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DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

Missed you.


Hey peeps, finally back from band camp and i am freaking tired z.z
Let's summarise what happened from the two days shall we?
Report to school at 7.05 xD Haha i was late, but alil only. Okay sorry
saying that was'nt a big deal. Hmm,went to band room set-up.
Guess what? I could'nt find my instrument! They set it up for me and
left it somewhere like what the fuck -.- At last took Zhen Ning's instrument instead.

Went to foyer, waited for bus. Sat on some singapore zoo bus there -.-
I know, no link, why the hell are we sitting in that kind of bus. The bus smells too ):
So tolerated the smell and slept in the bus till we reached henderson secondary.
Well for music exchange of course, and when everybody went to the hall.
We were all freezing cold, it like the hall is some kind of humongous fridge.
Okay so there were 10 schools. Henderson like of course, YuYing, Manjusri, Nan hua,
Changkat Changi, Gan Eng Seng, Canberra, ours and one more school.
Can't remember..

So we tolerated the coldness until break time x.x After the break we tolerated again
for 3bands to finish so we can prepare. We played the last thats why.
So played, and yeah it sounded okay. Mr Png said we did well, improved alot :) Cool.
After gift exchange went back to school. Blah blah blah, sectionals, practise
and everything usual for camps finally had BBQ~!!

From the start, Ms Koh and i sat at the BBQ set, cooking and preparing.
Practically she helped out alot, talked and laughed with some other juniors.
But she left like the last 20mins and left me cooking the left over chicken wings T.T
The smoke kept on stinking my eyes and throughout cried/teared 3times xD
Juniors thought i was under some stress or something z.z Dots.
But at last the chicken wings came out great!! :D The cutest part is when juniors
took them and put them into a plastic bag to eat it later xD

After that, went back classroom look for xingying. She and i stayed in the classroom
as everyone went to bathe. Cause she was incharge of the classroom.
So when everybody was done, xingying, cheng, charmaine and i went to bathe :)
Then headed back to class to get sleeping bag, went to hall prepared.
Shad and i talked until late 11, eventually i slept at 12.

In the middle of the night, xing, cheng and shad disturbed me
by whacking an inflatable pillow in the face.
Well i don't really know? Thats what they said actually. Cause i did'nt felt anything.
Thats why they laughed, so they laughed i woke up and they told me they hit me )':
They continued laughing xD cause they said they
whack me so hard yet there's no reaction.
Haha okay stopping here anything just ask personally instead.


Woke up at 6.05 cause something happened, which was peepos phone were stolen ._.
3mobile phone were reported missing/stolen.
Had spotcheck after everyone got ready.
But still nothing at the end.. Had breakfast and it sucked real bad z.z
Had sectionals from then till 12, played for awhile then ended up chatting.
At last in our section, everyone was sleeping accept for Samantha, Debbie and i.
Got bored so went to saxy secion played with them truth or dare xD Funny.
Because there's seak jingyi doing all the funny crap.

Sectionals was over, had lunch. And thank god the food tasted alot better :D
After lunch, had maintanence. Polished for awhile ended up playing with juniors
outside of the bandroom until Mrs Quek came to band room to find peepos.
After she left, played murderer with
Jingyi, Shad, Shaf, Huiyen, Jacq, Afifa and samantha.
Played until 3 then headed to hall and we played captains ball :D
It was damn fun :D I played at least 3-4 matches.

After games, went to respective classroom get belongings and went to bandroom next,
for debrief and prize presentation. So ya, debriefed until 5.25 like that.
Father came to fetch me, reached home at 5.40.
Computered for awhile, went to sleep until 10.. While sleeping baby called :D
But i was freaking tired can't remeber much actually ): Sorry. Okay thats all.
Now after everything event is over i can do my homework :D

When i'm with you, you're all that matters.