

Navigation at the top,
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DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

Guilt's sinking in, baby i'm sorry.


Lol, did not post last night again.

Can't remember much, but i'll try to remember.
First 2periods was PE, played freezebee, kinda boring.
Then geography, 2periods. Recess was next.
Had 2 periods of maths, learned about coordinate geometry.
2 english period, lunch then mother tongue.

All i can say is that, yesterday, school was a bore!

Was having fucking moodswings.
After school, mother came to fetch me home.
Watched tv, bathed, got ready went for tution.
Tution, went trough coordinate geometry again cause i did not understand
a single shyt of what Ah Loy was talking about z.z
But still got to understand in the end :)
After tution, parents came to fetch, reached home at about 7.35 i think.


Today school? i don't wanna talk about it, it was so so so boring ._.

Well other than assembly ._.
During assembly, nicholas, javier and esmond got public canning z.z
Last time like people canning kinda scared, now like no feeling xD LOL.
Yeah then had some sex talk, idoit the STD's photos fuckin disgusting lah!
Okay dropping the subject or i'll have nightmares T.T

After school, had lunch with xing, lucas and en hao.

Was very silent at that period of time, very bazaar, not use to it.
Yeah, after eating lunch. XingYing went for council duty at PAC room.
At that time was like 1.25 ONLY. Band starts like what? 2.30 -.-
I was totally alone can? Yeah read reader's digest instead.
Until about 2, cannot tahan went to band room cause band room open already xD

Yeah so set-up instrument and help shadrina and lin er with their parts.

Soon xingying came she set up too and joined us.
Played and played, we ended up slacking and watched soccer peeps playing.
Well, we were'nt even suppose to slack in the first place.
It's because Mr Quek was 1hour and 15minutes late -.-
Finally at 3.50 or near 4 she came to test the clarinetist.
Still she said it was as horrible but improved alil :)

After test, was about 4.30. Went to canteen with xing, slacked ate maggiee.

Well we stayed all the way till 6.10 like that cause bunny went to play soccer.
He changed his cca from NPCC to soccer :3 Cool, but kinda sadded cause
I'm already alil having little time to spend with him yet he's joined soccer.
Practices on monday, wednesday and friday D; Kinda worried
but at the same time happy for him.

Yeah then when we're finishing our maggiee,

a girl fainted infront of the drink stall ._. Michelle i think an ex school student
Wheel chaired her to the general office with xingying and helpout for awhile.
Yeah at about 6.10 left school went to 110 bus-stop accompany
xingying wait for her bus to come, haha and of course with baby.
Crapped with Javier and Casper at around that period cause like met them
at 110 smoking z.z Idoit they keep bloody hell physco baby to smoke ):
Soon, xingying boarded bus and left. Baby walked me halfway to bus-stop
then went home already D: Reached home near 7, yeah went to room
hugged bear bear and KO-ed until 8.40 haha yeah then did usual stuff.

Damn it, i am really starting to feel guilty, wait not starting but is feeling guilty

for not spending time with baby D: I mean the last time we even really talked
for very long was like what? More than 1month ago T.T
Now, recess not lunch he never sit with cliques and i anymore.
He follows royce they all again, yeah after school he never stays back anymore D:
Really am missing him past 2-3weeks, it's like having a feeling of neglection.
But at the same time happy for him. I don't know what has been happening lately,
things just change over time, getting alil lost. I miss him badly D:

Baby, i am really missing you.

Nothin's perfect.


Sorry for the lack of post yesterday, was damn busy and eventually tired ):

Hehe yes, baby's back to himself :D Wheeee!!
School? Let's see if i can still recall. Yeah it mother tongue first..
Then maths, did test until doing last question halfway -.-
RINGGGGG!!! Stupid fire alarm -'-
Proceeded to field and it was fucking hot.
Thanks god this time was not as long as the last one ._.
At this fire drill exercise, mangting became my lao gong. LOL, alil shocked actually.
Stayed there for about 20-30minutes, went to class for geography :3

It was recess after that, recessed with cliques.

Biology, was crapping with baby and shafiq all 2 periods long. xD
Chemistry was still as boring -.- nothing to share
Lunched with cliques again, english and finally end of school.
From then, was rotting in canteen until 3.40plus like that.
From 2.20 to 3.40plus was smsing baby :D
Hehe it's been long time have not been smsing him xD
Yeah okay, about 3.45 onwards i was high like crazy. I laughed so hard,
felt like falling onto the floor and laugh and then stay still there xD

Yeah it was funny, so anyway went for band at 4.

Teached juniors some stuff then went back to band room for practice.
Soon, Ms Noris and Mdm Ng came to see our progress.
After the presentation, continued practicing until around 5.45.
Dad came to fetch afterwards, reached home did usual stuff.

Then 8.30 onwards was busy sketching and shading my damn shoe drawing -.-

Until 10.30 i was finally done, did reserch on Youth Olympic Games for art
At 11.30 i KO-ed on my bed xD And i haven even studied my CHEMISTRY!!
Idoit the following day is like common test,
and i have not bloody studied a single shyt -.- Pathetic but whatev'


Was somehow awoken by baby :3 But still i continued to sleep xD

I was freaking tired lah, haha but i was never really overslept :D
Got school, meet-up with cliques at canteen then assemblied.
Chionged and studied some of the formula's during that period of time.
Finally common test, to me well i think i can pass even though i did not study.
It was kinda easy, its like what teacher have been saying on yesterday's lesson.

Social studies for 2periods, then mother tongue. Nothing much.Except.

Ah Gu brother finally came back after his suspension xP Miss him yo.
Recess was as usual, then art. Alot did not do their research so at last
on 7people was in class -.- Others were all outside doing instead
English, maths. Maths continued with test that was not finished yesterday.
Nicholas was crapping all the way during maths, he was immitating mr teo xD
Funny stuff, yeah but bloody annoying Ah Loy go report him again -.-
And you know what?! She bloody hell recommended "suspension" again.
Nicholas was so pissed after a talk from mr teo,
he went to ah loy and argued/complain straight in a ugly and disfigured face.

Stupid Ah loy she think she like very big like that.

She's so stupid she don't even know how to handle her own students.
Everything also let the bloody disciplinary teachers to do, irritating sial.
Yeah so kinda cooled him down, by talking but i feel sorry that guy.
It's really "a bad day" for him D: Anyway so after lunch headed for biology
at technolgy room for lesson. In the end, both teachers never come again.
Stupid bunny never go class ._. He was accompanying nicholas playing basketball.

After school, went to centeen wait for cliques. Chatted, slacked.

3.10 went to band with cheng. Today's band was mostly sectionals cause there
was this test fom Fahmi, to test wether who is good enough to go for SYF.
From 4.10 sectionals till 5.45 to 6 like that then combine. It's really a shocking thing
when Mr Fahmi told us 6 clarinetist are going to be taken out
when there's originally 14 clarinetist D: Almost half the section is gone man ._.
Yeah so after practice, father came to fetch. Reached home at 7.

I'll look into your eyes and say i love you.

Just hell’s dreamers.


Hahahahahahahahaha~ Today might be the 1st and ever day i'm gonna be
high, crazy and awake for the whole day xD
Sadly it was still somehow ruined D: I don;t really want to hint about it -.-

Okay so woke up as usual, met cliques at canteen, chatted, assemblied.
After assemly headed to canteen with class to have breakfast.
Breakfast unfortunately sucked but it was a hell of funny business xD
Cause eddy and mangting got food thrown on them by some 3E5 guy,
they got pissed so mangting scold and eddy took all our cucumers and
started throwing at that guy's direction. It was freaking funny xD

After interaction period went to ART room for lesson.
Mr M. instructions was to take out our shoe and place on the table
and draw. LOL. Yeah so we did what he told us to.
Lesson ended, went to centeenf or recess.
Recess was kinda a bore, continuing to after recess :D

Had maths after that, Amanda never come so the other class came to
the library to have class too :3 But my class had to take a test first.
After the test then started to do revision on tomorrow's quiz.
English, was a bore too did letter writing thats all :)

Lunched with cliques, social studies was next on the time table.
Went to com lab 3 for lesson, the whole class ended interneting all the way xD
Yeah, so lesson ended. Went to canteen to slack till 3.15 like that went
to collect IC with celine and kai. Went to band practice straight
after collecting. Bleahs my photo sucks like shyt.
Band band band, yeah fahmi came back for practice. LOL
The band was spilt into three groups :
Lols right, and guess what i ended in the spongbob group :3 Cool.
Finished band, father came to fetch. Reached home at 7.10.

I don't know why you are apologizing until you feeling too guilty.

You have reasons :) And i totally understand, you should know that by no
that i'm patient :3 All i do is is blame your darn home -.-
I hate you for not talking to me instead rather than yesterday.
Feeling more demoralised after seeing you like this.
Although today is the first and ever day i'm high on all reasons
but there's something thats kinda bugging me, which was you.
I don't know what you were thinking that everything was your fault.
I don't want your apology really, it's alright :)
Cause i'm really not use to the cold shouder you.
And i'm suppose to feel more guilty,
i don't spend time with you after school anymore.

Don't want an apology.

Baby, it's been one precious year.


Happy anniversary baby

It's amazing how, even for me that we would actually last so long :D
At first i was even afraid that we would'nt even pull through.
But, who knows? We really did last, although he ain't here today
to spend time with me i still love him :3 Even if i'm alil dissapointed :X
But what the heck, past is past. Last thing is to say that,
hope to share more joy and memories with him :D

Was disturbed by parents at 10.45 like idoit -'- Finally it's sunday
and they could'nt make me sleep longer -.- Woah lao eh, si bei titanic
wan sial they. They should know better that i was busy everyday.
Accept sunday which i can finally sleep my socks off and they decided
to just bloody wake me up -.- ROAR.

Went to Madarin hotel's Pines court for lunch at about 11.45.
Crapped and talked about last time and how big my dad's stomache is xD
Ate until 1 like that then headed home. From then,
i was studying and revising, obviously computering and watching tv.
But after everything i ended up onlineing. Com-ed till like 8.50,
bathed. Left with parents and sis to haagen daz at about 9.30.
Had ice-cream [like duh],went home after that. Reached home at 10.50.

Here's a photo of dad and me.
Sis told me pose like that to enfersize his round tummy. xD

Every night i think about you.

Baby, i miss your hugs.


Oh crap, my damn moodswings are back ):
Now.. I'm just moodless and sad all for stupid and retard reasons.
I miss my baby, badly. I mean we have not been spending much time,
at least for almost 1month. Thanks to my parents -'-
Yes, i'm totally sad that tomorrow we can't go out but i feel more guilty
that i can't even spend time with him ): haiyo, sadded.

Shall start off with the day. Woke up at 6.45, duh, for the sake of band -.-
Practically, i have something on everyday. Let's see there's Monday to Wednesday
with band practice, Thursday's there's tution at Mr Fong's.
Friday..somehow an off day i guess. Saturday, there's band in the morning
and tution at Mr Fong'd to replace the one's i did not go for the past few weeks.
Finally Sunday, for me to maybe go out or either just stay at home
study and revise for tests. Z.Z YA! There's a never ending with tests!!
Oh my god, its so irritating, every week there's at least 4-5test T.T

Done whining, yeap so reached school. Got instrument and went to foyer
to gather with other members. Xing and cheng were late so they cabbed
to school. Sian-ded i forgot to bring consent form, almost could not go
to the exchange with the band. Bused to Loyang Sec for exchange,
settled down at their school, debriefed then went to canteen for sectionals
with other 2nd clarinets of other schools.

Dots, sectionals was a bore! Fuck it, the 2 guys that tried to conduct sucks.
Please they don't even know whats the timing then keep saying we got wrong.
WTFUCK?! Whatev' 10.15 was break, after break went back to hall for combine.
Anyway, there was our school of course, bedok view,
loyang, henderson and east spring. Have no prefernce with any band,
at the end of the exchange. Amazingly, they annouced that it was
Fahmi's 31st birthday today!! :D Oh ya after he was hospitalized he slipped down ._.
Poor chap, after that went backt o school, debriefed. Xing, cheng and i
took 67 bus to TM had mac's for lunch.

After lunch, walked around for about 15minutes. Yeah then we headed to
out different places. Took bus 10 go home, took stuff and left for tution.
From 3.30 to 5.30, as usual tution crapped with Mr Fong.
After tution, parenst came to fetch me home, reached home at 5.55.

Now I'm speechless, over the edge just breathless.

Spending time alone again, i see.


Heyo peepos, well not so hyper now actually.
I just said that, because i have no way of how to start posting -.-
Okay woke up as usual, went to school, assemblied.
After assembly headed back to class for chem z.z
cause ley, last night did not sleep well D; Started to only sleep well
only starting from 4.30plus in the morning -.-" Did not sleep well,
because i my teeth hurt. It hurts so bad T.T Okay whatev's

After chem had mother tongue then recess. Recessed with cliques.
Recessed ended went to bio lab for lesson.
Finished lesson went to computer lab 4 for class period.
Waited for some pupils to finish their student's needs survey then
teachers talked about sexual talk. LOL, class got horney xD
Bunny MIA from lesson since after bio , i wanna bet it's because he got too enthu
into the PSP game from shafiq -.- Idoit.

School ended, had lunch with celine. Had hard time chewing.
Still, did not see baby. Stupid, never even say bye bye to me -.-
Yeah i know i'm abit too petty but he took shafiq's PSP and
almost did not want to return it back to him. No offence,
he's a little unreasoable when it come to games.

Every time when he has games, he does'nt return until he wins
or something like that. Yeah when he plays with games
he does'nt spend time with me, ever ._.
Okay continue-ing, Had lunch, went toilet, went band room take band file.
Headed to back gate with celine, bused home :) Reached home at 2.10.

Checked mail, went to watch tv, watched halfway until slept.
Until bunny called at 6.30plus and said he sunday cannot comeout T.T
What the hell, screw his bloody home. Now spending our 1year alone
at our own homes. Sad ain't it, pity us alil. Nah just joking :)
I'll try to fine anyway :D Bathed, had dinner blah blah blah okay not much left to say.

I guess this is it, alone that's all.

Holding all of it in.


School was usual today :) Let's say, that assembly constantly dozing off z.z

PE, did not change to attire cause friends did not want to do.
But ended up, Mdm Ng somehow got pissed and told us to join the class.
So played with freezbi with the girls :D Kinda fun.

After PE had geography :3 Was kinda touched when Mr teo said

he loved coming to our class to teach :D Yeap he crapped then teached.
It's typical xD Yeah after that was recess, recessed with cliques.
Then had maths, english lesson, both 2 periods.
Nothing much happened then, so lunched with cliques.
Again was pissed from both breaks -'- fuck.

Headed to class for chinese lesson, baby accompany me :3 Yay :D

After school, went to canteen with cheng to find clarence.
Left to bus-stop, hehe bunny accompany me again :D What a great boyf he is ^^
But came, bye-byed to him, headed to Tanah Merah.
Hehe, wish him goodluck for his long jump event :D
Goodluck for him to get a gold.

From there, trained to City hall to Orchard, walked to Mount E. -.-

I was early for like 20mins z.z But at last i went in early, yay.
I was done after 6mins after my real appointment arragement :D Cool eh?
This time, braces colour is eletric blueeeee :D Sian, have to start to put
the rubberband liao. Haiyo, now cannot LOL until super high T.T
Sobs, thats kinda a bust for me. Cause have to always have to wacko with cliques.
Cause if i open my mouth to much the rubberband would snap T.T

After appointment went to Paragon's starbucks to find mother.

Drank starbucks with her and chatted, had charamel frap.
About 4.50 we left for home, reached home at 5.30?
Yeah. That's all for now :)

Let's say you said officially hate me,

Well, what are you waiting for?
Hate me for all i care, I don't give a fuck.

Afraid and confused.

Crap, i did not post again xD Okay don't ask why.

Shall explain now :) Well let's see, was doing art last night then
studied geography till 1am ):


Happy Birthday Royceee!! :D

z.z There's so many homeworks and test, haiyo.
This week, there's like 4-5 tests already -.- And there are so many
band practices T.T If i'm not wrong, now i have to go band at least
4times a week from now on. Pity the band members everyone T.T
Okay, woke up as usual, went to school, assembly.
After assembly had chinese, we had a test.. Great -.- I bound to flunk.
Pleaseeeeeee, lah i do the paper for only 30mins the other 30mins is for me sleep.
After mother tongue was maths so went to library for lesson.
1 period of maths has ended so went back to class for geography.

Then it was receeeeeeeeeeeess!! :D okay nothing much, heading on.
It was biology period then, so yeah, went to bio lab with baby :)
Crapped with friends in class again xD As usual, typical warnings from teachers ._.
YAY after bio was chemistry, well i said yay it's because SHARIFAH never come
schooooooooooool!! :D Oh my god, happiest thing happen ever happen so far :D

Class was havoc without Mdm sharifah, ms lee was trying to explain something
about the atoms or something like that. Was hard to understand when baby
was poking me all they way during class ._. and the class was crazy :X
It was finally lunch :D Was famished as far as i can remember.
Ate lunch with cliques then headed back to class for english.

School ended, slacked until about 2.30 or 40 started to copy the text in
geography textbook. What? okay, i copied not because i forgot to bring the
book home or what, its because i don't even have the book.
And i totally balme the blooy publishers -'- So copied about until 3.15,
baby left for CLB. Copied and copied, last xingying helped me copy too :D
Thank you :3 Copied copied until 4.10, headed for band and for awhile
went for Mrs Quek's test with section :D Haha it was hilarious xD

After the test, headed to band room for further practice.
At about 5.45, band ended. Went back home with debbie after that.
Reached home at about 6.35, did usual stuff and
after the dream chatcher show continued with art then studied geography
till 1.15 haha was also talking to xing till 12.30 :3


Woke up as usual, school.. um. Let's see, Oh yeah.
Reached school did some last minute revision for geography ._.
Assembly, was still reading the damn paper z.z Okay whatev's
So yeah first period was obviously common test, combine humanities [geography].
Haiyo, anyway in the paper was kinda okay but the fact that i did not finish
the damn bloody paper!! ? Come on lah,
i was only left with 2 other processes of tranportation to write !!
Not fareeeeeee!! Idoit, okay nevermind about that then.

Then it was social studies, nothing unexpected or anything.
2periods over, had mother tongue :) Still there was'nt much to say.
Recess, went to listen to friend's problem with so called enermy z.z
Sian diao, i don't know weather i should say this. But i have to,
the fact that i really feel very uneasy and more stressed after wifey
told her about the matter. It was so obvious the matter will go even bigger
after she say she wants to help takecare of it.
Ya right, their takecare of it = labour in future problems.
After recess, headed to art room 2 for lesson. Coloured cubism work for
todays' work. Had english and maths after that, then it was lunch.

Again was then pissed by that certain someone again.

Hais, i don't know what to do anymore. I don't know weather i'm being to
sensitive or unreasonable over it D: But i am really starting to get
irrtated/hate her. I always said that this is her last chance.
Yet, everytime, the last chance was over and everytime i just have
to stay quiet. Because she's my friend, i did'nt dared to hurt her feelings.
Just thinking of the past memories made me bare some of the anger though.

Lunch was over, headed to bio lab with baby. Bio, went through corrections
of worksheet. After school, slacked with xingying and shazli until 3.10
headed for band. Had sectionals the whole practice ._.
But was still dismissed at about 6 :D
Father came to fetch, reached home at 6plus, was not sure of the time.

Baby, i just wanna let you know again that i love you.

Either just screwed or pissed.

Damn, i'm like totally moodless ._. Not really, mixed emotions i guess.
Yet mostly sticking to the angry and pissed off side.
Okay yeah, assembly today was extra long -.- sadly today is the last
day when Mr Ong is being with BGSS for the last time D;
Assembly ended went to com lab 4 to do student needs survey.

Done survey went to art room with Kai, haha yay :D
Shuyu kanna scolding from teacher because she never doooo work :D
Mr M. said to her " ARE YOU MADDDDDDDDDDDDDD!?! " xD
Woah lao that one almost made me laugh my guts out.
Hehe and yay :D Teacher loved my work and said its bound to be a distinction :3
Did same thing but this time is about drawing your own palm.
Draw draw draw, period ended went canteen do english.

After recess, had maths then photo taking then english.
Nothing unusual happened. Then it was lunch, makan-ed.
Yeah then heard that TanCC looks down on NA and NT people -'-
Fuck it man! Damn angry lah, are we that low class to him?!
If he tells me that instead of cheng, i would bloody slap that geog TB at him.
Even this takes me to expel -.- I mean it's damn insulting sial.
He should totally take back what he said.
Cheng was a NA student sial and she worked hard and is currently in express.

Okay done ranting about that fat ass.
Has social studies after that, did corrections on quiz then headed to canteen.
Waited for xingying and cheng to come, but not expected.
They just left their bags and looked for someone else for damn long. No offence.
Leaving me totally aloneeeeeee~ Thank god si kei and jess came soon after :D
Chatted for about until 2.55 to 3 xing and cheng came back.
Talked a lil then headed for band ._. Practiced had sectionals blah blah blah
usual stuff but fahmi was not present again :D

After practice, falled out and while walking along the parade square..
I got hit by a soccer ball on the back of the head real hard.
Black out for a few seconds and was dizzy about to cry but controlled.
After that incident, headed home and that period of time i had and awful headache.
Now it'll only hurt when i go touch it T.T
Anyway so headed home, reached home at about 6.20.
Gonna do some revision and homework now :D

Hais, well i'm damn fucking pissed. Was pissed by several peeps today.
Why can't they just think of others? Why can't they think how it's gonna
feel like in the party's shoe. Woah lao damn freaking irritating luh -.-
Esp that certain someone, i know i've been tolerating you.
But you gotta control how you tease others its hurtful and embarrassing!
I seriously can't take it any longer, i swear 3more times and you'll get it.

For now, all i need is you to be with me.

Gonna do some quiz cheng had tagged me to do.
But i ain't gonna tag any one else, i'm lazy.

5TRUE facts about yourself:
My name is Hung She.
I am 161 tall.
I am attached to Clarence Toh.
A clarinetist.
I have horrible moodswings.

5 things that you LOVE:
I love bunny babieeeee~
I love music
I love black, white, purple and red
I love to drink startbucks and royceee chocolates
I love my crappo friends :D

5 things that you HATE:
I hate unconsiderate people
I hate Miley Cyrus
I hate whiney people
I hate my parents when they behave like A-holes
I hate my form teacher

Choose 10people and do the following:
01. Clarence
02. Xing Ying
03. Hee Cheng
04. Celine
05. Eileen
06. Suting
07. SzeKai
08. Ling Ya
09. Royce
10. Ah Gu

01. Is no.2 your bestfriend?
02. Is no.1 and 7 dating?
No way?! He's mine xD
03. Who are you closer to? no.5 or 10?
Idk? both are almost as close xD
04. when is no.8's birthday?
05. will no.9 be an obstacle in your life?
Haha i guess not.
06. Is no.3 irriating?
Maybe in some ways :X
07. What if no.8 betrays you.
I cill curse her until there's no tomorrow. No offence xD
08. Is no.4 an idoit?
Nope, she's gullible
09. Will no.6 be an idoit when she/he grows up?
Haha i don't think it'll not happen :3
10.Who do you prefer? no.1 to 10?
All of them :D

You added colours to my life.


Damn, its 11.30 and still doing homework z.z
Don't ask why i did not do it earlier or what okay?
Saturday was valentines?! Plus i started doing all my homework
starting from 3today xP

Woke up at 12 :D watched tv until 2plus, checked mail.

Then started doing ART :D Stupid cubism and muhammad -.-
I hinted and blame both these cause cubism takes damn long to finish.
And Mr Muhammad on totally teaching wrongly about cubism. ROAR.
Why i know? Cause my dad says so xD Please lah, i would rather trust
my dad than some guy who always thinks highly of himself -.-

Yeah, so did art till 5plus watch tv and find some stuff to eat.
Until 6, went back drawing. Colour colour coloured :D
Finally at 9, i finished :3 Com-ed till late 9, went to bathe.
Then did revision of maths and art for tests tommorow.
Now doing the stupid newspaper report z.z

Tadaaaaa~!! i mean after 5 hours of work, its totally worth it xD

I hate you, you hate me, let's go all and kill bunny.
With a shoot shoot bang bang, bunny on the floor.
No more buckteeth bunny toh :D

A Valentine sucker.

Not really in a good mood now ): Was partcially moodless
while hanging out with cliques. Not full cliques but half only T.T
Abit lazy to post now too, but what the heck, i shall put some effort :)


Energy was still as low that day like thursday ):
Chemistry, kept dozing off. Was mother fucking tired can?! z.z
Finally mother tongue, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!
But.. had to revise for tuesday's test, fuck -'-
At least got sleep for awhile, recess watch performance near the library .
After that headed to class at bio lab, then assembly.

After school, cheng went for her maths remedial.
Xing and i helped lucas move back tables and chairs.
Soon, xing had to go for council meeting -.- Was all alone then D':

About half an hour later, her meeting ended :D
Then we ate lunch in a rush because we had band test from mrs quek.
So called to her "We are very lousy". Yeah for her standard -'-
Fuck it man, still say we play no feeling de. It's not like she
can play any better than any of us -.-

Finished test, went TM with xingying, cheng and sheril :)
Went to get gift for you know? :3 Walked around slacked in the toilet xD
All got bored so headed home, took bus 10 home, on the way
saw mum right outside of changi hospital's side pavement xD LOL?
Okay whatever, reached home at about 5-6 like that not sure.

Blah blah blah did usual stuff, then raped gift until 11plus
accompanied sis fow awhile because she have her own valentine gift
to rap too xD At last chatted on the phone with xingying and cheng
until 1plus. Yeah then soon, went to bed :)


Happy Valentine's Day ♥

Was bloody hell distured by sister's damn alarm clock -'-
Come on lah, have not been sleeping well lately and its like saturday can't
i sleep any longer? Okay whatever, then 8minutes later.
Bunny called and it was bad news, well it is obviously because he can't
come out today D': At least he said he could meet me for awhile though ._.
I think it's because he had house practice, thank god.

After that darn call, could'nt get back to sleep T.T
Lied on the bed till 9.10, finally got up and got ready.
10.30 went to temple opposite temasek sec there to pray.
Reached home, got some stuff, waited for parents to leave then went to
playground meet bunny :3 Wahahahahahahs~ he gave me present :D
I love him man ^^ Went home to put the present :D

5minutes later clarence accompanied me took 45 to 639
meet xingying and peiwen :) Waited for peiwen to come...
Dots, he damn dilly dally de sial. Finally, at 1 bus-ed to eunos meet
seah cheng :D Train-ed to City Hall walked to Marina Square.
Went GV buy movie ticket, slacked over there until 3.50?
Damn boring ._. While over there, cheng and i bought
starbucks & care bear ket chain xP wahahahas.

So anyway, went buying popcorn and stuff saw royce and mangting :3
Pretty mangting ^^Okay, went to watch movie :D And we watched,
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button!!

Oh my gosh~ Brad Pit is hot xD I don't care man have to watch again :D
The movie is so niceeeee~ suaning bunny to watch with me next sunday xD
The story is damn good, i don't why how come some said it was draggy -.-
After movie, went to look for melissa AKA sotong :D

Went to have dinner at foodcourt then walked around for awhile
with cliques till 9 plus or something. Yeap, all went home together.
As usual they alighted at eunos, me at tanah merah.
Reached home at 9.50. Wheeeeeeeeeee~ baby bought me the bearbear
i wanted from precious thoughts :D Well if its this case, i hope he likes
the present from me to him :3 I love bunny babieeeee

Baby, promise me.

Babieee, get well soon.

heyo peeps, had panda eyes this morning D; Everybody says the dark
circle are even darker today -.- And i look alot more tired then usual ._.
Yeah, assembly in class because of last night's rain.

T.T Baby's ill!! D; Some A-hole flu and fever.
Crap, so yeah had no PE cause Mdm Ng was not in school.
Blah blah blah, then geography :D Funny thangs Mr Teo told us.
Especially the part when we went to the river with his students
playing in the water somemore xD

Recess, bunny was'nt feeling any better, he actually looks even worse ._.
Yes people maths is continued for 2periods. Coooooool,
Just niceeeee, 10/20 xP Yeah then studied trigonormatri.
Guess what are the formulas? TOA CAH SOH -.-" So called "Big Foot Lady"
Lame sial, after maths is english. Did assignment on compo,
forgotten what kind is it called, its a kind where you have to argue for it.
Did finish accompanied bunny, and yes he was burnin' up T.T

Had lunch with cliques, done. Went back to class with baby, celine and ah kai.
Clarence just wanted to accompany me until Mr Fun came.
Then he'll head home to rest :) Get plenty of rest kay?
As for celine and ah kai, they wanted to transfer to my class xD
Cause they could take so called their "Chin-a byytch" :D
At last still they could'nt be transfered as the teacher did not allow.

After school, went to TM with cheng. Accompanied her buy gifts :3
Ordered something at yellow too :3 Well was suppose to pay directly,
but i was short of cash so going back to TM tomorrow :D
I mean what? I cost like 47bucks and i went to TM unexpectedly xD
We chionged as we were out of time D: Cheng accompanied me to wait
for bus 10, bus came and it was super cold!! Fuck.

You know? The bus ride from TM to Kating is damn fucking slow?
I thought i could reach my tution center at 5.15 or 20.
In the end i reached there at 5.35!! I know What the fuck?
I boarded the bus at 4.50 and i reach there 50minutes later -.-
That slow meh? That time from my house to katong only like.. 20minutes?
It's so slow i think i slept for about half the trip...

So tutioned tutitoned tutioned, and anyway bought presees for friends
for the friendship day tomorrow :D After tution, father came to fetch me home.
Reached home about 7.20.

For you? its all worth it.

Trying my best not to hate you more.

Crud, having no faith in passing maths common test.
because i kinda forgot some of the revision and Ah Loy said
the highest for the test is like 12/20 _l_ Woah lao sure fail de loh
After common test, had social studies for 2 periods.
Did SA and about singapore's growing rate blah blah blah.
Had mother tongue, nothing much only went through a few words.

Recess, with cliques again :) Then had art :D
Um, Ms Shahirah talked about Cubilsm, did assignment with cubilsm
on our previous piece of the stippling of rose.
Hehe, gosh, i love the rose i drew :3 Love the leaves the most. LOL?
Yeah then had english, maths. Went through pythagoras theorem corrections

Then it was lunch :D Munch munch munch, blah blah blah.
Headed to technology room for biology, waited for teachers like 10-15minutes
but still neither showed up. Ended up, some cute relief dude reliefed us :3
Haha, so sad right? I was almost alone in biology today cause
neither baby, royce or mangting came for class -.-
At first bunny could go for class, but royce wanted him to meet him at 109.
Plus he said cause today relief teacher so "nevermind".

So yeah, called Jessabel and Si Kei to sit with me :D
After bio went to 3N1 look for xing :) Accompanied her look for cheng,
headed to tanah merah, haha cause was lazy to walk home.
Called mommy to fetch me instead, so at last went to simpang.
3.15 reached home :D Did usual stuff, just watched

"Blades of Glory" with sis just now fucking funny,
laughed our asses off xD Hais anyway hope there's no geography test tomorrow D:
Come on, i have no textbook?!
I've tried borrowing but they keep forgetting to lend it to me
Don't go back to the rebelious self.

Baby, i'm yearning for you.


Hey hey, yo yo :D Okay i'm just being an idoit for doin that -.-

Cause i'm not that high at all z.z Today school was as usual,
not much to say. Okay what am i saying? When i say i have nothing to say,
i always have some crap to say ._." Let's start with the first period of the day
shall we? :D Okay whatev'

Mother tongue.. for no reason, both periods my energy was drained

our of no where, i was so tired i felt like fainting at anytime. z.z Drama right?
so slept in class, tsk. But stupid teacher keep waking me up T.T
Maths was a little blur cause finally woke up :) Finally right?
Stupid, had maths test results back and i only got 5/20 D; SADDED!!
I hate indices!! Great, tomorrow there is maths common test.
After maths, headed back to class from library.
Had geog then :) This time geography was not all that funny
cause Mr teo just scolded 2students while he was on the way to my class.
Yeah then he said he was in a bad mood,or something like that.

Yeah yeah it was recess :D Still was'nt much -.-
Had biology in lab, yeap had funny moments with baby, royce and mangting :D
Um, went through correction of chapter 2 and did chapter 3's MCQs'
Until then, chemistry lesson was next on the time table. Bored bored bored z.z
After that was lunch, nothing happened. Wait, something did happen
but shall not talk about it ._." All i have to say is,
"why so immature? It's just a damn joke?".Again, shall not pursue matter.

After lunch had english, nothing much to say AT ALL.

Yeap had lunch with xingying and clarence :) 3 Bunny left for CLB.
Xingying and i had not mood to go band keep draging time for every 15minutes xD
Eventually 3.30, did go for band xD In the end, I went to xingying's house.
We pon-tan band!! :D Woohoooooo~!!
Thought of studying there, i mean not to waste time.
Too bad i just had to show her the Episode 1 of HAPPEEPILL XD
Oh my god, we laughed our ass off for all i'm concerned :3
5.45, father came to fetch me at her house void deck :)

Reached home around 6.10, chatted with Qiu Jin and Vanessa :D
Cause they showed up just now :3 Haha they are so high oh my goodness xD
Checked mail, bathed, dined. Haha after dinner they taught me this
game, its called " ShoeShagMarry " Haha so sicko sial when they told me how to play.
They said it may sound boring but its a heck of a bomb if you play it xD

Went back to room did some maths revision till 9, watched show.

Watched finished the show went back com-ing, did research on "Cubism".
Just finished it not long ago, now blogging :3

I think i've got the perfect gift.