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DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

That's why i love gummies.


Cheng came to my house, well she was suppose to
meet-up with bunny at her house there but he did'nt turn up.
He had no leave ): because of the stupid bloody fucking punishment -.-
I'm not blaming him seriously, it's totally not his fault.
Thanks god its still understandable :D

Yeah cheng reached about 12, chatted blah blah blah at 1.30
left for tampine's mall. Took 10 bus to inter, went to have KFC for lunch.
Walked back to TM watch " Bride Wars " :D So funny xP

After movie, went hunting for valentines gift.
In the end, Cheng got a few stuff but my hands were still empty D:
Cause TM suck! Okay fine just exajurating, as in actually to my opinion,
TM is getting boring, there are not alot of shops nor much of anything
interesting to see anymore D: Now i think going to the city so sooooo much better.
Well, still maybe i'm going tiong baru, parkway, orchard or far east to hunt instead.

About 6, both of us left for home. Reached home at 6.20.
10minutes later, went to 3rd granduncle's house stayed there until 8plus.
Well that's all not much to say about today.

Its understandable, it's alright, i don't want an apology.

If life could only be this entertaining.


Haha let's see if i have STM anot xD What shall i post?

Okay, school. Nothing again D: Chemistry was dead boring ._.
Mother tongue was just as boring so bloody slack la the class.
I always sleep eventually in chinses class now a days.

Recess :D Okay its kinda boring too.

After that headed to bio lab with bunny, haha bio was funny xD
Had funny moments with Clarence, Royce and MangTing :D
1 period gone, went to hall for assembly -.-

Assembly, some caucassian came to talk about some event.

But when he got onnto the stage everyone was like
Yeah.. He here to talk about "Tryathon" .Its a sports event.
Haha ya right like i will join,
i will never cause i'm bloody anti-social at some points , no offends xD
Loved his accent but hated his voice -.- At least it could be understood :D
Some of my friends did'nt even know what he wasing talking about ._.

After the caucassian left, Ms Prima came lecturing us how important

english was to us ._. Nagged and nagged, she said every weekend..
She would give us an english assignment to do. Yeah..

After school, clarence and i waited for cheng damn long, no offence again xP

Cause when i called her, she said she was coming down already.
15minutes later she still not down yet xD
In the end she took so long because Sheril showed her trick
on bending a 20cent coin, yeah it really bent but was'nt as much amazed.

When clarence and cheng have went for their events went to celine house :3

About 45 minutes later, her parents came back from Malaysia.
At first went there had freaking funny moments after her parents came home,
it was almost total silence ._. Cause i don't know why.
Her parents kinda scares me and her sister.. Don't wanna talk about it.

At 4 went down to 221 look for bunny, then went to bedok cc follow celine

for something i don't know WHY?! Yeah in the end, walked to bedok
inter the bus-stop. Clarence and i took bus 14, amazingly
he knocked his head on the roof of 2nd deck ._.
Sayang him cause he was in pain :3 Went to playground until 6.20
then went home. Bathed, watch tv and had dinner.
Guess whats for dinner again -.-
Porridge!! Idoit i fucking hate porridge. ROAR!! so ate abit only.
Oh ya :D Bunny and cheng coming my house tomorrow to bai nian then going out :3
Yeap thats about what i have to say.

You've changed my dear friend.
I dare not tell you cause i'm afraid that i'll hurt your feelings.


Yes people, BUGS BUNNY !! :D
Haha after clarence gave me that bunny, i'm totally in love with it :X
I mean how can you not it's so bloody cute plus
imagine its what your boyfriend give you xD
Hehe okay shall stop crapping :3

School was pretty normal today though.
I can't miss the fact but i miss YAO XING!! D:
Missing her wackiness, randomness, crazyness and stupidity.
Okay so had PE, played rugby -.- BORING!!
Hardly could even breathe?! Well because my stamina has dropped,
my asthma has worsened and had bloody had cough plus flu T.T

Geography was same old same old but this time..
Hoho, Mr teo made this chin-na act cute bitch cry baby..
CRY. Pitiful yet funny xD
DO NOT! as in do not say i'm mean you should totally see her
attitude!! She totally acts cute and i'm telling the truth. i swear ._.
If you don't, you still can ask around though :3

After that was recess, then after recess was maths -.-
Stupid Ms Loy, sooooooo.. exegerating ._.?! So irritating?! Alamak.
okay whatever, it was english after that xP Still boring, almost fell alseep xD
Yeah, lunch is here :) Then was mother tongue -.-
Nothing to do wan siol in mr fan's class VERY BORING!!
Finally after lesson, went centeen with cheng to wait for clarence :D
Cause um, he went to bedok inter to top up his "consession card"

Soon like 15minutes later he came :3 Amazingly he saw sis at bedok inter.
Haha, he said my sis almost gave him a heart attack cause
she jumped up on him while he was walking xD
Haha somehow can't believe she would do that?
But it's most problably her, cause it natural when she does that xD
So when i called her after i reached home, she finally said clarence looked okay :D
last time she always said clarence looks sucky -.-"
Haha glad she said that ^^ But she said he has very big eyes xD

Yeap, crazy with cheng and clarence. Went to piano listen to cheng
play a few songs at 3.50 left for home :D Bunny accompany me wait for bus ^^
Still.. best boyf ever :D But feeling very guilty cause i still don't know
what to buy for him yet.. ._. For you know? Valentines ♥ :3

Chatted with celine while was on the way home. Reached about 3.20.
Then checked mail, bathed, left for doc's at siglap.
Yeah and doctor ho gave me pills, haha like duh. xD
Yeah but he said my windpipe is kinda tight and my breathing
would be more difficult and that my asthma would worsen D:
plus the infection of the pleam from the cough yeah kinda tough ._.
Oh, first time had some colurful pills, so cute looks like candy though xP
Have purple and green xD Yup and obiously there's white.
After that went home at about 5.30plus? Okay ya thats about it
not much to say no more :3

Love, good luck with your problem.

Sick and worried.

Hehe, last night never post cause i was practically BUSY!!

And of course i'm dead tired ._. from being sick and everything.
Like suay can?! Chinese New Year and i get this flu ad cough -.-


Woke up at about 10.30, got ready and everything.

Went to watch tv until 12.30 went to tampines temple to
bai nian. After that went to 5th grand aunty's house to bai nian too :3
Around 2.30 we left, since then i com-ed until.. dunno lah.
I ended up sleeping ._." What? i was tired. 5.10, I finally woke up :D
Watch tv till 8, went to 4th uncles house for family gathering again.

Yeah then stupid cause usually we should have cheers :D

My uncle said girls only can drink wine that is 8-10%,
guys, 12%. So i said not fair. Guess what he said i had to drink
sparkling juice because i was still under 18 -.-"
I was totally.. ROAR!!! SO UNFAIR?!
Seriously gotta let people know i can somehow drink lah!

Yeah but ended up, drank father's share and half or sis xD So abit happy.

Then 11 went home, bathed and chionged sketching art.
At about 2 then went to bed D:


School was usual, was freaking tired during mother tongue

so slept throughtout the whole lesson ._. Screw the drowsy medicine.
Yeah after recess was art, i was shocked when teacher told us to hand in
our work before going in the art room.
I thought we can finish our work today in the art room, so ya i never coloured
my work D': saded so chionged outside at the corridor. Finished handed in
and was fucking dissapointed with the colouring.
The colouring looks so much different than the first 2 D;

Lunch, was'nt much appetite D: But had to eat cause.. have to eat medicine.

After school, accompanied cheng until 3 with bunny toh.
Both of them went high/crazy at that time xD
Then bunny and i left to find kai and celine, bus-ed to celine's new house.
Cause her parents not in the country she had own free will to go there LOL.
Actually she is still allowed but she heck cared xP

Haha bunny got me bugs bunny :D So damn cute! Gonna hug it to sleep man! ^^
It's really sweet of him to just randomly get me something :D
Like i said best boyf ever :D
Watched tv with bunny and slept alil too, i mean i'm tired and still am!
Celine and kai was in another room playing audi or something.
At 5.30 walked to celine old house there to take bus.
Reached home at 6.15, bathed, watch show and ate dinner.
After show went to see doctor, at siglap.
Unfortunately it was bloody closed!! Waste my precious time sial.
Yeah thats about all i have to say :)

I'm really worried about you now.

Loathe to swallow medication.


Hoho, i'm back :D finally back from the busy day :3
Like i said woke up at 7, helped out with parents with the preperations and stuff.
8.30, chionged with mum to parkway giant to some last minute shopping &
to also get the few trays of sushis' we ordered over there.
Actually we right on schedule but then when we were on our way back,
daddy told us to buy ice, because of that ma and i was stuck in shop n save
for like half an hour?! Waste our bloody fucking time lah!

When we got back everyone were just on time, busy busy busy.
Took some candid shots and family photos :D
LOL cousins pointed middle fingers xD
Sorry can't post cause have not uploaded into the computer yet.
Then for awhile used the com, soon after went to grand uncles house
then grand aunt's house. Went to rest until 4.30..
Headed to 2nd aunt's house [ mummy's side]. Chatted with cousins,
played with nephew [ cousin's son] :3 So cute sial he :D so shy :3
He so cuteeeeeee, he loves the song happy birthday and he's amazed by
the game sissors, paper, stone xD

7.30 headed to queen's town went to god uncle's house until 10.30
Reached home at 11. No. of ang bao's i have collected for now is 22 -.-
Yeah thought there was no beer to drink beer but i was wrong lol.
Drank 1 can of jolly and like 2-3cans of heineken xD
Only one thing sucked about this year's chinese new year is that..
I'm mother fucker ill -.- Serious soar throat going to have cough soon and
after tonight i'm going to have sneezing night D':
how the fuck am i gonna sleep i have been sneezing since.. 5plus T.T
i just hope that i don't have to a doctor eventually D:

I beg heaven not to go to the doc's



Totally did not sleep well last night D': Woke up like 5times?!

reason - bunny called me
2nd " - had that awful nightmare D: the night mare since young.
3rd " - had another nightmare D': it made me wake up around 7.
and i could'nt go back to sleep.
That dream made me cry while i was sleeping. D':
" - woke up by daddy to help him take something.
5th " - Another nightmare, it made me heart broken.
I don't know why but its like continues from the last one.
and the past few previous night D':

At last i gave up sleeping, i woke up at about 10.10.
Had that glum look since then,
Washed up, wacthed tv had chicken porridge for breakfast.
Then com-ed form 1-4? watched tv until 5.30.

Bathed, dolled up. Went to esplanade there for dinner with family.
And the food there suck -.-" Reached home about 9.45
msned until 10.30 went to bathe again.
soon after clarence called chatted until 11.50 like that.
cause daddy insisted us to bai nian to them first rather then tomorrow ._.
Until 12.40, finally freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom!! :D
Waiting for bunny's call now :3
Promise me.

Sweet dreams, love.


Farewell to YAO XING D:
Okay not totally farewell lah.

She's gonna come back from china in 1 week's time?
I'm not cursing her or anything but just saying she
will somehow not come back in one whole peice xD
Haha okay okay joking :D
Said that cause heard it was freaking cold there.
-30plus°C, yeah i know woah.. Heard from will freeze when you're there._.
Wishing xing the best of luck :D
Cause over there she has no cable or anything xD

Woke up at 10, left at 11 took 45 bus to 637.
Went to yao xing's house first :D Wahahahas.
Her uncle came we sat at the back of the lorry :D SO COOL!
Okay yeah its kinda cool to me :3 So if any idoit calls me a bimbo?
Gonna make that person scream till his/her lungs burst. xD
WOOHOO~! Wind was fucking strong, fun and hair was messy xP

Reached the airport, meet-up with yongding, chatted

and he left soon after. Had popeye for lunch with
seah cheng, yao xing and her mum, sister, cousin and uncle :D
The mash potato was fantastic ^^ Sounds weird coming out me
cause i don't like mash potato but this potato is unique xP
Their stuff so much better than KFC ._."
Yeah then STUPID BUNNY still haven contact me
how the fuck am i gonna meet him?!

Sent xing off, went to toilet hehe cheng became my geinea pig xD
Put make up on her :3 Admit you look pretty right cheng? :D
Hehe then bunny finally called.
LOL okay then we trained to Bugis. Accompany cheng
shop shop :3 Also bought new eye-liner, blusher and perfume ^^

After cheng bought her shorts went to meet clarence at bugis junction :D

Hoho missed him :3 Then accompanied cheng to her work place
ended up she worked for for about 10 to 15mins? So bused
to cheng's house to have dinner instead.
Reached her house like 5.55? Slacked, accompanied her to get
BingCheng if i'm not wrong. Not how to spell lah.
Then watch bunny and cheng's brother play soccer at playground.
At about 7.30 had dinner, then crazy mother sms me and scolded me?! -.-"

Yeah so chionged home, um not really lah.

Cheng accompanied bunny, her aunt and i to bus-stop.
Bus came took 45 back home, hoho bunny send me home :3
Wahahahas so happyyyyyyyyyyyy :D
Reached home at about 8, waiting for bunny's call now :D

I will not promise but try
not to let your nightmare happen.

Waiting and still am.

Hehe, i'm being lazy again.. Did'nt felt like posting last night.
Well not really, wanted to but was too late
bit at last i still can't be bothered.


Hoho, Happy 11th monthsery with bunny :D
Yeah It was seriously a typical day in school nothing much happened.
Bunny left school after lunch.
I went home straight after school :D so good right?
Hehe i guess 2.45 reach home lo. Then since then went to use computer
until.. 6plus? bathed got ready left to eat reunion rice with mummy's side.
LOL then sis and i reach there, cousins, aunts all say
got prettier and blah blah blah xP Happy yet not so happy xD
When mi mi ah kor see me he sort off tio stun he say i totally change ._.
I was like um okay? I guess too long never see each other le.
At least last chinese new year ._. Far eh?
Last reached home at 11.45 like that, hoho then slet at 12 - 1 xP


Still was a typical day in school ): Actually kinda suck today.
Had chem then did chromatography lol quite stupid.
Was fucking tired during chinese class so finish zhuo ye went to sleep already.
Recess :D Saw WEIYANG!! Oh my gosh bloody miss him! miss disturbing like
afina and i use to do :3 Hehe chatted with him during recess.
Then stupid said he went to buy something to eat.
Ended up he did'nt even come back after he said that D:
After recess went back to class, still bunny was'nt there.
About 15-20mins later when clas started he finally came back with Ahgu :D
He said he went playing basketball with nicholas instead then went to eat.

After card making, had this stupid CNY concert.
It was BORING!! After concert, clarence went home D:
So yeah went canteen to slack with xing they all. Listened to cheng play
Kiss the rain and River flows in you then had lunch :3
Was suppose to go celine's house but changed my mind ):
After lunch headed home, reached home at 2.
Roar stupid bunny now is like 11.22 and he still has'nt called or sms-ed D:
If i can't contact him how am i gonna meet him up tomorrow?
I'm like super tired now D': Gotta have some shut eye or i'll faint Dx

I wanted to talk to you.

Hideing the truths.


Lessons were usual seriously nothing special today ._.
Only after school a few things happened D:
Okay so after school we had this leader training course.
It was kinda okay for the fact that the presentation and something sucked.
Well the because of that something well
Clarence went to sneak sneak kiss my cheek then sharyll suddenly.
" Eh!! you kiss her?! " Like god it was fucking loud T.T
Not sure but heard from celine i was blushing like fuck.
Its like most of the class was looking at us ._.
Thank god our teacher knew nothing i hope..

Because of that i did not have the face to do the bloody presentation.
Others was lazy, so i was so shy had to walk out on celine.
PS her D: sorry celineee did'nt mean to.
Yeah she was angry with me abit or so called
attitude me alil but turned out alright at last :D
Hehe lucky she was a kind of person that would LOL easily :3

After the course, we down the stairs near the canteen.
Clarence,celine, szekai and i saw mr lim talking to jing xi ._.
So we just walked passed him and said hi. It was pretty much normal right?
But while walking throught the corridor, clarence suddenly just hit something
away from me and realised he helped me block basketball from hitting my head :3
Cause his hand knoced alil on my head so just said ouch.
He was like putting his hand around me you okay anot? And i think mr lim saw it.

One moment later, he called for me and celine ._.
He was like " hungshe.. you and clarence.. is there something between you and him?"
I was a lil shocked and did'nt know what to say so i just smiled :D like so.
So replied " Huh? really? so both of you are going out? " I had no choice but to say ya.
He was shocked and said "How come i never knew about it? How long had this happened?"
I was ._." " Because you're teacher i can't tell you right?"
Then celine said" Well the story is very very long". LOL.
Then he grinned" so both of you hold hand already?". " Hey teacher, where can like that?
I am a student ley. My own life like that tell you no privacy already."
Hehe, then he laughed and told me to get going cause clarence waiting for me LOL.

So yeah we headed home, well not really only celine and szekai.
As for clarence and me? Went to nearby playground. Abiout 6, dady sms-ed me
that he was omcing to fetch me. So i replied him that i'm in the bus
10-15mins will reach home already. At first i was'nt that worried but his reply
made me worried sick. His reply was " Oh, i see." So i said shit.
He's obviously suspecting AGAIN!! ROAR!!
Ended up i told clarence that i had to go first then he could leave
at least 5-10mins later. At about 6.25 then left, while i was walking home..
Saw my dad's car coming back ._. Suddenly my house gate opened
and my mother walked out and she saw me ._.!

She asked me why did i come home that way. I had no answer but to reply,
oh i was suppose to come home 10mins ago but i tried to come home
by cutting through the field and climbing over the fence at the playground.
So i quickly ran up, after daddy parked his car. He dilly dallied to take his stuff.
Clarence came out walking out of the playground andi signaled him not to
come out yet. So yeah after my dad went in then house he walked swiftly
out of my house there the street and ran halfway down the slope.
And i lost sight of hime already. So ya this is my story for today ._.
Dramatic hor today?

I don't know how much longer i can hide our lil secret .

Decisions are hard to make,
especially the right ones.


Today was typical school day i think. But geography was freakin funny xD
Mr teo was super sarcastic, oh my goodness.
Those were pretty much the most funny moments :D
Also got somehow a new nick name in class, which is fucking lame.
Wanna know ? okay its bookshop ._.
cause everything mangting and eddy need. Have.

Yeah then during chemistry clarence was called to the general office
at about 12.30something then at 12.55 like that eddy was called
to go to the general office too ._. I was fucking worried,
until i was eating luch halfway he finally came out :D
Bloody hell he shocked me when he said he went to see police.
In the end, it's because they had to write a statement
about their shop lifting incident during 2008 may with eddy. -.-
Far right? Policeeeeeeeeeeeee so "slow". Alamak now then write statement.

After school, clarence, cheng and benedict left at 2.45.
Eileen, xing and i slacked till 3. Eileen went home, xing and i headed for band ):
Had sectionals until likr 5.15 went back in for practice with mrs chia.
Yeah after band and everything came out of the band room.
Was amazed to see bunny waiting for me outside, as in i knew he was coming
but i did'nt know he could come so fast. I mean his CLB ends at 5.45 too,
yet he could reach school at about 6. Oh my god right?

Still he's my sweetest bunny baby :D
what a great boyf he is :3 Hehe so we took 67 to go tampines MRT.
Thank god i recieved the message when the blog owner could not make it
while we were still in the bus. Or i waste 1 trip sial ._."
So we alighted at the next stop, crossed to the opposite
and took bus 10 back home :D Hehe and of course my bunny
was there to accompany all the way until near my house there x3
Reached home at about 7.05 i think.

I want you to know that you're the best boyf ever.

Silence and patience is all i'll do now.


Um, school was fine today :D But celine left for home
becayse she was'nt feeling well D: Get well soon :D Hehe sorry for
passing that stupid and irritating sorethroat to you xP
Must drink plenty of water then.

After assembly was "class interaction" -.- stupid ms loy ._."
Small things make until its a fucking big deal.
All she say
"AIYO!! WHY YOU SO STUBBORN?! __Name of student__
and blah blah blah and so on. LOL much?! DA JIN XIAO GUAI.
As long as ar something distracts her a teeny bit she will
over react waste-ing her time scolding that student -.- lame eh?

Had art after that, continued our art piece of course about world food.
Recess.. Well nothing much xD
Then it was maths, oh man, ms loy's class fuck.
In the end we got our test marks, woah thank god my score was just nice to
go for the better class :D
English was as usual did summary then was lunch break.

Hehe after that is SS ._. had alil pop quiz though.
After school slacked in canteen with bunny, xing, cheng & eileen until like 2.45.
I went back to class to help out for class deco, did'nt expect..
I was the "only chinese" in class -.- felt bloody left out
cause they mostly spoke malay and it was fucking boring like decorating
is like slackin off. Anyway, the 2guys who retained twice.
Well i know their name but just don't know how to spell so ya sorry D:
Yeah, actually they are not so bad :D They are kinda cool :D
They even helped out on our class deco.

Left at 3.30, went to Thomsom medical hospital to see new born "niece" :D
:D Her skin is so soft x3
Well she was born yesterday i think.. She's my cousin's daughter duh.
Then 4.25 left for Mt. E. for dental appointment :D
But did'nt expected to be late though ._. like by 10mins D:
So i had to wait and wait, i was really fine.
But the problem is my mother was downstairs waiting for me ._."

1hour passed, i was still there waiting perfectly fine.
So i told mother to go home first. In the end, she came up to argue with
the staff -.-" Fuck sial embaress me again?! She have no sense of
patiences and understanding of other people's lives!!
All she think is about her own time!! -.-" Okay whatever.
Details are too much wasteing my time and energy in typing all these nonsense.
So yeah 7 then reach home.

I'm feeling guilty because
i feel that i'm neglecting you.

Take me to your lala~ land.


Whats up peeps, hehe um.. woke up at 10.40 hoho xD
Then i was comutering all the way around late 1.
Watch tv had maggie 3 headed back to com.
Then i edit the blogshop celine and i opened ._. until like 7.20.
Suport okay?! when it's official opened duh.
Head down to living room to do my art project that i'd lost D:
Yeah also watched tv until 11. Now blogging

Well there's nothing much to say anyway.. WAIT!! if i almost forgot!
Yeah then just now when my dad and my sis went to pick my mum,
jie sms-ed me and told me daddy's suspecting me for having boyf.
Ohno. Well not really my reaction was like oh, why? How did he tell you?
She said that he thinks i've been acting strangely these few days.
I was puzzled, confused and pissed at that moment.

Cause these few days i'm fine ._.? I've always been acting this way.
LOL i mean what way does he want me to act?
Lying in the hospital bad "coma" meh? z.z He's nuts yeah?
Seriously? During the november and December holidays i hardly
get to even see bunny D': Plus when school reopened till now
i'm like fuckin busy. Do i even have the cruddy time time to
act wether i have boyf or not -.-"


Well but all i know is that, he will not get the information he's gettin
cause.. I'm gonna be busy the next few days too :D
So obvious he does'nt have any stupid evidence to show i have a boyf
somemore i don't even sms bunny ^^ check my phone for all i care.
Anyway, this is not the first time so im pretty sure nothing will get by soon.
Um i hope.. ._. So yeah so just let him think i'm acting weird
for all i care again, cause eventually he won't get me red handed :D

Yeah, this past week. Royce, eddy and mangting keep saying
for example" Wah that person si bei titanic sial"
And i realise on thursday it meant "titanic" equals to "big" xD

Maybe i'm alil jealous but so what?!

You know i love you right, love?

Yo yo yo, my computer is FINALLY FIXED :D
Thank heavens :3 LOL, i shall start posting, starting from yesterday then.


Hmm, let's start off with the post by sayin..


Yeah, school was... okay okay lar.
Chemistry obviously always have been fuckin boring, hehe cause there's sharifah -.-
But for so long we finally get to go to the lab :D
But obviously had to sit in her sitting arrangement, but i'm lucky :)
celine and sikai just sitting beside me and with bunny sitting infront of me xD
Lucky eh? Well not really cause i had to sit under the cruddy fan AGAIN?!
Freaking cold luh!! I always kanna the coldest places no?!
Yeah so after chem was chinese, um nothing lar just watch movie and do workbook.

then bio after that was assembly,
hehe finally we're in the upper sec life, cause lower sec
is always so dead. But, upper sec always been enthu :D I swear ^^

After school headed to TM's long john with xing, cheng and kai to have lunch.
Also to wait for bunny AKA clarence and ling to come :D
Finally after everyone ate their fill when to GV to see
weather there's any niceee ones to see, but no there was'nt, all sucked.

Nevermind, hoho went to swensens to makan topless 5 :) 3 of them.
Duh, have to share but you guys should know who will i have to share right?
It's not a willing or force to thing luh actually its something like bo bian xD
Okay was joking about that, but seriously the truth i always hate
that particular feeling when out with clinques "shall not mention" ever again :3
It's nothing to show/say at all :) It's gonna be a habit anyway :D

Over there was freaking cold had alot of stupid laughs xD
Oh ya i finally found NEW MOON :D but still i've not flipped a single page :3
After eating went to open plaza to slack :3

Hehe, well.. ling and cheng went to fountain to play ._. soon bunny go join also ._.
LOL we even look photos. But i was'nt in that kind of mood that moment,
so i went back slacking, soon 3 of them came back cause they kanna scolded.

Left about 5.50, Kai went home the rest of us took 15 bus to 635.
Cheng went home, xing, ling, bunny and me went over to the other side
accompany bunny wait for his bus. Had chats, laughs and stupid moments again.
7.05 he left, then ling went home. I went to xing's house to watch
xin hua duo duo kai cause double episode and had dinner there.

9, xing accompany to bus stop wait for bus.
Took 45 go home :) reached home at 9.45 :D
Hehe then i bathed and slept cause i was freaking tired xP


Woke up at 10plus, its like "woah" seriously cause i think i slept for 12hours xD
Hahas yeah washed up, went to watch tv and blah blah blah.
Well not much to say cause there's nothing to talk about today.
But i'm pissed off from editing my stupid friendster's media -.-
I just can't get the stupid music play _l_
After saving the code some other fucking code replaces it, ROAR.
Just now 8.20 went to Simpang had dinner with daddy.
9 then come home, since then have been com-ing.

I"m sorry if i'm not really spending my time with you.

I want change.

Hehe, heyo peoples back to blogging.
Well blogging not because com is fixed ._.
I'm secretly using my brother's lappy.
Just to say.. his lap is so much easier to use compared to my dad's
but i can secretly use this cause this com is going to be 2nd handed to my sis
So unfair right give her second handed, well can't complaint for her
cause one day i will haver to complaint for myself.
Well cause maybe this lap will be 3rd handed for me -.-"


Um school was fine :) but can't remember much i think.
My mood was dead from all of sudden then remember my super big qurrel
with parents the other day and my stupid and sadistic sad memories.
That's why have been cutting myself lately.
Yeah after school, clarence found out i cut myself and he was super sad/angry
i think mostly angry. Yeah so he left without a word.
Soon went to meet JOSEPHINE :D
Oh my goodness miss her, let's see then did my art had only alil left for editing.
At 3.30 went for house meeting in hall with cheng, yeah then my mood was
"dead" all over when she was'nt around.
Maybe it's realy stupid reason if i had to tell you guys.
After house meeting was aroung 4.50, cheng and i headed for band prac.
Practice practice practice. Finished, headed home :)
Then in bus, hai, i realised i dropped my art project D':
Now i have to restart and do all over. Humph! Ya so reached home at 7.20


D: Yao Xing never come to school today, get well soon.
Haha i also have to get well soon, have this fucking bad sorethroat
thats been bugging me since tuesday xD Yeah i don't think
i'll be able to talk much tomorrow.
Okay okay so ya when i reach canteen realise bunny was not there yet.
Thought he will coem later or something but flag raising alos never see him.
In the end, after flag raising, PE lesson. Bunny was there but when i looked
at him he was'nt looking that happy at all.
Then before,during, after lessons he also never come talk to me
so i was like.. eh? "Is he okay?" Last i found out during recess is that
he was furious of me for slashing my wrist.
Still he did'nt come talk to me till lesson started after recess.
Talk is talk but was just too little for just normal talk.
After school, he went off straight away and did'nt even stay back
for awhile too was alil sad. And still sad, so yeah rushed and everthing
for the CCA fair but i think this time the band was on time for stuff.
After the CCA fair we were dismissed around 5.25, went to change.
Ate maggie mee with cheng, chatted with youg ding and thenw went off.
Around 6.25 i think, yeah alil thing came up almost had a tiff with cheng
but i think its okay now i guess, cause now all the decisions i make "now".
Its unbelieavably dissapointing in 1 way in every decision.
yeah so now i still don't know hat i should do, anyway reached home at 7.

I'm sincerely sorry my loves.

I'm finally back blogging :D sorry for the very lack of postage D:
My computer has been down for a virus since thursday.
Currently using my daddy's laptop, and telling you honestly.
I'm freaking not use to it cause his is like my..
1,2,3,4,5th time using laptop in my whole life xD
And sorry for alot of typo. if there's any..
Okay so now i shall try recalling what have happened for the past few days.


I think school was nothing unusual happened really ._.
Anyway beloved bunny came bak to school :D missed him loads.
Um afte school stayed back for awhile, went to my my house playground
with bunny after that until.. 4.40 :D
Oh my goodness, i still remember when was the last time i was there.
It was the last week of school 2008, Tuesday.
Yeah then both of us headed home. I went com-ing, had dinner blah blah blah.
Until 8plus, i think i tried using the computer.
But when i on-ed it and logged in, it automactially logs off D: ROAR!!
Fucked up man, yeah so got bored,can't expect me to sleep at that time right?
So read finish twilight till 2 in the morning to kill time :D


Let's see, school was fine i think but the fact that bunny never come to school D:
After school, help Mdm Malinda, Ashia and Maslinda with the class'es decoration.
Late afternoon aorund 1plus i think, went down to canteen looking for
XingYing, AhCheng and YongDing, chatted, makaned headed to TM hurt for present :D
About late 5-6 then go home, reached home at 6.30.


Um i think i woke up at around 10 if i'm not wrong. Watched tv till 2plus.
Went parkway with sis to shop shop and walk walk.
Hehe bought Cheng's present :3
Headed home around late 4, got home got ready um as in dolled up for
reunion dinner xD Anyway so yea halfway dolling, bunny called :D
It was suposingly to be the most happiest thing that wil happen during the weekend.
But at the end it sucked because of the darn fuckin warren -.- Stupid sial.
After reunion dinner got back home at 11.40 :D



:D hehe woke up ay 8.45, left at 9.30. Bused to Ubi, went to Cheng's house.
Helped her on her pineapple tarts until 11 we went to 440
meet Xing Ling and Leslie. Wahahahas at first wanted to meet at 9.30.
Then rearranged it at 10 but delayed untill 11 then meet xD
Yeap and all celebrated with great joy :D Full of enthu, crap, hyperness and laughs.
Hehe and played with cake and took quite alot of photos but all of hem with Xing.
After everything, Leslie and Cheng had already went off
so Xing, Ling and me slacked there for about 2.
Ling went home, we intended to go ECP but ended up, never.
Cause Ling io scolding from mother. So i stayed at Xing's house till 6.30
helping he wih her winnie the pooh puzzle. Reached home around 7.20.


School was fineeeeeee :D after school had band prac.
After practice, parents came to fetch me :D


Hehe school was as usual :D after school slacked with
bunny,xing,cheng and kai till 3. Went off to band sectionals wit cheng.
The other 3 went for house meeting at 3.30 mah xD
So yeah, headed to band room, after warming up. Mrs Chia said we
will be having an indivisual test, so we had sectionals until she calls our name.
Unforunately and sadly i was the second person.
After the test obviously was'nt bad at all xD okay okay highed and crazified with
Seah Cheng xD seriously until siao man.
After practice was around 6, just nice bunny finish playing ball wit cliques.
Eventuay went home at 6.20 :D Bunny send me home :3 So sweet of him.
Anyway will post asap after com is fixed.

Never did realised hat i missed it that much.



Class got lectured by Mr Teo after assembly AGAIN -.-
well it's not that bad just stand in 2 lines and listen to the naggings. Yeap.
He said one more complaint we will be in deep shit.
Had SS and Mr Azahar very cute when he teach us xD Had alot of jokes :D
After mother tongue was recess. Had Art.. english then maths.
Lunch, had bio ._. So sad bunny never come school today.
Hehe but at least i know why :3 Can't say it out it's kinda confidential.
3.10 went to band with Cheng :D Play play play, sectionals sectionals sectionals,
run through run through run through, break break break then played played played xD
Yeah after that went home, recahed home at 7 :)

Hehe Nicholas's sister so cute, recognise me once and she remembered
me always xD She's so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D Totally looks like Ah gu can?!
Hmmm, freaking tired had long days, late nights and early mornings
for 3 consecutive. But i bet next week is even worse cause
nest week monday to thursday got band D: Gotta sleep early._.

Got alot quiter than you know.

Thinkin of the beautiful times.


Defination of today, 06012009, is a totally srewed up and fucking boring day.
Because xing and cheng never come school D:
After assembly class was called to stay back for something,
ended up it's because teachers critisized our class when the dm was chatting with them.
and Mr teo wanted us to be more disciplined and blah blah blah, you get the idea :)
Then had an attire check, was fine actually nothing much about that.
Yeah so had mother tongue and maths, wahahas then it was geography :D
For me, it ain't that bad. Hehe, he's funny plus a lil cute for some reason xD
Recess, recess, recess.

Had Bio anyway after that, well in bio lab 2 cause
it was said that the physics had alot of people so they had to split the
class and use 2 classrooms :3 Yeah continueing, in class " for bio "
sitting with Clarence, MangTing and Royce :D Funny stuff just now xD

After that was chem -.- Guess who? MDM SHARIFAH!! fuck sial.
Sia suay ._. at last the whole 2 periods we were being lectured -.-"
But what i really don't get is, she said she can't stand rudenest, blah blah blah.
She also said our class in the other class "i heard" she said she somehow
cannot stand my class' behavior -.- Well obviously lah,
she come in already have that kao be face on her -.-"
Wait, yeah. She came in she started to lecture.
It was so boring almost felt asleep, funniest part was yet to come.

Okay yes it's coming xD Well she was halfway lecturing, when suddenly she stopped
looking at the back person asking a boy's name.
Hehe, guess who was bunny xD He fell asleep, his head was leaning agaist the wall :3
His eyes were obviously closed and haha his mouth was open like "O" xDDDD
Sorry for the humiliation :X but it's so funny!!
Heading forward. Had lunch, then english, after that went to canteen with
Clarence, Celine and Si kai :) Chatted for awhile went to band ._."

So yeap band band band :) Today was fine, and the tone was alot better
because we totally went to take time to make it nicer :D
Practised, had sectionals, packed up and went home at 6.
Reached home at 6.30 :3
Hmmm realised, was very tired today cause.. every period i fell asleep ._."
even band, god. The only class that did'nt feel asleep was mr teo's lesson and english.

I really missed those times.