

Navigation at the top,
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DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

Boy, I miss you dearly.

Hey peeps back from genting :)

Well not really complaining all the crap or what.
But to me genting kinda sucked for me and its kinda tragic though.
Gonna start from Friday night :D

FridayNight 28November2008

Got to Golden Plaza about 10, when we got into the bus it sucked.
The peepos there, esp the 3malay women were fucking noisy la.
They sat infront of bro, sis and me, 1 of them just lower their sit
all of a sudden and hit really bad on my sister's head while she was
bending down her head to put her bag -.- Guess what, they did'nt
even apologize.

Screw their inconsiderate soals, so ya headed to Malaysia.
Walao and the whole trip was like fucking cold la D;
When everybody was sleeping, i was still awake -.- cause ya could'nt sleep
listening to MP3 then, when i could finally sleep, 10mins later..
They went for some break at some station, alamak xD


Reached the genting area about 6 :D Yeah went to eat breakfast
at some hawker, ya the food.. was bloody expensive can?! and it sucked!
Totally not worth the price -.- Yeah after eating walked about the place,
went to put our bags at the counter to let them take care blah blah blah...

Went to outdoor theme park to play liao, the stuff there kinda fun.
But those super can hyper that kind nobody wanted to play with me
cause bro and sis scared, bro bloody scared of hights and sis kinda a lil ._.
So ya i freaking wanted to sit the Sky shot and it was about at least 20plus
storey's high._. Yeah, in the end persuaded sis to accompany me ride
that, oh my god it was fun luh :D At the top and see a super nice view luh :D
Yeah after playing we went to the indoor theme park play for awhile.

Around that time was about 1plus,ba and ma went to line up to go check in,
and it was bloody fucking long, took almost 2plus hours luh. Meanwhile,
3 of us were at Starbucks waiting. My brother brought his laptop along anyway,
and i was pleading to use it since we were on the way to Malaysia.
When i could finally let me use and touch his keyboard.. My parents came
and told us to go check in and rest, Iwas like FCUK!!!!Roar.

Went to our room and the hotel sucked totally, actually the outside sucked as
much as the inside cause the outside was super colourful lor the building
and the colour.. colourful but totally sucked, the coloured don't even suit.
We were all totally hopingthe inside won't be much as sucky as the outside
but it turn out to suck so ya no point complaining about that anymore.
So bathed, and watched tv for awhile went to take a nap until 6 or 7.

Went to eat dinner at some other hawker and ate this Hot Rock, they give
you this piece of meat on top of this super hot rock then you have to fry it
yourselves and its super coool :D niceeeeeeee. While eating, amazingly
saw Jaclyn at the other table as in just beside me one lo. I think,
she did'nt see me i guess._. ate Parents and 3 of us went our ways
3 of us went to indoor theme park had a few rides saded could'nt play
the roller coaster D: cause super alot of people riding it.

Ya shopped around, hahas also went to make the waxed hand.
You know the one where you put your hand in wax, Yeah mine was purple,
sis was pink, bro did'nt make one cause he said..If he wanted to make,
he would make the middle finger one but if he did that that finger would
have to point to many other peeps to xD When we imagined it was freaking funny.

I mean imagine when we head back to Singapore when we have to
put our bags at the xray thingy then the sercurity see a hand pointing
a middle finger at him it would be hilarious xD So ya walked and walked
for awhile went back to rooms, laid down on bed for awhile, bathed and slept :D


Woke up at 9 with a terrible soarthroat D: The whole left side it like RED LUH!!
So ya bathed, got ready, went to some restaurant to makan.
Ate already went back to rooms to pack, after that went to check out at 12.45.
the stupid lobby was bloody full again, so went to starbucks to put down
our bags at starbucks.Sis and me went to shop around, after shopping was
about 1plus so we headed back to startbucks look for everybody.

After that, went to the bus station there bloody alot of peeps la.
Then stupidly alot of delay, so boardde bus and the bus is kinda cool :D
Watched super alot of movies in the bus at least 4-5 i guess xD
Watched Shreak the third, Rush hour 3, The simpsons, Harry Potter
the order of pheonix and Spiderman 3 sianded la seriously.
When we reached the arriving hall there the high way was having this fucking
traffic jam. Jam-ed there for at least an hour or so.

So finally reached,
and when we have to go through the metal detecter. I thought
the alarn would turn on or something cause i'm wearing braces xD
So ya finally we reached back to the golden plaza, went back to the car.

Headed to Geylang to have something to eat cause we have not eaten.
By then it was about 12midnight so ya. Reached home at 12.45,
showered, com-ed until 1.45, waited for Xing's call until 2plus. Still she
did not call xD so ya waited until i slept.

Well have some photos of the genting trip but super fucking lazy to
upload cause all the photos in sis' phone. Will try to upload other someday.

Like i said, I'm still waiting for you. You fool.
It's just 26 days away, I'll be patient. I promise.

Still waiting for you, you fool.


Yo yo yo, well this should be last time i'll be posting before things
will start to stop settling down :) Next time blogging should be..
Sunday, Monday, maybe Wednesday and 12December le ._.
Yeah busy busy busy ._. I'm missing home, my peeps i love D;
Okay stopping with the emotional whackyness, let's see,
woke up at 9.30, com-ed for awhile went to shower, got ready and left
at 10.30. Bus to 637 in 45 reached about 11 bah. Went up to xing's house.
Slack there for awhile, had alil chaos cause she keep making me crazyyyy.
Laugh and laugh, crazy sial, yeah until 1plus we left and headed for MBS
in 66. Play play play, i left there at 4 took bus 61 to 637 took 45 back home.
Reached home about 4.50 :D

Some how in some way i'm real tired of waiting,

To friends:

hey peeps when you see me gotta make me crazy,
or i'll start thinking wild and cry.
Easily to cry this past week, so ya thanks :D

So not, i swear.


Um, woke up at 10plus com-ed then watched tv till 1.
Com-ed, showered, chatted with xing on the phone for awhile.
Prepared for tution, left for katong at 2.45. Reached tution about 3.15,
tution tution tution, all the way crapping with Mr Fong damn funny luh.
Ya after tution bus-ed home in 14, reached home at 5.35 :D
Aiyo, reach home.. the queen of attitude nag and nag to call us spring cleaning luh
AGAIN and AGAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! for the past week -.-"
Like bloooooody fuck ley how come she cannot be considerate for me, no offence.
I mean i have busy for the past week and she does'nt care. I swear.
Not to be whiny or what luh but my mum argh. She talk to me also will diao me lor
i mean normally talking only no?! Yeah, so for the sake that i don't want her
to trash my room by herself or not hear her stupid fucking nagging
about clearing the room during our holiday ._." I cleaned my room, eventually.
Clean clean clean until dinner, watched tv until 8plus went to continue cleaning
went to watch 9o'clock show yeah now blogging :D

Oh dear, there's still 29 days to go thats fucking long, seriously.

I love you, not maybe, not tomorrow, not someday.
But right now, at this very moment, I've realized that
I need you, I trust you, I admire you and I miss you dearly.
You can be wrong most of the time.
We can argue and be mad at each other,
but nothing, nothing in this world..
can change the fact that I'm still in love with you.

For so long, my love for you
is still the same maybe
even much much more.


Today's a super duper boring day :D Is'nt that interesting?! :D
Okay, fine i stopping with the crap. Have to pack like hell after tomorrow.
After tomorrow the rest of the days till 12December then i'm finally,
well sort of free la :) Let's start off with the day shall we?
Woke up at 9something something ._. watched tv all the way till 12.30 like that.
Chatted with Xing on msn for awhile went to bathe change to school u.
Went to school with mum to buy school books. Well turned out, I don't have..
Geography, Social Studies textbook, the CME thingy and chinese everything also
out of stock thats pretty pathetic. After buying, headed to bedok
settle a few things then headed home. Reached home about 2-3 then.
Well so com-ed for awhile, went to watch tv all the way 6.40 plus.
Com-ed again, chatted with Xing for little while soon until not long later she offline le.
So bathed, went to watch 9o'clock show. well i still don't what's the show called
but it's niceeee though :D Then 10 something went to heagon daz with
parents plus brother. Stayed there until 11, Reached home at 11.11? not sure.

Well, she said your an idoit for not thinking
what whould happen after your trouble making moments .

Nightmares or Daydream?


Woke up at 10.30plus cause mum sms me to ask whether i hungry anot ._."
Yeah so onlined for awhile, went to clear my stuff on my table.
Messy sial. Clean finish, went to watch tv and find something to eat.
After that went to bathe and dress up, 1.45 ma fetch sis and me to some
progamme for ITVshow[live] from Singapore Poly. Yeah so went,
but then i was forced to go -.- Yeah reached there around 2plus.
Wow went in aready really like night club like dat no? Haha got disco ball xP
and the music was great but was freaking boring. Throughout sis and i were
upstairs watching the performance, we thought it was some kind of progamme
of whats behind the camera or something. The only thin i liked about it was the chop
that they chopped on our left hand. It only can be seen under a
uvi, uni, ufi light don't know la either one :D So cool,
and their goodie bags got this shirt [L size] -.-" WTF but cool la very cute :D
The other thing was some celebrities came, like PCK the wife and margrate came xP
and the boombaidia india that malay dude was also there xD Freaking funny la. wahahahas

So ya, got bored and left at 3.50 walked to some bus-stop,
then i was ey? This place super familiar, well then i remembered
it was that time when Xing, Cheng, Clarence and i got lost when they wanted to
accompany to the dentist. Remember that street while we were walking past there xD
Ya so we cabbed down to Orchard Hotel to find mother cause she was at high tea
with Aunty Molly :D Reach le, Aunty Molly was about to leave so in the end

we ate there the buffet :) We took that as our dinner la. Haha
and my dinner was around 4.10 to 5 so dumb la. Yeah after eating, headed to ubi
to fetch dad from work, then went home. Reached home about 6.10 i guess.

32 days, thats like fucking long. Yet what else can i do but to wait.

That L sized shirt it practically took
1/3 of the space of my bed la.

Can you see the letter "K" ? hope can see that. Thats the chop lor, cool right?

Wahahas even my mobile strip also can glow in the dark xP
The people who are wearing white, their body is like highlighted alos la xD

Fuck holies.


Woke up at 6.40, prepared for school. Reached school at 7.45 :)
We falled in, and did foot drills. After that we went for practice, sectionals
and blah blah blah and so on. During break, LOL-ed with XingYing then xD
cause she yesterday kanna knock by someone on the head then she showed me
her head cause she say it hurts. Then when i saw it got one lump [balaku]
just don't know laugh like hell lor can?! xD Yeah then after that we kept on LOL-ing.
After practice, Xing, Cheng, YanMing and me hunt for Mrs Lynn Teo in the school
but just could'nt find her -.-" So sua, all were damn hungry, YanMing went off first
while Xing, Cheng and me tookbus 21 i think bused to Bedok Sheng Shiong there
to eat cup noodles at 7eleven :) After eating went to look for some hair salon ._.
Then finally Cheng went to rebond her frinch but saded could'nt see the show cause
had to head home. So took 506 bus to 109 then took 14 back home :D Reached home
at 3.05. Stayed at home help out sis do her stuff, ma send us to Parkway jalan.
Mum left us there to jalan ourselves cause her car had problem then need to send for
repair. So about late 4 or 5 dunno la, ba and ma come fetch us and headed home :3
Reached home about 6.15 then. Well holies has one defination for me and it needs
only 1 word which is "Suck". Dots then i took out my 2nd stud from my right ear,
it bleeded like hell, thank god it did'nt hurt that bad :)

I wander, do you ever feel that your being missed?

You imcompetent fool.


Had fun with cliques today :D
Went out with Xing, Cheng with her 2 loving brother and Ling :3
Woke up at 10.48 ._. Showered got ready and left the house at 11.20 :D
Reached 637 bus-stop to meet them, all was suppose to meet at 11.30
ended up all met up at 12.15, around there luh. For the first time Ling was earlier
then one of us :D Yeap so took 51 bus to bugis and we watched Madagascar 2.
Dots, this is my 3rd time watching but this is alot better as this time i watch in cinema :D
Yeap all LOL-ed xD Okay after watching, went to Bugis Street jalan. Cheng wanted to
buy a scarf and Xing wanted to buy another bag :) Um, but only cheng got what she wanted.
After everything we all took 197 bus to Parkway, Xing and Cheng went for their piano
lesson. So Cheng's brother went off to Parkway first, soon Ling and me went to Parkway too.
Not long after Kok came to meet Ling, went to comic store bought rubix cube xP $10.90 :D
What the heck, expensive, yet worth it cause i still haven learn the stupid cross method.
Anyway my brother promised to teach me ._. I hope, eventually. Yeah, after buying like 5
minutes later i left for home. Stupid sial, when i cross the over head bridge it started to rain
ended up the rain got heavier and heavier -.- Yeah boarded 31, alighted at Tanah Merah
went to Shop and Save with ma. After that headed home, reached home at 6 :)

34 days, I would take that chance to talk to you seriously.

Sick of everything.


finally we're together for 1 year :D

Haha, dots, this is weird i'm not happy yet i'm still laughing -.-
Anyway, Happy 9th month to Clarence, but saded cannot even see each other.
Cause he was stupidly grounded until CHRISTMAS!.
Yeah, obvious, still fucked up about it.
Today woke up at 6.30, meet-up with the other 13 at front gate at 7.45 again.
Walked to FengShan, prepared the deco, rehersed for the concert later on.
Yeah then concert alot of things happened, very un-organised quite dissapointed
and pissed too ._. Cause some people were missing from their post and could not
be found. Okay and troubles went on and so on, but in the end it turned out alright.
I guess. After concert, helped with the percussions. T.T Well remember that bunny
i drew/paint?, well now, it's not when i see it happy sial, i see it, i feel like crying instead.
Cause it was made with the trumpet i drew and the trumpet misteriously dissapeared? ._.
Heard someone said it's no use anymore then they crush and threw it away. Walao i love
that trumpet alright?! Okay then that bunny obvious reminds me of Clarence ):
That situation, just said it at the start. So after everything, debrief time, sheril
talked to us. She said she was quite disspointed yet someway we are good
well hard to explain. The way she talked to us was very emotional, for some reason ._.
Aiyo, then sharif, haha, went to write down alomost all of what sheril talked to us about.
After that headed home, reached home at 4.50.

Here are some photos from the past few days.

Sharif - Foundation, mascara, paint as nail polish and lip gloss xD



Band during concert.



Xing Ying & me Chun Hian & me

Cheng & me

Cheng and Xing :D



say cheese everybody :D


Finally i'm done for the day :) Bloody tiring luh.
Just chionged finished the deco for tomorrow's concert :D
Currently having bad flu, backache, headeache and horrible mood swing[BEWARE]


Woke up at 5.30 prepared for school, daddy fetch kor and me to inter.
Went to Mac's meet XingYing and Cheng eat breakfast.
Eaten already, bused to Feng shan primary on 17 :D
Well you know, it's like super suay that some P5 is bitching me luh -.- Fuck.
she's like super rude and stuck up can?! Wanna know how rude and stuck up she is?
Ask me personally, yeah so she told Jooyee behind my back.
Um yeah duh she hates me, but for what?! For being anti-social ._." WTF?
Since when am i anti-social? If i'm anti social i would not be having any friends like her lor.
I feel sorry for Xing, cause that bytch hates her for the same reason too.
Worst part was, she said we act cool -.- And she gloats about her neardy hair and her fair skin.
Fuck, what an idoit only P5 sial, when puberty hits her, wander is she gonna
gloat about her massive pimples or zits man -.- Yeah so after the games and interactions,
we started to prepare the decorations for the hall for Sat's concert.
After the whole entire thingy, went to TM with xing and Cheng to look for their
friends present [Eion]. Both of them are sad esp Xing, Reached home bout 7.10.
Well have very very very bad mood swings now and then D:


Woke up at 6.15, prepared for school, reached school at 7.40 to meet the other 13.
Walked to FengShan as usual blah blah blah then from before tea break we started
to continue with the decorations and i drew and paint this bunny so cute :D
Super reminds me of haha of course my beloved Clarence and my junior jeremy xD
After finishing with the decorations, some emo-ed and boys, played xD
Oh ya everybody went to put make-up on sharif. Let's see, paint for nail polish,
foundation, mascara, lip gloss and what arh? Haha.
i need to cope the photo from someone already. After everything, went to bus-stop,
fuck ley, because i have to cross the bloody road with the bloody long traffic light luh.
Because of that i miss my bus okay?! And i had to wait for another 25 fucking minutes.
Reached home at near 7, had dinner, bathed, did the last minute
deco Sheril ask me to do,now blogging. Now i'm fucking sad D: i mean literally very very
very and so on sad D': Bunny use his friends phone sms me then chatted a lil,
guess what?! he could'nt make it for tomorow T.T i mean did he know i will not see him
then till 13Demcember? The worst part was, he's gonna be grounded until Christmas ley?!
Tha's really fucking long la! I'm mad now D: Tomorrow's XingYing,Cheng and me
1year of sister ship :D So fast of our 1 year sistership, saded could'nt get anything for them ._.
Anyway we're going out on Sunday to watch Madagascar 2 or maybe The Coffin
Ain't sure ._. Yeah tomorrow's our 9th month freaking saded he cannot make it again.
Although your reasons are always reasonable but i'm somehow sick of it but what
can i do? I just can't get over it. I'm sorry.
Everyday before i just pray hoping i'll get to see you but yet..

You always not there, when it's important.

That Bunny :3

And Combine Camp Starts.


Er.. well nothing interesting at all happened, practically watched tv, com-ed.
Yeah lo, that's what i mostly did yesterday, then at night phone with xing till 1plus.


Woke up at 6.20 for the sake of band again -.-"
Met up with the other 13 peeps at school front at 7.45, walked to Feng Shan Primary :)
Let's see during combine is nothing much though, we help, eat, slack, help then eat again
and so on and so on etc. :D After everything, was about 5.45, debriefed,
then all headed home. But Cheng and me accompany Xing's mum to come fetch her,
still she was not here yet and the school was about to close so we went to the bus-stop,
i went to the other bus-stop. While walking there, a few stupid bikers passed by me
then stupidly shocked me with their stupid horn then scold me what the fuck can?!
Wa lao almost threw my shoe at them fuck ley. Never go disturb them, they suka suka
come disturb they think they who sial? Bloody hell then they say if i'm not wrong
" Eh?! you scared ar? Want to die is it?!" I was like WTFUCK? whatever bloody hell.
If possible i see them again and there's a fire extinguisher right beside me.
I would spray the foam at them, hit their heads until they bleed -.- Yeah so,
bus-ed home in bus 45. Reached home about 6.50, had dinner, bathed now blogging :)

I miss miss miss miss miss miss miss you.

Shawn and me :D

Camp T-shirt super cool can :D
but big luh when the size is like only M?

Holiday? Ya right.
It does'nt even feel like one.


Woke up at 6.20 for the sake of stupid band practice D': So tired luh can? The band practice was from 8-4pm, at first was suppose to be 9-4 cause we have to do footdrills. Yeah they still told us to come 15mins earlier for fall in -.- Thought of coming late but lazy to run at the end. Ya so reached school at 7.50, saw Nazri in canteen with Yulu and some others so went to sit with them. and they said the band room was not open yet _l_ Idoit, roar. So we all chatted for awhile soon not long Cheng came :D Saded Yao Xing still acnnot come cause she's still not feeling well ): Soon we fall in-ed and we did marching until 9 and had 5mins break. After break we went to set-up our intruments and band practice started, we practiced our set piece, Fahmi like teach us until can see he really want to jump down the building already, haha. Yeap so he had to tolerate us for until 12. During lunch break, went to school back gate there the coffee shop da bao roti prata for Cheng. At first she can accompany me go eat lunch together but she had QM stuff to settle. Yeap, so bo bian go da bao together then go back school eat :) Well when i was walking back the rain ain't that bad, was only drizzling until i reach the back gate the rain started to pour already D: So walk faster abit lor, by time i reached school, i was totally drenched thank god my shoe was not wet at all :D Yeap ate lunch with Cheng just right outside band room door only xD After lunch went for sectionals and FINALLY Mr Richard Peng made it :D Well he apologized for not turning up last Tuesday because he was not feeling well, it was so bad, he was almost hospitalized, cause he had stones in his liver ._. Poor sap, after sectionals was around 3.15-20, we all continued with our practice :) Continued playing our set piece.. Well, at least we were better then before xD I'm serious. After band, headed home reached home at 5 :) Well reached home got nagged by mum she ordered me to clear my room when she can clearly see me walking like half dead zombie already -.-" In the i didnt bother went down to watch tv until sleep. Dinner time, daddy yelled at me just to wake up to have diiner wthell?! Right after dinner went to sleep until 10, so bathed and cleared my room or stupid sis would start to nag too. And when she nags, its as horrible as my um's sometimes even worse i swear._. Yeah so now blogging :D

I miss you like crazy. LOL?

Is it Fate?

Oh crud, so bored bored bored etc.. Well wanted to start with the blog with
But turned out and thank god seriously cause they said,

Your friends list may be inaccurately displayed. Please be assured your friends list will be accurate soon. - Friendster Team.

Or my 1 and 1/2 yrs of an friendster account would be shyt, I mean i had 600+ peeps no? Now? 13?! Let me repeat that 13?! Okay over that stupid rage. Starting with not a unhappy but boring weekend :D


Woke up at 11.10, around there, washed up and soon.. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~! :D My bunny finally sms me for like fucking long already like since..27October ._. long eh? Yeah sms sms sms sms sms sms blah blah blah, com-ed and like i said friendster was like under maintanence since friday morning? Stupid? So sian watch tv until 1.30, went to shower change blah blah blah. At 2, left the house went to MRT take to Bugis to meet Clarence :D Yeah reached already but weird hor, he asked me to meet him yet, he was late for like 40mins? xD Okay that, i forgive for some reason cause at least he shows up and at least i was'nt so bored. While waiting was chatting with Cheng on the phone :) Yeah so finally he showed up we walked aruond wanted to watch Madagasca 2 but he can't, he can't make it in time if he want to watch so bo bian walk some more got a lil hungry went to mac's eat. For awhile later, around 4.30 he sent me home well not, duh, hardly can see him then now.. Yeah stayed playground. Until.. I think 5.20plus like that sent him to MRT then i slowly walked home :) Reached home, com-ed, friendster? still under maintanence, -.-" GODDDDD!!! SIAN LEY!! Had nothing to do so watch tv until 10plus, went to bathe. Haha, sis and me got so bored we went to XIAXUE's blog :D the so called "famous, funniest" blogger in S'pore which is totally trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xD Trust me you read already can laugh until your lungs fly out :D So sis and me viewed, read her blog and viewed her "Guide to life" videos and is hilarious xD If you any are intrested you are advised to go ttp://www.xiaxue.blogspot.com/ You must trust me with your sense of humor :D Yeah watched until 1plus in the morning and stupid sis suddenly said she want to do her her freaking long nails -.-" Well but one bad thing is when i read XiaXue's blog was that when she uses alot of the usage of the word "FUCK" Which i also say alot but now its worst hais. I'm now trying to get rid of that habit :D So yeah we stayed up until late 2 and we talk and talked until our brother came home. When he heard us talking too ludly and demanded us to sleep xD Hahas but we fuck care, we just continue to talk normaly luh. Until 3plus we lied on our beds still can't sleep.Eventually we stoped talking andd got bored and finally we slept :D


At 10.30 got disturbed by ba -.- eventually got up just because he wanted me to join him for breakfast. Yeah so showered got ready and left :) Went to serangoon to eat prawn mee -.- After eating, went to fecth bro to work at woodlands z.z Then headed all the way back to Bedok so parents could rent some CDs. But it's so not fair when i asked them wether i could rent some also they said No. Obviously la, sian-ded and we headed home
afterwards. Reached home by then was about 1or 2 was not sure and 1 FREAKING UNLUCKY THING happened to me when i open the gate.. My foundation droped on the the floor and obviously the whole foundation cracked and IDK how to explain but you should get the point. I hope. WAH LAO this toally sucks la now need to save up around $16-26 just to buy some round blue thing -.- One word, SUCK. Okay, then i com-ed still friendster had that stupid problem T.T and at first i thought it was hopeless that's when i thought
of that retarded title xD Got bored, so watch tv till 5.50 :D Com-ed again, now blogging :3

The waiting really paid off. In the end, it is really worth while.
But fuck/screw/curse the cruelty on your freedom that now i have to wait
for another week. -.-

Actually i suddenly miss all my beloved friends it's like super long never see each other already T.T
OH NOOOOO!! tommorow still got band from 8am-4pm?! I MEAN MY MAMA DOES'NT EVEN WANT ME TO GO TO THAT STUPID PRACTICE!! I SWEAR! ._. Okay nevermind about that i bound to swaer to myself that i want to be sacked from that curseful suckishly CCA one day :D Okay continue.. I MISS MY FRIENDS! XingYing,Cheng [even if i'm seeing them tommorow],Clarence[Obviously], Eileen, Celine, Royce, AhGu, Eddy, SiKei, Jess and many peeps. Okay must meet alot of peeps go outing xP

Waiting for the time to go
faster, or just for you?


Today was boring boring boring, you know why? Cause not much happened -.-
I woke up at 11.10 cause i arose by being disturbed by my mum ._." Then had breakfast,
watched tv, showered blah blah blah. At first wanted to go katong, in the end sis
don't want to go. Yeah then nothing to cause com nothing to do when friendsters' unavailable
for today, TV? nothing and no one called me to go out so ya. At last, watch madagasca 1
on computer, around 4.30 went to accompany sis to salon to tie up her hair for prom night.
After eveything, cabed home, helped her with her makeup blah blah blah :D Woah, she
looks like a preeeeettay princess :D Yeah then left with daddy to fetch her to school,
suck right her school prom night in school de ._." Stupid sial her school. Okay so moving on,
reached home made something to eat for dinner watched tv for awhile like until 7.30?
Went to to use com, hahas, then i watched madagascar 2 :D Cute sial, yeah watched finish,
went to bathe, com-ed chatted with Debbie for very long till now xD She's so cute la, as in
her personality? :D yeah super happy cause FINALLY tommorow's saturday :D Have been
waiting for this day since he told me he could'nt make it for my birthday :D Happy ~~ But if
he can't make it for tommorow i'm gonna murder him in the worstest ways. Cause i really
have alot of things to tell him ): So yeah wishing not get false hope like the last time D:

One last night, i pray to please not let it happen again.

I hope you realise how dearly i
love and miss you everyday.


Yo yo yo :D Hahas oh my goodness tomorrow's my sis's graduation prom night.
So fast she's graduating :3 Suddenly i feel so old ._. I'm going sec 3 next year xD
I still remember primary 6 graduation. Woke up at 10.30 from being disturbed by ba,
Oh tried wearing contacts and i took 15mins to put it on damn like so fucking slow la -.-
So ya bathed and everything went to simpang to eat breakfast/lunch with parents and sis :)
Reached home about 12..something, Then watched tv and com-ed till 2.10?
Left for Mount E. for dental appointment :) Changed my braces colour to dark purple :D
Okay after tightening it's like 3.30-40, soon went to paragon jalan, about late 4plus
we headed to parkway. Ma went to giant leaving sis and me at Isetan lor :3
Shoped shoped abit, at late 6 headed home. Arounf 7.10 reached home, had dinner,
bathed, com-ed now blogging :D And i realise, i'm getting sick too ._. even the people
around me. Let's see, got an awful flu/cold and starting get a really bad cough ._.

2more days and finally, hoping to not get false hope again.

Life's boring without you.


Woke up at 6.30 for the sake of band [master class], end up, well.. i think i wasted
my time there anyway. So prepared for school and blah blah blah, daddy fetch sis
and me go school. Reached school saw everybody outside the general office (?) ._.
Weird huh? We set-up instruments went to ITR room 3 waited for the Richard Peng
[master class teacher]. We waited until like 9.20-30 then realise he's really not gonna
come cause he got a high fever. At first we could have gotten the message early
cause Peng send a message to Fahmi he could'nt make it. But, stupid Fahmi wanted to
sleep then lazy forward the message to any one of the teachers' until Tan cc called his
house z.z In the last few moments we practiced abit with Mrs Chia in the band room.
It was wasted cause i wasted my sleeping time to the slacking moments in the ITR -.-
After band prac ba and ma come fecth me, went to simpang makan, then headed home.
Reached home bout 12-50 to 1, com-ed for awhile then from 1.30 slept all the way to 6 xD
Haha then went to bathe, eat dinner, use com until 10 plus went to watch tv till 2-3.


Woke up at 10, com-ed till 11, watched tv till 12 went to shower and prepare for school.
Well left the house at 1.15 and was headed for TM inter to meet Yiling o get my contacts.
z.z In the end, she said she was at Bedok inter by then it was like 1.35 already -.-
Cause i presumed she was TM cause she said she would be in TM around 1plus. Roar.
So took bus 69 from TM all the way to Bedok, went to mac's look for her, took my contacts,
took 66 back to school. Hais but i late by 20mins? from falling in xD but i reached school at
2.30. Well practically today was the freakiest coldest day of my life in singapore ._.
Ya, i went to set-up my instrument went to AVA :D but where i sat was freaking cold
cause the stupid air-con was just above me -.-"?! Yeah so break i was like "YES! THANK
GOD FINALLY!!" But break was not enough i was still as cold ._. Came out of AVA aiya
suay.. raining like fuck -.- COLD LA! All headed to band room for combine practice
and the band room also very cold T.T Wa lao.. anyway today we had our set piece :D
quite okay la :D Amazingly Fahmi wants another 1st clarinetis ._. So it's either Zhen Ning
or me lor. After band went toilet to change, went to look for sis at general office there.
We walked to Red Swastika outsode wait for ba come fetch us. So he finally came,
I thought the coldnest was over but it was'nt the car was also as cold as ever. And i had
to suffer all the way till Yio Chu Kang T.T Somemore it was raining and the whole high way
was slow/heavy traffic all the way to like Ponggol. Sian-ded, finally we reached Safari was
about 7.10. Had dinner there :D and the chicken rice was niceeeeeeeee :D
After eating was round 7.40 then sis and me went to the tram ride xD Nice sial but it was
also cold cause ley.. just after raining some more at night sial. Saded cannot take photo D;
Cause all the animals super cute esp the elephant xD Cute sey, cause when we went pass
it he wouls sway his head left to right so cuteeeeeeeeeee la :D Okay so after that,
ate ben and jerry's :D Then headed home about, 9.40 reached home.
Reached home, com-ed til 10.20 went to bathe and chat chat then now blogging :3

I hate this, but just 3 more days, it's still worth it.

Okay now doing some survey Cheng and Celine is asking me to do..
Was surpose to do this yesterday but don't have the blogging mood. So ya here it is.

01 The person that tagged/passed me this is?

02 The relationship with her is?
Sisters/ DADDYaiaiBOYf.

03 Your 5 expressions of her is?
Sweet,Talented? ,Mature, Cute, Crazy.

04 The most memorable thing she had done for you?
Promising to study together in Melbourne.

05 The most memorable thing she had said to you is?
Hung Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

06 If she become your lover, you will?
Hey no lesbo here, i'm already attached :D

07 If she becomes your lover, thing she has to improve on will be?
You pervert? ask this kind of bo xim question.

08 If she become your enemy, you will?

09 If she become your enemy, the reason will be ?
No idea, ._. we never quarelled before.

10 The most desired thing you wanna do for her is?
Um be the bestest friends till we die?

11 Your overall impression on her is?
An understanding person :)

12 How do you think the people around you feel for you?
Idk, ask the people around me instead. :D

13 The characters that i love about myself are?
Being random at times :D the patience i give. Giving the love he needs :3

14 On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are?
Moodswings, Scolding people to harshly [wait? that's kinda fun], selfish, demanding.

15 The most ideal person you want to be is?
For now, who else? my dear guy, Clarence T.

16 For people that care, love and show concern for you, say something to them?
Do not ever ever leave me, if you do there's no meaning in life for me. I love you :3

17 Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you.
XingYing, HeeCheng, Eileen, Celine, ShiXuan, Teobing(?), SiKei, Josephine, WenQi, LingYa.

18. Who is no. 6 having relationship with?
Shes' attached :)

19.is no.9 a male or a female?
Female la?!

20. If no. 7 and no. 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
They don't even know each other ._.

21. What is no. 2 studying about?
Um Bio,Phys Pure hist? not sure i forgot.

22. When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3?
2days ago.

23. What kind of music band does no. 8 like?
Dont' know

24. Does no. 1 has any siblings?
Yeap she has a sister :D

25. Will you woo no. 3?
You pervert.

26. How about 7?
Fuck? i hate you, you stupid sicko survey

27. Is no. 4 single?
Should be single.

28. What is the surname of no. 5?

29. What is a hobby of no. 10?
Don't know. xD

30. Does no. 5 and 9 get along well?
They don't even know each other.

31. Where is no. 2 studying at?
Bedok Green Secondary School :D

32. Talk about something for no. 1.
Get well soon :D

33. Have you tried developing feelings for no. 8?
I loathe you.

34. Where does no. 9 live?
Don't really know ._.

35. What color does no. 4 like?
Playing audition.

36. Are no. 1 and no. 5 best friends?
Nope jsut friends :)

37. Does no. 1 have any pets?
Yeaps BB :D

38. Is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world?
Haha no not really she's just really shy :3

39. What is no. 6 doing now?
Maybe she's out?

Day or night, just letting you know.
I'll always be thinkin' of you, my love.


Not much today but only one thing was quite pissing shit. Woke up at 6.40,
bathed and everything left the house at 7.50, reached school at 8.10 xD Yeah,
was'nt late but hahas okay nvm ^^ Xing was almost late but was'nt :D cause she
cabbed to school, Cheng her bus maybe cam late bah dunnno xD Let's see so
all 14 of us met-up at school front gate then we go 110 beside there the bus-stop
take bus to bedok take all the way to Bedok ._. Trained all the way from bedok to newton
was "somehow" being tortured by XingYing with the tickleling xD Well she was hugging me
all the way form bedok to newton :D Then from newton we took bus 171 to NUS ...
But it was freaking pouring heavy rain. At first only 6 people went to CCA brunch first
cause only had 3 umbrella._. then like what? Rest of the boys all ran there xD stupid sial.
In the end only left with Afifah, Maslinda and me zzz. About 10.10 the 3 heroes came back
soaking wet xD XingYing,Cheng and Shawn. So the 3 of us Afifah, Mas and me went back
with them but we wet but we were'nt as wet as them xD But fucking pissed off was my shoe
was soaking wet again wthell?! Last week also, i might as well just alway bring an umbrella
and a pair of flip flops where ever i go damn it man. So yeah was pissed of the meeting
cause 14 of us look so much of our precious sleeeping time to go all the way to CCA brunch
to just listen from 1 person for 10-15mins ?! WTFUCK la. z.z Then in the end the person
who gave us the talk say that we should know that singapore's wether is like that de
blah blah blah. Aiya shit la, After that Xing,Cheng and me walk barefooted all the way to
the nearby SPC then buy somw snacks then went to bus-stop. Took 66 all the way back to
ubi there bus-stop Cheng and me went to Xing's house to dry-off and eat lunch ^^
Well on the way back, aiyo this old ticko well sit opposite of the bus xD Well he looks
awkardly familiar like that certain dog. Super alike sia :X So ya he like keep lokking at
cheng and xing eeeeee right? Ya actually did'nt noticed him til Xing told me. Since then,
I keep looking at him once in awhile like want to kill him like that xD Funny sial, he don't
dare look at me keep look at the 2 of them xD So yeah at Xing's house watch a few cutey
cat videos about 1.35 we left to 645 there the bus-stop took 66 to school ^^
Hehe, finally Cheng's early (: So band :D band ended went home, reached home at 6.15 :D

It's only 5 more days and i seriously miss you.

Once more i say i love you.


Okay finally, the "click to see lyrics" is fully functional :D thanks to XingYing.
Um woke up at 11.30 xD i know piggy, so yeah com-ed for awhile to check mail
then watched tv till 2.30 went to shower and everything. Went to salon with mummy
at 3, after cutting is about 3.45 i think. Then we went to Bedok Sheng Shiong buy
groceries, hmm so around 5.15 reach home in the end :D Hahas continued watching
tv :DD Yeah, had dinner watch tv again xD until 9 went to bathe, com-ed and now
blogging :D Now i say my hair is like 3inches shorter ._. bleah so ya. :3

In 6 days, our hands will hold on tight togerther.

Play it out loud.


Like god! Sort off worst night ever D': well last night slept at 3. Then stupidly
only sneezed twice and my nose was completely blocked ._." Sleeping for 3 hours
was not as bad, but freaking suay had this stupid cold, and it made me sneeze through out
while i was sleeping T.T I mean like that how to sleep?! Yeah so woke up at 6.15 to
morning call XingYing and Cheng xD LOL. and i went back to snooze for awhile. So woke
up about 6.40, in the end went to shower and everything, left the house at 7.20, headed
for bus-stop wait for bus 45 :D At 7.50 reached ubi, well soon cheng called saying she
just woke up cause when i called her, she went back to sleep xDDD I went up to her house
outside the staircase wait for her. Meantime waiting. i was super tired so lol snoozed abit z.z
Finally she came out, so we went to meet XingYing and AnYing but AnYing was late so
waited and we set off together and how lucky :D we took a double deck 93 w/o air-con xD
well but actually it ain't that bad ^^ Well i was really really really tired so slept throughout
in the bus. LOL, seriously cause i don't get it why you guys are a lil amazed when i'm sleeping
in the bus xD Okay so reached mediacorp, waited for hours before anyone could audition ._.
Finally they went in and went for auditions, while waiting, Cheng and me at the void-deck
playing shawn's ds, cooking mama :3 Oh my :D the game is so cute so fun to play :D
both of us got engrossed of the game and we kept on playing, but Cheng got more
addicted to it xD We played that game until shawn came out, well he could'nt get into
the next round. But he sayed it fun though and said it was a good experience. Later,
soon after XingYing came out and she too did'nt make it and she was super shag then.
So all headed home, i went to Cheng's house to eat lunch :D chattedfor actually
quite long now that i realise ._. Yeah and she showed me the pink panther movie,
when the dude is trying to learn how to say " I would like to have a hamburger" xD
And it was super funny lor xDDDDDDDD damn funny sia. Soon, i headed home. About 3.40
reached home, com-ed for like until 4 went to take nap. LOL, now that i realise i was that
tired. So woke up at 6.40plus cause clarence called cause he at church ^^ Yay, so chatted
not long about 5mins nia ): Yeah then com-ed till 7.30 went to bathe, had dinner, watch tv
and now blogging :D


Hey :D don't be dissapointed with yourself yeah? Just take this as a life's experience bah,
although you can't get in, there are still many other chances out there, waiting for you. I'm
sure ^^ I know singing to you is an important thing for you but this is life, not everything
is set on what we always want. We understand, life's not fair, this is life (: so cheer up
kay :3 Cheng & i don't want to see you like this and being unhappy, it's not good :D

7 more days and once more, i say i love you.

I'll treat you like a rose.


Yo peeps :D Now let's seeeeee, oh ya this day is so horrible and tiring.
Well not much to talk about really xD Whole day was just watching tv, then
after dinner was computer all the way till 1.30 in the morning ,chatted with xing on the phone till 2plus, slept at 3-4?


Woke up at 9, went to bedok simpang with dad, ma and sis for breakfast at about 10?
After eating was 10.30plus went home, watch tv until 11.50 ^^
Then left for bus-stop le, well when i was going to reach there i miss my bus -.-"
everytime man, why?! why?! everytime i reach the bus stop my bus just goes pass?!
Okay so waited waited waited until about 12.15 finally bus came :D So bused to
Ubi there, um went to Cheng's house to find her first. About 1.20plus went to find
Xing, soon after we left for Maha Bodhi xD Om my god so long never go already :D
Miss the curry man :X Yeah because we're having hoilday and we went back mbs it felt
like a Saturday practice instead cause we get to wear home clothes to mbs xD
After playing, went to bubble tea shop with Xing, Cheng and Wenqi. Ate, drink, chatted,
soon all left cept Wenqi. So ya we took bus 65 back to Ubi, they accomapny wait
for bus and it was freaking long alot of other buses went pass accept my bus.
So about 30mins later my bus FINALLY CAMEEEEE :D HAPPY!! Xing and Cheng were
so happy like they've struck 4-D lol. Oh my and the bus was like fucking full luh almost
could'nt get on board so slow-trafficed all the way at PIE. So reached home at 7.45.


Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!! thanks thanks for waiting :D Oh my god?
one year ley you sure? Seriously, well anyway its still up to you, your choice. But it's a
promise all right we'll pierce ear bone together and go melbourne at the same year ya? :D
Promise is a promise :3 Thanks loads once again. :D

8days to go, just to see your sweet and loving face.

Missing those times.

Wednesday 05November2008

Bleah, was a normal day, woke up typical 10. Used the com, chatted
with xingying and cheng for awhile went to shower prepare everything.
After that went to watch tv have breakfast. Continued to use com :D
Happy :D cause he finally called :3 but he only called just to ask about the
streaming results so yeah, a lil ): So left the house at 1.40 like that as first it
just drizzling so wear shoeeeee also brought and umbrealla incase. Then tragidy came,
while walking to bus-stop half-way, comes the pouring rain ._." so bo bian continue
walking but then walk until the slop both my shoes are soaking wet z.z Really
pathetic eh? Waited the bus for quite awhile but was'nt very bored cause was talking
to cheng on the phone. Finally boarded the bus reached the bus-stop at 2.07 xD
Amazingly it was'nt raining at all until walking halfway to the to the main gate.
Was pouring rain so yeah got a little wet, reached there while the band was falling in.
Sianded i late again so now punishment is run 10rounds the parade square -.-"
After falling in took out my socks and let it so called dry ._. then went to set-up and
everything. Stupid sia, and because of the master class we have to walk up to the AVA
again -.- Yeah but my shoe was freaking wet so i was wearing my shoes like flippers.
Like duck sia, in AVA was freaking cold anway, worst got super bad headache while
playing. After practice had to have punishment so ran 10rounds barefooted round the
parade square with Jooyee and JingYi :D After running was about 6 so waited for
cheng to come down
from stuff room and brother to come fetch me :D
Reached home about 6.35 :D

10 days and still waiting..

Face reality and get on with life.

God, I'm freaking sad no? Saw the results and ended up,
obvioulsy was in class 3B. BUT WHY?! must the people i hate be in the
same class as me?! GOD WHY?! And most of the people i really care
about ends up in the other class, what wrong did i do wrong the pass
semester? roar. Fine lets just face reality and get on with life,
startin off with yesterday.


Woke up at 10 again, yeap used com and chatted with xingying, went to shower
and got ready and went to meet xingying at TM at 12.30. Well was suppose to
meet-up at 12 actually xD. So we walked and walked around to look for lucas' presents,
still could'nt find it. In artbox cheng come find us, look around for awhile, went to
77th street go pierce 5th hole ^^ Cheng also pierced her 5th. After that we went to
Long John Silver to eat lunch, then we bus-ed back to school for band. At inter saw
Nazri and Shadrina, LOL anyway we were all late for about 15 mins so punishment we
have to run 5rounds, sian-ded. After band headed home, reached home about 6.


Woke up at 12.10 xD amazing yeah? No la cause i think morning had fever. Yeah thats why.
Hmm so let's see used com for awhile to check mail then watched tv. Watching tv halfway,
Xingying called and told me about the streaming thingy so went to check. Aiyo alama,
better yet show you guys next who will be in the same class as me next year.

From 2A:


From 2B:


Others from sec 3 or dropped to NA:



So, let's see, next year i don't think got who will really be my so called good friend
next year in class. Other than Clarence, Eddy, Nicholas and Celine. I'm not really close
to any others. Yeap so whatever, striving hard for next year (: