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DO NOT harass/photocopy
or i'll come screaming
bringing chopper/parang
chase you around like mad women.
Swearing that you wish youself
to never been born.

Don't come here bitching around
thinking you have
so much crap to shoot me with.
Get lost, get a life and grow up.

chocolate(s) viewing

Leave some of your crap
at the tagboard.




1year with XingYing & AhhCheng
2years with XingYing & AhhCheng


Baby, you were always there
making me smile :]
You have the nicest shoulder.
Haha and you made my moodswings ever so stable :D
Baby, your promise you made
will always be kept in heart.

Friends 'n' Outings;
-Friends to be happy always :D
-Outings with full clique
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&10 :D
-Flyer, Kbox, Pool, Sentosa
with clique(s)
-Outing with drama-mama club
-Go mastercraft with szekai
-Watch; "UP","Monsters VS aliens"

Self 'n' School;
-Moodswings to be controlled better
-Top 5 for EOY :D
-Pass all subject in RP
accept chi in midyear 2009
-A1/A2 for EOY's
art paper & overall :D
-Get into SEC4N2 2010
-Have more freedom& privacy..
-Stop slashing/hurting myself

-No celebration for my 15th birthday
-More tops,dress, makeups' & shoes
-Own Laptop, iTouch, Camera
-Paint my room maroon
-New handphone :D
-More more money $,$
-163 tall, fairer
-Black& gray stripped hoodieee,
-shoulder/school bag
-White havanas
-Black leather jacket, N cap :]
-Curse that stupid bitch get
expelled / sent to GIRLS HOME.

Not at all.

Okay, although it's 7.30.. I rather post now than later.
By then, at 11plus will be freaking busy with art and lazy.
Yeah, i feel very messed up all of a sudden.
Like i've let down my friends and family. The ones who cares for me.
I might be laughing like crazy everytime, for the fact that
i would really want to be alone for awhile to think things through.
Oh well, i'll get over it someday. ]:

Yesterday, went off to bedok and met-up with celine and kai.
Did'nt do much, but it was fun :D
It's just too funny to think about the things they do xD
Laughing hard can cause serious damage to our body. Lol.
Yeah, reached home at about 7.30.

Soon after, went off to some place near botanic gardens.
Had dinner at this korean BBQ restaurant :D
The food was just eff-ing fantastic. But the price was even shocking.
For four people and the bill was 300plus bucks.
I know, well my dad won't flip :}

Was damn hungry at that moment,
cause the whole day i have not eaten
and we had dinner over there at 9. -.-
But what's unique was that it has beer ice cream there :D
And it's really niceeee~ :3 Well practically everything was nice there.
After that went home of course, reached home at 11.30 :3

Today, woke up at 12.15 and watched tv.
Until 2, cheng called and said she wanted to make her way here.
So she did, she reached at about 2.40.
3plus, went off to nearby cold storage to buy some snacks.
Reached back home and ate alot of junk.
Haha, for the whole day we were drama-ing like crazy xD
The best part was that i made her laugh so bad.
Cheng had rootbeer coming out of her nostrils!! xDDD
Haha yeah, it made me laugh so bad i laughed lying on the floor :X
At 6.40plus, waited with her for her bus to come :}

Today, found out alot of things ]:
Just don't really want to talk about it.
But just hinting that 'someone' blockeddeleted me from msn.
Fuck it, like wtfuck did i even to do you?
You know? I don't even know why i bother to care.
Do you know how sucky this feels? You don't right?
Well you should.. I really just feel like giving one punch.
But even i think after that punch,
you'll remain as heartless as you are now.

My everything means nothing to you now.