( and most likely not to be in the same class as them next year.
Hais, yeah holies may be here. But i'm still shag luh, cause not gonna
see bunny for so long, not gonna see cheng for at least 1 month.
And GOD!! there's still band aiyo... _l_


Happy month-sery to Clarence,Xingying and cheng.! :D
School was usual, nothing much at all. After school, went to TM
with Clarence,Xingying,Cheng,Pitpat and Weehow. Only for awhile actually,
Cheng and me went to eat lunch then we chiong back to school for band le.
Clarence went home and the three of them continued to jalan.
Sadly we got there late so need run 5round around parade square, haha,
but it was raining after practice then. Band band band, went home.
Then stupidly when viewing Bin'g blog some fucker use my name to spam her blog_l_


Let's see brother fetch me to school, then was very sian in school today.
Really very sian luh. At first thought clarence not coming to school so i shag,
In the end he came after lit class cause he was already late then he did not want
to go lit then pon-tan go slack -.- So haha was super happy when he came :D
After recess had spring cleaning, was helping him clean his table when royce
accidentally splash water at us then clarence not happy that fight water until..
royce pour the whole bucket of water at him. Alama, at first did not want to bother
cause he needed some time alone but not expected he just took his bag and left D:
Then i got super super super freaking sad T,T ya something like that.But mostly just shag.
Last 2 periods everybody slack cause nothing to do at all. I listen music until i sleep -.-"
after school had lunch with Cheng and Xing then we left for Far East Plaza to extend hair :D
At first planned to go playground with clarence cause last day of school but like said
he went home. So i followed them to extend :D Hehes extend like only 5strends ._."
Pathetic right at first can put more cause gave $10 to sponsor for class BBQ :(
Around 4.30+ we took bus 5 go back then i took bus 45 go home. I go home use com
until 6.45, daddy and me went to fetch sis from tution then we headed for school
for meet the parent session. OMG!! my dad like non-stop talking man!!
talk and talk like hardly let mr tiang talk de lor ._." Ya then had dinner at katong.'

To: so called"hungshe: tagging at teobing's blog,

Look you stupid fcuking bitch, whats problem do you even have with both of us?!
I mean who are you to have the rights do you even have to critisize her and her stead.
If you think his a girl, then keep that comment to yourself,
nobody ever asked you -.-" RIGHT!? stupid sia you.i mean this is her blog ley,
give her some/proper respect la! eh? wait you don't
even give self respect i mean you don't even want to write your name
and yet you have to use mine. My name very nice is it? so nice to use.
If so nice to use change your freaking name la. fucker. Also,
who do you think you are man use my name, if you think you want to be me then
fuck-off. I hate people who copies, and please don't admit you never copy me
you already copied me for using my name and since you admit yourself your hungshe
for your info i'm not a copycater-.-You think your so great yeah? Well NOT!
your just a dog to our eyes if you keep using my name.
Wait not a dog i think smaler don't you think, maybe an ant or wait
maybe even a molecule! eh please lah i don't have the heart and time
to even bother all these shit crap ya? I have my own problems to settle ley
i mean if you bo liao nothing to do does'nt mean other people same as you ley.
We not so free de ley i mean if i de zui you before come disturb me lah
i mean did teobing ever go disturb you? no right? giving you a warning, if you keep this up
your gonna get yourself into double trouble her plus me do you understand you idoit.
Like she said wan disturb come i'm not afraid nor impatient. I'm super patient
you want to play? i'll play with you. You silly dog and soon,
you'll find me rot the insides of you one day i tell you.
Actually i would not care if you spam her but using my name?! and even admiting your me
That's fucking wrong! your just sick man idk if your a girl or guy jsut telling you to fuck-off.
Oh wait don't go yet, if you still being me you should know what postion i got in class. right?
i mean answer what the fuck do you know man nothing i tell you. Ask you another,
what's my boyf. no.? if you don't even know that answer your a complete idoit.
you don't have the rights touse my name and so for others so once again FUCKOFF!
i mean don't you feel disgraced?!

You make me happy,
when i'm with you.


Woke up late today D: like 6.40?! BLEAH!!! so chiong lor. Xing never come school 'again'. xD
Oh, after assembly had a talk dunno whats that place called xP
a talk on how to look good and blah blah blah wa the horrid part
was the photos of celebrities without makeup and the people who are suffering from anorexic.
Oh my god it was yucks man! Then went for home-econs ._."
Well amazingly Mdm Tan was so nice all of a sudden she let us cook sia o_o?!
Then when started cooking her old moods back. Aiya. One word, "SIAN!"
So we made chocolate cookies, after recess had maths but we had to go to com lab 3.
When Mr Tee were talking about people he will select that can go for 'O'level maths.
Got some, like 8,9,10 not sure and plus me wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~ i'm happy :D
But he said if we don't want to take olevel maths we can study as usual like the others.
Although i'm happy and thought of takin it, afraid i can't cope with it so ya its a trouble :(
When after talking about that we all went in to do some IQ test :D thank god i was average.
After that we had english and continued watching "The day after tommorow" from yesterday.
When school was over ate lunch with Cheng, then Clarence came back from 109.
After eating cheng had to do something in band so waited for her with clarence outside
band room. Done, left school. Cheng headed home, Clarence and me went to playground
until 4.30 then i went home he go to fengshan CC go play basketball.
Reached home bout 4.50. Ooo and i just realize i forgot to hand Mr Tiang my consent form ._.
Argh whatever tmr then give. xD

You expect me to what?!


Oh no. It's like the last 4th day of school D':, so fast god!
And 2 more days to a special day :D Today school was as usual,
during class interaction, Mr Tiang told us that there were
10 people suppose to retain for 2NA we were all.Woah!. Then he said but he helped
pushed most of to them to 3NA but comfirm will have 2 peepos stay behind.
Soon class went to com lab 3 for choosing of subjects and so sad D: i think i will
be in a different class with most of my classmates esp XingYing,Eileen D:
Clarence i think most likely will be same class as him xD crap ya i know,
still hoping all would be in the smae class. So i took Chem&Bio for combine science,
A maths, Art[1st]Home-Econs[2nd]D&T[3rd]POA[4thchoice] for elective sub(s).
After choosing all headed back to class for maths, Mr Tee also had a chat with us.
Then it was recessssssssssssss~~~~ As usual lessons were back..
After school had lunch with Clarence,XingYing,Cheng and Eileen. Soon, after eating,
Eileen had to go, the four of us went to help out Mr Liao with the flyers.
At 3 Clarence left, 3.10 three of us went for band le. Wahahhas before band started,
three of us so called became high esp Xing xD Yeah then we keep on dozing off during
band. Yeah after band all headed home.

Is there still hope?

Yeah i'm lagging from posting again ._.
cause ley, i lazy somehow can't be bothered but still..
ya can't be bothered.. -.- Um so yeah,
posting for Friday,Saturday and today :D

Friday 17 October 2008

Let's see, nothing much happen cause now its after exams and now school is so
FREAKING BORINGGGGGGG!!!!!! Yeah then um, something happened luh
really very unlucky. Don't really want to talk about it hais.
Yet i'm just gonna say STUPID FUCKING TEACHERS!!! Okay i'm done but still mad/worried
about it ): So after school had lunch with XingYing & Cheng.
After eating, Clarence,Cheng,Xing and me took bus 5 just to accompany to dentist i know abit
stupid like go dentist tighten braces only why need so many accompany. But thanks for
the accompanying anyway guys :D Just to say its very unlucky only, cause..
it was raining so like slow traffic. At first thought really could make it but then soon like
some bloody fucking bus just had to break down in the middle of the lane and
we were stuck there for 15-20 mins ARGHHHH!! sian la! Worst was we got off the wrong stop
T.T wa lao but its okay at least still can walk there until my stupid naggy mum called
and scold me -.-" It was really BLOODY FUCK?! I'm already walking there as fast as i can!
and she's still scolding me! After that my mum really ruined my mood luh,
i was so PISSED okay?! So mad that Cheng thought i was mad at her ): just recaping i'm not,
so no worries. :D So total we walked for.. 50mins!! Then you know mum called thought
she was over there like waiting for me or what so like told Clarence to go home first
cause scared mum up stairs. But What did we know?! She was'nt there -.-"
like i think i really told clarence to go home in a very pissed off way so again i'm sorry :(
After tightening waited for mummy. Mummy's mood suddenly turned upside down and
she was so good all of a sudden so she send Xingying and Cheng home :)
after that drove home to pick sis to send her to tution at Eunos, Then mum and me headed
to Parkway to look for handphones and to also send my phone for repair but sadly,
my phone is already super long ago from 1yr warranty so my phone had to repair for..
$80-120 ._. So um mum went angry then did not send my phone for repair and insisted me
on using the samsung phone i used during September holies but i heck care
don't want that phone. After that we went home and reached home about 7.10.

Saturday 18 October 2008

It was very sian when i woke up at 8+ and realized..
i had fever -.-
Thank god no one knew that xD
So ate panadol went back to sleep cause super tired. Then woke up at 10-11 like that,
got dressed went to eat breakfast lunch with ba,ma,kor and his GF :D and was very full xP
We reached home bout 1 so used computer until xing and cheng called and told me
that there was a change in plans and they needed me to rush to TM so i got ready again
and took train look for them. Met them outside guadians at MRT, headed for jingyi's house.
So reached his house then we played some car racing game. Played till 4, 3 of us left.
Xingying walked home and cheng went to her god ma's house. Me? went back to TM
to meet my bunny :D When like i was going to reach he told me he would be there in 30mins
hais so sian lor so had to walk around but thanks to xingying i was'nt so sian anymore :D
Cause was chatting with her all along while walking. Finally Clarence and me met-up,
we bused to my house there the bus-stop then omg my mum's car drove pass but really
very lucky this time cause my brother and his GF was inside and they were going for concert,
also they did not see us xD AHAHAHAS happy happy happy :D really thank god so we
went playground talk and play. Then send him to MRT :3 Then i chiong home,
chiong home already we went to bedok market there to have dinner :) after that went to
haegon daz to have ice cream xD and it was nice :D LOL. Then stupidly three of them
said " Oh what a windy night why not let's go for a drive? :D" i was like sian.
Really wanted to go home at that moment -.- So we drove and drove,drove to changi there
walk walk then about 10.40+ then we headed home. So i think 11+ reach home :D

Sunday 19 October 2008

Woke up at 8.30, went to wash-up then used com for awhile to check mail. After that,
watched tv all the way till 2+. And it was freaking hot so bathed again xD Then used com,
editing photos till 4plus continued watching again. Then um.. 6plus came back here to blog :D
sian right today :D if your answer is yes then please feel sorry for me but not literally
and if you say no.. your a complete idoit -.- Hahas joking anways :D Orh crud, my shades..
broke?! Hais sian tommorrow got band ): That's all to share and here are some snapshots :D

sis and me being retards xD

ice-cream~~~ :D

Don't want it to end.

T.T i don't want holies to start so fast :(
it's like 2 more weeks, really gonna miss bunny &
i'm gonna be bored !!!!! like fuck during holies,
so bored i'm even happy to go band prac ._."


Let's see today school was somehow was as usual today, Xing never come so abit dead :X
Um whole day bunny sit beside me accompany me thank you :D Celine after recess then
come find me xD Had the subject combo talk also after assembly T.T i thought got
combined science of [Physics and bio] now idk whick to choose.
Bio/chem or phy/chem but maybe most likely gonna take Bio and chem ._. weird right xD
Aiyo, History stupid monkey went to find trouble with teacher and DM
had to give us lecher AGAIN?! fuck much? yeah then lecher lecher until recess over :(
Aiyo, then stupid her went to argue with DM like crazy well not really but who dares to really
yell at the DM? z.z but thank god mr tee allowed us to have recess during his period
so ya NO maths for today :( kinda miss mr tee though. During science period,
Tan cc relief our class then he crazy i did'nt know he was so fierce ._. z.z also.
Cause he really crazy, Eileen and Suting went up to Tan cc ask wether can go toilet right?

They walk up to him, just stop infront of him he said "NO!" LOL. Weird and crazy yet funny.
After school waited for rain to stop with Clarence,Eileen,Jinyuan aiyo Eileen and bunny keep
fighting for PSP z.z" alittle speechless on that :X Finally we went back, so he send me
to Bedok South Sec gate there left le cause my mum was somehow near there ):
Nevermind at least he tomorrow can accompany me to dentist to tighten braces
just thta now i need to think about what colour i should put now ._. Um..
reach home watched tv till 4 went to bathe get ready for tution then left for tution xP
Then.. tution tution tution tution tution tution tution tution tution tution :3 as usual,
crappy as ever xD After tution mumm fetch sis and me home. Reached home about 8 i think.

Like those bright sunny days,
we share wanderful memories together.


hellos peepos, at first happy at like the first half of the day.
Was really happy.. Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy :D
Then when things started to go hay-wire in my head :( so..
alittle shag now hais..
Well school was... um not usual actually, today we know our marks in one day ._.?
Wow.. i know, yeah so called happy with my results :D

English, um dunno la.. still got oral haven count but overall still pass :D

Maths, 53/100 like :DDD like since PSLE i finally pass my exams :DDDD

Chinese, dun wan say le la.. it's hopeless but intending to strive hard for next yr :D

Science, 66/100 Although was a pass but still not satisfied with it :(

Literature, 51.5/80 :D

History,63/100 :D like since last yr i finally passed :D

Geography,57/100 um somehow tyco tyco pass de xP

Home-econs,21/40 xD is the most tyco of all like i've said i've never even touch the book

ya that's overall what i'm real happy about, cause i pass all subs except chinese xP.
So told my parenst about it at first they will happy de but then when they know
my chinese KNS they scold me like fuck -.- still as freaking as dissapointed as ever -.-"
so ya like no point. But happiest in all subs in MATHS!!! :D cause..
only 11 peepos pass in class. Bunny got highest for maths 64/100 i know pathetic but
it's still best in class xP Hoho,then we had recess from 10.40 till 11.30 xD LOL.
During conversational mother-tongue watch ratatoullie um not sure how to spell.
But i think it's something like that.. Yeah after school had lunch with
XingYing, Cheng & Clarence. Um stayed in canteen till 3.15? i think. before that we were
talking to mr Lim :D so called my fav teacher :3 like oh no oh great thang -.-
He found out about bunny and me, but what the heck :X So band band band.
After band bus-ed to Tanah Merah to top up e-zlink then walked home.
Reached home bout 7.45?!!!! Bleah.. had dinner then daddy told us we would be going away
for 7-8days during the holies . Yeah but not sure where yet. But i don't why but i
don't want to go like can't leave la.. Don't have that holiday mood anymore D:
Well ya sad over that cause i'm goin away. Weird right? like why the hell am i even sad
over that?! YA?! i also don't know i'm crazy :X Yeah other than that is afraid of results.
Afraid what might happen future. Then the last thing is holies are coming and yeah
not much loves from bunny anymore D': can't see him often only saturdays' D:
But at least on my birthday getting to celebrate with
Clarence♥,XingYing,Cheng,KokBin & Pipat. Yeah celebrating with Xingying birthday cause
she will be away to wuhan on her B'dae so must be good friends and give her party also LOL.
Yeah happy happy cause get to sit flyer with them after that would have to see him
the week later D: so must cherish every 35mins on that flyer :3 and these few minutes will also past quickly, time does fly and here goes another year ._.

Seemingly non existent,
but there - that's our love.

Bleah.. sorry for not posting consantly ._.
cause ya sometimes lasy to post but,
this time is really ya nothing to post..
Um, let's see..


Well these three days i've staying at home, never got to step out of the house.
Once? ): Have been just using computer and watching tv ._. boring ya?
then at night like unpredictably he would call and we would chat for awhile :)
Yeah miss him loads ya?


Today woke up at.. 10? i think oh wait not 10, was 11 xD then used computer,
editing photos again because i was freaking bored!! Um, use until 3? went to bathe
got ready for tution. 4.20 left the house, while waiting for bus was talking to xing :D
hehes like very long talk to her xP Then tution tution tuition tution tution tution.. .. ..
After tution saw YuNing my p5-6 classmate but at first ya we never say hi saw her 2 times
but never said hi also saw Jia Yi senior :) Then at bus -stop saw them both together
as in not that together la just maybe friends or what idk la. :) But then we finally said hi :D
So bused home with sis.. Hahas i know i'm not suppose to act this way but,
There was this super fat and chubby man in the bus he was sleeping :3 He snore super loud :X
I kept laughing and immitating him telling my sis about him then my sis said i'm very evil xD
Then then then he snore and zZzZzZzZz Okay okay i stop.. xD
So we reached home bout 8 :) had dinner with ba and sis.
Well ya not much to say so stoppin here. Yeap i'm waiting for his call xD

Dreaming out loud.
hehehes.. well i'm bored so ya,
thats why blogging on the middle of the day :/
now abit lazy to update, cause this place is
always dead so like why should i even
care for some reason?

Thursday 09October2008

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~!!! it was our last paper, home-econs.
Hahas and i can tell you i never even revised i did'nt even bothered,
so did almost the rest of the class xD Everybody only took like 10-15mins
to finish, haha crap right? and like the duration of the paper is what 1hour?
so school ended at 9. Um so i headed home to prepare, so did cheng and xing,
clarence went to cheng's house to change :) so everybody meet-up at chengs.
We headed to bus-stop then realised ling was also going xP Um so we bus-ed
to TM while we were on the bus we also board the same bus as their friends
yi hao[Pipat]& Wee how if i'm not wrong. So we wathc house bunny and it was GREAT!!
It was funny shit xP all laughed and laughed :D After movie was 4.40+, so headed for
SWENSONS!! :D But then clarence had to go or he'll be in trouble, ya so alitte saded :/
so continue, um we ordered some ice cream thingy while the 2 boys were not there.
Well Cheng,Ling and me paid most for it. So we "somehow" suprised the boys then cele-ed
After celebrating, we went to walk around until 6.30 then head for home.
About 7.10 i reached home :)

Friday 10September2008

OH MY!!!!!!!! FREAKING GODDDDDD!!!! i woke up late T_T woke up at 6.40!!
yeah but managed to chiong to school :D Was almost late but was'nt :D
Um.. all sec 2s' are gonna watch movie at downtown east treat from Mdm Tay,
Well so our class bus-ed to DTE at 8+ reach there almost 9.
The movie is called KALLANG ROAR and its tounching :)
Almost teared but did'nt haha i know why so emotional? After movie was 11.30+
Well only half of the class went back to school, after getting off waited for cheng.
Then Xing,Clarence,Ahgu and me bus-ed to tampines inter but xing had to bus
somewhere to fine her mum so left me with the 2 boys.. At CS, went to jalan myself
cause Clarence help Ahgu pierce his eyebrow and his smiley.. -.- Um so like 1+
Ahgu headed home, Clarence accomapany me home.. The unlucky i mean very
super UNLUCKY!!!
was my dad saw clarence and me while we were jaywalking i was like OH SHIT!!
in my head. Like what retarded excuse am i gonna tell dad when he ask?! AHHHHHHH!!
yeah so we went to playground till 3.10. reached home bathed,used com till 5.30
went to parkway with dad and ma. While they were buying groceries went to walk around
myself. Oh yeah, god i have to send my phone for repair again _l_ because the stupid
earpiece enchancement connection on my phone got problem fuck man! like i just
send my phone for repair during the september holies?!!!?!?! ROAR freakin pissed..
Had dinner at foodcourt then dad asked me who was that guys and bla bla bla
I told him he was my classmate that livses nearby well don't know if it worked
maybe it worked or he just wanted to play dumb and pretended to know nothing.i really idk
so left for home.. Reach home? i listen to top 20 countdown till i slept..
Slept till 1+ in the morning, kept on sneezing. Sneeze and sneeze continuously for 20-30mins
freak sia, -.- then aiyo sian block nose _l_ hais really i'm very pathetic..

Saturday 11October2008

Woke up at 9, showered, went to look for something to eat, watch tv, used com till 1+
until kor ask me help him dye his hair again -.- then continued using :) sian right? hais
believe me now i'm a very pathetic person immagine i have to go through this for 3 more days.

Every night i miss you.

Um can't remember much from the pass 5 days
so it will be kinda blur-ish.

Saturday 04October08

Um let's see woke up at 10+, went to simpang have lunch with brother.
after that use com all the way to night then at 9 daddy,sis and me
we go changi airport T3 we go walk walk we find place to eat. In the end,
we ate at some restaurant.we eat from 10 till 10.50 xD crap right,
we like left the place at 11+ when we were about to leave mum found out
she lost her jacket so we go imformation counter check then blah blah blah,
everything settled we all headed home. Reach home bout 12, then clarence
called about 12.15.. bleah he said he was gonna call, but then waited till 1 but..
there was no call so went to sleep.

Sunday 05October08

Woke up at 9.. used com till 3. dolled up dad,mum,bro,sis and me went to eat
chicken rice,then headed for parkway. So i finally bought my ear piece xP
yeah after that fetch sis to tution then we all headed home.
Well can't remember much already..

Monday 06October08

Woke up 6.20 when was suppose to wake up at 5?!! like wtfuck.. so chionged to school.
We had our maths paper 1 and geography, well i think my geography will maybe..
will past but my maths have a slight chance of passing. Great yeah? for the first time
i think i could pass my maths :D well so um after school clarence and me
play at playground again xD until as usual 4. So both of us headed home, reached home,
slept from 4.30 till 7.30 xD was tired cause i think i did last minute revision the night before.
Woke up already went to bathe, eat dinner then i use com till like 1.. hahas your wandering
why i still have not studied, its because no studying mood like during exam right,
like having holiday mood already so yeah. thats why.. So tawn night till 4 in the morning. xD

Tuesday 07October08

Woke up at 5 xD amazed yeah? cause slept for an hour only xP so reached school,
went to canteen with celine we revise.. soon cheng and xing came,studies together again.
We had our maths paper 2 and history !! GOD maths paper 2 right, was somehow easy but
yet also somehow difficult too. But the weirdest part was WHY!!
paper 2 only 1hr15mins only?! like where got so short one so in the end,
i never do 1 whole question and another also. other then those questions i'm like okay with
the paper, history was alright too.. But i freaking tired CAUSE
1st slept very late obvious, 2nd cause ate flu pill then will drowsy,
3rd cause it so called "time" very tiring lo. After school, had lunch with xing,cheng and eileen.
then bused home with sikei,jessabel and si hui well but i went home soaking wet,
cause went under the pouring rain ._." lol? so dry-ed off, went to sleep until 7 xD
but i woke up still super tired felt like dieing really did :( so i went on dieing till
9-10 and FINALLY i'm better, so called cheng ask science question cause the next day was
science paper and lit, then the worst part is i lost my 1st semester's science notebook.
like what the fuck? in all times now?!! so bo bian never study but to ask questions.
Literature i heck care.. i never got to study :D so tawn till 2 with xing.
Actually wanted to wake up at 4 together but we failed to wake up, we kept snoozing
our alarms xD

Wednesday 08October08

I woke up at 5 again xDDDD so went to school went to canteen with celine to do revision,
Saw nelson at canteen too so all studied together xD Science paper thank god mrs quek
never set so difficult thank god i could do most of the questions :D yay.. after that was
Literature, hahah dunno lahh but i think it was easy but still afraid i will fail.
After school headed to my house there playground with Clarence again, stayed ther
till 4 :) went home bathed and now blogging :D

Friday 03October08

T.T Tears.. D: i puked?
Well let's start from today morning. School was kinda um alittle wacky,
Lessons was all usual, PE like 1/3 of the class only brought attire.
Cause we all thought there was exams therefore thought no PE xP
Royce,Nick,Celine,Nelson & me talk talk chat chat lor :D
After PE was geog, GOD!! Ms Nah never come so we got relieve teacher.
Aiyo that teacher disturb people wan no?! he bastard!! keep disturbing me Dx
thank god recess was'nt far :D recess was dead not alot of exitement cause..
xingying never come school so cheng cheng share abit on how she's feeling.
We talk talk chat chat lor :3 After recess had class period, well it was boring anyway.
But halfway we had to go class 3/5 cause our exams would be in their class so yeah.
After school, Clarence had to follow Royce so i at first went to bus-stop,
wahh reach there missed my bus, so went back to canteen look for jessabel and si kei.
So i waited for them to eat finish lunch then we headed to my house
there the playground :D Wahahahahahahahahs..we were wack had alot fun xP
play and play,Then they spin meat that dunno wad spin me like a spin cycle,
spin and spin. In the end got a freaking headache. Then felt like puking,
in the end all left for home. Then i think i'm really suay i reach home
went to puke already hais. So.. ate panadol,went to sleep, from 2.40 like that
sleep till 6.50 xD ya so bathe had dinner alone,ate chicken rice xP
but then very sian luhh watch tv watch watch.
Hais still bunny still have not message me or anything cause he's having HL now
so..okay nothing here are some photos from today :D

At the playground. :D
^-jessabel ^

Random shot of dash :)

This is the damn star i vandalised for 1 period ._."
correction liquid and black marker xD

Now I see, what love means.
Hellooooooooooooo, :D
finally i'm back from posting :)
um let's see well ...


Let's see hmm, school was ya.. fine. :D Home-econs..
was as sian as always. Haha like finally, can see bunny :3
It was 3days? then wahahahs he baked a cookie for me
during home-econs and it had ":B" on it wahahahs ooops
forgot to take a photo of it xP But then hais unfortunately, i left the cookie..
under my table just because i did'nt want it to be crushed. D:
After school, um Clarence suddenly dissapeared. In the end its because
he went to royce house. Ya. So went to look for Mrs Quek for our e-learning with
XingYing, Eileen, Eddy and i think WeiHan yeah so about 2.45 reach home.
Aiyo, in the end i rushed home just to do that stinkin e-learning.
Did e-learning, bathed, got ready for tution and left. Went to siglap
meetup with jie then headed to tution :D so yay i improved :3
after tution meetup with Josepghine to pass her my geog workbook.
Then after that we left for home already. About 7.30 reach home i think.


HAPPY CHILDRENS' DAY!!! to all the children in the world :D

Well it was a public holi so.. theres no school :D how great is that?!
sorry as in how not great is that?! Was not in the mood that moment cause..
like 3day?! then school 1day, then wad? next day holiday like what the fuck?
Woke up at 9.40+++++++++++++++ dunno lah then use com,watch tv,shower,
went to Xing's house reacheh there like 1.40 xP So went there we slack use com.
We also did some revision like science :) we finished it :D about 2+ Ling also came
Yeah after doing.. we crap like hell laugh and laugh and laugh aiyo crappy shit lah.
AIYO then the YAOXINGYING hor... i tell you hor.. She spilled ice lemon tea on me,
she threw an eraser at my head x.x well but the spilling was an accident,
she was actually trying to irritate me by hitting me with her monkey well but..
did'nt expect got one cup 1/5 filled with ice lemon tea in it so "SPLASH" i kanna.
Suay right? then i 6.15 left her house. Bus-ed to Tanah Merah then changed to 14,
went to meetup with family for dinner at block 109 oppsite there well my school there.
After eating, kor drove everybody home :) i think 9 then recah home :3


School ? nothing INTERESTING??!?!?!?! only knew i keep irritating celine :D
well the past few days also cause ley nothing to do. Well After school,
accompanied Eileen for awhile, at 2.30 left with bunny. We at first wanted to go
to that usal playground but then cause the people doing gardening there,
cutting trees and blah. So we bo bian went to my house nearby one about 4 left.
he headed to busstop. Dunno lahh see him walk half way until the slope he run ._.?
z.z so bathed got ready left for tution. In the car asked mummy whether if i could go
to Ah Gu birthday coming sat in the end she scold me because of exams next week,
then i not happy so i quarrel with her.Then she even not happy so scold me like fuck.
She almost made me get off the car LOL? xD yeah so tution was great :DDD
got to make mr fong laugh laugh again as usual had to sleep for 15- 20 min
from the case of BORDEM :D after tution bused home with sis.
We like.7.45 reach home bah :D so ya that would be all :3