

Navigation at the top,
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DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

Was deprived
but i now concern for another.


Oh no! I grew fatter ._. Gained weight,
i blame my cousin's wedding for making me have appetite since then -.-
Okay must control on the junkfood that my parents tempt me from :3

Today had our chinese paper, and i'm prepared to fail. But not badly,
because i did something wrong during paper 2 :X
At first i feel that it was okay but guilt is slowly eating up the insides of me.
Hell with it already, i'll get over it -.-
Also, i'm back to my emo self -.- Sorry peeps, tempted by my penknife.

Compo and letter writining.. Yeah, garenteed to die.
Paper 2 i bloody hell don't even understand about the passage -.-
All i know that it has something to do with roses ._.
Man! i feel specially stupid when it comes to chinese. Damn.

Anyway, so after tha paper. Accompanied xing eating lunch,
when she left for maths remedial, cheng, shad jacq and i started to go high again.
For awhile, was'nt long. But at last cheng and i left at 1.40plus.
Ended up reaching home at about 2.15, watched tv, used computer
and eventually bathe and stuff got ready at 4.15 left the house.
Took bus 14 to katong for tution, haha and finally for 3months this year.
I ain't late :D Did revision, not much crapping again.

Tution was over, father came to fetch me.
From there headed to fetch bro and sis, and we went on to sentosa!! :D
Went there to have family dinner, as in with my cousin, aunts and uncles.
Not much fun there, but chatted with a few peeps and yay got to drink again ^^
Cause daddy allowed, yippee~ Okay, the food is great but not fantastic and so on.
At about 9.45 we left, reached home at 10plus. And one more shoutout for.......
Bytch! Make her cry like someone died again and you die.

I'm worried of doing the same mistake again.



Woohoo~! :D Had english paper today, and still i feel nothing..
Yeah, i know. I'm hopeless to the end for making me feel like it's exams xD
English paper 1- Composition and newsletter.
Did question 5. for composition, it was about what we treasure in our family -.-
Break/recess with clique and people you owe me money..

At about 10.15 went back to class for paper 2.
Paper 2 ain't that difficult at all, for the first time the comprehension was
so easy to the point where only out of twenty something questions.
Only did'nt know how to do two :D I mean how great was that.
Sadly, my summary is gonna pull my whole paper badly.
Because, they told us to find evidence when there were barely even four.
Yesh, i know.. BYTCH!! And the setter of our paper is none other than
3N1's form teacher, Mrs Bhaskaran -.-

Anyway, after exams ate lunch with sikei, jess and shimian.
After eating, sikei came to my house to study.
Taught her maths, at about 3.45 send her off at tanah merah.
Wanted to just walk straight home but was suddenly drawn to the playground
to enterain myself again, took alittle breather, slacked there until 4plus went home.
Reached home at 4.40. Haha yay, i'm so gonna flunck my chinese paper xP

May seem happy that i'm about failing paper but..
everytime on the spot of the paper my tummy would hurt real bad
that i would have diarrhea -.- Okay sorry too much information.
But it's true, whenever i'm nervous i'm like this z.z

B, you won't be showing up tomorrow are'nt you. I'll just have to bear with it.
Bearing the lonely times for 4days.
Many times i've said, still waiting for the truth and it's just the matter of time
that i'll really get over you. At least now i feel happier that i didnt hold the past back.
Starting to move on but seeing the teddy you gave with love just breaks my heart.
It's like a hugging a fluffy cloud and it's the nicest soft toy i've ever got since i was born.
But hugging it, just naturally just break my heart into a thousand pieces, leavin' it sour.
Yeah, i may be hopeless. But afraid that i'll fall for ... ._.
Just wanting the truth and thats all i wanted. Is it that hard?

Take a breath, i'll pull myself together.



Oh my goodness, its the most unbelievable thing that has happened to me o_o
I slept at 7.30 last night and woke up this morning 6am :D it's like WOAH! i know..
Was really exhausted last night, anyway.. shall start posting.

School today was boring yet.. how to praise it..

Well as normal as it should, just that my bag is freaking heavy today z.z
Chinese, mr fun went through the format for the letter writing and
was talking to janelle most of the lesson.
Maths, went through revision paper. Geography.. haha yay..
We got back our common test paper, like finally. I passed!!
YAY!! 12/20 haha yesh it's kinda of a border line but it's better than a failing grade.

Recess, went to look for ms loy.

She passed me notes to give out then mr azhar came by
and also passed me notes to give out too. z.z Oh my gosh..
Still recess with clique, went to technology for biology class.
Then chemistry, well nothing much to add on in these two lessons.

Lunched with clique, had english lesson after that.

After school headed to bus-stop, waited for super long ._.
So bus-ed to tution, was practically freezing again in the bus -.-
Tutioned, did revision. At 5 dismissed, bused home. Reached home at 5.45.

Tomorrow is our english paper already and i've yet to feel nervous.

I'm still somehow stuck in the holiday mood.
Oh no, for this i'm worries instead, i should revise my work more then z.z

Afraid to be stabbed in the heart again.

Willingly to endure.


Hoho :D Hey reader's surpisingly i'm happy today.

Yeah, i know finding it odd.. I mean it's difficult to find a day that i said it.
Let's seeeee, um art.. Mr Muhammad had us starting our research for our paper.
So we sketched, drawed and blah blah blah.
Recessed with clique, Went to technology room with celine for maths class.
I don't why but during the 4period, maths and english i was totally high.
Even though i could just sleep just any second by just closing my eyes.
I just kept laughing with celine and crapped alot.
But after lesson things started to piss me off.

Waited in the canteen during lunch for like 15-20minues and no one showed up.

I felt stupid for sitting alone in rows of empty tables,
so headed to classroom looked for celine, kai, shirleen and izzah.
Chatted a little in the converstions and things started to go wild in the class.
They as in "they" trashed the classroom by
throwing books,tables and chairs everywhere, literally.
There's no different then having a riot in class ._.

Had social studies and went to canteen with xingying and heecheng.

cheng wanted to so close by john mclaughlin for me on the piano.
BUT SHE FAILED!! SHE FORGOT!! so as a friend, i'll just say jia you :D
Slacked as they ate their lunch, um not much to say.
I continued doing my maths revision paper and my art research.
At about 3.40 left, Reached home at 4plus.

It's exactly one month to your special day [b],

and i'm still thinking wether i should do something.
Starting to move on, but it's still difficult to not love you.
Well it's just the matter of time.

Simply, just livin' like a counterfeit.

Everything just gets worse.


:D haha okay, i just got home about half an hour ago?
And now is 11.55? Yeah. I don't know why the hell am i so awake now ._.
Stupid moodswings -,- It even pisses myself off.

Okay i shall blog today and its a super big day for my cousin :D

Well, it's her wedding today!! :D YAY sim.
Despite hating her for showing off and stuff and treating me like a kid.
She's alright, practically she teared throughout her speech today during the dinner.

Today woke up at 9.30, dolled up left at 10.15 with parents and sis

to wedding reception at some hotel. But its obvious around orchard area :D
So ya, had lunch there and the phototaking was so damn hilarious.
Will upload asap after getting it :D
After that, went to parkway to walk for awhile then went home.
Cause Menfred[sis boyf] came to our house for some.. um.
Okay it's their thing, i should'nt care, but.. can't help but say.
Their so cute :3 Althought they keep arguing and stuff that
i feel like chopping their heads off. But when they are nice, they are nice.

At 5.15 i started to prepare and doll up and stuff already ._.

I know, what the fcuk like so early when i have to only leave at 6.15 xD
But at last we left at 6.30 instead, i blame my sister actually.
She does things the last minutes, freaking irritating.
When she's pissed in a bad mood she gives me some fuck up attitude.
Today evening we lead into a quarrel -.- She's literally crazy.
But it soon turned out okay while having dishes, one other problem.
She just keeps talking ._. She just continuously goes on and on z.z
All i can do is, see her mouth move all the time listening to "blah blah blah".
and constantly having to remind her to shut up z.z

Oh crap, i changed points again x3 Okay, so at the dinner..

Food was average for a restaurant. But!! the crowd is so enthusiastic.
They was even dancing but of course i did'nt leave my seat -.-
The cutest part is my fat uncle doing funny movements while dancing.
Also seeing my parents dancing for the very first time in my boring life xD
It's so funny i have to say, all starts well and ends well.
Got a whole family photo and left for home :)
Yeah like i said reached home at 11.25 ;D

Mid-Year Exams Schedule :

29th April -
English Language Paper 1 & 2

30th April - Mother Tongue Paper 1 & 2
4th May - Mathematics Paper 1 & Social Studies
5th May - Geography Elective, Science(Chemistry), Mother Tongue Paper 3
6th May - Mathematics Paper 2, Science(Biology)
7th May - Art paper 2

Yeah, hungshe.. Perservere! :D

Oh my goodness, what's happening to everyone nowadays?

It's like bad luck stuck everybody that i know this very moment.
Even myself, having hard time to aim for my goals ]:
People, having breakups, having family/friendship problems.
it's really been hard for everybody these days. DARN HUMANITY!!

Every night, i would wish for things to be as it use to.

Ain't the only one.


Okay? This feels weird, i'm actually blogging cause i have some say
and for the sake of blogging z.z For my 2nd sentence of this post,
i woke up at 10.45 thanks to celine and her miss call -.-
For the rest of the day, watch tv and surfing the net.
Yesh it's pretty boring and was suppose to do art research.
But i did'nt ._. I blame the fucked up hot wether.
Come on? It made a headache that does'nt go away D: Till now of course.

Obviously i'm still surfing the net and stuff, but at the mean time..
I'm just waiting for some truthful answers :)
And damn, my dad bought a whole box of Heineken and i can't seem to find it.
Oh darn it, i have been hunting it for about a month now.
It pisses me off so bad when i feel like drinking but
you don't even know where the hell is it? z.z

And crap, i'm so garenteed to lose my voice.
At home, i already have a sister with throat infection and other one
in school who has soarthroat. The best part is, they both lost their voices.
So there, i'm happy for those who detests, curse at me :D
Great, tomorrow night i'm going to my cousin's wedding.
Gotta doll up again, bleah. Waste of time,
and i gonna get pumped by my cousin, oh no.. xD

Other point, which is very important to my dear friend is that..

I know you're having a hard time handling all the truths and stuff.
Like i've said, i know how you feel. Remember that totally screwed up
post i blogged 2weeks ago on a thursday?
Yes, it's hard. It feels like you wanna throw up and ending your life.
Thinking life is nothing to do with you anymore.
I have been tolerating for about 2-3 months literally.
I knew everybody changed, i quarelled with my parents every single day.
I started to hate all of us, maybe even you. There's a possibility.
Maybe things turn out to suck, but you can't just give up.
You can't just thinking everything is an end.
Also, maybe i changed is because.. you know? Things did'nt turn out right for me.
I know you're not in a good mood for anything.
Because i wanted to talk to you but you said you did'nt wanted to care.
I know inside you're still struggling, i know you're thinking everybody is
leaving you and stuff and they don't care about your feelings.
Well thats not true :) I may be freaking out on the outside,
but inside my heart aches seeing you to be in a bad mood, it sucks.
And i'm still having a little bit of agony stuck in me.
That is why you have to see things the other way around.
Well thats what i'm doing now. You're not the only that is always alone.
I too also am alone most of the time. But now you see me laughing
where ever i go. Because i realise, you can't just wait for anyone
to just approache you and do something. Sometimes, you gotta
stand up and do something for yourself :)
I use to think you changed too, thinking that all that you did'nt care
how i felt after teasing me badly and not care but still laugh.
Thinking that you can't even different shape me giving a fake smile.
You always having to spend time with your dearest.
I don't know what else i can say anymore, but i'm just saying.
You're not facing these crisis on your own :)

I've really fallen for you,

it's just so hard for me to get you outta my system.

I'll just have to take my best shot.


Aw man! I failed my 2.4 AGAIN!! z.z Sian, i blame my freaking weak lungs..
I think i would have to at least retest again or twice xD
After running finish the 3rd round, it is only the passing mark. -.-
Bloody hell, i could'nt breath properly after running lah!
Fuck, I suddenly feel like a weakling. Okay sorry that was random.

After PE, had geography. Practically did half the work and chatted with Kai
for 2 periods. Recessed with clique, nothing much there.
Went to library for maths period, and seriously i have gotta get a new calculator..
And shoot, the stupid air-con had problems and it could'nt work.
In the end, sat with Eddy and Kok How because they had a fan there xD
Had to endure the hilarious and horny things eddy always do, lol.
So we did revision, english again nothing much. I only have one same thing
to critisize is that.. I hate Ms Nora, she is so bias ._."

Lunched with cliques, after eating went back to class to look for
Celine, Kai, Jan and Shirley. Laughed for awhile, when lunch period ended..
Celine, Kai, Jan and i headed to the back gate and skipped lesson..
Yes people, i did again and i'm sorry ]:
I just can't help it, just did'nt had the mood to study any longer for the day.
Walked to bedok there, accompanied celine to see hamster z.z
I blame her for making sweat like a burnt marshmallow ):

At about 2.30 took 17 and bus-ed back to school.
Slacked with Eileen, YongXuan, Nelson and JingYuan. Lol, haha actually..
They ain't that bad to hang out with, infact alot of laughter is going around.
Actually came back to school was to teach si kei maths and study.
But did not even accomplish neither of them xD

4.20, Cheng accompanied Leb and i to the bus-stop.
Okay for him yeah, for me not really.. Stupid, i missed my bus when i reached there.
Had to wait eventually -.- bus-ed there, and wtf was almost asked
by some ah beng for my handphone number. Ridiculous pea brains..
Was at least 15minutes late for tution, did work [obviously].
Haha i finally finished all my theory and by next week i can do
revision and paper work ^^ Hehe, i'm bound to pass my maths. YAY!
After tution, father came to fetch me, reached home at 7.40.


Today school officially sucked, apart from some lesson of course :]
Chemistry, all we did was some revision and chinese aint' that bad.
Kinda got to chat with Royce and weiqi, well only a little. Not much.
Slept half the lesson, Recess with xingying, heecheng and lebrone.
Still have nothing to comment about.
Now, recess and lunch just ain't that entaining as it used to be ]:

Went to bio lab for lesson, haha mangting is so niceeeeee.
Seeing me alone and she sat with me throughout the lesson just to talk with me :3
Haha, i love you laogong xP LOL, After lesson went back to class for class period.
Grouped up with celine, kai and izzah.
Haha hyper me was practically making them laugh throughout.
Especially celine, i mean oh god, you have to see her laugh.
It's like a never ending laughing machine that looks like porkchop :D

School ends. Met-up with Cheng in canteen, had nothing to do.
We one whole group as in Cheng, Leb, Nabilah and Jacq went to Shad's house.
We were actually not allowed to go, her mum is real strict ]:
But what the heck, we all bomb her house to watch twilight.
Cheng cooked maggie for us at about 3plus. xD
And poor Jacq had to finished the super bis bowl xP

Over there, had alot of crazy moments. Really really a lot.
We even also had water bomb fights xD
But sadly, all the fun ended when shad's mum came home ]:
I hope shad won't get lectured to the extend that her mum will explode though.
I feel guilty for leaving late, i'm so very sorry my darling D:

So we all hurried and left the house, took 293 with cheng and leb
to tampines inter and i changed to bus 10.
Halfway on the way back home, brother came on the bus too.
Eventually we went home together as well. Um, that's all reached home at 6.40.

Been kinda social these days, although really i'm trying to joke to the max.

Still feeling alittle agony but better day by day.
Of course also grateful for the peeps thats been making me smile.
Like.. xingying, cheng, yongding, celine, yongxuan, eddy,
nicholas, royce, mangting, weiqi and gary !!
Hehe just saving a sweet thought for your concern :]

All i wanted was some answers.

Taking one step at a time.


Aw man D: I'm afraid that i can't pass my geography common test.
Last night, tried to study real hard but nothing went into my coconut brain -.-
After that had social studies, copied notes thats all.
Chinese still nothing much, bleah.. thought of skipping but my bag was in class T.T
Recessed with cliques :D The most exciting part of today was that.

I can open my tie 'n' dye assignment :3
So for the 2periods everybody started to open :D But we can't do everything in
2periods, so we had to stay back to untie every knot xP
English then maths, nothing there to get excited on..

But during english period, i was so fucked up at one point of time.
I almost threw the plier that Mr Muhammad gave us to cut the knots at someone ._.
Well i really went crazy during english and maths.
I had this ego of murdering people, scary? Sorry :/
But at moments i have images popping out in my head, that i made this person
bleed out a pool of blood oozing out of this wound..

Lunch, stayed in class to do untie knots.
Then went to technology room for biology lesson.
After school, stayed back with xingying we chatted and untied every single knot
of my tie 'n' dye assignment. Wheeeeeeeee!! It looked great but
compared to others.. Mine does really look dull, maybe is my mood or what.
But it's still nice to me just that my stitching ain't tight enough
so it was'nt as pretty than supposing to be.
Soon after that nothing much to do, slacked.
Mother came to fetch me home at 5, reached home at 5.25 :D

I'm feeling alot better but at times having this urge to kill people only.

Well not exactly murder but to torture the person until it begs for total mercy thing..
Yeah, weird.. From the very bottom of my kuku heart
i decided to really really let it all go, cause i'm tired, tired from being tired.
Tired from crying and tired of being ignored by some cold shoulder.
From now on , maybe a lil more rebelious but at least i will start to see things better :D

Figured that it all that worth while afterall.

Thinking that i'm under some curse.


Conclusion for today = screwed up shyt.

I don't know whats wrong with me today, seriously.
It's pretty alone when celine ain't around in school today ]:
I was almost and always alone during class D:
Could'nt breathe properly today, kept wheezing.
And me stupidly made my face pale for the day z.z

Was almost late for school, cause woke up 40minutes later than usual
and heavy rain this morning. Thanks to G's message, i woke up :]
Like i said sucky to the point when i really want to beat up people.
One certain factor, made me bummed and it really did.
It pissed me off to the darkest/deepest chambers of hell.

In chem class, i tried to hold back at least like what 6times?
Around there for all i know. At last when class ended, as in also
when is was lunch period. Went to look for cheng, soon when she was dismissed.
Here comes the drama, shadrina darling came in time, thank goodness.
I had this urge to cry so bad, i could just cry my heart out ._.

Yes dramatic, say all you want :D I would'nt care. ^^
But at last i was kinda cheered by 3 maniacs who tried to kiss me (:
Still, my answer is "Ew" no offence.

After lunch, talked to mangting, eddy, ahgu, weiqi thenwent back to class.
Chat and slacked with Ahgu, eddy, janelle and kai during english.
Laughs is all i can say. Because..
HAHLAYLULIA!! Ms Nora was not in school today :3
After school, xingying accompanied me to bus-stop wait for bus.
Bus came, took to KSC for tution. Not much of crapping today.
After tution, father fetched me home. Reached home 5.35.

Like i was invisible to you.

It is all i can do.


Haha, and i thought i could'nt survive school today :D

Well i did, although i did cry but at least not a breaking down kind right? :D
Will explain and blah blah blah later.

Art, we finally
did our dying for our cloths, and damn i forgot to take
a picture of it. -.- Sorry peeps, i dy-ed the cloth.. Um blue, red and purple :D
I know sweet~ After dy-ing my cloth, both my hands were practically
full of colours. And i love it! :D it's so cute having both hands full of colours.
LOL, after dy-ing i went to canteen for recess. In fact, i missed most of the recess..

So went to maths lesson at library. It's really annoying that his adorable face in

my mind that just won't get lost -.- I tried really hard to just concerntrate
on my math worksheet but all i did today was copy teachers notes.
I did'nt even pay attention ): English, crazy ms nora was in a bad mood.
As for her, typical, 3words. Demoralize, degrade and insult. -.-"
After lesson, lunched with clique.

When cheng finished eating we went back to our class block to chat.

But we ended up in the 3rd floor girls toilet talking our hearts out until school was over.
Holy shyt, i skipped class ._. I'm wanna try asking for a survey?
Do i look fine during school or do i just look distracted trying to act fine?
Although i kinda am, but yeah? Which one? Just a curiousity thing :3

To my lovely dearest friends,

Promise me to treasure your boyfs as long as you can :)
Cause it can really really hurt when they just walk out on you.
I shall not mention your names now.. So i'm just gonna use discription
to say who i mentioning to :] have figuring out too :D

My bubbly and dear friend that is in love with the expired chocolate

Promise me not to feel guilty :] This day was sure to come.

Last long with your baby, because i know its been hard for you
for like what the past 3years?! Don't suffer or regret again.
I want you to have at least a nice memorial relationship
and of course a longer one xD Don't be too worried over me.
No way, i've ever seen you so into relationships after what happened
between you and kkb ._. Ain't no way letting your heart die for 3years -.-
You hear that expired chocolate? Make her moments the happiest onees.
If not you die :] I will show no mercy plus garentee shop :D
In the toilet, i already swore to you. I won't slash my wrist, legs and etc.

My other half which is as blur with me

last long with yours too, "treasure" your relationship.

Remember its just a start, don't be overwhelmed by the past.
Don't be too upset over miner issues, cause there's still along way to go.
Hang in there, so just breathe, thinking wether it's worth it
and of consiquences argueing and stuff and if you can just let it all go :]
I'm telling you, it works. I've been doing whenever i dissapointed.
For god sake, TREASURE and don't be too sensitive over matters alright? :D
London bridge! You hear me too. Make her moments the happiest ones.
Or else, when it ends, you end as well :]
I will always be with you guys, well yeah until i'm not in singapore xD
Love you guys always and thanks for all your heart warming concerns :3

All i want to know is the simple truth.

Finding beauty in negative spaces.


Woke up 9.15 got ready left with parents at 9.45 to fetch bro and sis
from intercontinental hotel beside bugis. Well don't ask why long story
of them sleeping there. After fetching them, we went somewhere
where i really really don't know ._. Went to some temple to
pray for my grandma, well it's still qing ming, so ya.

After praying, ate bak-gu-teh with family as in plus aunts, uncles and cousins.
Had plenty of laughs but sis was irritating. Her mouth just cannot stop talking
after she went for her orientation camp at TP -.-
Damn it, she just keeps going on and on and on. Bro and i had to constantly
remind her how noisy she is or we just call her to shut it xD
I know mean, don't get me wrong. But i think some people out there,
cannot take the way of how i live ._."

Sorry stupid conclusion, after eating headed back to the hotel to
help sibs to check out. Headed back home next, reached home at about 2.50.
Xingying was suppose to come to my house to study.
At last did not lah of course xD So for the whole day,
used comupter and watch tv.. Not much to say already.

Just that i'm feeling weird, feeling numb but still hurt.
Okay what the heck, get over it hung she. It's not the end if the world.
Lol, exams are coming in 2weeks, i've just gotta stay strong not matter.
I promise to the people i love that i will not do anything stupid.
Well if i can lah, it's not a definate promise but i'll try.
I will not slit my wrist or anything, because to me i think now what ever i do
is gonna be a waste. It's totally not worth it, but i'm seriously wandering
what with guys breaking up with me after SYF -.- plus in the April?
Damn its annoying, i don't even know what am i feeling.
Feel hurt? Definately, please i can't even get him off of my mind for
just a second -.-" But weird, i can just laugh for anything thats funny [:
I'm seriously feeling better :D Just hope tomorrow i can control my tear glands.
So people see my eyes water, faster hide my face!! xD

I just need to take a little breather.

Let go and breathe.


I want to start this post by.. Its literally the end of my 2nd relationship.
Oh well, obviously i'm super upset that i want to scream and commit suicide.
But hell with it already, i'm trying entertaining myself.
All i want to say to baby is that.. Thanks for everything (:
But promise to keep those precious gifts with you, i don't want it back.
Goodluck to your studies and maybe your next will be luckier than me.
May god bless you, you will always remain as a goodfriend of mine.
18 April 2009, 08:16:41 am. I will always remember your love and care.

Well woke up at 7, and when i looked at phone. My day, I say.
Damn it, this is gonna get some getting use to.
Damn it, I'm sure to go back to my emo self and do stupid things.
Damn it, that why the hell in all days now.
Like wtf?! 2weeks before exams?!
Its a totally wrong timing, screw him to hell.
And i was aiming for top 10 in class.
No i can just kiss goodbye to that wish of mine.
Damn it, my sis wore my clothes and made it wet -.-
Damn it, i'm gonna cry real bad.

Well in every stupid sense i did not cry.. I held on so tight and tried to fight back,
but realising what he said may be true. Maybe it's time to let go.
At least telling me now is much better then the future. So at last, i agreed.
Anyone that says i'm stupid for letting it go, say what every fucktarded crap
you want. I bloody heckcare, now that i have more time. I can do what i want
to do since last year. Make that sorry bytch kiss her ass goodbye :D
At least now i have a new goal. ^^ I swear to show no mercy.

Okay sorry, jumping into other topics now xD So at 8.30 left the house,
walked to Tanah Merah to top up e-zlink card then stupidly my bus was fucking late.
Like 20minutes can?! Was suppose to meet xingying at 637, 9.15, in the end 9.30 z.z
Reached her house, idoit me seriously have a weak heart -.-
I cried immediatly when i sat down with her at her computer desk.
At last, never went to MBS ): Slacked at her house, at 12.20 we took bus 65
headed to Tam 1.

Cool, over there.. Alot of japanese food xD YAY!
We went to hunt for pressies then at about 1.45 went to meet cheng and leb :D
Headed to GV bought movie ticket and drinks and stuff went to cinema.
We watched Seventeen Again :D Haha so funny can?!

Zac Efon
.. Oh my god, he's like damn shuai can xD Okay crapping up myself.
After movie was about 4 and xing and i had to rush to do something.
Went back to Tam 1 and bought stuff. At 4.40 like that we all headed
own directions. We all MRT-ed, took to Tanah Merah and walked home.

In a hurry you see :D Went back home bathed and dolled up -.-
And damn! I look like some doll, first its because of the dress and make up.
2nd is because i think i looked pretty fake -.-
Thank god my parents did'nt realise something was wrong with me.
Well, i have to act right? xD

Ate, then went out with sibs to do some ridiculous things xD
Haha serve that stupid driver right :) Sadded, no chance to drink today ):
Sian lah, so anyway reached home at 11.

To some KPOs':
Yes, its a clean break and stop asking. It's freaking irritating to
repeat everything again and again! Get lost, or i'll kick your asses until you fly :)
Want to know more information ask the bunny and not me. Seriously.

Lend me a shoulder
when you see my eyes starting to water.

Don't you fake it.


Sorry no post yesterday, was tired cum headache xP And obvious, i was lazy.

Man! i seriously should do something about the headache ):
Maybe gonna see doctor or something, have to see my 'mummy'
thinks its that serious that i have to see doctor.

Yesterday was another terrible day ): Because of a certain being pissed me off -.-

Even how much i loved him now, i don't think he seems to care now D:
Please lah, which guy would just walk away when you sat with him for just 5minutes
so that he can play some handphone game? And i thought i did something wrong.
Now, i'm extremely dissapointed, heartbroken and just mad about it.
I thought i would get to spend much much much... more time with him
and yet after SYF.. He totally changed. What the fuck is that?

Okay, continueing with the day then rants.. z.z

Was suppose to have napfa test, the 5stations.Yeah, you know?
But luckily, Mdm Ng was not around because she went for course i think.
In the end i wasted 2 periods of my time to think of some miracle
which i think now would mostly likely not happen ):

The rest of day also sucked as bad, during english that fucked/screwed up.

Certain bytch went to irritate my dumbass again. Damn bytch? When will you learn?
Your more disgusting then the maggots that live in shyt i tell ya.
Don't you find yourself a disgrace to yourself? To your parents?

After school, stayed back with xingying until 4.20.

Took bus 14, headed for tution. Well was 10-15minutes late..
It's nothing, still nothing happened of course.
After tution, mother came to fetch, reached home at late 7.


Happy birthday dad :D

Hehe, gonna celebrate his 58th birthday tomorrow at dinner :D
Hopefully i get to drink again, haha xD I shall get on with the post.

Today was also a terrible day infact alot more worse than yesterday ):

School was beyond and doubt the suckiest one since the first day.
The first 2periods was chemistry and Sharifa was trying to make drama.
Cause alot of people were late -.- For like what 10minutes tops,
and they all had to stay outside. At least 8-10 of them can?
Mdm Tay, OM2 and Whadwani came like wtfuck? Drama ain't it?

After chem had chinese and for the first time, lesson was'nt as boring :D

Recessed with cliques. Went to techonogy room for biology lesson.
And assembly, i practically slept 3/4 throughout z.z Headcahe..
After school, stayed back until 2.10 and then left for home.
Reached home at 2.50. Now i'm parental free well until tomorrow..
My parents are not gonna be at home for the night ;D YAY!

Well got upset because of a very hurtful sentence a friend of mine told me..
He told me that i was not talked to because he "did'nt liked" talking to me.
For that i'm crushed, it feels as if i was stabbed by a dagger..
I wander now, i means what the point for this.
Might as well i just give up and we can live our own happy life -.-
Man, this feels really annoying. I''m having serious moodswings.

Why did you say you loved me.

Why did i accepted your love.
Why did you say you would want to be with me as long as possible.
Why did you changed after being with me
Why did you say you want to be with me forever
Why did you make me love you back.

Well that is what you alwasy use to say/do. And now.

What happened to my boyfriend that i use to know and love.

Why did you ignore me
Why did you break so many promises
Why do you keep giving ridiculous answers when i talk to you
When was the last time you even said i love you
Why cant you just tell me the truth.

There are too many to ask, but most importantly. Can't you just tell me

how you feel? I just want some truth. You said you wanted it to last..
But you're breaking my heart, dissapointing me in alot of ways.

Baby, you just had to change.



Shyt, stupid headache has been haunting me ever since saturday and

it just won't go away even the number of times i took panadol -.-
Because of the stupid headache, i kept sleeping and i never got a chance
to revise today's bio common test.. Ended up today morning had to do
last minute revision ): Thanks god the paper was'nt that bad
although there were some questions i did not know how to answer..

After common test, went to hall cause Mr Azahar was not around.

Stayed there for 2periods with baby, celine, izzah, mangting, eddy they all.
Chinese period, went back class for lesson. Recessed with cliques.

Art was suppose to do dying, but it was rainning so postponed 'again'

to monday. In the end, Mr Muhammad explained to us about how to do dying
and our art exam paper. Oh my god, gonna die can?!
Like how the bloody hell am i gonna draw 4 final pieces of drawing in 3hours?!
My assignment for my cubism[rose] already took me
8-9 hours to complete man.. WTF.

Had english and maths after that, lunch.

I got sexually harassed by my dear bestfriend ._. Yes, it's scary. Come on'
I hate being kissed from girls ): To me it's just wrong, bleah. No offence..
After lunch went to technology room for bio lesson.
From there onwards, i then realise... something's is definately wrong in baby's mind.
cause he did'nt talk to me the whole day and during bio he still never sit with me?
Yeah, something's wrong. Man, it's screwed all over again..

Like what the hell, it happened last week and now.. again?

Tired sial, and it took me like 3days to let the matter go.
But obvious, it's still not really over the matter yet lah xD
After school.. slacked with xing, cheng and shad until 3.30.

Mother came to fetch me to Mt. E. for dental appointment. Hehe changed to purple :D

But sadly i still have to continue to put my rubberband on.
After appointment, headed home. And at that very moment
when i was about leave.. I suddenly had a craving to drink starbucks z.z
I know, its stupid.. Okay so went home, reached home at 5.15.

Baby, did i do something wrong again?

Superglue bytch:

Do not provoke me, or i'll screw your mommy's arse.
Do you understand, don't have your own possy and now stick with mine?
Whats wrong with you? have you thought of making new friends that
can mentaly understand you better? Get your own.
So that you will stop bugging my dumbass saying she follows others
because she's a lonely bytch that has no one to follow.
Man! your stupid, you think i don't exist? Then your freaking wrong about that.
She will always have me.. Even though she owes me alot of money.
Please lah, one day i will do something to you. Just you wait..
provoke me somemore and you'll get it. Plus guarentee chop.
I don't say a word cause you've done not much damage yet.
But if you do go to that extend, you are so gonna get some fucked up scolding from me lah
Even /Plus i swear even it takes me to end up in
the hospital because i got injured by your so called 'gang'. But i still have to say..
Seriously deep down in my heart, i'm not afraid you.
You hear me? you bytch? Once again, i tell you. I still hate you.
I say it's worth telling you this and that.
I despise you even if you and i are the last beings on earth.

I'm always just thinkin' of you.


Yeah, did not blog last night.. Wait? Why did i even type that.

It's already obvious i never post -.- Stupid me. Okay, i did not blog.
It because i never got to use the computer yesterday :D
Wow! it must be amazing for some of you to hear me saying that xD
Yeah, was suppose to use computer but had freaking headache and slept z.z

Will briefly blog about yesterday :) School? was freaking and sorta great :D

But sadly xingying ain't around, sick you see ): Yeah, but bunny was especially sweet~.
*Giggles* :X Okay shutting up, art.. we still did tieing for our assignments
cause mr Muhammad still says it's not tight enough -.-
Wa lan eh, he made me tie one of the stupid knot for freaking 9times then it was alright -.-
Wthell? it made my pinky alil bit of eternal bleeding and skin coming off
of some fingers.. Although i love this assignment but.. it sometimes annoys me
to extends that i will send the cloth to the deepest chambers of hell..

After art, recessed with cliques, continued by maths for 2periods at computer lab 3

then 2periods of english in library. Yeah cold ): other then that nothing new.
Lunched with cliqes again, for social studies Mr Ahzaha ain't around so had relief.
And baby left at 2 D: After school, slacked with cheng and shad still 3.45.
Headed for band and alot of people did not attend. Tsk tsk tsk.
During practice, we played trust me singpore, singapore town, greensleeves
and she's the one? I think if i'm not wrong.

Haha and breaktime was hilarious. Shad and i went high!! xD

It's freaking funny, well not this time but everytime being with her :D
I love you darling and when she said she's SUPER SHAD. She ain't kidding.
So we laughed and laughed and we both had the chance of falling off to the ground
and laughed our asses off :) After practice, helped clear the room then..
Parents came to fetch, reached home at about 7.20.


Today, school was so-so? Was suppose to be better after school

but he went where else again.. zzz Forget it. Dropping the matter.
Um first 2periods, chinese :D I totally slept throughtout cause i had some headeache
and i can't stand it. Now, it's still destroying the brain cells of my head -.-
It hurts like fuck i tell you. it's been stuck there since saturday ):
The other worst part is that it also makes you feel sleepy too D:

Had maths next, nothing much there. Geography went to hall for lesson.

Recessed with cliques, had 2periods of bio after that.
Not very interesting this time cause never got to sit with baby ):
Ended up sitting with mangting but she was'nt in a good mood though D: My poor laogong.
After bio, had chem. Chemistry had test.. Nothing much there,
as usual Mdm sharifah and her insults..

Lunched with cliques, had english. Did'nt do much as in at all.

After school, was suppose to send baby to CLB but don't know where he went
after school ._. Yeah so after school, waited for bus and kinda slacked with
celine, izzah and kai.. Dots, kai cannot flick the my darn lighter..
In the end had to help her light xD For ahwile later they left.

Bus came, and my e-zlink was out of cash and the worst part..

I had no coins left D: Only got 30cents left, thank god the bus driver was nice enough
to let me board the bus :D Though i feel guilty for giving him 30cents D;
Reached KSC at about 3.20. Tutioned, crapped with Mr fong again.
Tution tution tuition, finally at 5 tution ended.
Parents came to fetch, reached home at 5.30.

No way anybody's gonna take my heart away.