

Navigation at the top,
please feel free to click

DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

Well can't be bothered to blog honestly..
In addition, stupid blogger is still not fixed D: Fuck it sial. D':

Escape the Fate; Something: Nice song :DDD

So now you're running
it's hard to see clearly
When I make you angry
you're stuck in the past
And now you're screaming
So can you forgive me
I've treated you badly
But I am still here

Sometimes I wonder
Why I'm still waiting
Sometimes I'm shaking
that's how you make me
Sometimes I question why I'm still here
Sometimes I think I'm going crazy

Can you help me understand?

And now you wish that you meant something
And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else
And now you wish that you met someone
And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else
Something to somebody else
Something to somebody else

You look at me through clouded eyes
I know you see through my lies
See the sky, see the stars
All of this could be ours
Out of sight, out of mind
we've been through this a thousand times
Turn your back and then you make me feel so crazy

Can you help me understand?

And now you wish that you meant something
And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else
And now you wish that you met someone
And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else

You know I would wait for ever
Yes I would wait (I would wait)
You know I would wait forever
Yes I would wait

And now you wish that you meant something
And now you wish that you meant
Something to somebody else
And now you wish that you met someone
And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else
And I'm the one that should mean something
But still you wish that you meant something to somebody else
Something to somebody else
Something to somebody else


Gosh my computer sucks!! D:
There's "error on page" when i post, fuck it -.-
Currently for the time being i still can't blog properly D:

Well for the past few days, things been suckish ]:
Can't eat or sleep properly.
When i say can't means that one day its maybe only half a meal -.-
And only 4hours of sleep. Sigh, my mind's pretty messed up.

Well doing nothing much also. Lazy to blog about it.
But i definitely want to post about yesterday :D
Haha woke up at 7.30 and headed to MBS!! :D
Reached there at about 9plus, cause i missed my bus D:
But well, got to play 2songs with them.
After band practice, cheng, xing, ling and i headed to aunty mel's house.

It was a advanced birthday celebration for our dear junior samuel :3
Had lunch at the hawker, yeah then cheng, ling and i helped make the water bombs.
Halfway doing, they started throwing here and there already.
So in the end, we all went down stairs to just play.
Well balloons of water turned out to be buckets of water xD

Practically the whole neighbourhood was lookin at us.
As in four of us, spencer and samuel's friends xD
Well, i "at least" got 10buckets of water poured over me.
Well it was fun, but i was the first to up, cause i wasn't feeling well.

Bathed and changed.
You know? Got changed into Shannon's old clothes xD
And it's still freaking hugeeeee :X
Then helped aunty mel with the food and preperations.
Stupid shannon also found out my weak point.
And now he keeps poking me, damn it -.-

After dinner, had cheesecake!! :D
Haha after that, went to play alil basketball with xing and shanon.
Well didn't play much, cause there was alot of people at the court ._.
Yeah then went cycling.. Until 9, ling's dad fetch 3of us home :]
Reached home at 9.20..

Fuck it sial, blogger is making things difficult for me. Roar, blogger.. go and die.
Oh well, then i shall post ASAP when my blog is alright :D

Never felt so helpless.


Today, was eff-ing tired D:
Slept through chemistry even if i didn't want to.
English, teacher was absent. Nothing happened but chit chat :}
Recessed with celine, kai and xing.

Maths got back test paper, 9/15.
Careless mistake, or would have gotten 10.
Well only four people passed in my group.
Daryl, Bryan, Taufik and me ._. I know, woah.
Chinese, slept half of the lesson.
Rest of the lesson was watching video again.
Bio, did worksheet and was chatting with Aisha all they way, lol :D

After school, headed home. Reached home at 2.20.
Headed to Mount E at 2.45 for dental appointment :]
Hehe changed it to black and white alternate :D
It's checkered now. Cool huh?
Yeah after that, headed to katong sc for tuition at Mr Fong's.
Finish tution at 7, reached home at 7.30 :]

Well i never felt, well.. quite happy for the past few days :D
I've having company by smsing people practically the whole day. Haha.
It's been ages that this has happened to me.
Literally, i feel loved by people that i've never known so well :}
Thanks alot dues and dude-eds :D

Well nice hung she is gone.
Honestly, inside me i feel that everybody is giving me hell.
I'm just speechless to anyone to their says.
Different problems, stories. What should i do now.
Gosh i can't believe i want to even slap my friends.
Like helping out is pointless.

Follow what your heart and mind wants most.

If this could happen to you.

Today, was pretty much fucked up.
Will not go into details but yeah -.-
Why bother telling me when you don't care.
You don't have that power to tell me what to not do or do.
Oh well, but thank god band practice was cancelled last minute.
So went home straight after school :D
Freaking tired, slept for only 2hours last night. Thanks to art z.z
Stopping here.
I know i was being stupid,
but you ain't got no fucking rights to judge me.

Not at all.

Okay, although it's 7.30.. I rather post now than later.
By then, at 11plus will be freaking busy with art and lazy.
Yeah, i feel very messed up all of a sudden.
Like i've let down my friends and family. The ones who cares for me.
I might be laughing like crazy everytime, for the fact that
i would really want to be alone for awhile to think things through.
Oh well, i'll get over it someday. ]:

Yesterday, went off to bedok and met-up with celine and kai.
Did'nt do much, but it was fun :D
It's just too funny to think about the things they do xD
Laughing hard can cause serious damage to our body. Lol.
Yeah, reached home at about 7.30.

Soon after, went off to some place near botanic gardens.
Had dinner at this korean BBQ restaurant :D
The food was just eff-ing fantastic. But the price was even shocking.
For four people and the bill was 300plus bucks.
I know, well my dad won't flip :}

Was damn hungry at that moment,
cause the whole day i have not eaten
and we had dinner over there at 9. -.-
But what's unique was that it has beer ice cream there :D
And it's really niceeee~ :3 Well practically everything was nice there.
After that went home of course, reached home at 11.30 :3

Today, woke up at 12.15 and watched tv.
Until 2, cheng called and said she wanted to make her way here.
So she did, she reached at about 2.40.
3plus, went off to nearby cold storage to buy some snacks.
Reached back home and ate alot of junk.
Haha, for the whole day we were drama-ing like crazy xD
The best part was that i made her laugh so bad.
Cheng had rootbeer coming out of her nostrils!! xDDD
Haha yeah, it made me laugh so bad i laughed lying on the floor :X
At 6.40plus, waited with her for her bus to come :}

Today, found out alot of things ]:
Just don't really want to talk about it.
But just hinting that 'someone' blockeddeleted me from msn.
Fuck it, like wtfuck did i even to do you?
You know? I don't even know why i bother to care.
Do you know how sucky this feels? You don't right?
Well you should.. I really just feel like giving one punch.
But even i think after that punch,
you'll remain as heartless as you are now.

My everything means nothing to you now.

Live life from the hard rock.


Wtfuck, when i reached class today.

Mdm Marlina was lecturing the class away ._.
Can't blame much of her, she's pregnant..

English, finished up yesterday's compre, chem not much new.

Pe, ran 2.4 again. It's my third time and once again..
I FAILED!! :D by a stinking minute z.z
Recess, bought ice lemon tea [pokka] and literally..

i drank it all the way down in a minute.
I know, celine and kai was freaking shocked.
What's scarier was that i bought another bottle xD

Had biology lesson next and Mdm Ng was nice enough

to show us a video on how to disect rats z.z
Was disgusted and freaked out yet interested. Lol.
During class period had this house competition in class.
Different houses sitting together to answer questions :3
Whooots~ Topaz second place :D

After school, went home and had lunch.

Computered and then napped till late 5.
Went to bathe and dolled up.
Used computer for awhile and left.
Headed to dad's cousin's son's wedding :D
I know, you'll get it soon enough xD

For some reason, it was fun even though not much people were there.

My cousin, hung sheng was there to entertain me through out.
Even though he is like 30 and getting married next year.
He's my closest cousin yet :D Crapped together in the wedding xD
Yeah, got to bring home 9 balloons and they float!! xDD
Anyway, reached home at 11.30.
Will upload photos tomorrow, lazy now.

I then realise it was exactly 3months ago,
you told me the most hurtful words of all.

Perhaps, him.


Okay, i seriously don't want to blog z.z

See? I'm just blogging recently for the sake of my constant readers :D
How nice can i be, lol. :X
But yeah, sometimes i wander why am i so easy going D:
Why do i forgive and forget so easily..
I guess i just don't really care about things so much.

Okay, back to business. Today.. was almost late again.

Reached school just before flag raising started :D
Saw Nabilah at the staircase, walked to our classes together.
Okay, english did comprehension.
Chinese, went through corrections for common test.
And oh yeah, a new amazing thing.
My chinese was one mark away from a distinction -.-
34/50!!. Sweet right~ Haha.
Yeah then slept through out.

Recess, went to look for Mdm Ng and finish up bio.

Still had time to look for clique after that.
Played this tug'o'war in someone's iphone.
And we all played like we were all crazy xD
We played the game until we could pant, power right? xD
Laughed all the way back to class, had chem and nothing new.
Class test during social studies.
Continued with quadratic equations during math.

School ended, had lunch with xingying.

Had malay fried rice, and it was freaking spicy.
Spicier than usual, even now my stomache still burns ]:
At about 2.30 left school and headed to Katong for tution.
20minutes late this time, did school work there.
And its still not finished now -.-

Screw the last question, don't know what the hell i have to do.
I ask people, they just tell me "find y what? easy.."
Lol, obviously i know have to find y luh, just don't know how to do mah.
Aiyo, okay forget it. Tomorrow go school ask classmates.
Bused home after tuition, reached home at 5.50 :D

I hate you and really want to let go, but it still hard.

I can't say if i really am.


Oh gah, honestly i'm lazy to post..
Feel like MIA-ing in my blog for awhile.
Moodswing are eff-ing horrible the past couple days D:
Sad, i really don't know how to cope with it.
Tired, seriously am. As in mentally tired.
Classmates even thought i was under stress or something xD
Cause i just look really hagard, eyebagggggs xD Lol.

Actually i'm just suffering from headache that just can't go away D:

I blame maths and the lack of sleep.
For the past 3 days in 72hours. I only slept for like 10hours... z.z
I know?! Crazy are'nt i?

Yesterday, school was just normal. Crazy as ever.
I can't remember much cause i'm kinda tired.
But the funniest was maths xD At maths room,
Bryan and Kok How were playing with toilet paper.
Bryan was mummiefying the visual-liser.
Kok how threw a long stretch of toilet paper at the fan.
And the fan went like this xD TADAAA~~
Hahahahahahahah xD Toilet paper, see carefully.. bryan is wrapping it up.

After school, stayed back till 2.10. Headed to Katong for tution.
I was almost on time :D Like finally it's been a long time that
i'm at least near on time ^^ Clap clap for me.
Yeah after tution came the bloody headache.
Stupid formula of quadratic equations.
For the bloody day was just formula, formula -.- Dead.
Went home after that, reached home at 6plus.

Today, was almost late for school :/
and was almost caught in the rain D': But lucky of course :D
Well today ain't much to blog about until school ended.
After school lunched with xing and nelson.
I really had nothing to do, so went to maths room with xing and nel.
For 3N1's maths remedial, i know like why the hell am i over there?
But yeah, or else i will be alone for a longggg time ..
Over there, just chatted with nelson and listen to music.

At 3.15 headed down for band, nel companied me there.
When i got to the band room, it was pathetic..
There were only 5 people that waited/outside -.-
What's funnier was that we were all sec 3s.
It's funny yet pathetic, and i'm really not in the mood
of going back to practice. At last, everybody settled down at 4.30.
When band was suppose to start at 3.30 -.-"
Yeah, dozing off during band..
Ended at 6.40, father came to fetch.
Had dinner at nearby hawker then went home.
Reached home at 7.50 :D

I've always wanted to know what would happen if i just die..

about 2days ago :}

Thinkin' evil lately.


Today ain't nothing much interesting :]
Let's type today's post in point form!! :D

• Schooling.
• Crapped like hell during recess again :3
• Slacked at 110 for awhile with Celine and Kai.
• They came over to my place.
•They were so easily aggitated by dash -.-
• Entertained them till like crazy, literally.
just ask the laughing device See Celine xD
yeah and talked matters.
• Sent them to bus stop at about late 5.
• Went home and watch "The day after tomorrow" at channel 5.
It scared the hell out of me again D': So sad..

Oh yeah and one super important point..
My computer is fixed man!! Like finally, haha.
It's really been a long time :3
Just downloaded many many songs, hehe.
Currently looking for this song ]:
David Archuleta- Don't let the music stop.

You showed me something that I couldn't see.

One word, lol :D


Woke up because father disturbed me to go out to have brunch T.T
Yeap, woke up at twelve and left at 12.40.
Went to eunos to have brunch, after that came home and watch tv :D
It's like 5, so maybe going out again or i'm staying at home to do art :D
Or teacher is gonna freak out again z.z

Regrets are the worst things to experience in life.

People that got spam by this dog "-".
Yeah, just fuck care luh. They have no lives.
Thats why they were reincarnated into dogs :}

Readers: Don't bother entertaining that pathetic dog.
Like said, we can't teach old dogs new tricks.
I bet, after he reads this there's gonna be endless hell of spams.

But what the heck, i love degrading their little weak minds :D

Anyway, to spammer :D
Haha, don't you get it? You are nothing.
No one gives a damn to to you.
And your spaming skill are the lousiest :3
You see? I have rights to comment your petty thoughts too right?
You little pathetic dog :D i fuck care you liao lah xD
And yeah, i'm taking whatever you said as a joke.
So HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH :D I'm laughing my ass off :3

Past is past.


Was suppose to leave the house at 12.15 and meet up with cheng.
But instead i woke up at that time by cheng's message xD
And she got up late too, lol.
In the end, rushed and bused to 637, went up to her house.
What's really nice, was that when i saw cheng :D
She was sooooo pretty man, for the first time yeah. She's really pretty :X
Yes cheng :D I'm making you blush and flattered xD

Anyway, took 15 and headed down to parkway.
Wanted to buy apple shruddle, but when we got there..
We suddenly did'nt felt like going ECP no more xD Lazy~
And we never got to find the stupid apple shruddle -.-
So we walked around, window shopped. Had ice cream :D
Hehe, admit it yo! Strawberry from Anderson's ROCK.

At 6, walked to katong and took 10 to my house.
Cheng stayed over at my place till 7.
Walked her to bus stop and byebye.
When i got home, watched alil tv and
went out to have dinner back at katong again -.-
And there was this fucked up rain, damn it.
So reached home at about 9.40 like that :D

Well i'm not here for your entetainment.

Well here are photos for the day :D Enjoy.

i love these two best :D

I don't care.


I don't know why, but i feel better even
every single cell in my body is full of hate and anger.
Okay whatever, english did essay writing again and
damn it i forgot to put it in teacher's locker D:
Now she's gonna give me a zero, cries.

Chemistry was full of crap talk, i seriously don't get her.
She tells us to pity the troublemakers and if we laugh,
that mean to her we are one of them because they entertained us.
And she said if we said that she told us to look down on them.
We will so called get it from her-.- No different form a threat right?
What's the difference in pity and looking down at them? Oh well.

Had PE after that, retest 2.4. At my 3rd round zaid KO-ed onto the floor.
he's just a poor sap cause everybody left him there
after just asking "are you okay?". Haha so at last, i accompanied him
till someone came for zaid's rescue.

So after knowing my timing after 3rd round i started walking all the way cause
finishing the 3rd round was almost the timing to pass -.-
And sad my asthma almost hit me, i ran till my face is pale.
My face was totally numb after running and stuff.

Recesed with xingying, heecheng, celine, kai, shad, nab and janelle :}
Had bio and then CME :D Well not much there ..
Went home straight after school, and i when i got home..
I was wet, literally. Because there was this heavy rain -.- fuck it.
Reached home at like 1.20 anyway :D

YAY! Going to ECP with seah cheng tomorrow to vent our anger and hatred.
Plus, it's been a really long time since i went there like march?
Wanted to go MBS, but ex members ain't allowed to enter the school due to H1N1.
Damn, so yeah, yay ECP!! :D

Oh yeah!! Movieeeeeeeees!! i wana watch them sooooooo much. D:
-UP; Athough i watched i on net i really wanna watch it in cinema again :D
-Harry Potter and the half blood prince.
- I love you man.

Well duh i freaking pissed about things now, but i'm used to all these crap.
I'm okay with everything at start but one by one the things i hear..
It was necessary to hate, cause when i realise i did NOTHING.

Like seriously D: And he just hates me for no hell reason.
You know? From what i've heard he's been bitching about me.
So yeah? Now you should know why i would hate so baddd.
So matter how serious my friends were to him he just took it as a joke.
Like what the hell how old is he? What's wrong with him?
He still has this intention to joke around with all those crap.
I would just kick his shin to wake him up even if he hates me.
It could work :} But wtfuck, i don't even want to see him now.
Like even if he is living or dead it would'nt concern me :/
Well friends always tell that he's a hopeless case to deal with.
Thats what everybody did when he was sec 1.
But he still ended up changing right? All i know is that,
yeah yx was right.. I am wasting my time on this idoitic guy.

Without you, i'm seeing myself so differently now.

Hell with it.


Yes, i'm still in a bad mood. You trigger me andyou'll know :]
I'll get pissed off easily now D: Sad.
Anyway, school today was fine :] But just bazaar that was eff-ing tired.
Although i slept at 1.30 last night but usually i would still survive.
Also, i napped yesterday evening when i got home -.- Weird.

English, i just kept on dozing off.
Chinese? Thank god Mr Fun ain't around till 9.45 xD
Class started at 9 and he had something on.
So during that 45minutes i practically just slept throughout.
I felt so much better after that :D

Recessed with celine, shad and nabilah.
Had chem and shaifah was not in the house :D YAY!!
Mr teo took over and the class was in havoc.
Yeap, social studies next and then maths :]
After school went to canteen slack with celine, xingying and nelson.

2.10-15 like that went off with celine.
Celine accompanied me and slacked at 110 while waiting for bus.
Thanks anyway :D Reached KatongSC at like 3.15.
Had tuition till 5, da bao dinner and went home.
Reached home at late 5-6 :D

Lol how stupid do you think i am.
Now that i know everything i can seriously say;
Fuck you and how good would it feel if i would to get
a chance to say it out loud and right infront of you.
You suck. I freaking dislike HATE you, your true colours finally came out.
Thanks soooo much for wasting 1year of my time just being with you.

You mean nothing to me now.
Clarence Toh, i got over you. :DD

I wish i won't have to ever see you again,
even in the next life.

Taylor Swift; You're not sorry.

All this time I was wasting
Hoping you would come around
I've been giving out chances every time
And all you do is let me down
And it's taking me this long
Baby but I figured you out
And you're thinking we'll be fine again,
But not this time around
You don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don't wanna hurt anymore
And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did - before
You're not sorry, no no ohh
Looking so innocent,
I might believe you if I didn't know
Could've loved you all my life
If you hadn't left me waiting in the cold
And you got your share of secrets
And I'm tired of being last to know
And now you're asking me to listen
Cause it's worked each time before
But you don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don't wanna hurt anymore
And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did - before
You're not sorry, no no, ohh
You're not sorry no no ohh
You had me falling for you honey
And it never would've gone away, no
You used to shine so bright
But I watched all of it fade
So you don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
There's nothing left to beg for
And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did - before
You're not sorry, no no ohh
You're not sorry, no no ohh

Mad and just hurt.


Yeah, i'm soooo in a bad mood now.
I could just scream infront of you if you want.
I'm just gonna get thorugh with the day..

Common test; exposition writing.
Young people should respect the elder. Do you agree?
Well i just wrote both points. Negative and positive points of view.
Geography next, about development.. Not much to talk about here.
Art, stayed outside because i did not do homework.
Recessed with xingying, celine, shad and kai :]
Maths.. completing square again. And finally caught some balls xD
Bio, dots i was about rot in that stupid lab.
English then mother tongue, went straight home after school.
Reached home at 2.10 i think..

I was hoping for so long. At last i gave up and let go.
But i said before i won't let the matter rest till i get the truth.
And you know i got the truth, she only said one point.
And i got pissed yet hurt, she said there were still some other things..
Since you did'nt like it, why did'nt you just fucking tell me?
You treated me like a fool, seriously i'm just mad at myself.
Really, i ain't foolish. I was STUPID ENOUGH to believe the things you said.
Oh no, talking to me is a crime -.- You said did't dare to talk to me.
You have no balls right? You're the one who ended this.
I hate you, I loathe you, I despise you.
And i won't take back what i said. You suck.
What i've been going through, it made me realise that
all the promises you made were all lies.
You seriously acted like being with me was hell.
Have you even noticed the way you reacted when we parted?
Do you remember? Can i have a single cheeseburger? Cause i'm SINGLE!!
Fuck you lah, wait one more.
At the corridor, you yelled out loud you were single -.-
I've heard alot more, and i still had the heart to bare with it and forgive you.
I just front like "Oh okay" each time you let me down.
But really what i could'nt believe was that,
you did'nt tell me the things that you should have..
You should know, i will change for the sake of someone i love.
I doubt you never felt/knew how hurt i was.
And the fact that i think you won't even care what i just said.
But yeah if you don't know me at this point.
Then i highly doubt you ever will.
Well now i don't ever want to talk to you.
Clarence Toh, i won't regret sayin this.

You're not sorry, neither am i.



Let's make it short, sweet and simple :D
School was sort of a bore but still i survived cause i was freaking tired.
Chemistry, continued with our previous lesson.
English wrote and exposition essay on maid abuse.-.-
Recess, shad darling chopped me on the arm with my birthday :D
I bet she's aiming for my face tomorrow.
Yeah, anyway.. Recessed with Cheng, celine, shad, nabila.
After that had maths at maths room, i so called K.O.ed during lesson.
Was eff-ing tired D; Chinese lesson was held at 3N1 cause
Chee Siong broke/fractured his ankle/foot.
For now, 3N1 is on the first floor again xD
Had bio next, after that stayed back with sikei, jess and shimian.
Soon at about 2.20 left for tuition, reached at 3.30.
Half an hour late xD Well yeah, tuitioned till 5.
Dad fetch me home, reached home at 5.30plus.

Yeah, it really looks as if that
1year1month26days meant nothing to you.



Yeah, stayed at home the whole day really, till at night.
Last night had to help my sis finish her art work till 4plus in the morning.
Today morning, 11 woke up and continued to help her.
Still tired now and it's currently 1.50am z.z I think i can faint now.

Anw, got my new phone :D Haha went to parkway just now with mummy.
Got this phone, TADA~ ;

Yeap, that's my new wondeful pretty and stylo phone xP
But yeah went there quite late,
so went back home around 10plus or something :]
Well that's all :D

Sometimes, i don't even know what i feel.

There ain't nothing that I can do.


Woke up at about 1, seriously tired.
Anyway, today was sort of peaceful.
Because i'm phoneless for the day :D YAY!
Yeah but did nothing much till 6.30,
went to parkway with family for dinner.
Had dinner at Jack's place, nothing much to eleborate..
The food was so so, thats all.
Later on, went to M1 to check out some new phones :D
And guess what? Gonna get one tomorrow, sony ericsson; C905.
Camera phone, 8.1 mega pixal!! :D Good huh?
Yeah after that headed home, reached home at maybe 10? Can't remember.

The cuts so deep, it hurts down to my soul.

Nice song i recently found :3
Slow goodbye - Lesley Roy

I can read the lines on your face and they're telling me
Everything I already know, yeah
I hold you in my arms but your light-years away from me
Slowly sinking under alone, yeah

So I act cool on the outside
But it's eating me alive

Cause when it comes to you there's nothing I can do
I can't make you love me when you don't
I see it in your eyes all the compromise
I can't take another second slow goodbye

Sitting in the park after dark
Smoking cigarettes, biting on the black of my nails
Cause all I ever wanted was what you took away from me
Trying to make it right but it's too late

I'm a hopeless case on the inside
And it's eating me alive

Cause when it comes to you there's nothing I can do
I can't make you love me when you don't
I see it in your eyes all the compromise
I can't take another second slow goodbye

I die a million times every time when you look me in the eye
Die Cause I've heard it all before
The same game going around and around
But I still end up with nothing but hurting

Cause when it comes to you there's nothing I can do
I can't make you love me when you don't
I see it in your eyes all the compromise
I can't take another second slow goodbye

No, there's nothing I can do
I can't make you love me when you don't
I see it in your eyes all the compromise
I can't take another second slow goodbye..



Woke up at late 11, was eff-ing tired.
Had noodles watch tv till i slept again until 2. z.z See, told you i was tired xD
Yeah computered till late 2, cheng called and ask whether i can come out.
So in the met her at Marina Square; startbucks :3
Reached there about 4, and we shared caramel frap, tall.
Cause she does'nt drink Java Chip D:

Haha, at Pizzahut was free flow of pepsi.
At Starbucks was free flow of whip cream xD
It was freaking funny when cheng brought back a full cup of cream, haha.
We practically slacked there for an hour, so we window shopped.
At about 6, we trained back to Eunos to have a quick bite of sushi :3
Saw cheng's NYW friend, melvin i think :] Yeah a 7, bused to 637.
She accompannied me to wait for my bus to come, thanks.
Reached home at 8plus.
Yeah today, craped alot and talked alot :D Fun.

Haha my phone is seriously gone case, screen blackout since i got home xD
No phone for now, so yay no one can contact me.
Well unless you know my house number :]
bt still getting new phone real soon, but don't which D: Sad.
Anyway, having horrifying moodswings lately, beware and sorry.

So fed up with my thoughts of you.
Like my dear friend i too feel like this song :/
I stay in love - Maria Carey

Dying inside cause I can't stand it
Make or break up
Can't take this madness
We don't even really know why
All I know is baby
I try and try so hard
To keep our love alive

If you dont' know me at this point
Then I highly doubt you ever will
I really need you to give me
That unconditional love
I used to feel
It's no mistaking
We're just erasing
From our hearts and minds

And I know we said let go
But I kept on hanging on
Inside I know it's over
You're really gone
It's killing me
Cause there ain't nothing
That I can do
Baby, I stay in love with you

And I keep on telling myself
That you'll come back around
And I try to front like "Oh well"
Each time you let me down
See I can't get over you now
No matter what I do
But baby, baby I stay in love with you

It cuts so deep
It hurts down to my soul
My friends tell me
I ain't the same no more
We still need each other
When we stumble and fall

How we gon' act
Like what we had
Ain't nothin' at all now
Hey, what I wanna do is
Ride shotgun next to you
With the top down like we used to
Hit the block Proud in the SUV
We both know our heart is breaking
Can we learn from our mistakes
I can't last one moment alone

Now go I know
We said let go
But I kept on hanging on
Inside I know it's over
You're really gone
It's killing me
Cause there ain't nothing
That I can do
Baby, I stay in love with you

And I keep on telling myself
That you'll come back around
And I try to front like "Oh well"
Each time you let me down
See I can't get over you
Now no matter what I do
Baby, baby I stay in love with you

We said let goBut I kept on hanging on
Inside I know it's over
You're really gone
It's killing me
Cause there ain't nothing
That I can do
Baby, I stay in love with you

And I keep on telling myself
That you'll come back around
And I try to front like "Oh well"
Each time you let me down
See I can't get over you
Now no matter what I do
But baby, baby I stay in love with you

I stay in love
Love Oh, I stay in love.

Feeling so lost in heart.


Wanted to post yesterday, but did'nt get the chance to use it.
So um yesterday, lessons were as usual.
After school stayed back with yao xing had lunch and left at 2.30.
She accompanied me to Katong and i went to tution :D Thanks.
Chatted up with leb while waiting for bus. Was half an hour late though..
Yeah it's been 6-7 weeks since i went tution. :D
I miss Mr Fong~ XD Hehe and sweetie, fat cat :3
After tution was 5, dad fetch me home.
Bought dinner home and reached home at 5.40.

For today.. Oh, today was Be Yourself Day :D
Wore home clothes to school today, hehe..
Saw some really pretty people too :D
Yeah, but still lessons were as usual, no performance or anything.
But during class period, had some game called 'guess the monkey'.
Funny yet boring, well for me. I don't take part.
After school, headed home. Reached home at 1.

I'm feelings are lost in mind, i don't know what am i doing already.
I just don't know what to do all of a sudden.
having a craving of going ECP though, yeah..
It started feeling like this since this morning.
Moodswings, also tend to not wan to go home nor school.
Thats why i just leave school immediately nowadays.
But after schoo there's no way to go but home.
I wanna be alone sometimes and take a little breather.

It's you again, i see. Just not use to it i guess..

It all turns out to be this.


Hey readers, i'm back blogging :} Sorry not blogging last night, lazy.
Yeah nothing interesting to post about at all.
After school, will just head home straight.
Just yesterday only slacked with celine and kai at 110 for awhile.

I've been thinking lately, well yeah i'm seriously giving up everything
even of what i think of him. Every pinned down hope, just got torn away.
For now, he just reminds me of that time when i hate him because
he's a jerk -.- Like everything between us is back to square one.
Since it's already like this, why bother? I see that he does'nt.
Yeah, it hurts it really does, but what other choice do i have?
Currently we just walk pass each other like we don't even exist.
He's not bunny toh to me now, like the old regular dude that i despise truely.
Yeah i suck for sayin all these shit but there's no point right?
I was dumb enough to believe what he said
and so what if i can't bear to let it go just yet.
No one would care, yeah i regretted and it feels terrible at times.
Espcially just before i go to sleep, it tends to just bug me to point
that i can't sleep for the night.
Oh blah, all i say to myself is 'get over it already'.

You give false hope again and again, tired.