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DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

What's with everyone now a days?


Oooh! Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for..
is me to get on with posting :) Wanted to make it mroe interesting for the intro,
haha too bad was lazy to think xP

Kay, i practically slept through out mother tongue periods.
Maths, i was freezing until my goose-bumps came around and
fingers so cold that my finger nails turned purple ._. Freaky i know.
Get use to it then ^^ Had geography next, as usual Mr Teo talked and crapped :)

Recess, makaned with baby, xingying, heecheng, eileen and suting :D
After recess, had biology. D: Bunny bloody got into some kind of trouble z.z
I don't know who to side actually it's actually an equal equal fight :)
One should not be disturbing other for no reason and
the other should not let the matter burst, for example like a humongous pimple :D

So lesson aint' that fun, chemistry as usual S-ari--h insulting. Fuck lah she -'-
After chem, lunch. Did not go down but stayed in class with celine, izzah and kai.
I continued with my tie 'n' dye stitching. Lunch break over, had english.

School ended, went to canteen with baby, xingying and heecheng.
Xingying eating with heecheng and bunny chatting and me still continue to stitch.
Until 3, three fo us baby, heecheng and i left. Sent baby to CLB at St Pats,
fought with mother again -.- Idoitic, an insolence mind indeed filled with childish thoughts.
Damn it, she's doing it again. I'm telling you its "AGAIN?!" When will she bloody hell stop?

Bus-ed home, reached home at like 4.30. Continued with the stitching till 7 z.z
Now, i'm left with only 1/3 :D YAY! Had dinner, daddy told us they made police report
of a certain "ji bai kia"
[sorry for the use of vulgarities but it's really worth sayin this]
harass my family. -.- Good for nothing incompetent fools, doing this.
They don't even know what are they trying to pull, idoitic peepos still
can't get clear with singapore's law.. Stopping said too much.
Yeah and peeps don't forget what i've said in the previous post.
You computer's fate/future are in your minds/ hands, which ever comes first :D

Baby, i don't want you to face it all on your own.

You make me feel so blessed having you.


I'm bored, really i am ._. I'm freaking freaking tired, never got to sleep well
past few nights z.z Anyway, Woke up at 11.11 by parents. Like wth?
I know at such "perrrrrrfect timing". Dolled up, went to Eunos to have lunch/breakfast.
Then went to Bishan to pray grandparents :) After that reached home.
Okay, let's just summarise. This day, was an awful, sucky and boring day :)


Let's see, i was almost late for school, traffic. What can i do xD
Art, learned how to stitching for tie 'n' dye assignment :) Cool yo, i think it's fine.
I don't find it paranoid to do, have more patience and it's done.
But i'm doing it kinda slow, for today? I only stitched 1/3 of it ):

Recess, maths and english was next. Not much to talk about, same old things.
Bored and tired, and lunch? I don't wanna even mention it, cause i can conclude
I'm pathetic idoit -.- Social studies, Mr Azahar made us copy a bunch of notes ._.

After school, baby left right away cause he wanted to watch the twilight DVD
he bought yesterday xD Cute huh? Went to canteen, lunched with cheng cheng :D
After she left for dental appointment was alone then, shad accompany me for awhile :)
Had nothing to do, so continued to stitch ^^ Haha, i'mma good girl :D

At about 3.45 left for sectionals, practiced for the most an hour.
Ain't nothing much, got sian and started slacking with xingying & sotong,
then with juniors :D Hmm, not much to talk about also.
So after band, when keeping instrument, hit on to the corner or the cupboard z.z
Yes, i'm clumsy. Just shut up about it, cause i think i've got a bump..

After dismissal went for my punishment, and i think the punishment is fun :D
Sounds kinda crazy but it is, we have to do 5squads then run twice
up and down to the 4th floor and shout our name :D How cool was that ^^
Band ended, father came to fetch me. Reached home at like 6.30.
Haha, YAY YAY YAY tomorrow no band practice :D Can accompany baby to CLB :D

It's a must read thang.

Every single human being
who is reading this, READ CAREFULLY.
Yes i have said it, not to use it. The best garentee of not letting your computer
into fatal issues :) Because there's a virus that is being let out on that day.
A virus so deadly for the computer, it can steal all information from the computer,
heck into accounts and make your files all dissapear..
It's true, and i swear it. You can check it out in the news papers.
All i can do now is try to spend mroe time with you.

I have a confession to make,
i Clarence Toh.


The first sentence of this post is dedicated to Josephine A.


Woke up at 6.45 for the sake band "again" ._. Well, yeah.
As usual, practiced with Fahmi. After band ended, it was about 11.55 xD
Hehe wheeeeeeeeeeeeee~!! Baby came :D Yeah so bunny, xingying, cheng and i
bus-ed to bedok inter for lunch :) Had chicken rice, for some bazaar reason..
They've really got an appetite today or so called, eating spree ._.
Oh and i saw Hung Yun [cousin] z.z
Thank god she never see me xD So makaned, in the end went to library to slack.
Cause it was freaking hot!! AH! xD

At like 1.50 left, went to Bedok MRT accompany cheng meet her friends for jamming.
Train-ed to Tanah Merah then to Expo, i was practically wasteing my time.
But what to do my tution starts at 3.30 -.- I apologize to baby for pulling him along ):
Sorry, i'm also wasteing his time sial D: Oh no, guilts starting to sink in..
Dots, okay it ain't that serious alright? Yeah so we went expo stayed there up to..
2.50 left (: Train-ed back to Tanah Merah, took 14 bused to Katong for tution.

Meanwhile in bus, laid on bunny's shoulder and slept :) Hehe, yeah the best boyf ^^
So reached there, he accompanied me until mr fong open the door :D
Then after that i tution-ed he went to meet royceeee xD

Tution? .. I was late for about half an hour, but what the heck.
Studied for like 20minutes, end up i snoozed for almost half an hour xD
Finally when i woke up, i went rushing for my work xP
5.30 was realease and guess what? Ma forgot to fetch me, so end up bus-ing home :)
YAY! at least there's peace and quiet ^^
Hmm, about everything, reached home at 6.20 :D

Your shoulder is practically the best thing to lie on, for now.

Baby, your my favourite mistake.


My legs hurts like fuck man!!
D; Haha yeah, at least it's still bearable :D
Hmm, today? Chemistry 2 periods then had mother tongue.
At 9.45 left class meet-up with cheng, xing, shad and afifa :D
Went to canteen slack for while went to change :3

At like 10.15 or so went to band room to set-up instrument.
10.25 the last 5minutes that we can be prepared, accompanied xing to toilet.
She went to change, well she changed late cause
she could'nt find her white long sleeved shirt ):
But at last managed to get another one. Yeah, so hurried not really really managed to
get prepared in time but at least we did not get any scolding xD YAY.

Warmed-up, tuned intruments with Fahmi. Went through the pieces for awhile,
headed to hall :) Still, went through alil soon the hall was packed with lower sec.
Finally we played, haha the weirdest thing was that
the more we played, the hotter it got -.-
Played finish, like 1minute later headed back to band room for debrief :D

Packed intruments, settled down and like i said, debriefed.
The coolest part is, compared from 2years ago and now.. The number of scoldings
recieved from the teachers is like 2/10 compared to 2007 xD
I'm serious, not that i find it bazaar or anything but it's really cool having this feeling ^^
This year is more of encouragement then annoying and demoraslising lectures xD

Haha so, that it. After debrief, slacked in canteen until school bell rang.
Changed, lunched with xingying and lucas :) Wanted to find Mr Muhammad
in the art room for some help of the tie 'n' dye but he ain't there.
Sua-ed, in the went home. Reached home at 2.20.

Die, tomorrow still got band practice. I'm freaking tired sial, let's see for this semester..
I have band practice almost everyday, definately school, tution,
"parents", friendship issues, studies, friends, bunny?
Man, it's really alot to hang on ._. I'm doing this all the way to
3rd april and finally SYF is over :D
Sadly the following weeks after SYF would be revision revison -.-
then exams, fuck sial -.- Why the hell is everything moving so quickly?! z.z
Darn it, now i'm still waiting for baby's call from exactly 6.53
he said he will call back "later". I wander his "later" will be how long xD

God damn it, just call already. I'm still waiting.

Maybe i'm just thinking too much.


Yeah yo, dudes and dude-eds :D I'm back blogging after 3days :3
Hehe let's see what i can remember xD
School was fine and that's for sure :D After school chatted with
eddy, nicholas and yiling with clarence and cheng but for momentarily only :)
Bunny had lunch and cheng went off to sleep after eating her pills.
Accompanied him wait for bus, cause he had to go for CLB.
After that went back to canteen look for seah cheng :3
At about 3.50 like that xingying came, chatted awhile went for band.

So played played played, in the end went looking for connie, amanda lao and liao xD
Wanted to teach/help them of their playing but ended up crapping with them
cause they could'nt stop laughing :X God, their laughters are continuously non-stop.
I know i'm a very bad senior T.T Now i keep making them laugh
Last time in MBS always make them continue and continue. Okay, i offically suck.

Then, at last slacked with shad and xingying, kept instrument and talked to shad
until father reached school to fetch me home. Reached home at about 6.20 :)


Okay.. Common test, it was piece of cake :D But i was careless T.T Stupid me,
in worksheet wrote 225 ended up typing in the calculator 255 z.z
Come on lah, cost me at least 1 mark and the last question.
I wrote the correct answer but i correction taped it off cause i thought it was wrong ):
I'm demoralised, well not really at least ot 15 right. Ain't so bad ^^

Had social studies, chinese then recess :) Recessed with cliques.
I was typically chionging my art cause i forgot to bring my ART file home T.T
In the end, i still did not get to finish and Mr muhammad said that my other two
pattern still needed more work. Yeah, so stayed outside for most of the 2periods z.z
I mean so irritating lah, let's see, i finished my work, went it, took the cloth.
And then the bell rang.. ROAR -.-

After ART, had english then maths and lunched with cliques. I was freaking hungry ._.
Lunch over, went to bio lab for lesson. Had our new e-zlink cards and it freaking sucks!!
Crapped with bunny, cheng and xing after school then headed to
playground near house with bunny :3 Had alot of laughter xD stupid, funny moments.

He left at like 4.10, i stayed there slacking until about 4.30 then went home.
Reached home watched tv and dozed off from 5.30 to 7.45 xD
Yes, i'm tired. Can't blame me, my metalbolism is freaking low.
So did usual stuff, wanted to blog but my internet had problems -.-" Stupid.
So went back to room, had personal thought till i fell asleep again.
Then 2plus i woke up -.- packed bag and went back to bad.. Dots, that's all.


Today's PE was torture!! Had to run 2.4, stretching that almost involves yoga
and numerous times of long jumps. Now, my back hurts from i don't know what reason.
But i'm sure my upper thighs hurt because of the running.
From the stretching, not much pain actually xD But i got blysters from the running.
Curses, i seriously hate running it makes me wanna bang the wall and end up in
a concussion that can make me asleep for like 1week. Come on, i almost got asthma
and Mdm Ng said that i was'nt trying -.- What the fuck.

Yeah, had geography then. For the 2 whole periods, Mr Teo was talking about the
financial crisis and our parents careers. At the end of class, he gave back our class test.
Cool, i got full marks xP Recess, not much to talk about.
Maths at library and was freezing like a popsicle ): English did situational writing,
but a more news kinda of way and a lil stern/ serious.

After english, bunny dissapeared ): Never got to say bye again D;
Lunched with cliques, went back to class for mother tongue.
After lesson, went to canteen did art and slacked. At 3.15 wento band with xing.
Set-up instrument and started warming up and praticed with Fahmi.

Haiyo, tomorrow have some performance for tomorrow's assembly.
I think it's the lower secondary peepos and dang it. Tomorrow's crowd is gonna suck.
I we band memebers have to wear some bloody humid uniform
for just some 15minute performance. Fuck it lah, i blame the idoit you gave the suggestion.
But what to do? I'm nothing in band, which is also a good thing of course ^^
So after band, father came to fetch me, reached home at like 7.15
Haha yay he taught me how to tie a tie :D And it's fabulous xD

Baby, why can't you just tell me whats with you lately?

I'll do whatever it takes.


Hehe only a few things to talk about. But first conclusion is..
Happy 1yr and 1month with baby :3 I know it's cool,
we can actually hang on together for so long :D
Haha, he's the cutest living thing to me "now" as in currently :#
Hehe, yeah love him. Wait not just love but SUPER LOVE HIM!! XD
Okay, i can conclude i've gone high xD

Yeah so all i did the whole day was using computer,
doing art and watched hongkong drama till late 11.
Told you there's not much to talk about my weekend is so boring..
Thanks to bunny, say want to call in the end also never T.T
Mommy was sure not to let me out but when she went to work
there was high chance for me to sweet talk my dad out of his stern mood.
But idoitic after 2, i never got to contact him anymore ..
Whatever lah, shall continue blogging with the following day's post :3


Damn its the re-opening of school or as we say it
"Fuck, holiday over liao. Sian.. Term 2's here.. why so fast?"
Then we will start to realise exams ain't that far.. I tell you, every year is the same.
So that is why, i am studying harder this term to have higher hopes for my MYE's results :D
Oh yeah, i have not sign-ed my report book yet.. Until now xD Just now told my dad
cause my teacher was not around on the last day for school
therefore was unable to give us our report slips :X Yeah, it obviously worked ^^

Okay so school? Was fine i guess. As usual, on monday..
Had class interaction then ART. During art there were 2 Germany peepos to view
our class. It's nothing much actually only Mr Muhammad was not as harsh :)
So after art, recessed with xingying, eileen and suting.
Headed back to class even before the bell rang ._. yeah then 10.50 like that
headed to library for maths. Stayed in the library for 4 straight periods cause
i had english after maths T.T Ended up, my hands were so cold,
it got numb then had difficulty in writing z.z

After lesson went to centeen look for xingying, had lunch with her.
Lunch ended, headed to com lab 3 for lesson. Stupid bunny made me carry his bag
from canteen all the way to 4th floor. Curses.. -.-" What the heck,
what to do? his my boyf have to bare with it xD
Yeah so we surfed the net during the whole period.Oh ya! I found his ticklish spot :D
Like finally!! I mean after numerous times of torture from him every single weekday xD

After school went to 3N1 wait for xingying to end class. Waited for 15minutes xD
Haha but it's okay :3 Slacked with xingying and baby until 3.30 then
both xing and i chionged to band, well not really.. I gotta admit xD
So we quickly set-up our instruments and went up to the hall for practice.
Practiced, practiced, practiced. Stupid Fahmi keep repeating man.
And it was fucking hot in the hall, it was so humid. It's like our body is simmering o_o
I know gross. So at about 5.25 Mdm Tay & Ng came. Played.
After playing, they said we improved tremendously :D Yay! claps for us.
Soon after they left, rehearse on how we're gonna present ourselves on the SYF itself.
Done, stacked chairs, kept instruments left for home. Reached home at 7.10.

I can't help but agree that irritation is part of your charm.


Hey peeps, i'm back blogging. I'm seriously bored.
Do you know what i did today? As in the whole day?
I was watching drama series in youtube!!! :D
Fascinating right? Well but if you don't believe it..
I fuck care you, you just believe it. Cause it's true, from 10am to 11pm amazing eh?
12hours using the damn com. But duh obviously i ate :)

Yeah but throughout had some phone calls with celine :)
She told me how was that someone and i think it was really irriatting.
For all i can say for this situation is that,
Girl, get a life. she fuck care who you're flirting with.
If you're taking revenge just to see she's jealous..
Then tough luck. He's all yours :)

Baby, if you said i'm your everything, So am i.

Missed you.


Hey peeps, finally back from band camp and i am freaking tired z.z
Let's summarise what happened from the two days shall we?
Report to school at 7.05 xD Haha i was late, but alil only. Okay sorry
saying that was'nt a big deal. Hmm,went to band room set-up.
Guess what? I could'nt find my instrument! They set it up for me and
left it somewhere like what the fuck -.- At last took Zhen Ning's instrument instead.

Went to foyer, waited for bus. Sat on some singapore zoo bus there -.-
I know, no link, why the hell are we sitting in that kind of bus. The bus smells too ):
So tolerated the smell and slept in the bus till we reached henderson secondary.
Well for music exchange of course, and when everybody went to the hall.
We were all freezing cold, it like the hall is some kind of humongous fridge.
Okay so there were 10 schools. Henderson like of course, YuYing, Manjusri, Nan hua,
Changkat Changi, Gan Eng Seng, Canberra, ours and one more school.
Can't remember..

So we tolerated the coldness until break time x.x After the break we tolerated again
for 3bands to finish so we can prepare. We played the last thats why.
So played, and yeah it sounded okay. Mr Png said we did well, improved alot :) Cool.
After gift exchange went back to school. Blah blah blah, sectionals, practise
and everything usual for camps finally had BBQ~!!

From the start, Ms Koh and i sat at the BBQ set, cooking and preparing.
Practically she helped out alot, talked and laughed with some other juniors.
But she left like the last 20mins and left me cooking the left over chicken wings T.T
The smoke kept on stinking my eyes and throughout cried/teared 3times xD
Juniors thought i was under some stress or something z.z Dots.
But at last the chicken wings came out great!! :D The cutest part is when juniors
took them and put them into a plastic bag to eat it later xD

After that, went back classroom look for xingying. She and i stayed in the classroom
as everyone went to bathe. Cause she was incharge of the classroom.
So when everybody was done, xingying, cheng, charmaine and i went to bathe :)
Then headed back to class to get sleeping bag, went to hall prepared.
Shad and i talked until late 11, eventually i slept at 12.

In the middle of the night, xing, cheng and shad disturbed me
by whacking an inflatable pillow in the face.
Well i don't really know? Thats what they said actually. Cause i did'nt felt anything.
Thats why they laughed, so they laughed i woke up and they told me they hit me )':
They continued laughing xD cause they said they
whack me so hard yet there's no reaction.
Haha okay stopping here anything just ask personally instead.


Woke up at 6.05 cause something happened, which was peepos phone were stolen ._.
3mobile phone were reported missing/stolen.
Had spotcheck after everyone got ready.
But still nothing at the end.. Had breakfast and it sucked real bad z.z
Had sectionals from then till 12, played for awhile then ended up chatting.
At last in our section, everyone was sleeping accept for Samantha, Debbie and i.
Got bored so went to saxy secion played with them truth or dare xD Funny.
Because there's seak jingyi doing all the funny crap.

Sectionals was over, had lunch. And thank god the food tasted alot better :D
After lunch, had maintanence. Polished for awhile ended up playing with juniors
outside of the bandroom until Mrs Quek came to band room to find peepos.
After she left, played murderer with
Jingyi, Shad, Shaf, Huiyen, Jacq, Afifa and samantha.
Played until 3 then headed to hall and we played captains ball :D
It was damn fun :D I played at least 3-4 matches.

After games, went to respective classroom get belongings and went to bandroom next,
for debrief and prize presentation. So ya, debriefed until 5.25 like that.
Father came to fetch me, reached home at 5.40.
Computered for awhile, went to sleep until 10.. While sleeping baby called :D
But i was freaking tired can't remeber much actually ): Sorry. Okay thats all.
Now after everything event is over i can do my homework :D

When i'm with you, you're all that matters.

You are my sunshine.


Woohooooooooooo~!! I'm back blogging :D Haha kinda lazy the past few days.

I shall try posting everyday after school reopens :3
But starting from monday's post like duh.. Let's see if i can still remember.

Oh okay, mostly i forgot. 2.30 left for Tanjong Pagar there to see old appartment.

Cause currently no one wants to rent it so we have to re-advertise again ._.
So went there took a few pictures, then headed to Mount E. for dentist appointment.
I was half an hour early so waited and waited, and finally !!
My turn, i changed it to green this time, cool right?

After tightening, it felt really painful. It felt worse than the first time i put it on ._.

So from all the way to Mount E. i lightly pressed my finger tips onto the bottom
teeth all the ay till 7 plus.. z.z It still hurts now actually but what the heck.
I won't die right? So after appointment, went home :)


Woke up 9plus in the morning and faked used the computer doing e-learning.

So that my father can shut up about it. And stop reminding me of it z.z
So from then used comupter till late 12. Watch tv for while, prepared
and mum fetched me to school for sectionals in band.

From 2.30 till 4 had sectionals then combine wind section with Fahmi until 4.30.

Break, came back for combine. Actually throughout the whole practised i hardly
could even play my instrument my teeth really hurt D;
After band prac went to tampines street accompany xing with cheng to cut hair.
Until and finally 7.30 like that she was done :D
Took 239 back to TM then took train home. Reached home at 8.10.


Woke up at 5.25 by most beloved yao xing xD Was suppose to wake up at 5.

So hurried and got ready, got dad to fetch xing and then to ECP[East Coast Park]!!
Wheeeeeeeeeeee~!! Reached there at about 6.30.
Hurried and ordered mac's. Went to the reef to eat and watch Sunrise :D
6.50 we almost gave up on looking at the sky cause we could not even see the sun.
But in the end at about 7.12, the sun rose. It was red turned to orange to yellow.
It was beautiful :3 So from there we slacked at a bentch right infront of
the soccer thingy there so that we can find baby.

But we waited for 4-5 hours still we could'nt see him T.T

But meanwhile waiting we saw many many different kinda of dogs.
Xingying was espcially happy :D Well let's see we saw the amazing lebourdoodle
[mixed breed of a poodle and a lebouredoor] , a naughty jack russle,
a fat husky, loving golden retriever and there's one more i forgot.
Alot of dogs and thats it xD

So when we were lsoing hope of finding baby, i went to wash my slipper at the sea.

Cause my slipper was dirty and sandy, when i went back to look for xing :D
She told me she thinks she saw clarence, at first we were'nt sure.
But at last it was really him :DDDDD Wheeeeeeeeeeeee~!! so happy :D

So we sort of lunched together at mac's, again. At 12.30 like that baby

went back for match. Xing and me walked to tao nan primary school infront
the bus-stop. Boarded 31 and went to parkway, as we both need to do something first.
She needed to get money and i had to go guardian to buy my foundation :#
Haha i broke it again, and this time i bought a different one but the same brand.
And it cost me 25bucks T.T Broke i tell ya BROKEEEE!!

Done, walked to katong boarded 14 and bused home.

Xing took same bus as she need to head back for school for entroprenear thing.
At 1.30 i reached home, from then i use computer, watch tv and eventually slept.
About 6plus woke up went to pack for tomorrow's band camp z.z
Blah blah blah nothing much to continue with :X
And yeah won't be blogging until friday or saturday cause there's BAND CAMP.
Mati lah, equals to can die man. And will upload photos on next posts. Yeap that's all :D

You're just always on my mind.

Missing you already.


Woke up early on the weekend for the sake of band again ):
Reached school at 8, went to set-up had sectionals in the hall.
Soon Fahmmi reached, soon comined and practiced.
So played and practiced, played and practiced.
Practice ended, around that time was about 12.10.
Waited at the front gate until 1 ): Still he did'nt turn up D:
Heart was broken into a million at that moment.

So bused to Tanah Merah with xingying and cheng then trained to Changi Airport.
To have lunch of course, and we had POPEYE~!! yeah it rocks :)
Retared, had to wait for a certain chocholate to show up xD Okay
sorry for the rudeness i was just joking, i'm angry cause i was very hungry.
Haha so he Leb reached at about 2? z.z So long can..
Haha okay so makan-ed :3 Mash potato rocked :D

After eating chatted for awhile went to CANDY EMPIRE to walk around.
Cheng and Leb bought jelly beans, LOL.
Headed back to my place, Leb and cheng were suppose to leave at 4.45.
But in the end 3 of them left at 7.30. We had ice-cream, watched tv
and they played piano. Soon they left and i was emo-ing all the way D:
I mean what? i did not get to say goodbye to him the last time i saw him
and i will not be contacting himfor about 1week man!!
Let's see i have only one thing to say screw his freedom -.- ARGH!

Until.. 11!! :D baby message me :D Wheeeeee!! so happy :3
I was jumping mad, i was happy like shyt can xD Happy happy happy.
Like what the hell the first message he sent me i kept on laughing,
i know what the hell. -.- So continue, 12.50 like that he called chatted until 3, and we slept :)


Woke up at 11, prepared, went to cousins house to pay respects for grandparents.
At near 2 left, father fetch me to Tanah Merah trained to TM.
Meet baby, Royce and MangTing and one of their friend i don't know who. z.z
Slacked until 3plus, next went to Macpherson there to makan.
Amazingly its really near MBS z.z So they actually come here to slack, lol.
They all ate but i did not cause ate before meeting them. They had chicken rice,
Around that time was like 4.50 i think. Baby and me left at 5 like that.

Accompanied him home, haha was lucky that my first visit
the house had no one xD So from 5.20, we watched tv and use computer and
played around xD He's so cute oh my god, he and his bunny teeth.. :3
From 6 he said he wanted to leave delay till 6.15 to 6.30 to 6.45 z.z
But at last really left at 6.45 of course or i would have to whack him.

Took bus 21 to ubi, he accompanied me wait for 45.
Amazingly his friend was there, more amazing his friend and i took the same bus.
So mostly in the bus his friend and i were talking. He told me many stuff, laughed xD
Plus we're also alighting at the same stop. So ya, brother fetch me home.
In 5minutes time, drove to city had dinner at ka soh had usual plates.

Nothing much, ate and reached home at 9. Watch ending of shrek 2.
Blah blah blah, talked to xingying on the phone for awhile,
bathed watch Lan Hua Jie. This show is highly recommended to watch,
because it's touching and nice. Those who are interested you can watch it
at channel 55, 7.45. If you missed it you can watch it again on channel 255, 10.45
but this show only shows in the weekends. So yeah thats all :)

Boo baby, i yearning to see you.

Looking back to the sweet memories.


Haha, i'm still as pathetic :) Sat with woonling in canteen during assembly.
Assembly was damn long z.z Both of us wanted to doze off.
After assembly headed back to class, got results back wheeeeeeee~!!
And fuck, i got 3 underline
English, stupid maths and typical chinese xD
Damn it and i think it's still not enough D: This means i've got to strive harder ._.

So continued lessons with chem, learn to draw the atomic structure thing.
Then was chinese had letter writing z.z sianed. Both lesson were 2 periods.
Recessed with cliques but soon all started to go away.
So ended up talking to shi mian until recess ended :) Thanks :D

After recess went to bio lab with baby for lesson :D
Saded royce and mangting still having feud then not so funny ):
After bio headed to hall for assembly. Got public canning AGAIN z.z
Sian, not canning like nothing. See already also no reaction, LOL?
Got 3 peepos kanna cane today haiyo. then a talk on YOG and
a briefing of sec 3 overseas thingy :) Hope to go selangoh instead. xD

After school lunched with celine. At 2 she left cheng came down.
Chatted with baby, cheng and leb. Until about 3.10, left.
Cause mother was waiting for me ): Idoit -.- I never got to say bye to baby D;
it's because he went to take photos with his friends then haven come back.
Told cheng to tell him to meet me tomorrow.
But she waited for like 15minutes she gave up and left a note for him and left xD
Haha reached home at 3.45 i think i really forgot ._.

Missing the times we spent together.

Should i even care?


Hoho, i'm finally back posting :) After like.. 1,2
3 days :D
Wheeeee ^^My knee kinda really got injured, dots and i'm still happy about it?
Diaoz -.- Yeah will be seeing the doc's if next week my knee still does'nt get well.
Let's see if can recall what happened the last couple of day :D

Let's start from school :D Okay nothing lah. I can't remember much ):

The only thing i'm pissed off during school is during recess breaks, lunch and
that someone z.z God damn it, she's so whiney?! She just keeps going on and on!!
When the fucking hell is she just gonna shu-tup just for 15minutes?!
15minutes and am i asking too much? Aiyo then recess and lunch..
It's now that hardly anyone goes to recess D;

Celine does'nt bother to go, cheng sometimes have work to do.

Xing looks for him most of the time. Baby spends his recess with royce they all.
SuTing and Eileen hardly follows us now D: It's somehow a sad thing no?
To me? I use to loveeee recess :D It's actually the time to chat the hell of
out of yourself yet sometimes when i go down.. I'm typically alone -.-"
I'm just wasting my time plus waiting? and the effort going downstairs lah?
Dots, shall not complain. Now before recess, i'm just gonnna ask
who's gonna go for recess thats all. If anyone go then i'll go.

Okay after school slacked with xing in canteen until 4 then went for band.

Sectionals till 5 helped our new sec 1 juniors with their playing.
Halfway teaching shadrina darling came joking with me xD Funny.
Ended up she took my socks and hung it at the basketball net. z.z
Chased her and fell, not really fell somehow collasped xD
The fall made my knee's injury even worse ...
After practice at 6.15, father come fetch me. On the way back,
went to near by gaurdian to buy bandage for my knee z.z then went home.


School was usual, had english common test and oooooooo i passed :D
15/25 could have done better T.T It's because i did not read the instuctions correctly.
Suppose to write the opposite meaning not another word for the meaning z.z
Stupid me. Haiyo. Okay so had social studies, Mr Azahar did not show up
cause he went abroad, U.S. i think :) Cool. Obviously had substitude teacher :D
Went through worksheet. After lesson, at mother tongue went for
health check-up. Done, 10.40 went for recess.

Not really lah after like 10minutes in the canteen was sian -.-

So went back to class to get art staff went to look for class, cause they were'nt
in the art room, they were at the library to see the other works of "Tie & Dye"
Cool right i'm gonna do that assignment next term :D

Finished art, had english then maths nothing there.

Lunch? Haha yeah no one again ): So went to bio lab standing near the railings
watched boys playing games like soccer, basketball and batminton.
Mostly was watching baby play soccer and some other boys playing basketball.
Lunch was soon over, in the end lesson was at technology room.

So lesson lesson lesson. Finished, lunshed with xingying and cheng :D

Chatted with xingying and baby until 3.30. Headed for band..
Set-up, warmed up, practiced at about 5, headed up to hall to stack up chairs.
Done, practice again at like 5.45, Mr Tay and Mdm Ng came to see our band's
performance :D Cool we improved compared form the last visit :3
Band ended, mother fetch me home. Reached home like 7.20 or so.


Assembly sat with woonling again due to leg's injury.
PE, sat on bench

chatted with mangting :D After that was geography. Woah and during
those 2periods, from 9.25 slept all the way to 9.50 ._.
I can't believe that i'm still tired can? Come on, i slept at 9.20 last night?
Okay whatever, after geog recessed with cliques. YAY :D
Haha okay, went back to class to get stuff then to library for math :D
Eddy and Ah Loy had an arguement z.z Haiyo
Then was english did letter writing again :) But was'nt so bad.
Cause i always do manage my work before due :3

Lunch, stayed in class. Hehe baby accompanied me :D And of course

with celine the sumo pig, izzah :D and sze kai ._.
Soon lunch period was over and Mr Fun came in, teached us how to
write letter writing z.z Dotz, i just realise, letter writing again?
What the fuck.. so after lesson headed to 3N1 waited for xing.
After that went to canteen look for baby :)
Lunched with clarence, xing and cheng. Chatted about old times for awhile. Hehe funny.
At 3 left for home and finally for 1month and 2weeks.
Baby accompanied me home :D Wheeeeeeeeeeeee~!!
It's really been a long time ): but now, at least i'm alil happier :D

Reached home, prepared, got ready bused to katong for tution.

Haha yeah bought stickers and their cool or cute whatever cause it's bears xD
Lessoned until 7.05 like that Mr Fong let me go.
Mother came to fetch, reached home at 7.40.
Yeap just finished uploading new windows live messanger :D still not use to it.
But will eventually :3 Gonna watch tv and do the chinese letter writing so
that for tomorrow's chinese's whole 2 periods i can relax and sleeeeeep xD

I'm the luckiest girl to have you.

Punkstars are friends of mine.


Yo yo yo :D I'm way hyper today cause i'm happy!! :D LOL?
Um, but kinda sleepy cause chatted in phone with xing unil late 1.
Let's start with interaction time :) Went to com lab 3.
Actually still nothing much ._. Headed for art until recess.
Blah blah blah, recess was boring D:
Recess ended, headed back to class to get stuff went to library for maths.
Wheeeeeeeeeeeee~! I got 19/20 Stupid, i could have gotten full marks.
Walao i just write angleM also cannot -.- Crazy Ah Loy.

she showed us our overall scores for the term1.
Fuck it, i flunk math -'- 48!!! ARGH!! In all things lah.
Woah, i guess my dad's gonna get heartattack afterall, i mean when he sees my results.
Cause i'm bound to fail chinese, maybe social studies, english and bio D:
I know it's very bad, actually all are okay at first then slowly. I catch no ball z.z
After maths was english, stayed in library andwaited for other group students.
Did comprehension and yeah thats about it :)

Lunch? Nothing actually.. Haha had banana cakeeeeeeeee :D
Cool yo. I love it, like i said i'm crazy over bananas now a days xD
After lunch headed back to class and lol my class was having party.
Royce they all came my class blast songs and fooled around xD funny.
Soon teacher came, they offed it and went off :)
Social studies, did corrections for common and yay i got 6/15 -.-" Diaoz?!
Yeah i know what the fuck? Failed by 2 darn marks -.-

After school, bunny forced me to walk around school with him z.z
Cause he wanted to do something..
Headed to canteen lunched with clarence, xing, cheng and leb :)
It's been along time, since 3 of us lunched :D
Funny xD Laughed asses off :3 At 2.55 baby left D; Sadded.
Then 3.10 went for band, had sectionals, practiced.
Dismissed, father came to fetch, went to shop 'n' save buy bandage
then head for home. Reached home at about 7.20 or 30? not sure.

You've got no idea how much i really love you.

I just wanna be with you.


Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!! :D Finally in five fucking long days..
Bunny and i are finally okay!! :D Happy happy happy :3
Oh my god :D I'm my hyper self again ^^ Also that person can shut up about it.

Well it all started when i was sleeping because i was darn tired of the day.
At 12.47 he and his brother called me. And bloody hell, they called just to disturb me.
At first i thought he was gonna talk something important
yet they were just there trying to irritate me, eventually it worked.

It's the fact that i despise anyone who wakes me up for no reason.
I will totally get fucked up and i'm serious. LOL?
All i know is that i'll scold who ever that wakes me up. xD Stupid right.
Both of them just keeps giggling when they talked to me,
got fucked up and said "Whatever lah!" and hung up.

At 1 he came apologizing not to take it to heart then here goes his sweet talk.
Bleah, softhearted me forgave him and smsed him all the way till 2.20 like that.
Every message that he sent, i at least will have to reply him 5minutes late.
Cause when i open the message i will then sleep for 5minutes then
i will be like.. "oh ya have to reply" Yeah so he ended up calling.
Chatted from 2.30 to 3. Hung up, went back to sleep. Cool :D

wokeup at 12.20 by Ah Gu just to ask weather clarence and me
got meet up later so he can ask clarence to help him pierce again -.- LOL?
Yeah, watch tv will 4plus went computering then at 6plus went to watch tv :D
until 8.30. And blah blah blah boring day, nothing to talk about.

Yeah i love you :)

Baby, is it that bad?


Was suppose to wake up at 5? Woke up at 5.40 instead z.z Pathetic loser.
So rushed, father fetch me to inter to meet cheng at about 6.10 then reach.
So she had some egg thing burgar, i had typical hot cakes.
And i swear i ain't gonna eat it again at least until next year.
After eating it, you'll feel like puking ._."
So da baoed for xing when we were about to leave.

Left with cheng, jin xian and afifah to board bus, took 222 until stadium.
Was 20minutes late? But we like fuck care luh xD So went to find class
and took attendance :) Soon after we were all seperated to own houses.
So went with cheng to sit at one corner of the darn topaz house.
When the events started to take place, we cheered.
But after the 200m we stopped cause sian and tired z.z

At the 4x100m saw finally saw bunny, i thought highly of having false hope.
But i guess i was wrong totally wrong that
i did not even have a chance to talk to him. T.T Mostly everything was false ):
Over there i kept walking to find celine cause i was bored.
I'd always have to limp to go find her z.z sian-ded.

Yeah, not much. Until when having cheer off, cheng and i watch alil then
went toilet cause we painted our faces with the gold paint :D
Went back, they announced the results. Fuck it, they annouce damn long.
We all sat there for about an hour or so. I mean whats wrong with just
letting us sit at our house teams instead? It's so damn fucking hot lah!!
Any know what? I got tanned !! AHHHHHHHHHH!! Fuck. -'-
Do you know how fucking lon gi took to get white agin after the sec 2 camp!?! AHHH!!
So yeah, ended up RUBY first again but TOPAZ at second :3
We were so close to winning but thanks to dang cheer off, i think.

Finally dismissed and went around looking for clarence )': But could'nt.
Ask peeps for his where abouts, it's irritating when some said
he left, he went some where else or he was still there.
Both my legs were bloody hell injured and was starting to cramp
and all the stupid false answers make me walk all about.

Darn it, so walked to bedok's long john for lunch with cheng, leb and jin xian.
Lunched, walked to bedok. They headed for MRT i went to inter.
Boarded 14 and headed all the way to katong fot tuition.
Reached there like 3, so walked around and slacked.
Chatted on the phone with xing for a moment then headed for tution.
Tution, about geomatry again z.z and the questions are so irritating
keep making me draw graphs. ROAR.

Amazingly, mr fong let me off 10minutes earlier today xD
Father came to fetch me home, reached home bathed waited parents to leave.
At abour 6. Took bicycle out and cycled all the way to upper east coast.
Up till Chai Chee Sec there, went to playground to slack then cycled back home.
Somehow feeling alil better being alone feeling quietness and some air in my face xD
At 8.30 like that then reach home. Watched tv and now blogging.

Actually, i would really want to know what's on your mind now.