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DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

Mentally disoriented.


Haha, it's 12.30 and i'm blogging now. Yeah wanted to blog earlier, but sis was using.

I'm gonna be totally shag tomorrow D:
Firstly, not much company.
Secondly, It's been exactly a month since ..
Come on, my dad strangled me when i told him i failed math D: Literally.

Damn it, well life's like this. I think i should start off with my day by now :D

Woke up at 9.40plus, computered for awhile.
10plus went to katong for brunch, went to parkway settle a few thing then went home.
Continued with the computering :D Er.. then.. 6plus!!
Went out with parents and sis to VIVO!! :D Yeah, to have dinner.
Plus daddy had to go to some bookstore to help me buy this book.
It's about photography, and the book is really amazing!!
Also expensive, about 80bucks if i'm not wrong ._.
After eating out dinner, went to NewUrbanMales to buy slippers :D
Haha yay, i won't have to slip and fall again, at least for 3years i guess xD
10 plus went home, rached home at 10.30.

Totally lost with what i'm doing.

Found this quiz with cheng;

1. Real name : Lee Hung She

2. Nickname : Hung, Hulk?[ extracted from nicholas koh], fafa, sheshe -.-
3. Star sign : Scorpio.
4. Male or female : Female.
5. Primary school : MAHA BODHI SCHOOL :D.
6. Secondary school : Bedok Green Secondary School.
7. JC/POLY : I'm not even 15yet -.-
8. Hair color : Naturally brown with black.
9. Long or short : Long.
10 . Loud or Quiet : Depends
11. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans
12. Phone or camera : Phone.
13. Health freak : Oh please. :D
14 . Drink or smoke : Drink lah.
15 . Do you have a crush on someone : I hope i won't, but soon ._.
16 .Eat or drink : Eat and Drink.
17 . Piercings : 5 and going 6 xP
18 . Tattoos : -NIL-.

Have You Ever ;

19. Been in an airplane : Yes.
20. Been in a relationship : Yeah.. Twice :D
21 . Been in a car accident : No
22 . Been in a fist fight : Almost.

Firsts ;

23. First piercing : Ears, 30Jan2002 :D Haha i still remember xD
24 . First best friend : Amanda cheng :D She's not in the country though ]:
25. First award : Forgot.
26 . First Crush : when i was 11 xD.
27 . First Vacation : HongKong


28 . Last person you talked to : Sister :D
29 . Last person you texted to : TanYong Xuan :D
30 . Last person(s) you watched a movie with : XingYing, HeeCheng & Lebrone.
32. Last food you ate : Passion fruit and mango ice-cream.
33 . Last movie you watched : 17again.
34 . Last song you listened to :Guarentee.
35 . Last thing you bought : My white havanas:D.
36 . Last person you hugged : Mak Si kei xP

Favourites ;

37 . Food : SUSHI!!!!
38. Drinks : Um alot,
39 . Clothing : Wthell, who has favorite for clothing? -.-
40 . Books : Hardly read.
42 . Flower : Carnation, it smells pretty.
43 . Colors : Black, Red, white, purple? :D
44 . Movies : Drama, romance and Comedy.
45 . Phrase : Holy shyt, fuck, bloody hell. Well alot more :D
46 . Subjects : ART!! and maths :)

You ever done before ;

47 . Kissed in the snow : No.
48 . Celebrated Halloween : No -.-
49. Had your heart broken : Duh, it is now :D
50 . Went over the minutes on your cell phone : Duh, haha.
51 . Someone questioned your sexual orientation : No.
52 : Came out of the closest : i was playing hide and seek
53 . Gotten pregnant : i will crack open your coconut brain :P
54 . Had an abortion : I abhor you, really.
55 . Done something you've regretted : Yes, and badly.
56 . Broke a promise : Um...yeah
57 . Hid a secret : Obvious much..
58 . Pretended to be happy : Countless of times.
59 . met someone who changed your life : Don't feel like mentioning
60 . Pretended to be sick : Did'nt felt like going to school last time ^^
61 . Left the country : Yes.
62. Tried something you normally wouldn't try & liked it : Yes. (:
63 . Cried over the silliest thing : Sometimes.
64 . Ran a mile : Stab me, please.
65 . Went to the beach with your best friend(s) : Many times :D
66 . Stay single the whole year : Yes(:

Currently ;

67 . Eating : Nope.
68. Drinking : Nope.
69. I'm about to : do the next question.
70 . Listening to : I don't care- fall out boys
71 . Plans for tomorrow : School? and band.
72 . Waiting for : Miracles.
73 . Want kids : Never thought of it yet
74. Want to get married : Definately.
75 . Careers in mind : Photographer

Which is better than Girl / Boy;

76 . Lips or eyes : Eyes.
77 . Shorter or taller : Taller.
78 . Romantic or spontaneous : Romantic.
79 . Nice stomach or nice arms : idk. stomach?
80. Sensitive or loud : Both :D
81 . Hook-up or relationship : Relationship.
82. Trouble-maker or hesistant : Trouble maker xD

Have you ever ;

83. Lost glasses/ contacts : No.
84. Ran away from home : No.
85. Hold a gun or knife for self defense : knife,
86 . Killed somebody : I still need to live in this world, hello?
87 . Broken someone's heart : Yes.
88 . Been arrested : No.
89. Cried when someone died : yes, my grandma.

Do you believe in ;

90 . yourself : Sometimes.
91. Miracles : I'm waiting for it..
92 . Love at first sight : You are crazy
93 . Heaven : No..
94 . Santa Claus :z.z
95 . Sex on the first date : I would be happy to help you knock your head until it bleed.
96 . Kiss on the first date : Um, no?
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now : Yeah D:
98 . Are you seriously happy with where you are in life : So-so
100 . This is the 100th & last question : Your last question is stupid.