

Navigation at the top,
please feel free to click

DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

I dont' know if i should anymore.


Hey readers :] I'm back posting, you know? Won't be posting everyday from now on.
I'm sick of tired of everything, i post because i feel like it only. Haha.
Now when i seriously think is that, more and more people are taking me for a fool.

They take me as a doll, thinking i have no feelings.
Well yeah i do, just that i'm not showing it out.
For the fact that, i've been bottling everything in.
Yes i hate crying alot, but i really want to cry. But i just can't.
You know how difficult that makes me feel?
More and more hypocrites are stepping in, to just piss me off.
When will they fucking know that when i'm not happy they will not be happy either?

Those pieces of shit thinks they are so gooooood at pissing me off?!
Then they are fucking wrong about it.
They will have to just bloody deal with the consequences dealing with me.
Like i've said many eff-ing times that i'm a nice person.
But not nice when "provoked". Which part of that still do not get?
I thought i would always say it clearly -.- Imbeciles -'-
Yah i'm just really not in a good mood really.
If just irritated abit, can be hell for you,
but other then that i'm fine like nothing happens.

Oh well, let's blog about my loseristic weekend :D
Um yesterday i practically stayed all day at home,
using the computer and wathcing tv!! How educational ^^
Then at 8plus went to katong astons to have dinner with dad.

Today, woke up at late 11 used computer all the way till 2 plus.
Went to city plaza with mummy and sister :D
For the first time she would actually buy the things we want!! YAY!!
Yeah for me bought 2dresses and 1 top.
At first i thought mummy bought another top for me. And she did'nt of course.
The worst is that was my favourite D': Heartache.
Well haha i don't care i will go back and huant for it again:3

Yeah, shopped all the way till 7plus went to Katong to have chicken rice family.
Dad and brother came late and we reached home at 9. :] Thats about it.
Damn yx, at malaysia.. He will be there until coming saturday -.-
Man, i wander who is gonna entertain me until 2 am xD

I intend to give up. Happy now?

We once were.


Did not post last night due to parental issues.
Have not been doing well with them either.
All they do these few days is nag and scold, scold and nag.

For ain't no reaon, but because of my report book results.
My dad ain't happy at all D: I don't wanna talk about what happened last night.
Those who know? You better shut it :]
Yeah, my this time my dad has never demoralised me to this state, ever.
He made me cry for like the least one hour ._. Idiots -.-

Yesterday- School, i don't know? Just for no reason, it feels weird being school.
Had this funny feeling thats all ._. And during bio? Something happened.
I know, it may not be a big deal to others but yeah it definitely is for me.
Well, at first when he said that, i thought there was a little hope.
But the way you reacted made me feel stupid that
why did i even have my hopes up in the first place. D':

After school, headed to celine's house to celebrate her birthday.
Oh yeah that reminds me.. Happy Birthday to Celine dumbass and eddy!! :D
Hahah, her gan daddy is hilarious i tell ya :D
The 2nd eddy and the split image of eric [but chubbier] xD
Had alot of fun at first but ended up talking heart to heart with kai.

At 5, we left her house, kai accompany me to bus-stop.
Waited, bus came i went home and she headed home
Reached home at i don't know 5.30? i can't remember._.

Today, i was super/totally moodless in school.
I practically made celine worried for the whole day ._. sorry my dear.
Let's see today is the last day of school and throughout for today
was our sports carnival. Boring man, wanted to play captains ball actually.
but i really did'nt want to sweat in my uniform -.- It would really suck.

But the main thing that i'm sad was that, i did not get this chance
to take one good glance at him for just 5minutes from a far end D:
Man, come on it's like tha last day of school at least let me see him right?
I wander what will happen during the june holiday.
I wander what will happen after the june holiday ]:

Yeah but the most screwed up thing about today was that.
21bucks was stolen, celine? 50bucks -.-
Fuck that idoit that took it, i swear if i know who. He/she will damn it just face
the fucking consiquences. That person wants to get a beating or something -.-
I will scold that person until he/she will cry, begging for mercy i tell ya!!
I fucking heck care if that person got what gang or what.
I will strangle him, until his/her face turns purple!!
If he known better that i'm not in good temper lately.
I've just had it! People are just taking me for fools nowadays.

After school, went to tampines salon with xingying and heecheng.
Both of them, went to reborn their hair. Haha i went to cut bangs!!
And i look so bloody kuku now, wandering how will i look
when i attend my cousin's wedding next friday o_o
Yeah, we reached there at like 2plus and we can drag all the way to 5.
Cheng and i were rushing and we ended up cabbing back.
Cabbed to ubi and i took 45 back home. Reached home at 6.40 :D

I wander if you would miss me.

I don't want to hate.


Um, starting the post by wishing ClarenceT. and T.WoonLing
a big and HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D May all your wishes come true.

Sorry have not been updating regularly, my internet connection is fucked up.
Monday- School, not much going on.
Tuesday- Also not much, went to some YOG thingy at dunno where.
Went home straight and napped for 5hours :D
Today- All the way for school today was movie, movieee, MOVIEEE!!
Man, it's freaking boring -.- After school, went to mama shop buy red bull,
cause i know i'm bound to fall asleep during band. And i almost did, AGAIN!

Yeah, headed back to school and lunched.

Slacked with Shad, Nabilah and Jacq until about 3.20.
Because Tan CC told us to go for band straight away and Fahmi was there.
Yeah, and sadly. My dear Jing Yi got transferred to Bass Clarinet D':
I don't why but i'm super sad about it, my poor little bro ]:
It feels like i've lost another companion D':

During break, got to chat with Yao Xing :D Like finally. Missed her alot really..
And for no reason, my moodswing returned.
Junior said my face totally change,
so called "hyper" turning into so called "EMO". Lol.
Aiya, don't wanna elaborate but yeah. Sad for all i know,
was dismissed about 6.45. Dad fetched me home, reached home at 7.10.

I never wanted to hate, but you're just making thing difficult.

Did this quiz on facebook and its
amazingly accurate!!

Has a lot of ideas

Difficult to understand
Thinks forward
Unique and brilliant
Extraordinary ideas
Sharp thinking
Fine and strong feelings
Can become good doctors
Careful and cautious
Dynamic in personality
Knows how to dig secrets
Always thinking
Less talkative but amiable
Brave and generous
Stubborn and hard-hearted
If there is a will, there is a way.
Never give up
Hardly become angry unless provoked
Motivates oneself
Does not appreciates praises
Well-built and tough
Deep love

Here are some overdued photos :D
Extracted from hyperistic moments :3

Went high in the toilet with SUPERshad and cheng again :D

At YOG thingy :]



If you miss me for not blogging the past few days.
Too bad :D I don't care a fucking shit about it xD
Hahaha, and yay!! Ifinally changed my link. Like it?

Yeah, i'm not posting for what had happened for the past few days.
It's too much to remember, so i'll just post out the more important things :]

Okay the main point that i MIA was because my mood was eff-ing bad..
It's sucky to the point my sis called me a "bitch" lieterally everyday, until now.
I really can't blame her, cause all i do is give her some fucked up attitude -.-
Honestly i still don't have much of the mood to post.
Blogging for the sake of blogging, cause well, i love this blog :D

School from wednesday to friday was all the same.
Wednesday after school had band, was sectionals almost all the way.
Thursday finally finished our napfa 5stations.
Yay for me, for getting a 178 for standing broad jump. Just nice an A :D
After school went to tamp with kai to buy tongue stud :]

Friday, did IPP and i had to seal the windows.
The stupidest part, was actually the not sticky muskin tape -.-
Because the tape was not strong enough the plastic keep falling?!
They said that we will still use all these materials if real toxic gas comes.
All i can say is, we don't stand a chance to live.
The tape is bull shit if we have to put our hope on that thing to protect us -.-

Went home straight after school.
Yesterday, woke up at 7. Left the house at 8.30 and headed to ubi.
Meet-up with cheng and headed to MBS.
Had curry mee while waiting for ling also.
It's been a long time since i saw ]: Missed her alot.
We chatted up till 11 then we went in to help.

Haha yay, Ms Wee came back from america!!!! Hahahaha.
Yeap, then help Aunty Mel to sort out the drummers scores -.-
Oh my gods, their scores is like pieces of shit lying in the racks :X No offence.
But managed to get everything done, with alil help form ling :3
After that, helped cheng carry her B.sax home and we went off to TM.
To huant for pressies :3 Took a fucking long time to find.
In the end was sort of a failure to get such a present ]: Went home at around 5 plus

Today, was suppose to go Marina square but was tired so
i stayed at home playing computer instead :]

So fed up with my thoughts of you.

Here are two movies that are highly recommened to watch.
Watched it in school, the teacher's recommendation :D

Left- Baby and me, a korean movie :]
Right-IP man, a guy who's kung fu is damn awesome :D

Some overdued photos :D

Th-random pics :]

Royce combing hair :D

Good bye Ms Loy D:

Can you see his teeny weeny head?
He's actually reading a book.

My bible for photography :D

Just for awhile, hardly any positive energy left in me now.
Will post again/soon when the good side of my ego comes back.

So vexed.


English- 54/100
Mathematics- 46/100
Social Studies-19/50
Geography-33/40! :D
ART-90/100 !!! :DDD

Haha lol, i know it looks bad.
But.. my overall for midyear, all of my subjects should pass
except for chinese i think.. O_O My dad is so gonna strangle me D':
Finally we got all our results back :D
But, fuck.. i'm seriously lazy to go school z.z
he next whole week is like course all the way? Darn it -.-
All i can say is, today school was a bore!! nothing much happened.

After school, went to 110's mama shop bought red bull with kai.
Went to 108 accompany kai, cause she want to xxxxx..
Talked and slacked for awhile, i took bus 66 to MBS.
Boarded same bus with fat fat and dao yi.
Talked and this stupid JI-KOH-PEH was like looking at me D:
From throughout the whole journey he keep asking me to sit beside him. -'-

ER-XIN lah!!
Then when fat fat and dao yi alighted.
I faster went to the back to sit, he bloody hell went to sit behind me.
FUCK sial this kind of people, if he anyhow..
I would take out my shoe and whack him dunno how many times -.-
Better yet, i'll take my pen knife out to threaten him. ROAR.
I comfirm that i'll treat him like a piece of shyt when i scold him -'-

Thank god the next stop was Ubi xD So alighted and took 61 to MBS :D
Reached there about 3.15, helped aunty mell to do some arraging of the scores.
When we finished she was over the moon ._. Scary..
Xing and cheng only made it at about 4.40. And practice already ended.
Right? My dears? :3 Yeah, they chatted with Mr Quek about the CBAS thingy.

Haha, i was super bored. Practically the mids of rotting xD
At last daddy came to fetch me at 5.30.
Went to parkway cause he needed to buy some electronic appliences.
I was there window shopping :D Bought strawberry ice-cream at Anderson's :D
Haha, i super love their ice-cream.
Guarenteed their ice-cream is alot better than Hagenn Daz xP
When he was done, went to aunt's house to pass her some stuff.
Headed home after that, reached home at 6 going 7 :3

What am i doing? I just can't stop thinking of the past.

Fafa, we'll always be here with you.
If you need to, cry your heart out. My shoulder is dry xD
And i'll taller :X It should a just nice for you to weep on.
Just remember you're not alone. Never think of suicidal alright?
Suicidal is never an answer..

Still waiting for answers.


School was sorta fucked up today xD Like why the hell do i even
attend school today? No papers come back -.-
Even if they do, they would suck. Big time.
Seriously, now school in my eyes is like a piece of shit.
I have nothing to do there, and beside things are'nt going well D:

Okay, going on with the day already. Um, lessons were as usual.
All we did was going through out corrections and for social studies..
Mrs Quek took over clas as relief :D Miss her sooooo much :3

After school, slacked in canteen till 3.15 then headed to band :D
stupid darling shad pranked everyone with her fake LG mobile model.
She ar.. practically made everybody priceless face
flush down into the toilet bowl xD Typical shad :D
Oh yeah, we threw her phone into basketball hoops.
Like using her her fake phone as her basketball can?
In the end by the sectionals of band the phone was destroyed and
she continued to dismentle the cruddy phone xD

Yeap, for today's band prac.. we played ABBA ON BROADWAY all the way..
Was pretty boring today. Really it is ._.
But thank gof seak jing yi is there to make me laugh whenever :D
Haha he's so cuteee :X For a brother as in.
Yeah, but sad he may be tranferred to bass clarinet D:
I mean if he does who gonna crap with me whenever.
I mean Charmaine just got tranferred to 1st too.
Well, i just hope things will go on well after the holidays :D
So yeah, after band went home. Reached home at 7.

It's been a month now, i'm still waiting for some answers.

To my dearest Yao Xing;

Yes my dear, i'm not good with words in the face.

But what i wanted to say cheng already did.
I know, yes you feel like ending your life.
I've said it and not the first time. You are never alone.
You just gotta stand up an believe in yourself.
I know sometimes cheng and i have been neglecting you.
But you should know right down in your kuku kind heart that we still care for you :)

Like cheng said, i know you won't want to listen to us/ anyone. It's definately you.

You will always say the same thing like " I don't want to care anymore"
" I want to give up" " I can't take it anymore".
Where did my brave and dare daring yao xing ying go?
She use to be a strong independent and cute, The thang i love.
You used to be stronger than me and you always tell me to stand strong.
Then why can'st you just say that more to yourself and love yourself more?

Sometimes you just gotta think ahead and to see if things are worth it or not.

Sometimes you also gotta see the brighter side of life.
If your life is so bad that you wanna end it?.
Then ask yourself why are you in this world in the first place?
Because your parents wanted you, and if you want to end your life
What difference would it make if they lose a child? or not having one in the first place.

Like i said this afternoon, ending your life does not have any advantage AT ALL.

Look, since there are so many problems.
Your loved ones will then also have another problem which is you?
Already so many problems and you want to add on with such a heavy blow?
Not worth it right? I mean why not instead, live your life.
And just support your loved ones if they are in need.
They would know, at least you care for them and you love them.
Suicide is just running away from your problems and
adding more difficulties to the ones close to you.
There is no way that you can make things better with suicidal. Really.

Be more positive and things will get better, eventaully.

I mean what if you're not here?
What will happen to cheng and me? Your family? Lucas? God? Your friends?
Never think its the end of your life becasue there are too many problems.
Maybe somethings you just have to let go and move on.
And some, you just have to give in but if you think it's really that important.
Fight for your rights, by all means.
Listen and think through to what cheng and i said for once

We don't want you to be hurt ]: it's really heartbreaking.

I know there are many setbacks but dont always think you're alone.
Infact you are'nt, you have many more friends than me. You are more social.
Not like me, an anti-social ._. I don't want you to act happy but be really happy.
It really does suck living like a counterfeit.

Mentally disoriented.


Haha, it's 12.30 and i'm blogging now. Yeah wanted to blog earlier, but sis was using.

I'm gonna be totally shag tomorrow D:
Firstly, not much company.
Secondly, It's been exactly a month since ..
Come on, my dad strangled me when i told him i failed math D: Literally.

Damn it, well life's like this. I think i should start off with my day by now :D

Woke up at 9.40plus, computered for awhile.
10plus went to katong for brunch, went to parkway settle a few thing then went home.
Continued with the computering :D Er.. then.. 6plus!!
Went out with parents and sis to VIVO!! :D Yeah, to have dinner.
Plus daddy had to go to some bookstore to help me buy this book.
It's about photography, and the book is really amazing!!
Also expensive, about 80bucks if i'm not wrong ._.
After eating out dinner, went to NewUrbanMales to buy slippers :D
Haha yay, i won't have to slip and fall again, at least for 3years i guess xD
10 plus went home, rached home at 10.30.

Totally lost with what i'm doing.

Found this quiz with cheng;

1. Real name : Lee Hung She

2. Nickname : Hung, Hulk?[ extracted from nicholas koh], fafa, sheshe -.-
3. Star sign : Scorpio.
4. Male or female : Female.
5. Primary school : MAHA BODHI SCHOOL :D.
6. Secondary school : Bedok Green Secondary School.
7. JC/POLY : I'm not even 15yet -.-
8. Hair color : Naturally brown with black.
9. Long or short : Long.
10 . Loud or Quiet : Depends
11. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans
12. Phone or camera : Phone.
13. Health freak : Oh please. :D
14 . Drink or smoke : Drink lah.
15 . Do you have a crush on someone : I hope i won't, but soon ._.
16 .Eat or drink : Eat and Drink.
17 . Piercings : 5 and going 6 xP
18 . Tattoos : -NIL-.

Have You Ever ;

19. Been in an airplane : Yes.
20. Been in a relationship : Yeah.. Twice :D
21 . Been in a car accident : No
22 . Been in a fist fight : Almost.

Firsts ;

23. First piercing : Ears, 30Jan2002 :D Haha i still remember xD
24 . First best friend : Amanda cheng :D She's not in the country though ]:
25. First award : Forgot.
26 . First Crush : when i was 11 xD.
27 . First Vacation : HongKong


28 . Last person you talked to : Sister :D
29 . Last person you texted to : TanYong Xuan :D
30 . Last person(s) you watched a movie with : XingYing, HeeCheng & Lebrone.
32. Last food you ate : Passion fruit and mango ice-cream.
33 . Last movie you watched : 17again.
34 . Last song you listened to :Guarentee.
35 . Last thing you bought : My white havanas:D.
36 . Last person you hugged : Mak Si kei xP

Favourites ;

37 . Food : SUSHI!!!!
38. Drinks : Um alot,
39 . Clothing : Wthell, who has favorite for clothing? -.-
40 . Books : Hardly read.
42 . Flower : Carnation, it smells pretty.
43 . Colors : Black, Red, white, purple? :D
44 . Movies : Drama, romance and Comedy.
45 . Phrase : Holy shyt, fuck, bloody hell. Well alot more :D
46 . Subjects : ART!! and maths :)

You ever done before ;

47 . Kissed in the snow : No.
48 . Celebrated Halloween : No -.-
49. Had your heart broken : Duh, it is now :D
50 . Went over the minutes on your cell phone : Duh, haha.
51 . Someone questioned your sexual orientation : No.
52 : Came out of the closest : i was playing hide and seek
53 . Gotten pregnant : i will crack open your coconut brain :P
54 . Had an abortion : I abhor you, really.
55 . Done something you've regretted : Yes, and badly.
56 . Broke a promise : Um...yeah
57 . Hid a secret : Obvious much..
58 . Pretended to be happy : Countless of times.
59 . met someone who changed your life : Don't feel like mentioning
60 . Pretended to be sick : Did'nt felt like going to school last time ^^
61 . Left the country : Yes.
62. Tried something you normally wouldn't try & liked it : Yes. (:
63 . Cried over the silliest thing : Sometimes.
64 . Ran a mile : Stab me, please.
65 . Went to the beach with your best friend(s) : Many times :D
66 . Stay single the whole year : Yes(:

Currently ;

67 . Eating : Nope.
68. Drinking : Nope.
69. I'm about to : do the next question.
70 . Listening to : I don't care- fall out boys
71 . Plans for tomorrow : School? and band.
72 . Waiting for : Miracles.
73 . Want kids : Never thought of it yet
74. Want to get married : Definately.
75 . Careers in mind : Photographer

Which is better than Girl / Boy;

76 . Lips or eyes : Eyes.
77 . Shorter or taller : Taller.
78 . Romantic or spontaneous : Romantic.
79 . Nice stomach or nice arms : idk. stomach?
80. Sensitive or loud : Both :D
81 . Hook-up or relationship : Relationship.
82. Trouble-maker or hesistant : Trouble maker xD

Have you ever ;

83. Lost glasses/ contacts : No.
84. Ran away from home : No.
85. Hold a gun or knife for self defense : knife,
86 . Killed somebody : I still need to live in this world, hello?
87 . Broken someone's heart : Yes.
88 . Been arrested : No.
89. Cried when someone died : yes, my grandma.

Do you believe in ;

90 . yourself : Sometimes.
91. Miracles : I'm waiting for it..
92 . Love at first sight : You are crazy
93 . Heaven : No..
94 . Santa Claus :z.z
95 . Sex on the first date : I would be happy to help you knock your head until it bleed.
96 . Kiss on the first date : Um, no?
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now : Yeah D:
98 . Are you seriously happy with where you are in life : So-so
100 . This is the 100th & last question : Your last question is stupid.

For all the right reasons.


Oh yeah, i'm back blogging my lovely readers :}

Nothing much happened, well until this morning -.-
Now i just feeling lousy, a loser infact. A failure as a friend.
Long story, not going to elaborate. It's too much to handle.

Um, went to ITE Collage east again. Again, not much has happened.

As usual, entertained myself by entertaining others in order to keep myself high :D
Let's see, we did some business and management thingy as some room.
We were suppose to re-decorate the stuff there and make it like a company.
That stupid chin-a bytch with hairy pits came critisizing me again.
I tell you, one more time she says she's perfect.. I will just fucking go bytch slap her.
Haha let's see if she will say she's perfect or not xD

Continuously, I managed to get a manicure. Well only my right hand.

My left hand.. i had to paint my own nails instead to kill time :P
After that was break, milo was given out.
Celine, Izzah Janelle and i went to canteen 2 to have a quick bite :D

Went back and meet-up with our group, had a look of the sports hall.

IT WAS HUGEEEEEEEE~ :} Freakingly large, they also have pool tables
somewhere in the building too.. Yeah i know, alot of thing there luh. xD
After that headed to the advanture park to have some team building games.
There was no time, so we had to do the low elements instead.

One of them was to fit as many people on this "table"

For our first try, only 16 people manage to sqeeze and then fall down xD
Then our second try was better :3
Eventually had 23 people was onboard of that "table". Including me :D
Alot people, and seriously smelly. the power of BODY ODOUR!! :X

After that, headed to the lecture theater to hear out some presentation.

But what the heck, no one was listening -.-
Finish the talk, headed back to school and i went home strait.
Reached home at 1.10 and i ended up sleeping till 6plus xD


Woke up at 7.30, and headed to ubi 637 to meet-up with cheng :D

Reached there around 9-nine plus.. Dunno ? ._. But i went to her house first.
Left to maha bodhi soon, had curry plus veggie for breakfast.
Then joined in with the practice :D
Played March together, semoga bahagia and stand up for singapore.

After practice, there was a stupid heavy rain.

Stayed with Mr quek and chatted for awhile.
Oh ya that reminds me, he said the new MBS would have this concert hall.
And may conduct this concert there. It can hold up to 400people :D
For of course the MBS members and the alumnis of MBS band!! :D
HAHA, yay!! it's been awhile the seniors have performed with MBS.

Other stupid thing was, cheng and me realise MBS have choir -.-

We were totally shocked when there was choir prcatice ._.
Yeah after that, went to ubi again and accomapied cheng buy her school shoes.
And we bought EXTREME milo dinosaur, haha lol.It was near the new MBS :]
Headed to cheng's house slack for awhile.
Went home after that, reached home at 3.30 :D

When you're sitting there it's hard for me to look away.

But you feel so far away.


Haha, today is so called 1st birthday of this blog?
Yeah, um anyway i think i'll be changing the blogskin soon.
Seeing this blogskin, makes me lousy at times.
It brings back, bittersweet memories ._.
Like this song i can't wait forever by simple plan really fits my mood now ]:

Today, had this ITE course and stuff.
Was pretty interesting but of course but boring at times -.-
Practically highed with celine all day.
Thanks to her blue umbrella her ah ma gave her x
It was my secret weapon to make us laugh hard :D
YAY for me, for making my friends laugh all day.

Made izzah, kai laugh because of celine's wonderful cooperation :D
Of course she was there laughing too :3
And of course i did'nt forget my beloved si kei and jessabel.
That part? Made them laughing hard by
hugging sikei real tight when ever i get to see her haha.

I went crazy today, cause i had to and needed to ]:
Was feeling lousy today, personal reasons D:
Really.. it does affect me in so many ways.
Had to entertain myself by entertaining others..
Over there, was so called harassed twice by guys studying there -.-
Okay, i shall not go into the details. it's pretty much stupid.

For today, nothing much is so interesting that i can really infer to.
So yeah, but there are photos :D We boarded the bus at 4.30.
And headed back to the school in awhile, not long..
Went home straight after that :D Reached home at 5.

I can't lie but every time I leave my heart turns grey.

You coming back was all that i ever wanted.


Hello people, back blogging. Well honestly, don't really feel like.
The headache is back huanting me -.- Fuck. Plus i can't be bothered too.
But for the sake of those people who would actually always read my blog..
I shall blog, but sorta of a rough post thats all.

Um, woke up at 7.30. Meet-up with shad, nabilah and jacq at 109's mama shop
at 8.30 sharp. But oh my god, our dear chair-man of our drama ma-ma club.
Seah Hee Cheng was late :D So we did'nt care,
instead we waited for her at the playground.
Slacked there while waiting. When she reached ,walked to school. On the way,
right ourside Red swastika, saw Madam Goh :D My p1 and 4 form teacher :3
I know such a small world, we exchanged numbers too :D
Amazingly she lives near by, haha.

Was.. half an hour late for the workshop only.
I know, i sound effortless. Well don't blame me, i was the only chinese girl
who actually bothered to give this workshop a show.
Practically i was alone for the whole thing. Please,
i can even say i was talking to the guys more -.- Haha but especially Shareen xD

After workshop, was at the foyer with xingying and Mr Lim and chatted for about
and hour and a half? Yeah, then L send us to the bus-stop.
Bused to xingying house, had maggie for lunch.
When she was having maths tution, was busy using the HP mini..
Okay practically the whole day, i was just there using the HP mini..
Had dinner there too, and yeah drank alot of her ice lemon tea.
At least.. 5-6packets of it ._. We also highed :D

HAHA, definately missed old times. Missed highing with her.
Should be spending more time with her cause she need company and
i realise we've been neglecting each other too, so yeah ]:
At last left her house at 8plus. Dad fetch me home, still reach home at 8plus :D


Know? I just suddenly want to stop going to school already.
Now, going to school is mostly useless. I go there just to entertain myself.
Because and why? Not much friends in class, more of a loner in class -.-"
Should be sleeping throughout almost every period after we go through every exam paper.
And yeah, for the sake of my parents, government and of course my dear friends :D
that is why i have to go school now -.-

Okay, but today obvious enough was just giving back our papers..
I will not blog out my marks until every piece of subject is returned.
But definately there is one that i cannot resist from saying. :D
I don't mean to brag but.. YAY! for me seriously.
I felt so happy for my results for the first time.
Ever in my life, this is the highest i've ever gotten

I am proud to say that
I GOT 90/100 for my ART exam!!!!! :D
YAY!YAY!YAY! Highest in class :3 Yeah, mine maybe the best.
But i still think it's not enough, i think my dear friend si kei and jessabel's research work
were bombs man. It's a killer shock, the most joyous kind of colours ever :D

Mr Muhammad is definately proud for our art class.
That's what he said, because throughout his teaching career in this school.
The sec 3NA have superb results :D Claps for us! He said
Everybody in the class scored well :DD And he hardly ever give marks
that were over 80. And our class made a new standard for the sec 3 ART students :3
Haha, i feel so happy for that.
But yeah the other subjects just pisses off just thinking about it.
I will not talk about it until next week i guess.

Going on, so after school rushed back home. And at first i thought
i could bathe and stuff then go to dentist appointment and medical checkup.
My mother fetched me to dentist immediatly when i got home -.-
My appointment was at first 4 and now 3._.
She had to work the last minute and therefore i need not have to go to
Thomson medical!! :D YAY! no x-ray.

She fetched me there and she left for work.
At mount E. obviously went to see dentist, changed to red and black :]
After appointment was still early was about 3.45 only.
Went to paragon's starbucks to slack and have a drink.
Bought Java chip and headed home :] Reached home at late 5.

I just can't keep my mind off of you.



Hey readers :] I know, i have'nt been blogging for awhile :D
Suddenly can't be bothered with this ._.
Well since seriously.. nothing much has been goin' on. What for blog?
I've been spending lonesome weekends plus today.
Not totally alone, feeling like a loser for some reason.
Cause i haven gone out to have fun since.. okay a very long time.
Um okay what about saying, i have not board the bus since thursday :D
When i was going back home with my sister. I know, unbelievable :/
Well haha too bad, believe it :D

Yeah, like i said. I feel different all of sudden. Like everything changed.
Alot of set backs and thinking that everything is falling apart from some stupid reason.
Even i know that i'm not facing of all this alone, it still feels like being alone.
Honestly i survived this weekend by having cheng coming over on
saturday afternoon to keep me company for awhile..
And Yong Xuan has been messaging me to keep me company.
Haha thanks by the way, throughout the whole weekend i rot at home.
Watching mindless moving pictures in a box. Both the tv and the computer -.-

I'm not in a good mood when having outings with my family.
Here and there, i just argue with my folks.
For example, so called i "pissed" my dad off on saturday night.
He even complaint about me infront of my mum -.- IN CANTONESE!!
Please lah, it's not like i don't understand what the fuck they are saying.
I've been listening to them talk in different languages since young.
Oh my god, it is so damn obvious -.-"
Why not just say in chinese? Has no difference.
It's not like i don't understand anything they say.
And today, mum got pissed off my me. Well thats what she said._.
Yeap, parent~ hypocrites at times. Well mostly..

I don't really care about it now -,- All i want is silence other than music of course.
Some peace and quiet was all i wanted, why can't they just do that.
Even my brother agrees with me ._. My sister talks alot, lips that never stop.
Now i'm not even sure what i am blogging in the first place z.z
Also bondings between friends also changed ]:
We don't spent as much time for each other as we use too D:
Although i'm mostly and already use to this kind of enviroment.
I loathe this feeling of losing what we already have.
I even had an asthma attack last night o_o, sorry i know, it's random.

But for now all that matters inside is that [B] is safe :]
I guess he went back, i think.. Aw man, it's so obvious i'm not over him.
Instead, it feels like i'm still watching him. Well not literally.
In another way by still knowing what he might be doing.
Yeah, pretty lonesome. Sometimes at night i think of alot things.
But to hell with it, it's not here already.
It's been a bust recently and still standing strong :D
But yeah, in a bad mood recently and still am.
Like i said, i'm kinda in a mood that i don't want anything.
Even for the celebration of my birthday this year, i do not mind :]
Lost alot, even my appetite. Don't eat much now a days. Thanks to my sickness -.-"

To people:
Do what you do best :D Your thing. I'll still joke around, being blur and all.
Mostly needing some peace and quiet for awhile.
I'm me and still me, will be there when my friends need me ^^ Promise.

One last thing,~

Happy mothers' day to all mothers in the world. :]
Made a boquet of ferrero rocher roses for mommy, hope she will not destroy it.

Sometimes love comes around and it knocks you down.